TAOR SIS THE DAILY NEWS ' ' r " ' - " ' Putt... I a- ' L , Eve y dress, whether far T-. ninjr or afternoon wear? s retimed. We canaot opacify every . hp, but the redactions are worth ioi:.sicfcring. ALL SALES FOR CASH SHOE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS BOYS' SPECIALS BOYS' MAdjINAWS $ixe 4-6, Regular $S.7f Selling out price ....$3.98 BOYS' MACKIIfAWS-Slse 28-84. Regular 9.86. Selling out nru-t; $4.98 ; JOYS' STRAIGHT PANTS Regular $1.75. Selling out price 98c BOYS' LONG PANTS Flannel, f.e;yea ami ; weeds, JU -28 size. Regular fcl.25. 3aft out price $1.98 HERB IS A WASH-OUT: 176 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers Assorted styles and eolo.s. Values up to $6.75. Pre-inventory sale price Sl.DH OFFER NO. 250 pairs of odd lines of broken sixes &MH BOOTS Siss 6-11. Regular $7.50. Sale ...$6.9S MEN'S RUBBERS Value $1.65 for $1 19 LADIES' RUBBERS Any sty.e 98c MEN'S THREE-QUARTER LENGTH RUBBER BOOTS Sizes 6-11. Rejular $7.50. Sale .4$6.96 THIS WINTER IS MILD BUT IT IS MAKING THE PRICE OF OUR RUBBER FREEZE. TAKE ADVANTAGE! AN ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S BOOTS AND OXFORDS Values to $7.50. Sale price $2.98 T4IE REGULAR STOCK OF MEN'S SHOES ARE GOING AS FOLLOWS Regular $t.50 for $4.95 Regular $9.50 for $6.95 TO THE PUBLIC: On December 1st I Received the Following Mr. Joe A. Allan, 1765 Granville St., Vancouver, H. C. ' ,. ; Find it ncccssarv start biff pre-inventory sale December 15th, closing gents' furnishing. and boys' department. Can you handle it? Wire reply collect. ' (Signed), JABOUR DUOS. I wired back as follows: December bad month for sales. Will handle sale providing given free hand in slashing of prices. Unless extra good values at unheard of prices are offered at this time of the year, no use to hold sale. Stop. Must return Vancouver on December 15th. All conditions were accepted, and I promise you, folks, that this pre-inventory sale will create furor in town and just before the holidays when savings are most appreciated. Everything is new and everything is greatly reduced. I have had seven days to go over the stock and cut prices. Did nat bother to look at cost. Profit is no object with me and cost is no obstacle. My orders are to reduce the stock and raise the cash. This is how this sale will be conducted. Values speak louder than words. He here tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. sharp and share in the saving. JOE ALLAN. INDIES' DRESSES SPUN SILK DRESSES Variety of colors. $6 25. Pre-inventory mfp r. $1.98 DRESSES Silks and crepes. Values $18.60. Pre-invatory sale 'tM 14 PRESSES Better, wines Pre-inventury sale $11-33 LADIES' KIMONAS Cosy for these ce!d mornings, $406. Pre-inventory sale $3.98 LADIES' COATS FOUR COATS Blanket cloth. Regular price $22.50. St.X COATS Broadcloth. Regular price $26.00. ;ilc Pre-inventory ' Pre-inventory ...$4.98 FIVE COATS Broadcloth. Regular up to $S0.O0. Pre-inventory sale v $1.3.95 FUR-TRIMMED COATS Value $35.00. Pre-inventory sale $19.98 FOUR LADIES' TRICOTINE AND HOMESPUN SUITS $25 value. Pre-tnveritory sale price ; 3.98 KICHT LADIES RAINCOATS $14.50 yajue. Pre-inrentory sale price -52-98 P!eae Observe That We Are Not Filling the Space With Flattering Remarks We Are Letting the Price and Values Talk. LADIES' GLOVES LADIES' FABRIC GLOVES A very special line; in- all sizes and colors, for , 69c LADIES' CHAMEUSETTE Up to $1.0. Pre-inventory sale 93c LADIES' UNDERWEAR LADIES' VESTS Mixed wool and. lottos and silk and cotton. 5 Regular gale $1.15". Pre-inventory C9c WATSON WOOLLEN BLOOMERS Pink, rose, cream and tomato. Regular $2.50. Pre-inventory sale $1.39 CEE-TEE COMBINATION Pure wool. Regular $7.50. Pre-inventory sale price $3.98 .ficese races LADIES, HERE IS SOMBTIUNG YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO OVERLOOK! LADIES' RED, "BLUE OR GREEN SLICKER COATS Regular $7.50. Sale price $3.98 LADIES' RUBBKR BOOTS Knee lenglfe. blue, red 'and green. Regular $4.76. Sale $2-98 MEN'S PENMAN 71 UNION SUITS Regular $25. Sailing out price $1.34 MEN'S PENMAN 9 UNION SUITS Regular $6.25. Selling out price $2.93 MEN'S SOCKS Values :5c. Selling out price 19e HERE IT IS Any hat for men, values $6.50. Selling out price $1.98 ( A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT WE ARE SELLING OUT THE .MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPART MBN'S MACKINAWS-Mfilte KC-44. Regular $1SH60. Pre-inventj) sale price $6.95 MEN'S WINDBREAKERR Regular $7.50. Pre-inventory sale price $3.9; MBN'S ODD PANTS Serges and tweeds. Regular $4.50. Sale price $2.38 JABOUR BROS. LIMITED LADIES' HOSIERY LADIES ART SILK HOSE All colon, far "9c LADIES' WOOLLEN HOSE In black and brown, for 59c LADDJS' CASHMEHE HQSI-ln black and brown. A speelal line, value. $1.25. Special 39c YARD GOODS DEPARTMENT WHITE FLANNELETTE Regular 2e. Pre-inventory sale 14c WIIITE AND GREY COTTON 3C inches wide. Pre-inventory special, 7 yards for $1.00 PILLOW SLIPS - !rwnventory special 22c CHAMBIIAY Regular 25c. Pre- inventory sale, a yard 9c WrIITE B ;KuM A Mmited nam-ber of yards. 8 yards for $1.00 GLASS TOWELLING Blue and pfoK Mrfpe. Well known value of 40. Special, a yard 21c SWEATER DOWN WOOL AH colors. 8 baffs for ..$1.00 SHETLAND FLOSS Everybody, knows he regular price. Now, 9 skaips for $1.00 DOUBLE KNITTING WOOL Jtoguiar 4dc. Pre-iaventory sale p-gg 24c KITCHEN TOWELS Regular 2ac. Pre-iarentory sale price 11c PLANNBLETTE NIGHTGOWNS Values $1.95. Pre-inveatory (tale price . . .89 LADIES' PYJAMAS Flannel-leKe. Regular $2.50. Pre-tnve liter? sale price ...$140 LADIES CORSETS A special of-fer of Ladies' Nemo Corsets. Regular $M0. Pre-inventory sale price $2.98 KOTBX Regular rite package. Pre-inventory sale price . . . .39c BOYS' DEPARTMENT , '. ilOTS StriTS-No rwerva. ! An suft from 2-C years, blue serges aad grey tweeds. Regular $7.50. Selllag out price V..$347J 8-12 years, selling out price &M 14-18 years, selling out price $8.96 SIX BOYS' OVERCOATS 14-18 years. Regular $17X0. Selling out price $7.95 BLANKETS FLANNELE1TE BLANKETS White and grey. Small size, 10)4. Regular $2.25. Selling out $1.19 Medium size. 114. Regular $2.75. Selling out $1-88 "Selling out ?2J38 WMinot 1IV ry blanket !hdfcnj1orter, but e'ery blanket, wool or cotton, every comforter, including silk, and every pillow, as well as bedding, are reduced. Everything is laid out before you and every article is plainly marked. See windows. HOLIDAY CLOTHES FOR CHILDREN ; CHILDREN 8 INFAtfjir ON'AS-RjfaJar $.:.-, i ventory stfle price . GIRLS' FLANNLI. Size 8-14, $8.60 value iv-tory sale price CHILDHBN'B WINY! i: 2-G yean, $5.5 vul. r !,. Wry sale price GIRLS' COATS T. n , i fur; up to slfe 8 year-. ". Sale price Sizes 10-14, value Ji::, inventory sale p ire CHILDREN'S FK.l.T Value ttM. pre an price LADIES' FELT H.Vl $4.2. P re-1 ventory sale ir i LADIES' PELTS V.: Pre-inventory nalr yr: Closing Out of Mens Furnishings and Boys' Department SPECIALS SPECIALS MEN'S BIB OVERALLS Regular $2.25. Special gelling out price 4 98o MEN'S BLUE STRIPE SMOCKS Regular $2.26. Special selling out price Voc MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Broadcloth and other material ; Fersythe and other makes. All shirts are divided Into two groups. Values up $2.50 going $1.35 Up to $4.50 for ....."..-,$1.93 1. 1 'J II n. V! f; LAD1ES7ND GIRLS' HATS r HOYS' WOOLLKN SW '' - xK out price unvs Pt.Kt3f!K LINK" IIK " AND DRAWERS s- price BOYS' PENMAN 71 siIIKi A DRAWERS Selling )' Selling out price BOYS' PENMAN 71 SUITS Selling out pi '" BOYS' CAPS Selling out p It NO PHONE OKDI Its NO CHAHGES