He Was Not Going Blind He could .not. read thi f newspaper wJttfojit headaebi ' or eyes nartftlnd some times could not even then set the print He was afraid, and thought he had to go to Vancouver. A friend told him our optician had passed the same exams that opticians in Vancouver have to. Our optician found it was just the natural eye change at that age and the proper glasses are giving him comfort Our charges are also JOHNgULGERf Itme store with the clock rWE GIVA( OUR COAL IS PICKED) We pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make it a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 116 and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Iltch and Gravel Hoofing Galvanised Hoofing Chimney Tops Kave Trough! ng Conductor l'ipe Hoof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Blbows Metal Roofs an Siding I'hesw 340 Box 467 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, com to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices lor everything. If you have a large wire me and I nhail lot. call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Pinno and Furnltun Vising. BRINGING UP FATHER MISSION IS OPENED HERE (JOOll ATTENDANCE KECORIIBIl VE8- TEKIKIV AITEIlMHiV IN I TII tilt Ki ll AMI IN f. KNIM1 AT NALVATIOM ABMV Tb special mission campaign for children and young people of Prince Basest by 8. V Ware of Vancouver, re presentative of the Scripture Onion Canada, under toe auspices of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association got off to a good start vesterdav alter- noon with the first children's meeting la First United Church, there being a fairly good attendance. Mr. Ware's pro-jtaui consisted largely of stories of the Bible thrown on the screen with accompanying hymns. Bet. W. P. Price of First Baptist Church presiding at u organ. The opening meeting for Toting People wan held but night at the Salvation Army Citadel which was also well attended for the occasion. The yir'fp wUl be oonducted tor the next week In the various Protestant churches of the cfty. The children's meeting la again at Pint United Church this afternoon with the evening meeting in First Prea- oytenan church. On Monday both al-ternoon and evening meetings will be held In Plrst Baptist Church. The Tuesday afternoon saeetlng will also be at the Baptist Church and the evening meeting will be held In Plrst Prwsayter- ian Church and the campaign will come to a close with an evening meeting on Wednesday in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. Pastors in each case are assisting the evangelist with the meetings. TERRACE GOLF PLANS MATURE flfTER OF SUB KfJTIKEII CMIsC TO TOM FOK NINE HOLE fXH KKB AMI COHT II!W1 TBRSACC. March 8 The coif xaltUe rucrted and decided the aatuhtt place tor a golf course was at Oeorge Little's ranch at Little Can yon, just east of town. A course could be laid out t was near enough tewn to eliminate the moaastty of a club house at present, as won ae a convenient distance from town to be reached by all who might wish to take up the game It Is also situated beside the railway whore it would attract attention and Drove an advertising medium. The required property comprises some thirty-five acres of land on which very little further clearing would be neose eary. Mr. Little tad been approaobed and had offetad to lease the nrooert for five years at ftiso per year and It desired, renew cna lease fr iuti rcrrvii uses bo fcne comminae lor fur. ther planning and a more detailed ac r-unt of initial expense and upkeep. GYRO CLUB LEADING OVERJSAPLE LEAFS Two Mere flames Itayed Last Night Milliard iMtoe (living Kervlee rinli OhIj M Margin Two more games were staved night in the Oyro club n hfseie last billiard fixture, bringing the total aeore tor tne four so far played to 731 SW in favor of the Oyros Pred Btephane pwyen nat nrat same of the season the Oyro Club and wou over Oeorge Howe soo to ICS. In the other game played last night. James Hamilton de feated Charlie Balaxno. Ovra cantaln WO to 1H. QURRN CHAKLOTTES ana Mrs. H 8lmDon nrrlMKi .t JHr. .mr. a Jter port from Vancouver on this trio rnnee jonn all Simrwoiv relieve S. Wermlx at tlw mm-M- - Which he will be In clmrge until opening of jhe canning win of the rw.tls Richardson returned to nii OB the Prince John this week following an extended visit to Vnnrnii.r other pDintN in the south. and Mi ,1 Hnnnnn nnrt child returnert to lonn Inlet uu iiu, tniR week after having spent a week in Vuiicoiiver Ur Hanson few IS H a-utrtiuiuii n, thc Jtcllvy luglug camp SA Pare Scotch Whisky MOOSE MEN ARE Orrtng their opponenu not even a chance to scare, the Moose team won RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BsHllJ and f'fi b VBUai Cma W Um4 OisIUJks ud BsktM-Oti&rt OMBUmt. Dull. hill ti-Citltm. Unf the city whist chamolonahio from the Canadian National Ladies last night by a score of to nil. The games wete played at the boss of Mr. and Mr. P. I. wenakj. M7 Ninth Avenue West, and. on their eon- olustan, refreshment aere served. BMf . appropriate to the occasion. by 8 M Newton, president of the Whist League: P. E Wermlz ' ewton cup ' Ladies were ecretary: B M Sunpson. captain of the ruarv o w. ton a to tne Moose men and TEA CI i ' ii..: a Ta it ' a i Mva i . i .v i i i i Tbla advertisement ia not published or displayed by the Liquor C ntrol Board or 6y toe Government of Hrltiah rnhimMs to the Canadian Matlonai I:: in the' hands of taw puuns of thr two teams. WHISTCHAMPS SCHOOL SPORT HON I) Villi U N CI V LT NKillT lit IIEtfUTlM! C.N. LADtCH TO IN FEBRUARY HMiH SflHMtl. PLAVEii TKNMN AL-MOT ALL THIMM OH FKHVt AKV AND EN1 1 HtU Hin.r TKAMN i At tat regular meeting of the school-board last sURnt ntncloeJ Peddle of the Rlah School reported that advaptase BLUE )Jbr46 years )been mtisfM BLUB RIBBON CEPEE BAKING POWDER m m KM meets, four paid. Phone j the Prtnee Hsmsrt this momma aoiiw thrsugh te Tanoouver. Mr. and Mrs W. j. Kfrkpatrk-k will au tomorrow mornlaa oy the Venture for a holiday trip so Vancouver and (.ther points in the south. Alfred Adams wan known merchant nd native leader of Maaeeti. arrived In tlte city on the Prince John last night and will retorn m the Islands on toe evening. MM. X. C. Stevens, wife of the mat. pups , , isaii laaes isiaaoa to wwoa She wW tsftisB' SSt Stat aaSM Vesr torn or- a- afejHk i resolution of oondoloiiae to Miss urv D. Sim of the Boniest street Iphmi teaching staff In the death of her mother, the late Mrs. Man Slav John Charles, Maaawtt Indian, vs. brought, to the eity on the Prince John list night from the Island l rntcr the Prince Bupert Oeneral Hospi- lor treatment. He had to be re moved tram thr steamer In n stretcher. R-8. Snow, who has been accountant ii' thr employ of the Albert Moure lod ging camp at Buckley Bay. arrived in tae city from toe Islands on the Prince John last night and sailed this morning by the Prtnee Rupert for Vancou ver . During the past twenty-four hours, twenty-five carloads of grain have arrived for the Alberta Wheat Pp. Prince Rupert elevator, rallwav ofn this morning reporting 825 carloads on the division wee, of Jaaper Park bound here. RByHB PBJhv a VariMuver aftei after "ST ipbell.AJ.M.P leium- Rupert this moniliH hsvlint come iw.iti, wimi two pome ttotaas for delivery to the torn at Kltwangar Corp. Thomas Brloe of this city took the horses on to Kltwanga yesterday. Miss Mildred Johnson arrived by the Prince John last nltiht from the Queen Charlotte Isliindii to visit her father, ClHrenoe Johnson, who was formerly a logglun contractor on the iHlands and who U now In the eninlnv or ii, u, 'liny Luuilirr Cu. ui u,c Hcul Cove null By George McMePs r?T JP CALL FOHER AT MHSll I f U WEJUL- I'LL SHOV; UP -J J NOW WHAT VvA ThVT 1H BY COLL.V- DAUGHTER 7777 AOORE&C.i? 2iGH Bf EVAS0.!"- ! ( ThE 1 ONT .9 AODRMf ME OAOGH TtH I HOME AM' NOW I'VL ' rZTIAZ IjOWft LONC-JZJ TOUO ME?. MOT C M-L FORGOTTEN THE. r g 'j 1 iiKKKEsasaey ..r . , r.. ni T- - DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. F ISli B 11! 2c per word in advance I 1 4 ILMRtoj", AWl fhH. refl IVAlMTPIl I . a sraw m bj iria w iro o m x iir ...... - H m KBFk 9 3 B tl Rft Ml (f mil HmS o r &JjtJE. JL AllllUlEIKJil I ; WANTED WANTED - MOTOR MOTOR FOR TOR TROLLING TROLLING I 1 0 n tt. t- Bend particulars Dartleulars to to Box Box sos. 80S. Standard, Stsndard. reg registered latered dimensions dimensions 32 32f J I . JpS- fitt (THE ORIGINAL) Anna. Anyox. BaT IC. eJ X x B.2 B.2 x x 4.S. 4.S. seared geared power nowt ?urdy.. nini and .Z - i ii wei ii : i ,.k i ii Pi 4 l - ' - ' . . II nest II irfi of I It is ia I ill r I H RENT nmmtmmD apart- and bath. Water HI. tf TO EBWT - BOOSiS WTTM OR WTTH-out board. Ooatral location. Phone Blue 1M tf FOR BCHT. - keeping moms Oroeery. Apply HOOK POR RKNT. BATH. Apply Monro Xrouat- MuasaUem BOOM AMD tf OOMPUTIfKJ SOALM, SCALES. MBAT slicers. cheese cutters and cabinet moat choppers, coffee mills, cash registers and peanut but'-r m'.Ue. Bs-aen repairs end adjustments. Service contracts. New . used or rebuilt machines Easy terms or cash discount. THE NCALEH SHOP LTl. U rseweva U Vanrooter RT. ei mirJature range competitions, the iocs averaging 87.5 and Juniors 17 ST. AM)HHH"S BOWLING In the St Aajdrew's Society carpet bswlbif tournament fast night, t w r - -" CsaVsmx rtek wst ' Oeorge Scott Mat Jaek Prewa beat thst of Neil McDonald. had been taken of the fine weather . . . . ' for the studewbj to take part in out- 'Joct games. The tennis court had been LOCAL NEWS N0T8B in use DrarMcaOv even rtv in swh. vt4tteeSssSAS Sohfol baaketball had been con-, WUUam Ooldbloom returned to the mtjvwr mm. ana Mrs. wermie. eaotaln rludml inn mih i. ... 1 -x- . .. . . . r ' " mnoe Kupert tnis morning h rt tha the r-..Hi.n Canadian National Ladies. I mediate league had finished champions from a brief business trip to Stewart Arrangements for a social evenlne to : in thatr Mnti. u.ii P when th Dybnvn UP Two team, tad been entered is the! Bam Heewood of the hiima w the Dimlnlon of Osaada Rifle Assoel-tion Stewart as No Advertuereent takes for lest than FOR 8AI.E TROLLER POR SALE -12 HP. PRISOO oomplete equipment. fine living quarters, four comfortable bunks, locker space and toilet. Address Al-rln Arness. W acker. Alaska, or P.O. Box 1036. Portland. Oregon POR SAUK OAS BOAT "VAii Length 415. beam 10 ft 16 HP Atlas 4 eyrie engine; price IIBOO This boat would make ex.-ileur Packer Apply Pttjlmoto. Atlln Avr or Ward Electric. Cow Bay tf ?0 BALE PISHWO BOAT. 30 PEET ' oy : 5 h p Palmer engine. PuOy equipped Apply Albert Bach. Oen-rul Delivery. Priaoe Rupert, b C OR BALE -TWO HOUSES ON TWO level fenced Jott Seventh Avtnue West Sl.700.ou Trrms. Apply t34 Seventh Avenue West : POR SALE - OAS BOAT 2i I KT long: l:ve h.p Palmer rtiR.Kr Kit camp at Salt Lakes. Appl) T D.vki son, Oold Storege yj In SALE DODOB SPECIAL BEOA' first class cuadKlon. Eiuy mrm eoo nnn f r canh P.. .i BO. ORX'SVALLT I.AKGE V.TITOK pet for Sale Apoly P . i News. Bast mo re Ooilsprlngt and Matt ' AP. t! fURNITlJRE AND KA..K8 JHRSreHPfKI O StJITTH nrnROOM Suites. Dining Suites. Kilt-hen Table. Linoleum and Linoleum Carpeta, HUnde. Curtain Blankets. Cretonnes Wlad'.w dnair foods. We have still a fe mats left at the old price. A. MtrKKNElE. M RV'il RS IIS. CHIMNEY tmEEV II. 1. ZPMKBtttt Oeaeral Hsaviy Mao mines and He- paired Ohlmnies Swept. Cemetery Plots Cared For Bed MS Prince Huprt BC EXCHANGE BW AND BCfONIi HANS II RMTI ougitt and sold and eschaneed Player fiaao and Two Cash Regloeert In stock PArADOPI I4M a Third Ave. MARA Phone SMI cytRopRArnc OR- It. E. ETOLTHON nurewwraor M Third AvOmie 'or sapeisivsnavit now to Blur Mldenor phone Black 232 Evening calls made as arranxed Make your' appointment now. IMM'r'R llfTItBWTi TtntHl s, SATI RIIAV. JUARTU 10 H1"b S 41 am. 20 8 ft. 16 08 djb. 18.1 " LOW WoS a m K 1 " SflM pm. SJ " She Coughed Night and Day Could Not Sletp Mrs. Leonanj Haywoed, VTetorla C'lin.-r, N.U., writes: "Last fall I Ux,k an awful eoM which 1 eauglit wlule driving, ia an opea ear oa a sold in). "I ongM alffct aad day, otmld not sleep at nlfht, and my eyas raa water so that 1 eould tluiig. ' ' My husband got Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup and befsto I had takes the whole of it tujr sold had disappeared." "Dr. Wood's" has been on the market for the past 39 years; price 'So- k bottle, large family sice (Me. j put up only by The X. sUturo Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. DEI'AKTMIM , ;.F' t r-.r r-it. lf!.l (lv DAT ; III 1.1 .Vii 'J i 1. u..:. i)' Ju u -Oil. i . t. rial. .. , ''f tel. Of! .11: 'i.for in' ,. ' "in, iii.i . :, ' ..e:f .nd ilv . mr n' ! -nly l I II I nl . I f ., 1 aid ' .. I-..", i i u "Huii: aU . ;Sl'. Blick f ,. . siaraeu f iwit- Chsrlut l- nd R":ri i: i e i ' ;ir:' .- rioi. MOKTl.AdK i Mil I TAKE NCiriCE tue of "rrtrMi 1 rte 4'- (i , ; r :!! l- i 'ere n 1 AU'tl-.u U. Sj, .1 . 1 t.'t ; i : DAY M'.lrfl i n th- i 'in' ' r t K j i't ; :a h'n t c., . iiaineo ('H'I'l ! her boat . Term ! ..i Per further i,' ., Vttfc tlU' !.' ri!ii:w C ir.pii! nrtl Bank Bu: . PHtH-."' A' ' Pr:n-r rimurl ' tlSlMki- 1 rtiTV'l , t Blh d ., ..: Mi Re-Certi'irte of f,,'.' ., six. liWi rtWtll.i B '-Cert, Unite L.itti aer.'ii , I H Bloc k six i0 Re-C e!lrste ii!, cr-i-n Ite-Oen"'. te c fort v-'litn fort , -1 (7i Serlloi Pun e Bui'i" WUeree prri' Certifh imw of 'I i of Iru F. Man in offlje. notlee ii shall, at the ex; from the date . hereof, issue Trie In lieu n il CerttflrntRi. vnhf' ohe tli In , lng mTKD nt 'Prii.ue Rtii ', IViSM I B8 ! voTM t: N'o'l'K V I 4: ' nli" a he l 11 ' LAM' TO IMI1 Tn n..iar uihi i t TlntlTutle TAKE NOTUT I Lemleux. ol Oliuii-I B C occiipstlon I ' for n !ense of tl luiul - C 'liimeni Init ' 1 Hurt ti ' "lid i" 1 17KI ii' ' ' orth Lake Pin i thencr " I one ni.le Jllth. tin tin ii, e ..ue mile in-840 ..' '". ui""' ,r ;' j iBgd i John ' riillerl rvcelr'i Ad' ei I nunc, IIIN r" I M'