He Was Not Going Blind He olfod iat&reSd t or eTOS8raarHnsrfltadW times could not even then see the print . - He "was afraid, and thought he bad to go to Vancouver. A friend told him our op tician bad passed tee same exams that opticians in Van-courer have to- Our optician found it was just the natural eye change at that age and the proper glasses are giving him com-fort Our charges are also reasonable. . JOHNgULGE a. - a. - an sa. a a. THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK I i i r...- . r.-, , r y. . . .. r-v Wfc vlVg u WUK VVHL i KICKED We pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make it a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery - now. Albert &McCaffery u Limited Phone's 116 and 117 I n n in rijn I I si a s a I i vi i. nn ii Works Manufacturers, of Pitch and Gravel Hoofing Galranited Hoofing Chimney Tops Rave TreuRhing Conductor Pipe Hoof Flashing Warm Air Furnace Slov Pipe and Elbows Metal Hoofs and Siding ' Phone UO Uox 467 COAL Prices DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $11.00 Thetd Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTranster AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnltun; M living. BRINGING UP FATHER AN' FURTHERMORE-MlE tOU SHOULD REALISE V VE HAD TO WORK HARD AU-MY LIFE-YOU SHOULD TRY TO ECONOMI2E- ViiaSC TJlLt'OONGE VO KNOW- ECO FOR ME STORY OF PARROT THAT SPOKE MANY and was not fit to use -QVJ,wJrM LLT3 THROW OUR a LANGUAGES IS TOLD1 jrootn in' the St. Klmo and was aleenlnc 1 peacefully when be heard unholy nolaea toutatde. There was a knock at the door accompanied by squawks curious sounds and muttered oatha The visitor waa admitted and sure enough he had wit him s parrot, an educated parrot, one that knew several ; languages, according to Mac. j TIIKEE LAXOr WiEX ' After Ncetvtam the gift and unyng itbe captain Ur. Mc Intyre retired and everything went well until the morn-.ing. Very early the fun began. The 'parrot had a anlcndid renertatr A. Mac eapUlned. be spoke three languages nueniif. TMce was English, profane jand obsaxne. 1 otwer a atop, the- dia- gracerui-aotfie en ttte room. Mthrew ha shirt over the cage, but when later be wanted to put on toe shirt be found it had been pulled through the bars (Canada wnen sue went to work be left the h n. fiwty ltjtli Time n ' 4imI tiket- CatHi to llrkt Voyage --V- " . mncricsu iisning acnooner OelUc. Captain O J Bdwards. arrived this morning with 35.000 pounds of halibut and. finding a poor market here wttn no sale today, decided proceed to Seattle. to This m the first trip of the boat to ine oanaa, and the skipper reported rougn time owing to bad weather. The boat is a fine one 70 feet in length with a Washington Esten diaaaj engine. She is modern throughout. Taa vessel waa built st Taeoms during the past winter. ALL - CANADIAN CONGRESS ASKS RECOGNITION (continued from page one) Icatlon now known as the Trade and Labor Congress of Canada, for u Canadian membership of American Federation of Labor unlona. The Consrssa la therefore essentially a lobby tor the promotion of lesliOation on behalf of the members of branch unlona of United States labor organise Hons oner atlas; in Cansds. It is not allowed to aocept afflli.itlon or make reDrssenta tions on behalf of any organised bodv Of ClnsBtan worker exrsnt thna m Hated with or not dual to AJ of t .organlsa lions In Canada. Following the adoption of a resolution at the 1903 convention of the Trades and Ubor Congress of. Cansds. by which the Con frees excluded from affiliation all na tlonal unions which were dual to Inter national organisations, varlotu national and independent union." thus excluded from the Congress established the Can adlan Pederstlon of Labor Subsequent ly, other Canadltwi unions were organise, and tiiest. with th Canadian frder- Hon of tabor, established in March. 1B37. the All Cuudlu Congress of Labor. This organization has crown jatcadUy since Its formation, and It now iitpraaenta all toe independent labor groups In Canada, with the exception or the national Catholic union and one firatn Ship Kins Jstnes rrrle Away 'or two others Vagrant Hard mt lli-resete that j HtM OK OKI. MZ ATION Sraadallxeil Itaesaiag ltetr , The Ail-Canadian Congress of Labor . : lis organized on the same basts as the The story of the parrot . often heard ;,,. 1irt r, "Z " "" around a local boudtar-house and it ' . invarUbly ratoe. a anile, if not laugh-ih.vllllr tlirta-1MlM. , ,TZ-Z-Z ter from the lhrtening to It. ud u,,,,- Mtt It n.t It seems that when the train shlD .. W ; rn a tw promnie iwimtpt inn in b y." lMtfaU Pimatters of mun., to laboTbT I . . i . " -ito further the orcaniuUon of Canadian Intyre a parrot -heneer he should . workers In autonomoua national unlona. .3 ..7 .. . . T contrast with the Tradsa and ! doubting if the rtup would be back !accorUnc wlta lu "Juonl n- J"i " .r. MTCT - retu-d CsasdUn VT "-.c-sinmatlona which arc dual to Cnlted Con- Tb Kin, Aun- c baek T inws n ioar accspa toe "" ntHw ot and alter docking and ralghtlng up Ly indwDendTnl iT 2 everything with the custom, and lm-; workers. Canadian The policy of u.. Z?Z f,TJ 8k'PPer ut Trad- and Labor CongJTiJ ! a parrot. Uac had aone to hni at hu'.u. . . All -Canadian Congress of Labor keeps control within our own boundarta, and pro vide for the HDHnaatlon of aw and . independent of body organUed workers lin Canada. . Among the arganimtloas which are affiliated with the All-Canadian Con gress of Labor are group of workers la the following industries: railroads. mines, lumbering, building trades, earn- ir.imlcation. ahipplna. as well as other of trades and occupations. Tbs Congress maintains an oface in Ottawa. with a full -time eaccuuvw officer, and bubusbss a monthly loumsl. "The Caasdiaa Untoniat " tmrtng te laat few' yeara. there. has Ji.Js deeopnet of naUeaal wsnlnenl a CaAada. The support which the Oovernment has received in Its successful endeavors to obtain for s more Independent status within the Empire Indicates the feeUng parrot with Mrs. Crosby to look after t. tr..,, . .-. ... . ' I w...... , we (Ui-I Bimian VVH- until until hu hi. rewm. . Urs. . Crosby was pro- oX ibor u . further mdlcauon ot ' " ""V uawa DTI this desire the bird and Mr Crosby too venturing membsra of the national union, which fwtl 1 I ruPAe. Cf or Congenial . "J TrrtiMlihir- m a Companions! vriSsy A CATHN CUSS crossing by Cu u aril or Anrlior-Uon alilaon Lines I. a reflection ot tli licstiuM-lal life. On these ship, your fellow passengers are alwsys interesting snd attractive iieoplet you make IrliaJitful friends. Itrosttno more to gu on these famous ... f I T- . THAT TAfCTHD- -. i ill r-sr - sk aa - f m a a s- m w -r i in . . as sr iiiii rt 1 iin.M f I I I , - W j I 1 LkA - I III I V 1 I II I I I the Canadian labor movement to the wtu ot United States lsbor officials with the recognition of the Oovernment. la subversive of the self -respect of Cana dian workers, and we feel that the Oov- rnmestt should therefore recognl ty right of the All-Canadian Congres. of Lebor to . consultation in resoect of sclsl and labor IruifUtion. and to re presentation in all matters in which the workers of Canada are concerned. TRADES AMI LABOR ( 0iltl This detaawtkm does not wish to he. little the work done In the past by United States unions and their legislative lobby, the Trades snd Ubor Con gress of Canada it la felt, however. that some facts should be presented to ywu with resMct to their renresents Mnam. la mtvoducing the Congress dele gation so the government in January Jl. President Tom Moore stated thai 'the large majority ot those composing It boss mamliuihlp In International ttnMna, though severs! thousands of bem are orgaitlsed in national, provin cial and Meal organizations, where it Is ronatderad their interest csn be better served In that way." Since, bovevor. the Congress reported to the Department of Labor a membership ot lOSM; (or the year ISM it is evident that the "several thousands" referred to by Mr Moore are iaahrntfteant In comparison with the membership of the United States unions affil is ted with the Con s' ess. The term "International" Is whel a Jilmosner in lu application to United sutes unions. It properly spplies to federations of Independent national groups which unite for common pur poses, much aa the nations of the world unite in the League of Nations, which la purely International body But the membership of United Ststes unions consists only of American and Canadian workers, the farmer of whom have absolute control of labor policy. The CsjwJ'm members pay their dues to the American headquarters of their (unions, sad the tatter maintain the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada by paying into Ita treasury a Der-eanlta fee for each Canadian member. COXflRr.H CONVENTIONS The Tradea and Lsbor Con ureas of Canada chums that lu represenuuona U the Oovernment are based upon the near u csgs in an attempted ' .w . ' . " ' w uwcrament. oecsMona made at 1U annual oonven- aatlon with th Mm m ki. WiTZTlE. Yn tnimln rognltvailtltos. hd fens are ..premHm. of Cax,- ThU r" " "" '"T " m D sort of thin would never do -177 iTbe resoecUMlitv m ' m r, P"1; l"v""" w , ",r. tnat tfte dewgntes to these ithe mwtatMn of u.nr,.Z,."Z h" "upporl uPn un,on atwHl by convMittons comprise . isrge number f Me...and iibhlp in the United States. I. who are on the pay of. and under in- returned to the ahln .nd th. i. Z I puaiawa in ueineir respective organisation, in the s.l.rLVl ulP ?,J.h:r,,lt.J!i-tt" ' OanU-. politic! relationship , United txates. 41 of such deiegave. be- "'I" P.ru of the K-tpire j tf.ujB aiia asr. mc- i Intyre has given up the idea of keeping ja parrot, at any rate until he has a .dm hi. own and can net a vaunt one and tsach It to talk respectable English SCHOONER CELTIC FIRST VISIT HERE It may be said that Canada is the ing eredsntialled to the laat convention while delegates were also sent from dls- only country In the world warm ta trut Mnvih an Ubor movement is not In undisputed thus duplicate tbs iwpresrattUon of control of iu own policy and adminls- Ure United States union branches. Out iratlon. Since It Is rightly felt that of 12OT local branches of the A of L. Canada Is entitled to be politically in- unions InCanad. for which a per-caplta dependent, so far at least as her domes- fee la paid to the Tradea and Labor tic affair, arc concerned, of any other Congress of Canada by their respective part of the Km pi re. the subjection of heodquarteni. credentials were received Mm rrni m at a sl. a U-V'' ' v r "V iswis --sayLcB. Canaillan Service liners. Weekly sailings from Montreal and Quebec for Plymouth, Cherbourg and Ixttidon by the Aurauia, As. rania. Alaunia and Ausonia . . . to llelfast, IJirrpoul and (lasgnw by the Atlienla, Ixtitis.AndaniaandAutonla. asraswiSdsfiM UmlUM an Uwt iuwra CANADIAN if QFRVITF bill T. Sasyour focal srssmiAa Sisnf. ovwri'ls; Tn riinard Sleani Ship Co.. Lid.. Usatlng. gt. W Vanrauer.s By George MdUamj, i wo- n-THRE" TWO- . ii US DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOR SALE TROLLXR FOR SALS - 12 H P FiUSCO Standard. reglaUred dimensions SJ x 92 x 4 A, geared power gurdy. and oompfete eqalpment. Pin living quarters, four comfortable bunks, locker space and toilet. Address Al-vln A mesa. Wicker. Alaska, or P.O. Box 1086. Portland. Oregon FOR SALE. - OAS BOAT "TASA." Length 41J; beam 10 ft. IS HP. Atlaa 4 cycle engine, price IIBOO This goat would make excellent packer Apply Pujlmoto. Atlln Ave. or Ward Electric. Oow Bay. tf OR SALS. PISHINO BOAT. 30 PERT by 8: S hp. Palmer engine. Fully equipped. Apply Albert Bach. Oan-eral Delivery. Prince Rupert, B.C. OR SALIJ - OAS BOAT. M rStT long: five hp. Palmer engine. Also camp at Salt Lakes. Apply S. David son. Cold Storage. at POR SALS PTVB ROOM HOOK AND bath. Sixth Avenue and HaU Street. 1100.00-. Easy terms. Apply Tneo. Oollsrt Co.. Ltd. tf KM SALS. DOOOK SPBCIAL SSDAM la first class condition. Sasy terms or good anap for cash. Phone St. OR BALC HOME AMD COrTrglrTB Two lots, fenced. Oarage: garden. Apply owner. W Pifth Avenue i. ST UNUSUALLY LABOR WILTON CAR. pet far Sale. Apply PuUta. Daily New. :or only one hundred and eistitv rival isvKgsses. mat ii, less tnan is per cent. jf the Canadian workers whom the trades and Labor Congress of Canada :uiuns to rapratent. nsd deiagatas st iu .ist convention Mr. Moore also sUted to the Oovsrn- Jisnt that an aSort waa being mads to leave the impression that the member. lot the United Sums unions ware "less sponsible or desirable Canadian Mtl-ens" and the Congrsas. tharaSore, felt it nscissary to depart from iU usual procsdure and submit . statamant in iu defence. The all-Canadian Oongraxt of Labor baa never used tbsae tanas in ra- rrtng to the Trades and Labor Con- grass of Canada, and the only reason any they art Imputed to us by Mr. Moore would appear to be a feeling on ills part that they are not unjustified Whether or not a Canadian cltlatn who upporu and at subject to the dicuuoa of s foreign labor union la "lam responsible or desirable" on that account is a matter for the cltltan himself aa a Tmase Is naw Minmii s.l vr, tor as vOJAadtssT (Utlawa m'stert" t.lK 11 ii Ia'S. ikla4 ..hSu tk2f ppiHii otp m n.Tan HIUPI 1H iaT ground ground that tnat na na camdwa canadsaa union union a i-- - - . ""iixw uvranunmt snouia use into consider- auon the recent develonmenti m ii.. Canadian labor movement as s result of which the An-OsnstHan Oongreas of Ubor hu been formed, as uw mm. senutlve of a large group of autona- nus vsnaoian unions. In all buii of speciil concern to Canadian workers. I therefore, the Congress wishes to eo ..prs.r wun trie Oovernment and re-quesu for its rtpresenutWo. such eon-siderttion ss is juttified by its stilus. IU membership, snd Iti rhlrirler a. iv,J only rnrieprndent fetterition ot nitionsl sno lutouomnui union m cn(tt WANTED WANTED - OKU. OR WOMAN POR general bousvwork. Oood wages to right party Addrwss replies to Dox 91. Daily Sews QfBee. FOR RENT POR RENT PTJRN tSviETJ HOUSfiKBBP- Ing rooms by the day. week or month Phone Red SOT. t KkR RRMT. PORNISHSD APART -menu, four rooms and bath. Water paid Phone 547. tf FOR RENT - ROOMS WITH OR WITH-out board Central location. Phone Blue Itt. tf POR RENT keeping Oracery. PtmMlSHED HOUSE - Apply HOUSE POR RSKT. 9 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Monro Bras. tf ICOMPrmjaO SOALRS. 8CALR8 aHean. chssss cutters and MEAT aaaat c hoopers, coffee mills cash raw latars and peanut butter mills. Expert repairs and adjuaunenla. Service contracts. Maw. ussd or rebuilt machines. Easy terms or cash discount THE r.tLK. SHOP LTIl. SCI Cantata U W Vaisraater Iir. FURNITURE AND RANGES SI Msrrh XI-as r AUsksv March 1 u UM.K SI- . SOTTBS. BSftOOM .. .. - i mr u a suiiws. uiiung awdtea. luiewsa TaMet. I Trent AlasU nsaass. i inwinm ana l.rsa learn Bus. Carpets. Bllsvas, Curtain Rods. tMstmorc Oousptlngs and Mattresses, BUnkeu. Cretonnes Window Curtain goods. We have still a few maU left at the old price. a. MirKENZiK. riRNiTt nr. PlMMte TTS. CHIMNEY SWEEP II. t. Zl'MKriiR flrnrril Handy Min Parnate, tad Sanres OVeaaed and Re paired. ChisassVes jvrai. Cemetery Plots Oared Par. Phoae Red M. Prmca RaperL MO BXCHANOE NEW AMI SECOMt HAND rt.'RNITt ltr bought and sold and exchanged Player Ptaao and Two Cash Registers ttaek. PAPAnopttios Minis. MS third Ate. phane Sift Telephone for appointment new to Blue High Low High Lei lllKh Low High nigh Lfiw Hlh "Hh as Residence phone Black SSS Ivanlng calls made aa arranged. Make your sppotnUnnt now. , vvvvvtM PRINCE RUPERT TIDES tvv M4vM4 wniNEsiitv. Jitnrii 1 13 a m Ml ft. 14:M pjn. its " Mi iR. 4.1 " S0:M pjM SJ " TlltllMiW. M.tttfll S 1:4. SJB. MS ft. li:M pjn. 04.4 " 8-W a.m. 4J " 14 put. IS " IKinW. MAKCII 0 S:14 ajn. SOS ft. ISrST p-m. t.TT " 0:1 am. 44 ' 31 44 p at. SS " SATI HIItV. M.tnni IS 8:44 a.m K lm pjn,,. . ISJST ' 1 ' A J 4:1 . . a.m. IBS ft. .. 1:4I pjn. ITS " 10:41 a m. SS " :Sd pjn. 7.8 " MONn.w. vitnrii it 4:44 a m IB I ft. n sa pm. iso " 11 34 a m. S.T " M:t7 p.tn. 8.0 ' Tt iiriritv, Mtnrn is S at a m 18 3 ft. 18.0 p.m 14 0 " 13 IB p.m. 76 March. IS at Mireri at ss. Prtdavs P. Pr: Pi P- Pr... Pr.r 'V- Article Lost sod Found,St STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS r"f Vancoutfr Twesdsy-s. Camnsun frlday as. Prince Ri,, SU...vrf .... . ' St. Princess Bj'h,i. Msrcn ig.- s p..,.,.. March IS I" I rani Vanrantrr Sunday at cnmo.M Wednesday P- i-Saturday- ss V Saturday at Princew Ba a March ll--ss. Pr u , v March SI- so Pr.:. . . v March 11 as Pr m V y.- MAIL SCHEDULE rr.nRt tav Ihr fka rati-. . n" M rvriin x V i Wedneajssy. Wedrtradsys ... availabia, g tha li IRUrasta eannra A V'arroat AHm. Alice Arm '" Csnsdun labor moreinent has now " A'"11 TaasSaM TiseeSars cached a sUge of development in which iiov:sioi. Is made for the organisation .' every class of Canadian worker, so 'hat the existence of brsnchea-of Amer-csn unions, and their legislative lobby, the Trades and Labor Congress of Can. da is no longer required lu this OIUKCT Of MXMIATION It is not our purpose to make any iKbftsi'On to the Oovernment st the inent time with respect to legislation. beheve that any representations from the Cong res should be taken up, 'ii the first Instanot. with the minuter the department concerned. We do however, request that the recognition now given to the Trades A Labor congrsas of Canada, and. In some measure, to the National Catholic unions, and the American Railway Brotherhoods be extended to the All-Canadian Congress of Lsbor. Ws feet that, in view of tbs facts set forth herein, the almost exclusive recognition of the Trades and Ubor Congress as the "mouthpiece" of orgsnitwd lsbor in e. ada Is no longer luetiried. snri th. ik.1. ii- far Port Simpson ana Kail Iltt- Tuesdsf as. Csmutu: lar Anyot and Mm.irt- Suadsy-ss Csni.e.r, Wadnesday s V . r: rTwn Ahyat and st.wlti Tuesdsr as Csnri- Friday ss Prm.' h lar qseen CtMrlniir. - March 1ft- ss P March H u p Irawi Qaeen Cbtrlultrs- Msrch S--SS P i- rrom Port Simpson tnf N'ui Bia. ru IU I If u u ja "i i MSadsys. Wedneo) 8-"" 10 a u inns iite rJii Tuesdays. Thurso i sri Punmn" ... mu Ta Vsneantrr Tueedsys Pridsy. Saturdsys ... cm. fib m Traisss. Mondsy sruaH I ram VHnraavrr Suadays Wedasdayf . Saturdays a ill! CJ.a March ll 'I ' 1 ' - t,...,ivi ini i Ta Van River Pls- , rrom Vas River point-Tueassv "" " Ta AhHiM PViIbIs itaieh 11. 31 snd ; frais Alaska Point rap. aw. sssix-n queen CMrMI r"'" . March 10 and rmm Oneen rhsrWt' March 8 and n CHJL TRAINS snd LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION1 Nn ai... TO IJMSB L II 1010 u 5P 10U ll 4 raina. tumj . j i i.u I rm atralrt SH IV .IIJVS. mirr rtntJrt. . , Bundsyt ... " ''"".p, a it it rar le Fstt - ,iif HOTXlirt. Tveanemi-'" st IIS0 am from the Et Tursdsys. Thursd'f t 3.30 pjn. TO "r" .A a.-OS p.m. Oef f . innate t the nortn-' , ,,i I NflW. M.Hlt ll It , Uti. tiki 40 mil- ? "Z" nilr-. W L -. ..ii.. ii. in .I.MH' naif town of Atlln. "".,' . so Isngltude. and aboii' "- , ittfiiide. i.Mi tiits sinxfrm thi 1 ... All thleux, of Oisdyx ,',ls .v1 jS U.C, occupation 'KI", t de"- fur a ieise of the M-"' laads: B;.!i ''J iflO fret north of the m , ,yaj Uke Rlvrr: thenca on " ' . y t m.a nll anntli: then rr nr ,,nS thence 6n mile n"r'! ntn aeis more or t"- , ,rMl (Sgd.l JOHN All'". ;,.., Dated Dacambsjt 9