rcs lon Prince Rupert Daily News 7 | SRT ‘Black Hawks, SPORTSMANS Power Usa ge Bank Review Reports 1952 . ‘On The Wi \ | ; DIGEST’ hat sh Nap Up 66 P Wings Both BREATHE DEEPLY — Over te ole a Good Year \ Win Sunday BEFORE SHOOTING vicronn — creased activity aries \ NEW YORK (CP) — Chicago lumbia, especis Lah ¢ Black Hawks moved into second densely populated ; place in the tight National Power Com tn bee “ Hockey League race Sunday per cent increas a ae night by crushing the tail-end of power used by set, Rangers 6-3 in one of th 2 ih ea November thj cs : . roughest league game of th: eo Wee . same Month iy 19 : Bi aS Boot Wee Accore ea? os season in New York E, aarhg ' i ' : - : ee oy w : shun albicans RES XERTION FROM A ORF ICULT erations report sia "~ s ea : . . * vives BE DEE UnGnY GRMC.| STALK OR CLIMB TD Gar Were (51,744,848 kilowas: . ‘ v8. 58 Detroit Red Wing romped) RANGE OF GAME FOR A SHOT or inte ths ' wd eS) % through —_ thel: 15t} traight) i EXCITING ANTICIPATION OF A serve a a , : MESS cbse game without defeat by troun SHOT MAKES IT DIFFICULT TO KEEP | dustries ‘ 3 ie, ing fifth-place Boston Bruins HE GUNGIGHT ON THE TARGET, month. con oo age T-1 LESSENING YOUR CHANCES FOR A Kw | Ni Whiten eee, Chisnind ehcile ‘alter tne nee GOOD SHOT. SS mOvemiver, 11 . i) ati tae ee a sAbses Because the load ; p siot from the idle Montrea Tae A FEW DEEP BREATHS AND Varies a rd ‘Byers * J .. Canadiens, who are one x i EXHALE ABOUT TWO THIRDG oF this type of ee ” r behind. The win was Chicag THE LAST ONES HO : « lere ; " GUS MOW Reem Chicago Black Hawks defenceman, gets out of t Toronto Maple Leats ne “ ixth in eight meeting with) WITHIN sins satel vou voncesD. siowth th an nonth.ta<. ry Litmade’s turns his back. Mortson, formerly with the Leaf gO n additional the Ranger ENOUGH OXYGEN INTO YOUR SYS comparisor ™ i he. Leg@fp beat Chica go 4-1 in a National Hockey L ! roront He was TEM TO STEADY YOU DOWNs LAST- _ 1 $25 1 figh#ag with Leo Boivin HOCKEY SCORES ING FOR THE GHOT which ¢ tte: a Sf I, THE GAME HASN'T DETECTED ‘power utiliti HOCKEY SCORES YOUR STALK» TAKE TIME To com- ficial side | 4 De Quotable Hi otes Schevias tl any N £ YOUR NERVES BFFroRE Cipitatior ' NHI Montrea 1. Detroit 2 Ss TING. DEEP BREATHING WiLi the storm I ito 3. Baston 0 IMPROVE TARGET SCOREG, ALSO/ ate for WHL--New Wi ; tle John Ha = Brains Are No Handicap lo a Girl’ Calgar ’ Sa at 3. : IT PAYS Camas ay D . TO ADVERTME ‘aa isvally dry a ‘ ne he sacred, serious thing it is is iW rink @ maruni old year out Gracie Fields, 53, si ging about fore dinne FIRST CLASS FARES my table quotes her engagement to a 48-year-old Vanessa Brown, forme - ; 1a li j Fro From { Ss bala Hollywood in 1952 radio repairman I'm an Old kid: “Brains are no handk PRINCE RUPERT Son f the faenettin goat but I'm so lt love with il if i Keep tnem we WITH THE BLACK PFLAG NAILED TO THEIR MASTHEAL They Sailed to Scuttic the Pirate Pico R >be rto Rosseilini, announc! him.” ien behi: 1 plunging meck To ~ . he and Ingrid Bergr Arlene Dahl, testifying « ne Spree ah . ©0700 CNR Profit Up e having th econd family, of the reasons why she was di- Jane Russell Sweaters are a Buccaneer v siete =n gs ae 58 dditio1 We th hope our vorcing Lex Barker He called y girl’s Way to romance Seattle $33.80 $97.85 in November marriage will be taken for/me a hick from Minnesota be-| Joan Fontaine: “I'll never I quit my act- . JEFF KC aa T CHANDLER BRAD ’ BALL Riess TODAY to WEDNESDA “Brookiyn Goes South” Cartoon - News On TLL a) mene thd, ee Portland s 1 113.65 , i San Ff cisco $96.30 $178.55 wie, atts wages fe Sa Development Helps Railways)" °° pag : ‘ } : ' ASiV f i © But Creates Many Problems ors. od ) Whe i movies, , ‘ ici cuit a Car h ‘ I keep Shows 7 - 9:01 2 te ina eonsat es | WINTERIZE R d seen new records set in gross Den Hartman, Par boss 4 aa emaaeaee, $ revenue but net revenues. with king f the film industry * PR pg. Repl ama ee. 4 ul the exception of one year, have iDies 10uld people go NOW! ; 4 iS i. ) steadily declined in percentage t to see bad movies when they . oe “3 P — . = . ‘ 4 ; o S ; e Canadian ¢ ms t ’ a and see ba AW. " time Mou st whi have vies O rv ‘ If you haven't dene so —, _ od | eutguane Teeceygeann Terry Moore, divorcing Gler n already, NOW is the time to > : f ‘ s sis DA@Y a4 ~ - come down and get that a ‘ ve of busi- | 8 1945 i : ae . tt winterizing done to your car ; j \ i come 4p by 7 ; : ied Have you got Winter-grip 2 la cesmeetien; Loz , The Compiete T Se . fretate rauds:’ Tires, Chains and Anti- bm ores 79 ‘nos +seeme rr CRESS BI ae RI = I t ii yes ri -— ” oe Betty Grable, citing a trend freeze? If not : ean MALDEN: ‘icenien 7 a . ns The eves of the film fan World tet an cannot even bets 07 » F SSTOUS PLAYERS THEAG , SSR RRESBERS “Ss Gadnsansensiadescanssuunmeseeeeneeneeee al f tnen with bust lines 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 717 he final resuit for ' rea: acne sinieninad * _Se s boi’ (he : a 52 may b he 7 RES y @ the public than i th @ dian National Railways Capit |B the company’s capital structure opy Prosperous 1953 To You! — fms tortie imine inn » a‘ mi 8 ws 5 ¥ i reasonable rel “oF ‘ ea ig power. I th portant that the C x os Si RARRA "(ASRS ase a - + . f I 4 Beate A f ’ ¢ e sion Act did not write off any & eu aa @ & : money invested in the ral v $ —S oh a as 4. e nor did it guarantee the ystem against income deficit irrespective of the relationship BER MO RRR AO TE SRSA EATS ESE SEERA REE A ORB eae between rate and cost levels Ask for Marvelube and you'l get S Our problem is to obtain a nratection againet ne : On against Gamagir p= reasonable balance between rev ' ee . enues and expenses, and the wear. Marvelube helps cu CY a current situation in this respe costly engine repair bills and high \-t—, — bale - is not a happy one es | vy) i 3 . “ maintenance costs keeos f | man Et 0 to ote how Wilh + oo" Mr, Gordon said that in the miainens — Se first nine months of 1952, « engine young longer. Marvelube is +, hs oan tee See eee anti-acid—-battles bearing corrosior 7.14 per cer teel 8.85 pr a f and the gene index of It's highly detergent eans as it Be “8, HIRAM uilway material prices was up lubricates. It's a tough, heavy-duty Pepe 6.64 per cent : a : | op | WALKER 4 Conclusion of the recent a oil that flows freely in every kind * | f ment with non-operating en of weather. For quick, easy starts pioyees called for a wage increas . for all-around engine protection of seven per cent plus seve * cents an hour, “will increase ow ...ask for Marvelube —- Canada’s ° / wage costs by nearly $30 millio largest selling motor oil! ary’ seving mor on Canadian Whisky annually and for re year 1952 will add approximately $7.5 mil lions to our operating expense I i Competition from highway _* carriers Was further intensified tr j + , cay’ ra Cla iil CNne e Cu ir it e during the year. We are study : ke ing this problem closely because — it is recognized as. or of na KT | ry tional concern \| { We recognize that no singel \\ y \ medium of transportation car aN iJ ‘ meet the demands of industry and the travelling public. The T \] i A * dest Apap howe ver co tin uc te { A serve as the principal facility ML \ A contract has been awarded for clearing and grading the Rry right-of-way for our new line “{ Ter : pO from Terrace to Kitimat in Brit ish Columbia and other ’ major construction projects in ala a S |clude joading facilities at Prince Rupert for barges operating on > the Pacifie Coast ar ges Se ing “Work is progressing on the jconstruction of a new central * é u building at Jasper Park Lodge Motor Oil > . @ which will be one-third larger MOTOR oll - [ than the structure it replace ! i sa é " fireproofed and in harmony with oe MEAVY DUTY ¥ 1 r % “igi | the existing village of bungalows . am 4 ad QI % land the natural beauty of its ’ | setting, it will be ready for oc- our Simited jcupaney when the lodge re-opens < Pi — ZL ‘io iin June Pr TT aye : ‘ mw, * CLP A | “Following ; 1epDiscite 1 STILLS RS OF THE FA Z ? m 2? a Oe MOUS Canadian MMe WHISKY North Vancouver, we acquired a rvew deep sea outlet. For the frist at. ; time, the Canadian National is’ Phis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control! Board or by the \in a position to reach the harbor 6M new A Petroleum Institut ‘i “i th ove a f itt * ‘ { , on . the . iS of merican Petroleum Institute classification denatin 6 most vi Government of British Columbia. | front at Vancouver with its own conditions encountered. Marvelube meets a requirements ler ius tobe of service, oe . power. pace ob Wanted cists hpss aia ta Mgt sail aa , ; o~ i na A ita as ie ett saw ere