fcgyeMbngjr Boston Grill ijv rli bis" fcrv"" TUe cuKt l 85.00 and your cred to your aaaresa 'f;n: just fijure out the nisi t y i. t xvin u for thli dally welve month! No. M. ,!; .-urn of Stepney in yesterday's municipal elections. They i .,:.! ilaushter reHpectively of J. Kamsay Macdonald. Moder- nutde ! mix OMEN LOST WITH HUSKIES- ill' ii hum. uit riMW hiiii tllrt" l kt. MHt INTRtriK IWWMliBWa - Alaaka, MaiOi V h laatB Sert Alpbanar .. : Holy Or. Thursday. rivera. EW FORD CAR Yukon aoutbrt of ml, wlfo of thr nuper- bureau of edm a: on . h and Miaa B Lr.lw ik Oovuiuneiu Ho;;'-l.. :hel loe mUe MJi.th-Holy Orom on rvwu-r not heeu liu'l ft !.t the woiwn :ic . '1-i.m of nlre :iultiek ci ,i lithed in the un- IS DESCRIBED waa takeo In moving .'n dejcrlDtlve of the puve of the proeea of "' the machine were i-mented hy picture of micb a u ue oi the RCIM I HON I1..1NT in : "tructural oetatl of the Speak" 'Id by Mr. MaoMcIl in ance w in o? Booth wi-diimday afternoon. !(tren. a ahoamakar, ad iff .jaaatvie escapad with BUGHT DROP IN ana had aent thirty awn out here to take core of tbe .k Herring bad now been i rt miiig to pointa owUlde Paarl Harbor and they wore fettl&f a apply at the plaat. woaaas ceporud mlaa- T 4 4,T4. m twMarra ol the rr - le botwoen TOTAL OF 120,000 POUNDS OF HALIBUT IS SOLD HERE TODAY A loial nu eld MOST OF SPEECHES IN COMMONS END ABRUPTLY "i1 iu and the uaa of petH'x'" .n of 10.000 pounda of bailout at tbe riah Baohanae thai two Amerloan voaael being offcrrd c and 3c and TJe and Sc lor M.ooo pounda while froan 6.4c and c to 7c i;.id 4 5 wat paid for Canadian veia with 36.000 pounda. Boat that refuted to take c ard Sc yesterday and nrld over until today galled by so doing 8al' ti?dH were aa follow: AJIEHHIS SuniiH-r 50.000 pounda. Canadian f.. h :,4 Cold Storage Co.. 13c and ae. r(1i 44.000 piunda. Royal l"lb Co.. Sc and Sc AVtllt tX Trr.irr. O0 pound. Atlln Klabertea, r iar whteh were held 7c and 4 V -le Hall yeaterday .Ker- C-im Bpear. 4.000 pound.. lb- Canadian ruh Cold evenina uodwr tbe aua- e.ooo jwunda. 4c and 4c. ' Stor.' O ' Oarage, local agenu WhH. the attendance pn.i F 7.0O0 pifltnda. Booth flahar- tr in the afternoon, it i. o Sc and 4e. ' iiat toaet four bund ed : attoadanot last even- Han -ard show, that moat of tne ;tur ha the artillery! d bruptiy ''nited with altdta, wa forty minut i " MucNeil of Vancouver, j port 4 company. j ter tennm i riucRtional program for , develp i llBECFAMILY FIRE VICTIMS ralnr,awa. reaawwm rtemler porter Idaho ttufu GENERAL MOTORS tCr Bllvercrent 1 M.rch S Oenaral ttoean Km ' "" " "tcK-k ,-ioned at 1160.50 ajuruoch sl i ulntlve inureet ahlfted Tcrlc l1 Ihl ' nt nit loo several of WtillTWi'tri ' I''. M tmiiiul iw,.illHlir he Houne of Ooaamou now A member H mid' i dewloping an MkB wneu eapeet"! : trlbutUMi ii be maned ,,lls "Order" t laury inv u up and then the re- t the next aoarea. w ,1 farilitle wUl have to be f the effect of theM Uttar- tl,e con-ntuento that they are . . ... . I. - Aim. HanaarO coplwa. U not to VANCOUVUH EXCHANGE ! Argent a ayvlr 'wag MW'i'url ""MB Quebac. Mareh Out frov.nce ; IJc(iMlte. 40 ywaa, t agtt iOtorgiu Klver u hi,.,-, Brrnade'.te, a. . jalkiond ' Mn aikJ4ipy'araiidvie "''filer Thereat is la a "arlS-l,'lll'r'''''' " ua a reault rt . Ua r "" Bid. .aa 50 4V4 .44 .90 .76 23 S4 S ias 06 4(1 17.80 270 71 6S .68 .08 1 1 114 11 3.00 a.so 10V, .Si .44 .47 M 7t M, M 49 ITAI 1.76 .78 .61 .80 .04 12' 404 2.64 57' TIIHOI (ill MOI NTAIX VICTORIA. March 8. Much ipecula- tkm la rtlc here la regard to tbc pro- the Interior. This tunnel would prove Jtraanandouaty eoatjy and no one can tell 4, what dJBWUltVaa aalgflt be encountered Kt:OP.M:i AMI TIIIHTl t ! - 0 f. l.T OIT TlltKE . jtavnee to say acyttonf afalaan any de- Oeorge Buabby announoed yw- lopBW proposal but It to lugjeeted tbe 4- r0 " : the t.rt.ay thai he had racpened riur:on nlant at Tuck InM nnMnwIt would put forward a pro- Jtallm . MONEY APPROPRIATED FOR FRENCH LEGATION PRINCE P.UPERT; B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1928 1 which It la obvlou cannot mater-' HOLY WAR IS NOT STARTED f KlMl IK Hit ! SIMPIA TKVIMI TO Itf lM WVHHIMi TIIIIUIS. MEN C 1IKO, Kaypt. MarHi Cv Iteavlal I bat Hia Hand, the ple(HnMe draert King of AraMa. had a hidy aar or waa neei aw 1 1 rial aM to the tribe raMlt llrtttah 'awaadaleal terratory -waa Hae waway by siiHi. lurik lUfli tVababe, arwo haa retaVaed frui KwweM aear the kewl f the ITf-laa Ottat, where he trM mi lie-h4f of Iba Ibued to Hee44fe a H- Cieeaeat of the drflleoHlea lie. I vera fkawtlrr trHMtaatea f Nejif and Irak. lUfla xaM that Ikn llaod wa In lag to qalel I he tfthraaaM who had mailed aalat thr Itfrt'ab air raMa. whlrh la tarn ware reprlaat far raW' mer the harder made hy the f ailaln-Iwg IrtaeauMO la tMatltm of trestle aaaang the elan. TO OPEN AT OTTAWA PARK. March -Tlie finance com-Bitttre of the chamber of depuUe ye. taniav umraved the aonronrtatlon tor reUUon with Canada valuable for both and eenttnwntal raaaons. The amount of the appropriation waa not given. , NEW LOGGING CAMP IS TO BE OPENED SOON NEAR QUEEN CHARLOTTE R. Pohl and J Ulllenple are about to opso a new logging camp near wuean Charlotte City, according to word brought from tbc Island on the steamer prrnce Johji last night. Mr. Pohl and a eaaaU crew or men arrivea at iuecn Charletta City from Vancouver on thl trip of tb John to institute preparatory work. CUMSHEWA MINE MAY SOON BE DEVELOPED t'llEWAN MIAMIIO& KN JtOlTE TO AIX.1. I I P JUNIOK (iAMK , PLAYED I HUDSONBAY I LINE SURVEY VOHK WIU HE ItlMrtllTHI MIDIIU: OI MAT Wltk la ten days. men with him ajor IIV WWinrfiQ. March s -Burveylng for; the Hudaon Bay Railway Us to Port Churchill will be completed hy tbc 15th of thin month, accsrdlug to word re ; otlved here today from Major J. L Charles. Canadian rtetasaal Ballway .w. . .k. w-mH wi.l dornea travelling by :i iwoonnalaaanc engineer Preaslng ahead of hi party. Major Cherie baa ra?hrd Pert Churchill. HI mi aa u r went by wlieMaa to Ungava. waa relayed from there to Patherpolnt and telegraphed to Winnipeg, on ooaa-pletlon of the aurvey tht party wUl vtart bark for the end of (teal. horn, ward bound. Alter months tn the wU- o.t i nrovm. of dinkunatie houuJ make that part wf tbe journey TV PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'tlHlMU AltUI'MCVT ISBTvYKK r'Oltkl. AND I A1IA.N Fishpool Returning; an Italian Ship is Reported Coming for Grain and Two Vessels to Load for the Orient Soon The British of the aeaaon elevator last N thin port to featl Continent ant Also n few iHa m r Fishpool, which took the first cargo the Alberta Wheat Pool's Pnace Rupert bar, ia reported to be on tbe wag bae to i second cargo for tht United KiBfdaom or be here before the tnM t the ttfesffc. be neariag the pott and due here la a . , . . m I a ai- fm J i flying the flag tjf that country which has '(W vtalt'ed Prince Rupert. So far, Prince Rupert has shipped all its grain on British, Japanese or Swedish ships. Graia ahlpping to the Orient wiI be instituted from Prince Rupert this saason in Apt-it it is expected. Two Japanese vessels are urrderatood to be dae here then to load for their country. Of the Mrejlty-onerain ships in Prince Rupert so far this year, all haw loaded or are loading for the United Kingdom or TWENTY-FIRST GRAIN VESSEL IIHITIII IKLKillTlilt IlEMtlKH-TON AltUltl IN IIAKIIOK THIS MOKNINU Thr riunwaan Uae Dritlah frright-rr leHtertM, ITtoee Kaprffi flat grain hti 4 the eon. arrltrd la pert at IS owhark thi Hwrnlttg Ire) Mae4tl. I'ram-e. The rel eaaae hi ball at via lite raeaM Cal and her matter, t apt. II. It. twwe4L reperta an aaeteatlal voyage. The LteaarlertwM. whlrh H alriaOy HimxI. I rMlag at aaehwr la I he hat lar aad will atari leadlag at the etevatair a fall rargo fee the l ulled Klwgdom or ('Hllaaat latMteilhitel) after Ihe I Of re teebi ahead of her teramwur. KikegaeMi and Maaae nal are llifWMgfi. The I'mwwnr and fcegei are now hi lierih at the elevator. Legislature Deals With Market Act and Discusses New Election Act Proposals Without Agreement PRKTAKATIONM VLtlli: 4. -OK t'lKWT fll(ML 4. (1AKIIF.N AT WEMTtlMV At the school board meeting Larue Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Price Five Cents ABOR MAKES GAIN IN LONDON'S MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS loderates Successful Municipal Elections in London, Yesterday STEWART LINE TRAIL HOCKEY FIRST SESSION Sir Henry Thornton and NOT FEASIBLE BEATS CANMORE OFCOIITTEE d j n( mnnnrtnmnntr C.lNMlT fMI TO INTKItlOtt tVITIIOI T aC. TK.lMWIU.KOjV V:KT pASKAT jVMHiHATION BKIMi IM)t IBKII INT!! uxtu.1 u ui irf uiiugcmiciii Given the Whole Credit ' iWTir.' Ucrfh O - At ATI iivtlmt . ... . . . - ,e,s . and Daughter of lltmv Macdonald. Labor Ix-ader. i " Une ur tonservallye Leader says uomnmem no tnuiiea to any h sun Wwe.pcetd ne. r..tw.y from otewsrt into) A UllKb , llst nlIhtde. tu m.a. c t. Elcted and Labwr Made Gain tbc Peace River Tbe Stewart country. f cnr.ure. the Ale: is etiaa.nlnM. m I anon turn, n i pomieo out. m a mining 6 tQ 4 lnnlng tbf fpwij J4 to 7 tbua to ajrieuUurc slid rolon..jtion called i immlf lrto the affairs and lunc- ('IioN, March 8. MiK Isabel Macdonald was elected a r0d whlch noulQ decided benefit wlnnlns tM ngh ti meet Dal r!e t.eua oi tbe department of luunisrnion ... r ,,: tht- lndon l ouniy t ounc i. ; i el Mulcotm J. Macdonald Cudos From Sucre of Government Railways OTTAWA, March 9. Hugh Gathrie, Conservative house uil as ...... Socialist representative . . . 1 r t tHm the nrniw.rtlB ProPfrU" n "P tbe t hji Rjh Bmr Rtvr B"r Alia .... aaskstehcaan. the aaainichewan . L . chmn- . . productive . .a... of r - a u rr.uu- tut n. leader for last session, charged the finance minister and tne minis-aid was elected for the Lime- dlnln crk ,nd my ltn juokv at caekaioon la the Jtau cun : eierday in b ch Hon nd:crt rorke. ter of railways with endeavoring to appropriate to themselves the nrcve ou nroruanie. t. ...... m .,. . , r? nihn ju j . . i- - tt f t . it tu..Mk c:.. nM... .. .. ,i ik. .-- ptaovwiv. v jwa.'-i w . ' . crea't oue 10 rjr iiciiry i uuriiwu. iic iiiuuhiii oi dvui; uu The later annoiftoement to retard to j,,,. MotWB1. the Baakat- CrrrvaUW. aruel Tbe alttlng bow- board of man4KemL.nt should be congratulated upon the splendid It being continued over toe (M la .h.-,.,, , hka. Vinmninni At. vr nrairrwMcxl nmcothlt ard w.. do- . , ,t j i .1 rr. 1 .l - j .. .. .. . 1 in 1 . ' -- -1 r . anowinir Lnev maae aunnir me yrsr. me net eaniiQis ui wi ivou Mi.uipal reiormers reiain control wnn 11 memuera a"'"" not icomo on aenouaiy. aa engmrer. letUa mKlnaort Juntfsa. ehnraplen of vcted to evidence given by W J. Wan. rV. , , ;oRWinft Wki4i In fnnr SloenoOoAA for. hd increased by $ 1 2o ,000,000 in four years, v.. X1Z5,0W,0W wMeft for- ,1 mi i ih.nl. have reoorM that the divide la not ,,,.. or nmimtu. .ho a net ain of eitrht seats, the Moderates lost seven, ; r railway eonatnictlon and IiHi mc of a two a oeria. to dt- tpla;ned the worklna of the depart. wunarawn iron, ine trer, u w wi,uu. lrwt mw nothtei bttt a two-raile tunnel through clo( ntmUm i.r Uw Daui- r.nt m tbe United Sntea. British la- government was not entitled to a parucie 01 credit. , ajouataon wlU give an outlet to lnion chajnplonablpa. Jrs and Burope. The Thornton and the board were entitled to the full credit for the result obtained, Guthrie pursued. : CONTRACT WORK AT POINT GREY Ins n.ght Chairman Rochester 4 rancrtad that a plot of land at COT W is IX Til IX KMllXEElfS 4, xiyt Waatview achool had been iTiin.n ai liiii m mil 4 dug and the stumps taken out. lu Of roXTIlACTOlU the ooet being 812 They plan- nsd to paevia a ttw. wwta aajg wTOBia. Maasa tr-oar Muaau let the ebUdren clean up and totdmag ajgajBM Isr eajrWag. searwtnt .awnaea. a gardeai A UttM thaw jaad pa"g figjffiuJggS ;JH would alio be prevfaed. wnivejaity pc'itiuiwaMii iiiujim at . 4) Point Orey ware grveat to a. b. iwasar l44M4t444444 . a: Co.. In 1826 by the land departaient . .of the' Provincial Ooreramaot. COMPULSORY MARKETING THOUGH WHEAT POOL IS ASKED IN SASKATCHEWAN "tTo1 baa bean achieved, will be aought thr .ugh enactment of provincial logls latlcn a the rwutt of resolution endorsed at tbe dosing aeaalon of the Bea-kat?hewn tarmer' convention. The lwme. which waa debated during th w riter part of tbe afternoon aeaalon. waa productive of a distinct dl-vulan of opinion. When aubmlttod to a vote, the resolution was approved by a .mil majority. Barlrer la the day. the delegate had placed tbemseie n record a opposed lea-e-i It wai dlsolosed that 807 voted The conuaeu wore earrlsd out at lea than the eattmataa of the Oovern-ment onglaeer and below the bids of he tenderer, tbe public aocouata committee learned. On tattw oentraett the Pahner Company the bid totalled 810415 and the actual, ooet farmer IHvMed mi ((urMlwn and heme WM HrtJftO. Old Not lie Whe,. ne-lha up T7 " T.TT 1 atructkm Company, auoceeaor to A. B. hIr tU lh " aAeUrATOOM March Oompulaory marairTbeaf gr0wf Stf ' provh.ee through the wheat pool. J aoon an a 76 per cent acreage atgn-up uvaa COSTLY DIADEM ON HIS HEAD MAN IN IIOsl'ITAI. WALK OI T W ITH iu.miaoi. or ataaa is 1UIIIIM VAMCOtnrazt. March 8 .--Walter Had- to direct political action at the present ymn aBpatenUy walked time, hut the hoard of dlrectcr was ; unMen M Bt Paul's Roapltal thai inatructed to gather date relating to tbe mcrnlng wltn , b.,, enauinlng various phase of politic, with special W W) wonh of rMluB lamutA nU empbaala on the meriu of group and KnxMm tor hi being co-operative form of government. Thl mtlit information wll be cent to dlatrlct , . local for study Opponante of the compulsory wheat pool proposal attacked tbe resolution on the general premise that It involved "unoonatltutlcual Interference with per-aonal liberties." aeveral speaker maintained that the nvve wa premature and could only have thr effect of pUylng Into the HKM KAL hands of the enemies of the wheat pool.j I Oxit of a total of 600 accredited dole- SPECULATION AT NEW YORK MOTOKM 111 VIVO MTAHTM Willi OlTIll ItHT IS' Otllttt Iftirillt for the compulsory pool with M NKW YORK. Mar?h 8. Prenaled trad-agalnat It. There were ISO delegates who lng In Oeneral Motor common stock abstained. I which advanced mere than Ut dot- Those in favor of tbc resolution mala- 1 lira aharc to 6167 started a wild out- VICTORIA. March .Amendments to the Produce Marketing' talned that non-pool members should be , burst of speculation which carried (core Act, extending the vegetable control area to the entire mainland of ; forced to join the pool for the protection of iaus up from three to tan dollar. British Columbia and authoriiing the establishment of subsidiary 1 and further development of the co-op-; . control committees In the Fraeer Valley and the main line districts, 'erative movement pive year, it was ,i inop AnniTinM Tf) war. nilvnneofl throuuh that eontrnitte ataire of the Leirialature last utd houU1 luv Prowd t0 tho" night Thi. new legation ha. now virtually fini.hed its coarae i.nT Z TThTr and now only awaits the formality of the third reading. reifish isolation wa providing the op- No progress has yet ben made with the Elections Act amend- portion with ammunition to fight the hiea-t of the government. Last night the Attorney General pro- poeM that the House adopt, the. prlnol-1 of th oppoailifblaJ opeu to more pie at the bill which he aM waa that vicious pwif te Wian the old ays- r IMAflf AM UnrkTV Tt TAit cMooMMuS dirposlMoa is is in in favor ravor of or a a vniiniinii vnnnuinii iiuviiui iiuunui aW4 altVJaW d BaVe VIIIVII w GARIBALDI PARK UP HEtD OF HOWE SOUND VICTORIA. March .' Host. T. D. Pattullo. minl.oter of tends, aHiiooboed i the art be amended After that the i tern ami wo square mue naa Been aaowa House oauld decide either In committee proposal thst a select committee take, TCAM RCATC FIvTl a Nil to nM1 ftirk X " 01 How The oumshews mine on tbe Queen 'of the whole or by mean of a sub-! the matter up and then after it had 1 1L.11U DLtilO LllULrtllU gound. The minister sard the Cheaka- Charlotte Island la attracting eonetd-' committee appointed by It upva what , arrived at a satisfactory solution of the j j mus River In the park area could be erable attention again, according to 'the amendments would be. situation the House would pass upon It. LONDON. March 6.- The Toronto , developed for power purpose without word brought from the Islands on the I Thl was not agreeable to the opposl- Mr Manaou suggested that perhap It orada Olvmplc hockey champlona de-' marring the scenery steamer Prince John last night. The tlon. who wanted the committee to de- niiitht be necessary to have an advance tested the English Olympic hockey property wa recently given thor-1 dele upon eomethlnv. that would be poll as well a travellers' rertlf Icatea. tesm 11 kohIs to 4 uugh exsmliiiillon by a Vancouver en- acceptable before thr approval of tlie j . gineer and. if h! report u favorable, principle of the bill la agreed to. The ; I'llll K Or' WIIK1T I IMM KDV Ni oKlx. It is slated that extenalve develop- proposed method of taking care of the ' I N T Rangers 8. Osnsdlen 4. nirniH will be undertaken Including the absentee vote by nieana of travellers' VArlOOUVER. Msrch H e price of Mi ntiesl Mariana 3. Detroit 2 hiiildnin of ii whiirt ' i ei tiflrutea. ile.-ciibed by meniben- whim yesterday i rh'Miu !" 6151l,4 NY Anui linns 'J Tiimnw 4 n iNMAKt:it ue.iu. NEW YORK. March 8. Rodmaa Wanamakrr. head of the Wansaaakar .'(TV died today at Atlantic City gd 1 - -JUS- 4aH i ' t4