JjpkGo.Sho.. "V ' The only black spot in eonnec-tten with Christmsw arc those bmim of anguish frying to match gifts with appropriateness. Xmas Specials In days of yore the holly tree stood brave 4 afafn But nowadays it tke but a little ing.-nuity to make it sparkle and glisten with sKitador. Touebea of colmr hero and there Klrming candle lifhts silvery snow effects all add to its already popular beauty. You can have all the decoration needful here. BABIES ARE BORN NAKED-AND YET What a lot of little things th little things -raetlcally USore ttoy know tney nre Yah A hardly oktase a tbr nwre 'by honoring her tlk with fc gift, sverithfht. k'or t aw babies, tindior 1 1!. ,i...wi. w ft havr even thing CANADIAN NATIONAL HOLD STEAMER FOR CHRISTMAS SAILING . .irj In order to accommodate thosfl St Kel Puddings . . . .G5c to -1Ji(,eiirinif to g0 80Uth after schools Mixed Candies 3 lbs 00 dos' Friday, December 21, the Ca- Mixed Nuto 1 lbs 5100lnadian National Steamships nn- IMneauple-Iilbby.. 4 tins $l.Sinounce that on that day the S S. We nko have a large assortrnt-nt of I'eclSFrean lJiseuits and Xma Crackers. Order early and be suit of your supply. Mussallem's 01 7-123 5th Ave. E. Phonos 18&K4 pptng! It can be avoided, however, by hatching our advertising In the newspapers and In our displays tore new ideas of present. From now on you con save your mind the grief of trying to think up new presents. Our store is filled with all the needs of the season gifts of all kinds artistic gifts gifts that will be appreciated by the recipient; gifts, too, with an underlying vein of Interest for the economical buyer and the bargain seeker. PERFUME FOR REMEMBRANCE EVERYBODY HAS A SWEET TOOTH Like music, the attar of an exquisite perfume carries on through time some cherished memory, usually of graceful, artistic womanhood. Art you sure your perfumes are right .--for YOU? That they reflect your Individuality? Let us compare notes with your per-'non.ilfty. Onr vartety of perfumes is renowned. BRIGHTENING THE YULETIDE SPIRIT THE As far back as the Protazoic Ages, wets! "Tis wild that tt was not an apple with whih Rve tempted Adam. It was nothing tmore nor less ithan Candy that eaul the downfall of , man. llut we can truthfully say that you are safe with our cdndy. Ami w have candy, and candy and sandy! .Hrpnvall the hmi makers. So good that .you may eat it .plentifully and relieve thatirariag. TO ACCENTUATE MADEMOISELLE'S BEAUTY A woman'a trow nine ifloty was her hair. That was 11. C. In 11. C, Canada, it is more than that. Kewftihgsa, it is the ensemble the fittish to the persona! appearance which comes front perfect complexion, finger nails, eyebrows, etc., and no secret about it either t .We hove everything needful to add that finish everything of the finest, o that no man need be afraid to buy for his lady. FOR THE MERE MAN A combination set of toilet accessories is one thing that every man can be doing 'J ith. Hut this J onlone of the maw little , ' jirrtehts which7 any rain wo imiatH', and which we have in profusion. CSwne soon " and make you.' own selection from our stock . i, ... ot infinite ..... ... variety. . . . ..A,,.'-'. , ' . Ormes Ltd. yic Pioneer Vruycists THIRD AVE. 0 SIXTH ST. ' TELEPHONES 8?,20O Commander B. L Johnson, nres ident of the Pnelfie Coyle Nav-igatlon Co. and the II. L. Johnson-Walton Co., sailed by the Prince Rupert this morning on Untl Sundiy toh101 board defl,ded last niht 0:00 .00 a a.m. m Sunday- win ver at u jg babJe probable that h t tfc the parents her 38. Make reservations eariy at City Ticket Office, Third Ave. I'hone 2G0. iJ1s Rev. T. D. Froator, Anglican Church rector at Hazelton, arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train to participate in the funeral service for the late Mrs. F. II. DuVernet and will return by tomorrow mor-ning'i train to Hnielton. ins return souin alter a business visit to the city. brief The cases of two pupils, one of whom is uncontrollable and the other who stays away from school without good reason, will be placed in the hands of the police, the will be taken into court in connection with these cases. At the school board meeting last night there were present ehairman II. 11. Rochester, and Trustees W. Gilchrist, S. Johnston, Thomas McMeekln. and Mrs. Spencer; Secretary Williamson; Principals Peddic, Miss Mercer, Miss Mills, Miss MacArthur and Mian Vickers. SCALE OF CHARGES The following Is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 60c. Cards of Thanks, 12. funeral Notices $1. Funerdl Flowers 10c rer name. . Marriage and Engagement announcements VL ANNOUNCEMENTS t . . . , Women of Mooseheart Legion Whist Drive and Dance, first Friday of every month. Eagle's Whist Drive and Dance 'Joeember 13. Christmas concert, Booth Memorial School, December 18 and 19. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree Saturday, Deejnber 22 from 2.80 to S p.m. 'l Salvation Army Homo League sale December 15. ' St. Andrew's Society Auxiliary Dance December 31. Moose Hdll. Local Items 1 a Taxi i'hone 4. Big 4 Taxi If Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. (JSC. ?hone Tommy's Taxi (Phone C7D announces the placing of a second Dodge Sedan car in business, tf Ewart Lyne (Pianist, Capitol Theatre), teacher of pianoforte. 8udie 10 Federal Block. Thone Red 701. 306 C.N.It. steamer Prince John, Capt. E. Mabbs, is reported due, tat noon tomorrow from Vancouver t via he .queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. Jack Joy and Mrs. -II, T. Webber sailed by the Prince Rupert this morning on a trip to Vancouver. Morris Dahiqulst, Cedarvale pole operator, is a business vis Hot in town, having arrived from the interior on yesterday after noons train. George Rorte jr. sailed this morning by the Prince Rupert on a brief trip to Vancouver where he will take examinations in accountancy. Morley Shier, who has been- on a business trip to Stewart, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert this morning returning to Vancouver. N. T. Burdick, president of the Vancouver Dry Dock and Salvage Co., sailed this morning by the Prince Rupert on his return to Vancouver after a' brief business Yisii in me ciiy, , f :-y lump's . "f.-VW.- "-1 J.- UMIAllUllItU itV the'(ty on en)aHftenbe'nU train from a trip to Vanderhoof where he conducted services last Sunday and where a reception was given in his honor. Mrs. George Wynian, wife of Provincial Constable George Wy- iman of Hazelton, arrived in the city from the interior, on yester- jday afternoon's train, accompan ied by her young child. Tomor- row they will proceed to Ketchikan to spend Christmas with I'HONE 45, Mrs. Woymanis parents The fourth grain ship of the season, the British steamer Ros-sington Court, is approaching port and i expected to arrive here about Sunday. The vessel being already lined, will start loading immediately upon arrival. At the meeting of the school-board last night, II. B. Rochester presiding, it was reported that Dobb was leaving the staff of Borden Street School, and Misrf Longwell, who has been assisting in the domestic science classes will be leaving at Christmas. The name of Miss P. McKena, a graduate from Dublin, Ireland, wa placed on the list of substitutes. There has been considerable sickness among teachers and substitutes have been hard to find. Walk Up -Save Sizes for Women, Misses, Juniors and Stylish Stouts I'HONE 574 This Week's Specials DETAILS BY MAIL If You Ate Not on Our Mnllinf List, Phone Us. THE HOME OK GOOD TillNUS TO EAT B.C. Butchers & Grocers Phone 1574 Phone 15 Stairs and Money WjJM Holiday t liflJ UltESS 1 lp i SALE I TWO PKICES ONLY $19.50 AND $12.75 The fashions that discriminating women choose for the holiday occasions. In fabrics that make them most distinctive, in colors that make them the very latest, in trimmings that make them the most attractive ever shown. Skes up to 50 bust. Also 2 doaen only, Meta'lic Hats, regular values up to $12,90. Our Price novf 3,95 Special C i czl Chiff m fic, all shades and sizes. Per $2.23 Annette LaoVs Ready-to-Wear, Ltd. 613 Third Avenue, (Upstairs, Over P. IluntsVfctore) PRINCE KUPE11T, B. C. Sf Mm -4 - Purchase a Gift for Your Best Girl at PAGR Tl? REP'.