CAGE SIX 1 I I I III IM III I I iiiiiiiini iin'i ii in i m i What a ! Difference, ! ii Wh?nYou Let The Laundry Do The Washing GONE. are. the tell-tale signs of worry and drudgery for the woman who lets us shoulder the burden of the family washing! Youthful contour sparkling eyes hands that are graceful and velvet smooth all these are her's who sensibly avoids wash-day foil. .Patronize us regularly your mirror will soon detect an amazing change. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners , Phone 8 wsstmmmMma HEALTH FOLLOWS CaMfUOKOMRECn riESwitoiisniui lUVaiHWUKSOT TMrausmwetuQ: CSE& r y ft V"iUMI A SOUND INVESTMENT IN HEALTH Produces a Digger Dividend than the safest bond W.Qspinall CHIHOPIUCTOK 6 Exchange Block Green 211 Spring Hats emers :: Costumes :: Latest Frocks MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for 51.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store bow elsssd Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - llthSL Telephone 657. DrAlexaiilder Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST CO-OPERATION IN INDUSTRIES Part of Report of Liberal Indus trial Inquiry Sets Forth Views Regard to New Scheme iNOpN,, Mrcj 7 Part of the re port of the Liberal InduMrUl Inquiry Just pumisHea deals with scheme of co-operation which U set forth aa follows: It Is the aim of the Liberal policy to bring about the establishment in every Industry of a representative regulating body, including both employers and workers, for the consideration of' common Intercuts and endowed with the power of obtaining, under nroDer safeguards) legal sanction for their agreements. This Involves (a) the Improvement of existing negotiating machinery; (b) the provision of adequate knowledge of the Hnanclal facts: and (c) the provision of better machinery for central guidance, particularly by the crea tion of a Ministry of Industry. Including the powers of the present Ministry of Labor, and of a representative Coun cil of Industry working; in close assoc- j COMBINATION SPECIALS 1 tin Nabob Spinach, 2,i's. 1 tin Nabob Pumpkin, 2 Vs. 1 tin Dei Monte Beets, 2s. 1 tin Welsh Grape Jam, 2's. Regular price $1.30. Special for SI. 00 2 tins Sliced Pinespf tes, 2's. 2 Uns Sliced Reaches, 2's. 2 tins Pears. 2's. 2 tins Strawberries. 2's. 2 tins Raspberries. 2's. Regular price $3.20 Special for 2 tins Peas. No. 5. 2 tins Corn. 2 tins Tomato, 2's. 4 lb. tin Empress Plum Jam. Regular price $1.86. Special ....i $1.4; 10 lb. sack Pastry Flour. 1 tin McLaren's Baking Powder. 1 lb. tin Crisco. 4 lb. tin Empress Loganberry Jam. Regular price 92-10. Special for Sl.oo Alberta Market P. GAMl'LA. Proprietor Fifth Street, Phone 20S Men' or I RUBBER , I i t BOOTS :U length. Dominion make CHILDREN'S FANCY RUB-HER ROOTS Sl.f,- LADIES' FANCY RUHUER ROOTS Montreal Impi sorters Third Avenue B. Mllltr. Proprietor Trapf iers ! Are y.ou getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturer in the East, an,tj ye tjannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall eall personally. Remember, If you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue Her Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mr. 0. Ames, J5 St George Street, Uhatkam, Ont, writes: "Last winter y three boys had terrible cold and a eaggh that hung on so long that It began to worry me. "I west to my druggist and ha iixed me If I had tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup "I told Mm I hA nf hnt ,. T would, and I must say that after they had ftnitaed the third bottle they were entirely rid of thecoBgh. "I will never be without a bottle of 'Dr. Wood's' on hand." Price 35. a bottle, large family sits 60c. ; pat op only by The T. Unborn Ool. limited. Toronto. Oat. latlon with the Ministry. tMITITI(; KOI1IKS It Is desirable that negotiating bodice srtouid include a neutral i . without the power to vote except when legal powers are sought; and also In many cases of mans- serial and technical staffs for consul- latlve purposes on sublecu other than wage-negotiations. Any difficulties ai - reeling the demarcation between or- i,umwu iimusMies sooiua, wnen neces - sary. be referred to the Council of In dustry. TIUDC llO.lltlis We recommend that the Trade Boards system should be extended to aU Industries Insufficiently organised to be able to make and keep general agreements; that such Trade Boards should, as now. be constituted bv the Ministry and should hare power to fix n minimum . . . . i was rates enforceable by criminal process: that la the fUa- tkra of wage-ratm above the minimum and of other conditions, neutral mem bers of Trade Boards ahould be en- titled to speak, but not to vote, unless legal enforcement was sought: that tn such eases enforcement should k. k way of clvu. not criminal, process, and bat ail regulations tor which legal force Is sought ahould he laid before the Council of Industry for review before being endorsed or disallowed by the Ministry. JOINT JMUhTKlU. roiATILM Join. Industrial Councils should be encou 10 include In their mam. , bershlp la) a neutral element and (bi wbere appropriate, repreaentames of technical and managerial stalls: but! -.his should be at their discretion. aVak Mi inai in si a V. a. Councils should be empowered to oh-1 tain laaal lor ui. mante aubjeet to the following eondl- Hons fSl T)M HHHMMl Cm W I - k t . vukii hhi 1 sanction Is sought should have been supported by a majority on both aides. b) Any sections Jf the Industry not 'piassnted on the Council ahould have been given sn opportunitr of presenting their views ci Neutral members should have -sken part la the discussion and voting. (di The Council ahould be able to ebow. in making application for the i enforcement of wsge rates or conditions, that undesirable low w.-r.i bail rcruiitisma . -..i . ' UIVIWPJI ill ame . sections ... of the usr industry, luuuairj. and soatoH that ; . . . . . 'Ytm rmtMm rates : or conditions proposed to be enforced reed are are not not markedly markedly above above or or below those ruling tor occupations of corresponding skill in other Industries. OTIICK NEMTITIi IMIDIKH In Industries her nrlther Trade a,SP!spsisB3 I Cash and Carry Grocery Corner Fulion and Sixth Ave. SAVE THE COPPERS Sugar, Granulated. 10 lbs. . . 7U? Milk, any brand, per tin VJtf Tea Malkin's Best, Riue Ribbon, or Nabob, lb 70j Bulk Tea Excellent quality, per ,b .-1)0 Coffee Great West, Malkin's Best, Nabob, lb tWfJ- Coffee Fresh Ground, per lb. lUc Creamery Butter, per lb. lUfSHIf 3 lbs. in one block $1.25 Salt Pork, per lb .T-Ic Bacon, 8wift's Premium, back, special per lb lUVfcf Picnic Haras, per lb 2J-i:ic Eggs, strictly fresh, 3 dot. $1.18 VEGETABLE SPECIAL 10 lb. Carrots 10 lb. Turnips 10 lb. Potatoes (Asiitrofl) 4 lb. Onions 34 lbs. for o:i( Tomatoes, large tins, 6 for .'. Pineapple, Singapore, 7 for l)."f Canned Fruits, assorted, 8 for HUf Soap. Fels Naptha, per bar . . ti( Royal Crown Soap, per carton Fresh line Green Vegetables every boat at attractive prices FRESH MILK AND CREAM IN FRIGIDAIRE THE. JJMLX KEWS Wednuda WtSlflOLfflfc MAM Wa rnJ ' . WEDNESDAY and Jack Mulhall, Dorothy Mackaill in "THE CRYSTAL CUP" ROCKLIFFE FELLOWES, JANE WLNTON. EDITH E CHAPMAN, CLARISSA SELWYNNE. and others. COMEDY "LUPINO LANElN "WHO'S AFRAID" COMEDY AESOP'S FILM FABLES Admission 35c and 10c CommencitiK this week prices of admission on Fridays and Saturdays will be Adults 35c Children 10c prices wiil only be raised in social productions. Boards nor Joint Industrial Councils Mist the UlnUtrv and t1 In- 1 dusuy should strive to bring suitable t j aehinery Into exist:, re ) -n highly organised industries "hich have already developed satis - 1 factory negotiating machinery no a'.- ! tmPt should be made to lnteriere ' "lth this machinery, but these Indus i -""ww wsea vacu :o establiah the machinery of OTisntrcd discussion on the lines of the Joint Industrial Councils, with power to obtain legal enforceability far their decisions. (b) tn lass organised Industrie the wtsMsthmttt or revival of joint industrial councils should be stimulated; or. where the oraanization on both T' - 1 weak. Trade Boards should be ! hisUtuted with the advice of theCuun- .11 Ml TnjIiMlMi KSSKXTIIL rUlll.H MKVIIE8 With a view to the protection of the public and the smooth working of industry It is n erases it that spec!: safe- sTard should be taken against Inter ruption, in the aaaential public services, provided that the ultimate right to strike or to sack, out should not be Impaired. For this purpose wr recommend: (a) That the OouncU of Industry ahould schedule the essential services. and ahould request the negotiaUng bodies In sehadulwl Imttutrv to bmit a scheme providing (Da satia- " J jhoii 01 nsMuitauon. ana 121 'sfequate guarantees fcr lu full uttll- Uon- D Tt in these cases the syatem !c( negotiation should Include a refer- tTkW ttVT -MOWtrt tn in 4m u 1 1.... j 110 trtk lock-out to be valid unless ! the resort of the lncmlrv hmA in Pbllahed. (c) That the guarantees mlcht take Cm OT of Lit Inllnui ... ... I .... I - .j.wfc- 1 The organlsaUon of the workers tnSu. nr -mm, iui . r,. r ,s. n. tne rv-o eonoerned on an esubliah- j sity site ou a 31 year lease. Ybe public m,m bssta: III aU.ccuau appointaienu for c.mmlttee were tela ytaids) berm of month or three months, with that the rovemment ns eanteaanutiri 1 Penalties for breach of contract: () the deposit of forfeitable pledges on either , ,li . w.. . .1... .v. - -. v . ujr privilege of the Trades Disputes Act. OS. should not apply In the cue of PPaes declared before the whole mch'i'7 of negotiation bad been utilised (d) That in the event of no scheme. OT an unaauefajstjirv ipham . being sub- J '' -"ft mttf- m"ttl by ' the Industry 1 concerned, wucium. the m Omtrufl OUIlc!1 r7 al Tnrtn., Industry should -ftuu.1.. i . 1. annexation annexation of of BrlUsh British "nines Oulnea Itself draw', ust the British colony UP beme for submission to and .1.1., . .1 by Parliament. the duty of the Ministry of Industry acting la conjunction with the am. ttomle general staff, to equip sll nego tiating bodies with adequate knowledge of the financial facta affecting their MIMSTKV Of IMIINTKV We lMommend that the Mlnistrr of labor should be reconstructed under the name of the Ministry of Industry, taking over the powers of the Home Odsce under tn Pae ton Aita and Compensation Acta. Use Mines De- PMrtrnent of the Board of Trade, and such other function., as may be neeea-aary to bring within the purview of a alngle Ministry all the relation between the Bute and the organised badass of employers and workpeople. We also iweonunrnd that the Minis-try. thus reconstructed, should undertake the duty of sdvlsttag and stlmula-Ung the various Indusfftas towards cooperative action in tad pursuit of efficiency. CMI-STIL OF INIHMTIIY We recommend tht establishment of a representative Counell of Industrv of workable sir in i. w,th the Mlnutr)' of Industry It should include nine representatives of employers and nine of workers together with six appointed by the Ministry The members should be appointed for three years, one-third of each category reUring one year. un haina nihia ' rmppolrtSment. The OouncU should meet at frequent aud fsgular Intervals. ; nuuraiioD " or m. trtt qpuncu WVlMM... VI of In- SM dustry lllr. should Ln. .1 . . T rnt tand h the fayjnf . the subseqMit stbrmnraMT ' oT - i 4r- I j National Indu.-rlal Oouncll. when I a step seemed desirable NO tlHll s.t.E Tl.tV There wao ro sslr of halibut t th ah BxchaiiK. this morning as titer trul be 110 ivijuiHi train out till Satur day and thrrr IM)t enough fish of-fared to mrki- up .pecisJ. The Ixwu posted tm tin- u,,,,,t at tler ExcliHutie were the Celtic, with SSnoO oounds which proceeded to Seattle, the Happy. o.uuo. Anierici.ii. ;,,,d the Caor Simmi THURSDAY - PfiVf. J-Co m Vjl V( en Away Free Letters are coming in but we want more. Next Saturday the prize winners of last week will be announced. There are more prizes to come. For the . best letter on why you like Pacific, Milk we will give one full case , of Pacific Milk FREE; half aj case for the second and a quar-t ,ter case each for the third and ' fourth. $10.00 in gold is to be. given for tht letter of ail. ' Write Today. i PACIFIC MILK j 328 DRAKE STREET Vancouver, H.C. mm aria1 1 mi mm l NEW GOLF COURSE FOR POINT GREY! Uerrrraieat rtannlng to Aid (aurarn an I Blverslt) Lands t Vmm yiCTOMA. March 7. A quarter of a mill Inn Anltmr mrAt l. k.. . . . Airuciea si raini arev in tn tMsr fu- rii exucdins .id u th. mnMn, h. ,. i losn of H40.OOO for 30 years at 6 par ! . ' cent. POSSIBLE CANADA MAY . ANNEX BRITISH GUINEA LONDON. March 7. The ooaaibUltv of to Canada in South r, British Oulnean told the House of Com mons Tuesday. He was speaking on the British Oulnea bill which enables the Oovernment to modify by order in oouncll the constitution of the colony. The bill waa given Its second reading KING OF NEJD SAID TO HAVE DECLARED WAR ON NEIGHBORS LONDON. March 7 An Xxchanae Telegraph despatch from Jerusalem says it is unofficlslly announced that Ibn Baud. King of Nejd has declared war on the neighboring countries or Irak and Transjordanla. M PRINCE CAME SECOND IN STEEPLECHASE BICBBTBR. March 1. -The Prince oi' Wales finished second to Lieut. -Colonel John Heyward Lonsdale in a race for the Lord Manners' cup at a notnt to point meeting today. REPORTING IS LIKE FLIRTING SAYS MOORE TORONTO. March 7. Maportlng U Ilk flirting: U yourra mot At it M. hodV r-ts rfM .. i -- . yvwra sWt DO tWfV M1 UaMk sia .iV a v v nsii sBlrj gtmM99T eMQOtV editor of McLean's Mas. in v.,. t' ure recently in the annual lournalUm' ' Mr. Moore mtrc-duoed by Sir Bobert Psloener. who touched on his own experiences In newspaperdom TOO UTRTnrt . icotuv - - - v mnggi s i 4 4 KR SAUt TWO HOtian CM T-ur level frmcd ,t Seventh Avenue West ! 700 00 Tenn Apply ! m ..:!; A ..: .u t. t ul 50 ONLY. PICNIC HAMS AT O.-.c E ii Circle "S" Brand, a veraire wpiirrfrt:. n. order early as Blue MountainncFiitefr apple, 2's Special, 3 tins for .... Lie While Wonder Soap 5 for Uiif '20 for f5f . Hillsdale Asparagus (not tips) Large tins, special each '2T( HARRY HORNETS PRODUCT 3 for US?. Per dosen O-V t vour ch .;. . Jelly Powders Flavors orange, crabapple. ( (m loganberry, strawberry, raspberry, cherrv, pead , uusiaros anu ruaainffs ca. kings Chocolate, strawberry, caramel, orai:, cherry. Also Home's Gelatine at same price. New Hallowi Dates, in bulk, 2 lb. tpr ii! 6 lb. fir rr,t Dorothy Milk. Baby Size, per tirr ,"Sr Limit 20 tins to each customer. COMBINATION SPECIAL 6 lb. No. 1 Jap Rice. 4 lb. Sultana Raisins. Reg. $1.16. Special ... !)."? EXTRA FANCY CHICKENS White Plymouth Rocks. Our second Khipn,. , Thursday. These birds are fresh killed by ai, . are guaranteed to be under 1 year old. They a, 1. lbs. each. 12 only to sell at IJf per lb. Please specify whether to be cleaned and draw tra charge. CANNED VEGETABLES Assortment "Ii" 3 tins Nabob Tomatos, 2's. 3 tins Quaker Peas, No. 6. 3 tins Quaker Corn. 3 tins Quaker Refugee Beans Reg. 12.15 doz. Special $1X5 Aasortment "L" 2 tins Nabob Tomatos, 2'z's. 2 tins Malkin Beets, 2's. 2 tins Choice Mushrooms. 2 tins Malkin's Peas. 2 tins Malkin's Spinach. 2 Vs. 2 tins Nabob Pumpkin, 2 Vs. Regular $3.60 dozen. Special, per dosen. . . .$21) "AX APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR "C" Grade Winesaps, wrapped stock, per box These are heavy pack, medium size, running case. Just the size for the Kiddies. Robin Hood China Oats, with cup and saucer, pkg. tl7t Wild Rose Pastry Flour. 10 lb. sacks o5f Ridgways Old Country t O'clock Tea 3 lb. tin. special . . S2. ll) FRESH MEATS AND FISH Beef, Pork. Veal and Lamb at lowest prices. Tl, grocery and meat stores are outselling the spetinlt. dsy. One delivery does the work. We hsndle Fre -h but. Spring Salmon, Crabs. Shrimps, Cod Fillet-, s Salt Fish of all kinds. GREEN VEGETABLES Fresh Spinach, 2 lbs. Fresh Rhubarb, lb 15c Fresh Tomato, lb. lOf Cauliflower, per head . . Ic Chula Vlsla Celery, lb. 12t Head Uttuce irf New Texas CabbaKe, lb. I Of Del Monte Prunes, 40,50, . 4 lb. wood box ."Of Rupert Table To a ;i Phones 10 - Hit Delivery 9.30 a.m. 11.30 n.m. Courteous Service Every who is eager for new ideas " -- i syn , ' 7 COMIIINATION x These art- !;,,,,. ,l( 1 tin Quaker (;., .ti Cherries. ' 1 tin Quaker IVa.-,,.., 1 lin Qudkcr Ain, 1 tin Na wb (;r.(.l; ,,',,,.. Regular $i u, Special, 4 for s, vanilla, lemon, ..t:,,j,. i Itoyal City Itirk and j,.an Special, 3 ftl, 2.) Wejrton's Fruit :iki-It's a pleasure :., line. Rich Fruit, p r 11, Cherry Fruit, p. i 1 IV Genoa, per ll Valencia, per I! I.V 8ccial Price l, IJbbs Pork an I Ii. dium size, 2 tin- : CANNED MM M Aaertmnt ' 2 tins kosedal. r. 1 tins Royal Ann, IV 2 tins Roeda!e I 2 tins Libliv'n 1 r,. 2 tins Kedale A: 2 tins Li boy , . apple, IV i.eular $IL'". Special, per doz-, ;.' Wrtn's Sample Tin- I inn Asswtied Biiwuii-Brown Sugar. 4 11, Limit 8 lbs. , , . VHoria Crow. So, m men. 'j's. 2 tn t'- per dozen . . JC"" o ; in r. ' SunkUt Orance-s juicy, medium dozen . California Grape I -11111. Irge Ripe Ilanan.,-Suukist Lemon . 1 llr PROVISION New Zeals ml Cht-t-i ,tO( This is a ne just arrived. Un Maid of Clever 1. m ' Ilulter In bulk. 8 Hi- JSf . 10 14 lb. brick S1..H B.C. Fresh Pullet 1 3 dosen SI. (Ml I1.C. Fresli First . SI B.C. Fresh Extra- SI.--'1 Supply 2.30 p.m. ,,m. Woman in home decoration new combinations for the sun porch, new color scheme f"i room, now color beauty everywhere in the house "'" ;' ing Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3