PAGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPBRT - BRITISH COLUMIHA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third AvenUe. II. F. PULLEN - - - Jlanajrinir Editor. Advertising' and Circulation Telephone 98 and Reporters Telephone . jailor - - 86 .,;( l!l:.i!!;" Wjllllhl!9l.mber of Audit Rureau of Cirljlatlons dail'edition When th LtTtagatoiM ahovea off tbout February 8 on- her aeaaon open Saturday, Jan. 2S, 192S Waterfront Whiffs Intense Activity in .Preparation for Halibut Season Hall but Roat Sold Clam Cannery on Dundas Islands Hooted It can now be reported that preparations locally for the reopening of the halibut Mason, little more than two weeks hence, have reaped a point of much intensity. With overhaul work on boats ancltfJiifines proceeding merrily, members of the various crews are enjraKVtl with vim In the essential and skillful occupation of gear rigging and, on all hands, there is much hustle and bustle which is welcome enoutfh following a winter of general and unprecedented quiet at the port. The present busy air will continue on even a more energetic scale during the coming fortnight at the expiry of which time most everybody should be ready to "take off" on the Initial trip of the , . . . . Int'n ,0" lnt " IOr W h" season. White met of the boat wdl. usual, set out from her., there W.ll ' K tn Bu be a few to north the wk , , . i hlr 28-foot tlng boat cpentag to aurt frcm the closer AUb-:f w th ' I" m,r,n ein and kan porta to the westward bank.. Those. '"i Ilu'"1'8 PMt lnter " contemplating adopting .the latter "f c "!Cf el, Cltmenl wU1 luck at t'oM"s " 800 " tl "on course include th Emblem I., Capt John Olsen; Tahoma. Capt. Winnie 'fX, . 'V U nW pUtUng Pierce, and livlngstone. Capt. Tlbbltt.. ,1hingH :'uches n nU new c E- Sloan, who came here aa Cle- C.pi. Winnie Fierce of the Tthoma TnJT""' ""V" M Mn '8 "w '''" proudly elate- potion of th. beat T n!J? ' e Star Welding Work, temporarily. rv Dae Ritchie If doe,;t agne. any- , tnree or four rd : It" t v iMvin rb, tETa ' ? the "";nw'! th - hard all known. Hi many frlenda will rtgret bis decision to leave. ing trip to the halibut grounds via .....i . . , ' rank Allen had h. ., hla power crulaer Alaaki. a formidable crew aa ever .. ,,, . . . . confer on the 8uga " Waya for two or et Xortti upon the troubloua watem of thr H.. fc f co-t "f zrz - - - - tL " Ior the 'truo htmg aeMon which working w.ff off tte pent-up energy ; i. n0w in the offing. theae paat few month of Idleness on j the occupation of the day- Rear rigging under Mil Hlckeraon's watchful eye Mike Kurru h" Jt completed the Under Acting Skipper Tlbbitts. will insta','," hl thirty-foot trolling bulk bcat Half Moon 01 u"18 hP nw UTf to the eye none other ihan our old friend. Capt. Bill Pawns, who ",,!t PBlmer engine to replace an old hat 7 h p Ho,llo - The work was carried signed on a flrat mate. Bill, how- erer. will have his fcye to he windward out at ,he 8gWays. looking for a command and if anythirif! ' " v 1 turnt up he wUl be there to grap It j AX ARl'l'H TKIP Whererer or however the coming season Bwldet anywhere from thirty-five "to find BUI. It la anticipated that dur- : 150 ducks, according to whose story of tng 1928 be will be a more frequent , bag one chooses to believe, the visitor to port than he wax fast season :rlp over lost week-end to Naden Har-durtng which he skippered the well r M Ml!t Gonzales, Lou Kergln. Nor-known schooner Chief Bkugald. man vv.ut. Charlie Ivitt. Hubert Ward To reund off a practically new crew, and Doug Stork aboard the Salvage Joe Evan, formerly of the Sitka: Scot- Primus as guests of Capt. Paul ArmoUr tf Oerr. ivoeatly on th Sea Maid; Abe has proven replete with stories as to Xing, last year on th Toodie. and , each other's conduct under stress of Arthur Breotsen have been engaged. In : weather to say nothing of the the wilds of Francois Lake. Abe King behavlous of each one's self. Never -haa apparently become lost and a starch 1 thelesa from the various fiction that party may soon be sent to fln.1 him. He has so generously flown, it may be was last reported at Glen Annan via gathered that there was not a one of Endako hibernating. jthe boys who did not. In the court! of When Tony Martlnaen finds out whs ; that hectic voyage, suffer from th Is befalling the Uvlngstuiie. oi which pangs of mal-de-mer and. as he wbole-he Is the owner, he will undoubtedly ; heartedly fed the fishes and called up rush home even In a trans-Atlantle I hu pest, tiilnk deeply that on occasion flying machine If he can book passage j U-err are pleasanter places than Hecatt lie may esm forget to get n urrled. to S'.rai-s and Dixon's Entrance with a aay nothing of taking an extended I tiff nor 'wester on. Yes, those hunts- honeymoon. Capt. Knife Pierce, who haa been spending the winter ln Ketchikan with hit halibut fxiat Wabash, la expected In port any day now to complete outfitting for the initial voyage of the IMS season. E. Clements, who reached ihr city lat tall from the MacKenile River country purchasing the light 20-foor powerboat mpn wore sick and, what la stranger, were willing to admit it Departure was made mi Friday and It was a mush tamed sextette that returned bom In .he mystic hour of 4 a m Wednesday .norning Admitting that it may hare teen a little lumpy on the occasion of ielr trip, there are not a few would like t. know . (het the brar? n!mrc4a would hnve done had they bumpecflnW .1 real storm. Some consolation may be nken from (he fact that they will live "Miss Nonnan" at that time with the nvd learn If they live long enough. It life r 2 First the Boy then the Man XQURJwy can start life with a balancain. th&Bank. - -Many a boy has $100 or more saved -from his r"pockertnoney-and it proud of his banlrbookr A thousand dollars saved at 18 may mean ,a college education or a good start in business. The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch F E. Robertson, Managei THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, j'Bi At New and Lower Prices Roadster $625.00 Touring .... 623.00 Coupe 740.00 Coach 740.00 Sedan ..... 833.00 Imperial Sedan - 890.00 Cabriolet .... 813.00 ..Commercial Chassis 470.00 Roadster Delivery - 623.00 , One-Ton Truck 633.00 AU. Prices at Factory Oskava , Government Taxes Extra. OFFERING marvelous new Fisher bodies, styled with all the artistry of world-famous master designers . . . embodying scores of new engineering advancements . . . and providing a new and thrilling type of performancethe "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet is everywhere exciting wild-fire enthusiasm. Study this great new car and you will discover countless new features that typify the progressiveness which the pub lic has come to expect from Chevrolet; a stronger, sturdier frame, .with a 107 inch wheelbase 4 inches longer than before; non-locking four-wheel brakes; extra, independent emergency brakes; patented dual-action shock absorber springs, 90 inches on each side; ball-bearing worm and gear steering mechanism; improved valve-in-head engine, developing 34.6 per cent, more power; alloy "invar-strut" pistons; completely enclosed instrument panel indirectly lighted; deeper radiator with automatic thermostat control; larger balloon tires 30" x 4.50"; and many others in addition to the world-famous features which Chevrolet pioneered into the low-price field. In spite of all the engineering advancements made from year to year, Chevrolet has never before presented an achievement so sensational as the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. Come in and see it today! was a fine trip fulry enjoyed by all at east part of the time. Another extended trip was that of Ed. Gibbons. J. H. PUlsbury. Joe Scott. Thor Johnson and Tom Watt on th Bertha O After an absence of five days, they returned horn on Monday morning from Khutce Inlet with a satisfactory bag of eee and duck. Aboard the (Sea Maid, a party beaded by Oeorge Bryant and Ben Self left a week Friday for Kbuts Inlet and way. points They are expected horn this week-end. The Gammon, .5: Watt selneboat Bertha O. Is on the dry dock being sheathed with iron bark, better to fit her for running through 1c when occaaloln arise. The halibut boat W.T. Capt. Charlie Edwards, la in the McLean shipyard at 8eal Cove tor annual overhaul, repairs to her huU and installation of nw Halibut boat going 'on the Ward Way recently for overhaul preparatory to the opening of the season have in-eluded the Belma. M.AU.. W. and P.. Vnome and Edward UpseH. The tow-boat M.T. 3 was also up for some minor work. Fortunately no damage wa done on Thursday to Capt. Davie Itltchles hall-but boat Unome when the vessel, while being dropped with the tide on th Ward Waya for overhaul, failed to settle properly and keeled over Into the wharf. Only by a margin of inches did the pilot house pass between the plies, thus averting what might have been serious damage With block and tackl and th aid of an empty drum and, a derrlok. the vessel was soon righted, ttiuch to the relief of all concerned. Oammon tt Watt have chartered the sslneboat Meketchum from the B.C. Towage at Lighterage Co. and will use tne vessel for tending pounds as soon an the herring run commence. Headquarters of the Royal Canadian Naval' Volunteer Reserve on the east nd of the O T P wharf sr. being given a thorough Interior renovation. Mitchell & Currle have the work In hand. The reported traooln last Buudav of a blue fox on Tugwell Island hy a Met- laxatia native ha caused conalderabl speculation and a little studied thousht has Just about exploded the, theory of tn animal having com from Alaska a was suggested. Whan One thinks that the fox to have come from Alaska to Tugwell Island nnd avoided swimming any steed body oi water would have Had to have aklrted around Portland Canal and th headwater of th Naas River. It might be reuaomMe to assume that the fox would have to b very persis tent and longllved to reach hi destination. Perhaps more may be heard cf this fox story The selneboats Anna S. and Aaurlt were out prospecting diulu the week but found no sin of the herring run KAIEN GARAGE Dave Ross Prince Rupert, B.C. which I now about due. Th Zan-ardl waa also out during the wk getting the pound site near Mctlakatla In readiness. v Arrival of the (Is ft is now expected momentarily!. Undaunted by at least four or free previous and vain attempts that havt been made to connect ship and air, Jack Milton, cook of the lighthouse tender Blrnte. recslvcd on Thursday afternoon a five tube it o on which he haa since been busily . ounting. The Uys on th Blrnl are so : -rid of work that they cant even hear a dinner bell so Jack ha hit upon th mora nr. suaetv msans of cr.lllng them to break fast with an Australian church sermon to luncheon with a New York dinnsr dance and to auppor with an Oklahoma revival meeting. Th Intentions of His Cook may be all to th good but Jack Flint was seen to be slxlng up the contraption as if it might have bee.-. an infernal machine. to Vt09tV&&QE9&ti&l Vw4i- on Ttflirida f jVciTTWfc mbdV ... talaed a fall which resulted ln several rib btng broken. Speedy return was mad to port from, the vicinity of Captain "a Gov and the lad la now recelv. lng repairs. The Newlngton set out again on Friday morning. Jimmy Neville, well known In local fishery circles, returned to th city this week after having been Identified for the pr.. t couple of years on the west (continued on page five) 31 JANUARY Clearance SALE Special Bargain Tables 25c 50c 95c Phone 9 DRESSKS AT COST HUCK Uarjrnlns in nil Lines H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. 3rd Ave. nnd Fulton MOFFAT'S Electric RANGES Made in Canada. Sold the world over. There arc nior exclusive features In Moffntu than any other Electric Rmff Can be had with or without Kitchen Coal Heater. Thompson Hardware Co.,'Itd. !55 Third Avenue Prince Hupwt