f m M Power Corporation oj Scotch Canada Limited Beg to announce having opened an information bureau in the Capitol Theater Mock and invite your inquiries relative to the. offer which has been submitted for the purchase of the electric light and power denartpicnt of the city. ' Mrflip'"1- t0 12i0 nooVy; S).m. oJOO pirn. 8:00p.m.tol0:00rp.m. HOCKEY GAME biluard fixtor 4 SPORT CHAT TEE DAIL? NEWS fiMy. December , N ews and-Views I n I he orlcf of Sport in V EWYORKERS I.0.D.E.WINS WIN HOCKEYI IN BADMINTON Both Hangers and Americans 'HeadTTieir Respective Divi-v - -i - jonj; 0f League Dec. Defeated Prince Rupert Last ytiul Two Games Out of Three 14. Two, I. o. D. E. defeated Prince Rup- ieW iOrx teams todiiy headed ert cluh two mathit fo niw In their respective divisions of the' leaue badminton last night, the NafiojUll Hockey League. The Rangers sored two goals against the tafttcHens to tie the score and netted the winning goal in overtime; The Americans pushed Montreal out of first place. Leo Reise presented the Maroons with their scores being as follows: Ladies' Double Sirs. R. Long and Mm. Ren Sett (I.O.D.E.) It to Mrs. II. L. Shad well and Miss' Margaret Palmer (Prince Rupert), 10-16, 14-16. Mixed Doubles Mrs. C. J. Norrington aad Alf Sloeomb beat counter when too hurried a sweep Mrs. G. A. Bryant and N! 1". Americans 3, Cshadiens 2. If f lutu plenty of jack, I -know just what I'd do, I'd carry on in the same old way I JuatTakc and me and you. momtmui f . J. r if Will ! in front of their own goal knock- Lambie. 12-16, 15-11, 15-13. i ed the puck past Wortcrs. Men's Doubles C J.. Norrine;-; IMroit and Ottawa played over-' ton and fi. Darto feeat Prank1 time to -a draw . The scores f ol-' Russell and George Bryant 16-8, lowj 1 15-13. I ,, Ottawa 1, Detroit 1. Cafheml and Prince Rupert MoflTraaJ 1, N, Y. Americans Z. 'wia piay s noetponsu fixture to- w LPt Prince Jfiaiertt 10 2 10 I. O. t). IL 7 6 7 Cathedral 484 Regiment S- 0 3 Memory of Roald Amundsen to be Celebrated Today; He Was strenRthenedby Moose Johnsoril vnh -for of the five ftamrfi v ,,,0,'a; ,wl" i tJaptain Roakl Amimdgen, famous Norwogfan explorer, .H.u:.4:.Li r?f i j .i i . . i txri 111 ljic v ..e3.v.k a annum i i,. i - i . . . They BeatSeaJfleW PORTLANIL' Dec land hockey teatn han fat to Seattle W 1 winning fourtJfliDhe scored in the litm p7i Kvwisnie managed to poke a rub- thrte minutes of play. Unless the harbor freezes' over, if members of the new T'olar.Bear1 est Procura not made until 1918,, when he left Shristianla with the steamer Maude for Nome, Alaska, intending to sail as far north us tuts ice would permit and then drift past his objective with the polar 1 current. ; muM unable to resume r n 1 pi, rj tirst to Discover bouth role f; r We had deeided to take an air- ! plane into the far north, he said, and would attempt to fly over the North Pole if ft were l0ifl rage is.ieamng iCnrl.tma. nflw Blvim nr i nonor'01 wnose memory tnis uay nas oeen set asme Dy found impossible to Arm Out it.1 Orand Terminals i by $u - Wdiyurn. who has not4' missed hie government, W3S the first human being to reach the' While testing a moil,,., at marein w w , wii" (Li. M i ii I . i ... tZViiiL LJI k I - -1 i.1 1 A 11 1.1 . " I AH work and makes tone of fifty .7 one 10 rc tn Po'e. by geographic societies " ' no play yards. Swimmers OWIHUIMri . I . : !-" r- - B.t"""- WWHW "w u , i iwl L "Jack." A A BliS AitSi The Oldest Horse in the World! 1 EiUbllthed 1742 Blended and bottled in Scotland. Real old Scotch with a rare distinctive flavour. 4, white Horse 1 Whisky i El SCREW-CAP BOTTLES. NO CORKSCREW REQUIRED I WHITt HOUS PUTIU4U LIDh GLMUOW, LONIXJM This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cintrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia ! Cedarvale at the week end. ;Mrssyyi. Burne . will be handicaped in accordance ! rmng at th ""' "outhermost the United Sutes. Great Brit- n in' with their time for this distance. ' T y ,,nuar3' m2 juat;"'". France and Italy, -J i S4 day behind AmumWii Scott RnM Roald Amumluii i i District News TERRACE F. Lockwood of Prince Wert was a visitor here at fh ' week end. Ueorge Little left on Wednes- ' months. The B.D. Ridgij Club met on ! Mrs. Ardagh left on Thursday enroute for yancouvcr, from (.whereafter a fevlays vi'('f with MnliTjeave fpr San Francisco from which port she jwjll sll (or Buenos Ayres, Ar-jgentine Republic, S. A., where Mr. Ardagh is stationed. ox- I pocU. to.,Je., ftway.ihrt Wffhttts,', ;IIer little daughter is rehftlfW here with her grandmother, Mrs. j Richmond. CNR. 1KA1NS tot th Eait , Mondjr. Wdnwly t'nd Saturday at 1130 tL.m. from the Eat 8undy, Tuendajra and Thuredayi at 3:30 pan. . ! j . . ., , - - ' will III; '"w eompnnions perish- oarpsburgh. Norway, July 16 ed two months later in a bli2- 1872. son of a sea captain and ra wnue returning to their ship builder. It was the stock of ' rr , , e rftOTQ" "una with wiiich the vikings caroesturdv, ' their bottles showed that they had virile, nerveless, and with a nat- discovered the land-mark erected ural inborn craving for adventure at the pole by the intrepid Norse- and tn wiltfertiess; man. Expeditions lMfcWll:'$L&b'-ai. Japan' by hi' Parn fr the medical . .i " P...VHIVU, uui aner a 'iL. i- -l. i year in ' " same tim mm L Mmk,.!.- - i tti. . JAtsfftt JS&s rHiLSf ? at the C.N.R. depot hire The, Am"nds' Ani Jh! ne ale 01 Jf ffl lv- hl"r " additionjwill also provide ; remained at the pole ; accomodation In the living rooms' , thr"e tJci observat- His first real taste for explor- ! of the agent '0B and cMfting the territory as ing came In 1897, when he sailed t he could. With him were as first officer on Oeshchfa Dan Claoker was dawn from ! "ve mcn ,our "ledges and 52 South Polar eipedition. The irfn ! aotrs. tii L, .:. . t "iiea mm with nnliUwi. The pole, Amundsen said, was mke llioveries on his own the midst of a arrsat ice nUt. count in th Arctic reKiotia. arxl day on a holiday trip throunh the , e". 10.600 feet above mi I.v-i especially to discover the Ionr- prairie and eastern provinces. He Thi mountainous waste, goal of aouht NotWwest passage. In expecls to be away several gentlemen adventurers since the 1001 h hA raised $80,000 for " w time nf QtLi. Bii..i.4i. tne trin. contrlhnflns ma. i. . u v.m ' . aniMtucill, Wtm ,t j. named King Haakon Plateau in from hi" own "lender savings. honor of Norway's ruler who hri a . Monday evening at the home of 'Championed Amundsen in several Z nX? J., previous exploraUons, and who for the ventuTe Tv iTu d?.L ? P thi North Armrric. from emtio we." expehses of the succ.ful ex- Land! King Wlllmm ! where she remained frown in for i Leaving the pole December 17. two years. A siedulnir exetir. M911, th. little party made a "ion to the Magnetic North Pnln Iedy trip back to its base and informed the world of iU aohieve- the plans of both expeditions was accomplished ami the, eqast of Victoria Land wns nhartwl to ' - . ' Him ... ' 1 1 WM1AI..4KUU.1,. .. t 1 . . J . . . t . ' ' , 1. ' n,uiuno8n,s return to ciTHrtstlon ' me vessel ireea herself from he failed to receive full credit for : the ice and one month later hi discovery, due to the fact that reached Bering gtrait and the nothing had been heard from the ! Pacific, the first shin to naM Scott party. -In fact many explor- J from ocean to oeenn north of ers and scientists familiar with Patagonia. Having reached the Magnetic were inclined to the belief that j North Pole, Amundsen immed-Scott had reached the pole first, ; iatcly Ixjioin making plans for deHpite the failure of Amundsen another expedition which would to find any traces of a predeces- take him to the true pole. His or. first real nttemnt. however, was (THE ORIGINAL) RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT fn a Gl-. Viij, For 28 days the v. nothing of them, man ; up for lost; but on .1 , was flashed from t their safe return. Tt-forced to alight I7.r the pole, und only digious efforts man... kJ I . w By ie he had made his first T ' winter quarters far up on the "mu"u 1 coast of Asia. The foMowin ' year h returned to Seattle. ""J1 " : dWWe lUil Wart., because of an accident to ! , . " the Maude, and announced that re"r , evening of Junt 1-tweeu Norway ani nouneed by Mory.n ormty and counsel Mnteatioii. Th- I 'antic Lumber ( iw name of the new mm has arranged wit). weat coast (irodur. i -ntir Atlantic ...' these mills. Will " San KraMiseo, in th , the new company I Me Pure Scotcli Whisky advent tomeiit is not published or dispiay.ii , Limn Control Hoard or by the Government if LUMBER SAIES CORPORA fixtuts. The four games were nne. up.wnft tn Ce,Ie.bratjng thd SUCCGW 0rlirat eXpToit'sOUayr" r . ',.rowly escaped death iA;,msh ' TACOMA, De plMl last night and the final .r; T J" " - " Kr&! 1 : Already noted for his daring expeditions into the 4.000 feet when -tinlMaMff yesterday of all tie sflKandinK one will nrobablv ... , ' ""i Arnt (iriaiVnoaii Airniniui loft hio nh M lilnrl agrlu In encountered a tsrrtTlc stdrm. tior in organisatKMi en , take place this evening. Scores were as follows: "in a vrnc, no . ' - . : m)...i. matter how far behind the starter . 1W0 intending to dash for the North Pole. Reaching neid Him. Bill Robertson, a wimi' ruaehai, Madeira, with the stout - m. pension Uirann lerminami. ma,.. a lu . tiiui. i e l ...j ...v, uaa luuuntu Ilia TRCe' vlvbui rmiii, lie BUU- , . ... Reinforced by the vMrflilp)ay- . 162; J. Hillman (Cold Storage), for the last three years, will b denly changed his plans, headed er. Moose Johnson. ,-Misii air-,200. On the take-off to try the water outh. and after running a spec- tight galie, Timmons, the Bucka-, W. H. Jarman, 110.; W. Bailey, (hi. Christmas. Willy McDowell, 1 taenia r nice with four other ex-roos handled Seattle epsihj the 200. vTho captured the Harbord 8up IPodlUens-representing as many first period scoreless. -Thn in John Bulger, 115, Charles last year and then ate an- tee nations, planted the Norwegian the second the BuekarodS eoun- Baptie. 200. cream to celebrate his Mctorsag;Iat"the bottom of the earth" tared two and repeated the per-; J. Walker. 88; J. Campbell, 200. he sat at the water's edge; is exeoembe' 14. 1911. forma net' in the final session. C. L. Youngman vs A. Macdon- pected to defend his trophy The! It looked as if the Buckaroos fald, to be played tonight race will take place from a raft ther exPdition8- the would score the first shutout of i in the harbor to the landing be-i?r,tiah Antrtic party, headed the season, but Seattle got through .r, low, the n C.P.R. L.x.. wharf wntjn over over a a ais- dis- y Cr,tain R- F Scott, was the .r a lone eovmer in the last Rnt (o Honors The recovery Scott's body, iowever. an an analysis of the records with H, proved that Am- thinor ClnlA myiasis, utsbtta tianl . . . ..-.- iviercoasuii lumior ioftonn-jwe dipping combine For the next four waw-Amund- ,,peHt rted sen was desUned to try unawce W)0 000 jnveated , u..y W r. c ,m ln ro.e w.u. mb9r producillK airplanes Having made previous attempts, in 1924 he interested Lincoln nndsen was entitled to all honors Ellsworth, who agreed not only to as discoverer of the South Pole. , stand part of the expense, but to He was acclaimed by the people accompany Mm. of Norway as a national hero and , . . . 0n May 22, 1926. Amundsen and vnti . iif- ..h. v... .1,. a-. "" Bll k A ..tt t CI.. uiinwui in iitJ7Trfl ii i i I if III - i.,. ,ith tj. in(-r, f th. i EasSSSSaBaS&SBir1 iiwirm'rTwr--Tritmmmrriirn i- BUHNER'S GIN 18 oi. $1.90-2G'G oz- $3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 Thk advertisement is not published or displayed by th ' Control Board or by tho.pavnoflrjtish Colum T