Mar 0, 1928 ITS ROMANTIC STORY W, rid S&cb Pj.WttM Medicinal Herbs. 3 ' . IlllllllOi i fur apart a Oina .ii;ui and England, iii-i and France have , i ,ir ilie : peciei of herlw , I n i ure o( that world ,liu AM BUK. The i nr m rare and costly ... .MilK-reil jusi al the rifihl , i.i i juices and medicinal ai me" very ten. , 1 .e vut 1 essot of 1 he - .f Aim ent Kon.e . mIv.iiiumc am hull, ,1 iie- tal coiiiposiinn, r.n.rv medical .ni.-' mi inn si. 1 II 10 bring 11 . : im , pinlmbW nevef muuil nf healing inrd'CHial qualities in .. iniiiiilly Imlaiiied The li ilie units ptit, the 1 me grrmii nljl it 11 i n inn stimulating, tnd luliriciu (or remov ng I..", sprain ai.d i'ui t useful, rein lie, 1 1. nitrated. med'tnal . 1 1. 11I. to msianllv stlie 1. seniK and iufl.,in l,e,. -emeri d"-ea-e. m .i 1 i skin M(i(vtr. ii-n-i.ivr (tei le. t (on' iei,. f e from the Wsu.' Ii.l. r I l.rrtwl 1 r 1 1 a I 1 .,1 .1 oinlnent ir.r. n-e.l m 1 a and in ile tit 1 K . .iiial'le hi all iuIi in. .1 .easni (Oniit'Cms of the mil anieiitn liealmir 'r first aid rt:rsui(i lot eu It is sl-o iiie fur piles 'f dealer! -.e lo : .1 fot l .5. or iiumnv St., TorOatto. COAL Prices DOWN I Pembina retries Kick 12.00 Pemhlna Washed NutH $11.22 Alberta Sootiest. Egg $12.00 It Mbtrta lump $1,100 1 oal.t are under I : delivered dry. . iHydeTransfer AM) COM. CO. 1'9 Second Avenue V g Hats emers " Costumes :: Latest Frocks Radio Radio specialising on tlx "l ol.i. we wish to draw inn to the Radtola No .mother of the up-W-- x muntha model. 1 ' : elver Had lot rona $ SSOU i ' "" Kadlotroiw . . ";''' with Rad'.o-' "I 100.A Loud- Wiii.ieiie Dealer for R'.-iK.laa urn .... .,, . (h rritiir nniMTi. nr. DAILY NEWS THE PAGE THREE " 1 .- . " a . 11 1 mi Him inniiiiiii iai iin,ifr,'"'J-' - tmmmarMmtanammmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmtmammmmmmmmammmmmammmmKmmmtmmmmmmmmmi Local and Personal Dentist. Or. 1. R. Cnsae. Skating dally, a to 4 and 8 to ren 25c. chunce to Phone 686. 10. tl Alex Rlx returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's tram Horn u trip to the Interior. see "Aunt Susan's Vlalt" ni ll,,nH r-.,..v. . nly knownhat flight at 8 o'clock, au.uu. 50c. child Boxing Wednesday. March 14, Exhibition Hull, 1 50 anil $1.00. Jimmy McDonald v. BatilliiK Ourvlch. Five gixxl preliminaries 50 The scl. (ilbop.rd lost night decided to buy a tool sharpener frcm the Prince Rupert Supply Company at a cost not to exceed WO I.lltle cnane is reported In the condition ill James C McRue who Is 0 'patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital sufftn.ig 'rom a stroke. SATLlibAY SFECIALS' dresie .v.f.-. ft cm 40 to hulf Ai.-o ehildru, 13 75 Dry CiixuX, ainl Phone 776 Ladles' silk 4. selling at s r.ilncoats at Novelty bhop I Frecl O'.lhuly. alter having apent the past t:: dnys In the city, sailed this 'irorntiiK by the Prince Rupert on his icturn 1., Kelso. Washing. on. where he Is now located i Clay Porter, head ol the Porter-Idaho M:: Inx Co . was a pass-i:cr 1. board the Pi ince Rupert this niornlint going ;thi..uh to Vancouver and other point iii the .xjuth or. a business trip. Mjrley Shier, well known powder tiavi'cr, rrturned ti the r:iy on yeier-di'y nf.e. 11. on train fro:n a business trip to the interior mil sailed this nioniliT by the Prince Kupert lor Vancouver L Ji'ssen and F E. In rlho of the Boyle Bri. diamond rit 'lin,; concern acre p.wengers aboard tin Prince Rupert this morning ri"tiir::im- to Van- ccuve: fll"wing a visit to Stewart on company business At the meeting of the schoolboard last night Mr McOlnley l..irl before the mem here a prcposal to purehase the "World B .f for the school library He wu v-lied to first lay his proposal before Use insMs?tor and gat hu en- dorsenMttt when the Board would con sidcr It. At the meeting of the school beard list ntfh it was decided to aak fot mcn'.hlf tip. from the manual train ing aad (kinirHlc deiMWtinMtt similar to those made by th ether principals Rcjxirts of non-attendance of some pupils at the been rf rted 1 F C ,ri t ut UitiLnt chief forester for th in . inre und R. Allen, dli trtrt ii re tet returned to tlM City on yeateidiv af.ern.s.n'a train from Terrac ahert tney he!'' rangers' examination and w ill proi eed tomorrow morning u Smith' 1 i.nd Uurna Lake where they will c i.ituet similar examinations. At the schoolboard meeting last night p. was decided that the board should meet the utilities committee of the city council in connection with the charges lor light at the schools and also take up with the council the matter of r.ter charges The necessary data is ibclPK gathered to lay before the authorise in regard to these matters. I I e ANNOUNCEMENTS ,..Aa)ga,Afkg, Aunt Busana VWt" at United 1 Church. March and 9. j Mo. sc heart Ladlea' 8t. FaUlck s WhUt Drive and Dance. Mare ia. j An,;llean Cuttedral Tie March 17. 8' Patrick eeacert. Monday. March ;o Wenthotme Toaatre. I'nited Church Kastfr Bale of Work April I. Ainllcan Churcll vlr Sale April 10. r.,M. one Wnmen'i Leagtw spring aal of work April 12. Ladle Auxiliary St Andrews Brsflef Eiuter Bale and whist drhre, April . BUi Cabaret April 0. Royal Society of 8t Oewrte Wnlat Drive and Dance. April sa. lanket Sale inn i-AiA srfljlXti iJlii toM nhnktta In Hud, Green, Pawn and White. III'-. Ui.iirht II l.j. liMS I t.xr .SISl.Ht! noguiar (mil. w,,'Kht. Keirular 19.50 pair, for Fraser & Payne Univer-Nnl Tradlnj,' Co. $1(1.0." Otl lb Rig 4 bablti of a Tail. paotM 4 ,;u il.. . in Other Remarkable Stories hi this issue , TOO MUCH FAMILY THE HOUSE OF LOST SOULS MY MAD ELOPEMENT LOVE KNOWS NO BARRIERS SHE WAS A GOOD LITTLE TROUPER HE BROKE ONE HEART TOO MANY MY FOOLISH SACRIFICE " THE SALVATION OF A BANK BURGLAR AND I THOUGHT HE LIED I V MY BUDDIE AND MY WIFE , - WHEN SOCIETY SINS HEARTS OF STONE WANDERER'S LUCK Wat thlotlAg Chief Officer William ThQjnas is now Won duty aboard the r:4sUMr Prince John which la In port from the south. O. A. Woodland. I. .-a! ive-it f-r the j - Imperial OU Co sailed this morning A. on the Prince Rupert tor a trip tiahic Vancouvtr. We ere Headquarters Tor shoe repairing. Hend them to us for value, service and autlafarllnn Mar Arthur's Mine Slore. tf At the raeetini! of the si l.ol bcsl last night the iiuctloii of pp.ulntin a physical irufing utstrin r i iuv mi older girls wa.s dlccusseu nml l rt with a committee Jo make an .m letnents If possible. D. Watt, division! master mech-for the Canadian National ftall- I frays, arrived in the city from Fit nee jfjeorge on yesterday artcrtvoon's train 41 Mr and Mrs John de Carlo wiled ''this rooming by the Prince Rupert for ncouver. Mr. De Curio Is an officer 01 rBBjea do lteHuwr Prince Charlsw whlehttt in cK her and Mrs. da jam Cu; CaHlwas k rlraphy, general ntMafre Of the loa Angeles Lumber Products Co . ar- j rived on the Prince John hut night trcm Buckley Bay and aailed this motn- At the schoolbonid m-': v l.if' hIkM Ing hy the Prince Rupert for Seattle nnii U.i. l.e' tei t .'d of h.i . i'i,; lieeu Theie Will be no reopening of the Mas-e"li" isliied at lunch bv the n is if the pt Timber Co sawmill at Buckley Bay di-ine.itc ! - ii'i.let' M'.v. It i' i' .- The ur'il there Is an Improvement In the girls were trom Mis- M.-f - ; ! ' m.' ei market 'ntes Mr. Iteaphy who Mr Rochester said ll.- lun h .. an, paid a visit of lns;iectlOn to the plan! CM"l!cnl one He He only hi i ',l tie w.-uli w herv siinie elglil or ten men are no I'll . Hip. . ry work. II. B. Rochester presided at (he schoolboard meeting last night, other! members of the Board present being Sid Johnston. Thomas McMeekln. Mr Spencer, W. Oilchrlst. Secretary Williams. Principals Peddle. Miss Mills Mlaa Mercer and Mrs Your Children's Cough can be quickly and lately relieved with PERTUSSIN, the pleasant and effective cough, medicine known to phyatdana and pharrnadkts for many years. Fr.t ffenfrhsrmful drugs or " dep, PERTUSSIN Is tht ssirai couah remedy far every memlier of the famllr. Al slldrug atorrs.helllraDHc sndSlJO r mMft Sate for Every Cough "s " Suspicion is the oison offrienddiip "Is that room haunted?" J asked Cam. fiAM had carried his pretty girl-bride over the threshold of her beautiful new home in the traditional manner. It was such a home which only great wealth and exquisite good taste could make possible. Joyously, breathlessly, Rosamond flitted'from room to room, clapping her hands in ecstasy and wonderment. And then .... she paused before one unforbidding door upstairs glanced at her husband tried the handle .... it was locked! Why? An anxious expression warned Rosamond to drop the subject. But, curiosity and suspicion got the better of her. "Is that room haunted?" she enquired, lightly. Arid all he said was: "You're too much of a baby yet to be trusted with such a big problem 1" What a little spark is required to fan the flames of jealousy 1 Rosamond was hurt at her husband's apparent lack of confidence in her. And gradually there conjured up in her mind the thought that Cam was a modern Bluebeard that behind that closed door was . ... Oh! And later as Rosamond stood before that closed door' which her own hands had unlocked against her husband's wishes, she began to shake from head to foot, too limp to turn the knob and come face to face with the haunting stcret that was to wreck her life. Little did she realize that her sudden fear was a warning -one of those psychic messages from who knows where? warning her that behind that door lay ... . But to appreciate this poignant story taken from life you must read it as told by the woman in whose life the episode is a continual nightmare .... the memory and result of which she will carry with her to the grave. It is entitled: " LOCKED DOORS " and appears in TRUE STORY MAGAZINE for APRIL now on sale at the newsstands. ON THE AIR Every Friday Night 9 to 10 Eastern Standard Time WOR WNAC WEAN WMAC WGHP WMAQ CANADIAN APRIL $24, 000 in Prizes for True Stories Each year True Story Magazine pays many thousands of dollars to its readers for stories taken from their lives. In your life, probably, there is a story for which we are willing to pay handsomely. This is the time to cash in upon it, for right now True Story is offering $24,000 in prizes, ranging from $200 each up to $1,000 each for true stories of the sort you have to tell. You will find the full particulars in the April issue. , The Qrcatcst Newsstand Sale in the World TRUE STORY MAGAZINE 64th Street and Broadway, New York City. U.S.A. I wint to take advantage of your t pedal offer. I enclose herewith $1.00 (one dollar) for whith please eater ray name on year ma&inj lint to receive (4) isms of TRUE STORY MAQA-ZIK'S, be&faatac with the April number. (If jou prefer to examine the macaiine before tubtcribiDC. simply mail us 90 cents and we will tend you a copy of the April Issue at once). NAME STREET CITY PROV AH Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 15 PER CENT . RUBBERS, sizes 6 and 7, regular $2.25, now K."ii Shoe Sale Continues. Every pair must go. THORnHNSON UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailings from Prlni-e Kimart , tor VANTOl'VCK. VICTOItl.l, lluteUtlle. Alert IUV. etc., Tued4. 5 for VA( tUt Kit. VICTORIA, SwaHkoq Hay, Alert Ik!?. eteM Saturday, S a. in. tor PORT HIMION. NAA KIVF.M POINT., ALICE ARM, ANVOX. STEWART, Wales Island. Hnnday. S p.m. If Snil Avenue. K. M. SMITH. Agent. Prlnee Hiiert. afi. Through tickets sold to Vlrtotla and Seattle, and baggagt cheeked through to destination.