March 7. 1923 G At mil tmwt. ()Y(' " cubem in fmi, i r, Car j , r. brtllU therm Tj everyday. Unl venal Trndinif "' MEATandDRlNK. to their qrowing bodies For delicate or backward children a little "OXO" in a cup of hot milk creates a most nourishing and easily digested food. u HBHHILU.IWri A SERVICE Devoted to the Protection of Your Health : iit-alth ii a pHo-lcs ponxewion the r.i4 of happi-iici'VM. Fur L'l yur Ormt's hu-.t- n . unu'd the seri-. .!iin of proUM-tinv the health -.f it patrons by a niiee t the ethics the profession of. by intelligent " ' -peration wi-h dolors by the . f.nent medii-inals obtainable by the knowledge u;'h mail) y:n - r- periem-e ami by a sincere desire manual in Presi . i j t : - t i Srvic. It in a nenice worthy of patronare. SpeeialititH in Sick Room Ne-eitieii THOHVt t SIXTH ST DEMAND TELEPHONES ft, 200 "Rupert Brand" Q ippers Till DAINTIBKT HKKAKKAST HIV SwsAed Daily Canadian Fish' & faM SS (X A 1 Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Ereakers ItEDUCED 15 TEH U'NT 111 'I Its. ips 6 nnd 7. regular &.' ' Shoe Sale ContlnaeH. Every pair must gB THOR JOHNSON anket Sale ttt ioianl ... . l'air Super (foaTlty Wriool l'ini In Red, Oraen.-fawrr ami Wh u. . . , . Si:j.5 'k'h- Regular iio.ou pair. u' iKht. Regular $itUW pair, ii r Fraser & Payne 81UK Local and Persia! UC Unoertskers (two 41. Rt'iid tin- Louvre' advertisement. IVnusi Or J ft. Ojese Phone 689 Bkatlng daily, 3 to 4 nd 8 to 10. it J. C. Gavigan sailed last evening by the Camobun (or a week's business trip to Vancouver. P.obekah and Oddfellows concert. Bos- ton Hall. Match 14. Admission 50c Visitors and friends welcome. D. c. McRae has been confined to hi home, Fourth Avenue Bast, the past few days suffering with a severe cold. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Tea and sale of Home Cooking at the home of Mrs. Dan Jebour. March 8, from 3 to 6.30. Provincial Constable Robert Gibson of Port Esplugton arrived In the city from the Sr.iena River on yesterday after noon ' ualn. Two grain ships which were expected to load wheat at Vancouver have been diverted to load at Prinee Rupert-Vancouver Province. H. O. Oisen. manager at Smltbers for the Hanson Lumber 4k Timber Co.. arrived in the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Miss K Olbson of the nursing staff of the Port Simpson Oeneral Bjaspltal sailed last evening by the Osmosun for Vancouver on s holiday trip south. Miss Long til arrived In the city on yesterday af eniotms train direct from the south of Scotland and will take up residence here with her brother, Walter Longwlll. Foundations arc being put down on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Bowser Street for a new residence to be built for Interests represented by Thos McClymont. Owing ,to a. florist's error, the name of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. H'.'.l and family was omitted yesterday from the list ol these who sent flowers to the funeral of the late lira. Sim. passengers sa.llng liut evening on the Camosun for Vancouver included J O. Oavlgan. C H Allan, atlas K. Olbson. John A. Cisrk. and Eugene Rousseau and Mr and Mis. J. Bell. s H. Manuel, travelling auditor for the Canadian National Railways with headquarters In Winnipeg. Is in the city ti official ddtles. having arrived from the East on yesterday afternoon's train. In the aeml-flnal of the Canxdian Legion hllliard handicap. Frank Ald-rldgt- last night defeated V L. Yuung-muii and will go with D. Djujrherty to the final which will be played this week. The condition of James C McRae. who has been a patient In the Prince Rupert Ot-neral Hot., .ml iilnce s'iiffr.n stroke last Saturday night, was re-pcr:ed this morning to be not so favor able Jchn A. Clark, manager of Oceanic Cannery, and Eugene touueau. manager of Walker Lake cannety. who have been in the c'ty and district for the pant couple of weeks on business for the BC. Packers, sailed last evening by U'e Camosun on their return to Van couver. C N R steamer Prince Rupert. Capt D Donald, arrived In port st 10.45 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falla and will aall at 10 o'clock tonight lor Stewart and Anyox. returning here at 6 o'clock Fri day morning to aall on her return south at 9 asu R E. Allen, district forester, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this mor-niK after a holiday trip sotiUi and pr -eeol by train to the Interior, ac-cnn-rxiiiyi'-ji E C Manning, former dla-trlct f'.-rrKter here and now assistant chief toii 'Hr st Victoria, who will hold rs.-.iK tV rxanilratlonn at Terrace, Scnlthsi' and Burna Uike. ANNOUNCEMENTS Aunt Susan's Visit" at United Church. Mcwch 8 and tt. Mocaeheart LadleV Bt Patrick's Whist Drive and Dance. March 16. Anglican Cathedra! Tea March 17. 8t Put rick' concert, Monday, March 18. Weatholmc Tlictrr United Church Easier Bale Of Work. April S. j Anglican Church Buster Snle April 10. ! Catholic Women's L?aue spring sale of work April 11. Elks Cabaret April 90. Royal SoclMy of 8t Oeorge WhUt Drive and Dsnc- April M PAIN in BLADDER Promptly gated ky SANTAL MIDY e sure to gs'. the Osnulst keek for the surd MlOv sum by m orutsiHi THE DAILY NEWS EAGS THREE SO EASY NOW TO BANISH PERSPIRATION ODOUR One never knows when one may offend. Perspiration odour is so elusive, so subtle. To perspire is natural, even healthful ... one to two pints daily say the. doctors. But perspiration need so longer ke offensive. Simply chance to Lifebuoy Soap for face, hands and bath. Lifebuoy is alt that a superior toilet soap should be and more. It nestfiliies perspiration. Costs no more. Lisa HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects Oet the Btg 4 habtf of a TaxL phone 4 VVbsa thlfisMMt tf Mrs. Alex McNeill returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver C.N.R. steamer Prinee John, from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, is expected to arrive in port about tomorrow evening. Enjoy a real Is ugh at "Aunt Susan's Visit" in United Church Thursday and Jnday at 8 o'clock. Adults SOc. Child-icu ( Friday i 36c. E. C. Gibbons returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Vancouver and other points in the south. , Oe;rge Taylor, travelling auditor for the Canadian National RaUways. arrived :i' the city from Vancouver an the Prince Rupert this morning. WUliam Burken was admitted to the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital yester day and wtu be a peUssrt there tor the next week or ten days, r are llelo,uartfr for thoerc pairing. Sethi lliem to for vsiae, Mf ikr and sal Mad kin. Itactrl hut's Mtoe Store. U Miss Vt Cameron of the CM A. ett ticket office, who has bean on a hoitdajf trip ito Chifago. returned to the city on the Prince Bupert this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson, who have been on a all weeks' vacation trip as fsr south as CallfornaV am expected to return to the oity nest Wednesday. Motorcycle Constable T. E. Bradner. provincial poiloe. traaalermd from Ma-natmo to the city detachment here, ar rived from the south oa the Prince Rupert this morning to take up his duUes. A. A. Connon. who has beam on a Business trip south, returned to the city on the Prince Bupert this morning from Vancouver. Accompanying him was hH young daughter Yvonne who made the tripwtth him Oeorge O. Bushby hand ot toe Ru pert Marine Products Ltd.. is in receipt of a telegram from J. C. Brady. MP at Ottawa, . stating that careful eon alderatlon Is betas: given his protest against his being unable to secure hi ring at Pearl Harbor for his reduction plant here while the flak at th sanv tun la being exported to Alaska. Km. A. O. Batlhe. who has bean visit tog for the past two or three weeks In Vancouver following bar recent arrival from the East srrived in the 'etty fr.'m the south on the Prinee Rupert this morning a-id will take up residence in the Besner Aparotaenta. Mr. Baillle la engineer at the plant of the Rupert Marine Products at Tucks Inlet. a.N.R. steamer Prince Hupert, eomiug up the coast this trip, majtt a special call st the Englewoud logging oamp. Just xouin oi Alert Bay. n a partyyof tenie sixty or seventy longshore aMalnw Pnncc Rupert had a large llat"Wne 1 10 paMenPrs out of 'ggSfpnyitW. the niort ol them coming through to Prince Rupert. They were number of people bound for the prsirln Who proceedejl East from here by trsln. t Mil) OI TIIWKH The Sim family mil Mr. and Mrs. .1 jL. Mtluti;.-li ilc.-iT ut convey then sincere thanks to their many friend fm 'he kind expresisioni of sympathy in Him revtut uticdvuneut. Owing to Pioneer's Banquet, Valhalla will meet March 23. 67 A. W. Ispsln. who has been on a business trip to Vancouver and other points In the south, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morn ing. Milton Oonsatoa left on this morn- lng'.i train for Smtthers on legal busi ness in connection with mining affairs. He expects to return to the city on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell sailed last even ing by the Camosun for Vancouver en-route to Cornwall . Ontario, where they have been called on account of illness of relatives. J. E. Miller, Inspector of customs, and his assistant, Thomas Mason, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Victoria, being here on official duties. Major McLaren of Montreal, general tie sgsnt tor the Canadian National Railways, arrived In the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morn ing and proceeded by train to interior points. John Haahti. well kno.i pioneer mining man of -Stewart, better known as "John the Finn." is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert toay going through to the mining camp following a business trip south. Lieut. -Col. R. L. Oale. Smltbers broker, who has been on a buslndss trip to Vancouver and Victoria, arrived In the city from the south on the Prince 'Rupert this morning and proceeded to the interior by train. During the past twenty-four hours, thirty carloads of grain have arrived from the pralrtee for the Alberta Wheat PocC's Prince Rupert Elevator, railway offices this morning reporting 136 carloads on the division bound hare. The play-off between the Canadian National Ladles and Moose men for the city whist chsmplonship will take place lomojiuw evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Wennlg. 537 Ninth Ave. West. It was announced this morning. DINNER GIVEN K. OF C. MEMBER A farewell supper was given !at night by the Knights of Columbus to J. O.; Atherly. formerly cashier here for the; Canadian El pitas Co About forty Caseys and frienus sat down to a sumptuous repast in the Catholic Hall. and the supper was interspersed with speeches and music. Harry Astoria. Sam MoPbenon and Prank Fortune sang and gave recitations, while Clifford Cameron presided at the piano. A presentation on behalf of the Knights of Columbus wsa made to Mr. Atherly by Bev. Father Godfrey, and the recipient very suitably replied. Other speakers was i. J. Muldoon. A. E. McDonald. A. D. OUIles. J. J. OUlls. A. 8. Lewis and P. J. HeCormlck. Mr. and Mrs. Atherly and family left this morning for Calgary where they will take up their future residence ONLY ONE GAME IN BILLIARDS PLAYED Only one of the five gsmes In the billiard fixture scheduled for Isst night between the Oyro Club and Maple Loafs was played. A. Donald of the Oyroa de feating M. M. MoLachian of the Maple Leafs by a score of S00 to 1M. Other games yet to be played are: C. Balagno (Oyro Club) vs. J. Hamilton (Maple Leafs.) W. J. Nelson vs. M Andrews. Bert Morgan vs. P. Williams. K. Meagher vs. O. Howe. Played Total Av P. Williams (MX.) I SW SW W. Balllie (CA.I 1 HW 900 J. May (OB.) S 11M 1M W. H. Long tC.8.1 175J IS A. Murray (CM.) 10 1043 1M F. O. Pyle (O.T.I 10 1M7 IM A. Macdonaldl CB.) 10 iota 1SH D. Brown (Orottoi 10 118 IBS a Howe (MX.) 10 law 100 J. Bawsley IQT.I 6 HIS IBS W. J. Nelson lO.C.I .... 10 IS40 lSfl C. Youngman iQ.i ISM IBs M. M. McLachlan (MX.) . 10 IBM 184 J. Judge (Orotto) 7 IBM im A Donsld IOC I 7 1800 184 Ben Self (O.T.I 0 1037 181 C. Balagno (O.C.i 10 170 179 B. Morgan (Ofl.i S 14 170 Mayor McUordie (M.L.i .. 10 1777 178 J. Hlllman (OS i 10 1749 175 J Andrews iO T i 10 1791 173 M Andrews (MX I 10 1TS0 173 O Waufh (Orotto) ... 10 1716 173 F. Zleman iOT.I 6 1099 173 O A. Woodland lO.C l .. 8 1S70 171 W. E. Wllllscrott IO T I 7 1178 188 J. Hamilton (M.I.J 10 1988 187 R Young (Orotto) i 1S38 187 O. P. Tinker (O.C.) .... 7 1184 188 Bert Hosklns lO i 1 181 181 K. Meagher (O l 3 318 150 John Bulger ICS ) 4 816 154 O. Krause IOT.I 1 271 138 J Brown lOi 787 131 nnen Children CougT PERTUSSIN afc MY KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by "frwvj. 7htoJJL Domestic Setsncs) Counselor rve Never Tatted Better Fudge Than Thi I don't often boast as proudly as this, but really, fudge made py rgy rccipe nas a diiieren. creamier texture, a cr was. ajjmer, yihixeiriTSt vixi won't find rrdirtariWs ll claim no credit for thete reMtif JfavseUi that the explanation of these outstanding qualities lies in three things: cooking the fudge just to the soft ball stage and no longer, vigorous beating, and the use of Carnation Milk. "But why," eo many people ask, "should Carnation Milk give results different from those of ordinary milk?" There's a very definite reason for this notable superiority. Carnation Milk is "hcimogenized" that is, its cream content is oroken up into tiniest particles and distributed uniformly all through the milk. As Carnation Milk is evaporated to double-richness, this means that every drop of milk has a double whare of enriching cream. Not only that, but the greater fineness of the cream particles gives a smoother, finer texture to all cookery in which Carnation Milk is used. You'll Like Carnation Better for All Cooking As in making candies, so in all cookery Carnation gives a richness, a smooth aeamineas. a fine, fragile texture that even the best of bottled milk cannot equal Try this better milk. Evaporated to double aeamineas, "4io-mogeni2ed," and sterilised for safekeeping, it places at your disposal an Smoother Candy nunratIB9UlDuiaWrKnr Nwaf 21Mv I lundred orTMffrod exceptionally convenient supply of milk, and in the most dependable and economical form. I have a whole Carnation Cook Book fulLbf redraw A hiciatttd like to send Camatj 131 Abbott Street this better Address ucts Co.. limited. Vancouver, B.C Carnation Pralinea 1 cup brown sugar, 2 cups white sugar, 3 tbsp. corn syrup, 1J4 cups nuts, M cup Carnation Milk diluted with 14 cup water, 1 tbsp. maple sugar or ma pel inc. Boil together all ingredients (except nuts and flavoring). When soft ball is formed in cold water, remove from fire, add flavoring, place pan in cold water, without shaking, until hand can be held against bottom of pan without discomfort; add nuts; beat with slotted wooden spoon: when stiff drop from spoon on buttered sheet. Carnation Fudge , ' 2 tbsp. butter, 2 squares bitter chocolate, 3 cups sugar, 2 tbsp. com syrup. H cup Carnation Milk, diluted with lzi cup water, 1 tap. vanilla. Melt butter and shaved chocolate in sauce pan, add sugar, corn syrup and diluted Carnation. Cook until mature forms a soft hall in coid water or reaches a temperature of 286 F., stirring occasionally to prevent stiddng. Remove from fire and add vainua. When cool beat until creamy and mold on buttered plate. IF you want the richest, smoothest fudge or other candy, use Carnation Milk. All foods made with milk or cream are smoother and richer when Carnation is used just pure, whole milk evaporated to double richness and sterilized. It keeps. It is always the same. It saves butter and cream. (See recipes above) SZS&8 ProdtKtd is Cm ads Carnation Milk " From Comented Coti ' f Special :: Offering of COATS for LADIES. MISSUS AM) CHILDHBN COXIS FOR CllILDKEN Reguliir value up to $18.00. Special price jjtf.Tft COATS FOR LADIES AND MISSES Regular value up to, $26.00. Social price $1U.75 Have your choice of these splendid garments while they last, for they will not last long at these prices. B.C. Fur Company Third .Avenue Canadian National Qfo Largtft Railway Syilcm in America ssiungs from ruiscrrrT lsV xsltifPI fto.HiA, silTTte. and Intermediate points, each FRIDAY, 0 00 am For NTEWAKT and NVOX. each WF.llNKKDAY. 10 00 p JB. For NORTH and ROl'TII (Jl'EEN t IIAKLOTTE IM .tMl. FOtiBighU. PASSF.NOEK TIUINH I.KWE PHIVt'K III 'PERT Each MIIKII.IV. WEDNESDAY and N.tlt'liDAY st 1 1 30 jn for I'lllNt'E OEOKQE, EDMONTON, UINNII'EO. all points Kutern OastaSVa. Onlted Btatee. AGENCY All. OCEAN 1TEAMSIIII' INE-l'e Csnsdlan National Etprru for Msney Orders, rortltn. Cbruwes, etc.. also for rsur nest shlpmrnl, CITY TICKET OfFICE. S!8 TIIIHD At E.. I'KINt'E KUPtltT. Phone S