fiSave Money Boston Grill io cbeapext, way to tray vne I IB New i to subscribe by the rear. The cost is sa.uu ana your i- delivered to your addree earn cv-iminu jui figure out in KnTill cost t you for thU daily f)ce fur twelve monttul mil No. 2:1 Wave Purchased a Site W lain :u : i.i eff : Should up prove ;ii!atilctory to -ion. tt.e police boaid will mnilak; n ol liiieMigullon to : nc edict HCti. n it ;. Mated, will . d)mtii, "I :x or right : tn- for. i" No lea- .1: 1 : "a.. Hint tl.t :iwlrt tl- fo' r. d:saliflea .. tne I.R. SKIPPER LOST IN SOUTH ixon Uoucralt riaauy trd in fnrllarK) llfwpltal CRASHED DOCK irB9raNr) laW miSHKhV'' ' "MM lslt ith Memory Ixwt ti t Jan. i8 Police were aea Mt.l for Capt.ii W Olaon fill veaff -f Re luiml com- (.1 Hie transpacific liners o R liolft hi home here Mon- at .in d li nut bren seen alnoa been acting a murine surveyor ti Mur.laiif L.kuranvc AdJUe- Nl. Jan 2B C anadian here tit -fieri W U x m Hopcraft. .tniiiaiiUcr of tlie CPS fcn-Aurtialia. 10 k man suffering y Ufwe. ho ha been in kit..! liere mice January IH n-ported u have lhed hla h .f-1 n-.-im. rf lit DollaPM Damage in When Teasel Crushed ng Hole in Structure ieli Jhh iH Twenty men llw- and rtuini.e eatlm- MadiraMlk - ny thuusantls of dollar waa'UlCky Ipor Business Block Hen Ue Message Indicate That Deal Made With Dybhavn and Hanson for Corner on Third Avenue -In night's news over the radio last evening, J. A. Morris la! picked u 1 'with the biir King-Cusader set for which ! distributor, the announcement that the big retail firm of '.,'!, Ltd. h;.d dosed u deal for the purchase of a location in 1: mi which the concern planned the erection of a large 7, en! .-ton-. The iime report .-.tnted that Woodwards' expected ! .! inuneli:it l lo announce through the preas their specific 1 onneitMin wan me project u 11 a." size 01 uuuaing I tc a- ween common talk in the city recently that Woodwards 1 negotiating fur the purchase of the double corner at the . 1 . r 1 j a ee I a a. 1 a. V 1 tii-- 0! ritin Mrt'fi ana intra Avenue, vnc iaci wai ejonn ....... . I 1 A 1 I 9T lv :ivi (Moi Hanson, owners 01 tne property, are DOtn in van- : the present time lends color to the report. A building 100 ; 111 dimension- is mentioned. NMil'VER. January 28. (Canadian Press), Woodwards 1 0:1. cement to he made yet. WCOUVERTO lYESHAKEUP IN THE POLICE .... . . .. , j . i A o- 01 JJimiHtui nam 10 ue the t urdx in the Rig City Jill "f llv . the nt: lie Var 1 written nave ln.ui t'-inpirle re- v ( dM 1 ! depart- . been "P rom - rur: lull- it is oecn iued lo , P.UHN.S MAV UK lll I Kl TO Itltlkli HlHKhmUtX TIUH Douglas TmnU tan new that there Is a ponlWlity at Murf . a vlalt here from A. O. OpM- 4 Hit's basketball teuti. ttm ataav 4 afer of the Vancouver ormmalaa- 4 tton was tn the city yestarday and sUKteeted that they might be induced to come here In March Th nutter la being taken up at once with a rlew to 4 havluc three games played here. 4 TOLMIE ASKS ABOUT SELLING THE P.G E OTTAWA. Jan Hon 8. f Tolmle. in tie Muuae ol Commons yesterday, atked If negotiations tor the acquisition of the Pacific Oreat Ea-.ern Railway b itt government of Canada or the Canadian National were under way Hon. C. A Dunning replied that lie would re-( quire a little not "e before answering. lYANCOUVER STOCK EXCHANGE SYSTEM TO BE MODERNIZED i VANCOOVEK. Jan 28 - Expansion ' and coropleUg moderniiuug of the sys tem and facilities of the Vancouver Block Exchange which will be undertaken within ten dayn will enable the xiu.nt;e to handle two million shares rt (lav. RADIO EMPLOYEE WAS ELECTROCUTED FRIDAY .VANC Ol VBR. Jsn 38. Jame Hoole, an eniulne. of a radio firm, we elec trocuted yiaterday when the radio aerial k. ... erertllllt crossed high tension w)ri' VANCOUVEIt i:chan(;i: BU- UlMunni . Coant C:pier . folk Province Duly Aln-kJ Dunwel) (leorne (p)er (i (lolixwula IllCtlHll L and 1. Jim . Nouiiwentein grain dock Marmot weii nllilit when the Premier ier c t if ok. crashed Porter Idano k Tin Hti-amer was only Hllverereat aged i.u; tlir mln dock. Bllvframlth mt saoo.uuu uimii 160 feet Surf Inlet ii.K hole about 60 feet high ouniocn I ide n nd 36 feet deep Torlr i.oiM- of the craft trained , Whitewater Wlir.-t Bid Asked. 80 .75 6100 57.00 .34'., .85 Si 18 8 78 840 .18 18 V, .81 .81 OS OB H Jl 41 I7Uj 8.50 840 .45 W 17 .83 .85 .00 8.70 4.00 S4M 4.10 311 3 38 1 i' CIGARETTES ! AND LIQUOR j REPORTED ON 1 Customs Commission AUo Would the cause ol smuggling liquor in Canada w tound It was owing to some extant to the high customs tar IS ou un- Mti tmtt Ori.l m tA ,i hlll Mil t on uquor manulwlured in aa as the sale of Uquor Is largely in the hands vf the vartoae liquor boards of the provinces, full benefit of the reduction could not be realised unless with co-operation ot the provincial authorities. DEVELOPMENT ATDUNWELL Work Will Probably Commence In .March Sayn Report of Director VHTflUIA. Jan. An iNlrrlm refKirt nl the dlrr,1ie ut liuHwell ' Mine Md. lee the pertod frum May I la lerewler SI. I8t7. aaya: "ttt-fejweeai rrversen were aaatalel frwm MMrrre bejtiiud rwntrwl. wf Jor dl-reetaew. Ore reerje dM mC lr nearly aa rttive m Ike MeewiHC wat Mmrejtew." Keftrenre ww miute (e tlie rtertlne f the weM Metal market m1 l Aagwat lite direHor erdrred the irssgllaw Vf wll sletlsawnit and elhte ra4UI rfeMlHaer anlll Ike flnaartal ataMHty iff the roes asm y w fall) swareel. "TWe wlaalaia wf thk Mswte has bee fall) hjll(leI ImI mnrli ad-veewr rrNlrtam Hwh keen made by not ronteewMt with the A aVveewpsiienl nrwgiwm will be rarrlMl mu at aa earl) date, H ht Mfwetett aboal I he 1ettalf af Maeah." As m are ery rkwr la aar b-ertlve twa ar three hvhIIw' week vNi aapfl) a great Seal af valwable tola rate Han bat ream kanwtealg aleeawjr gained It may uwiMy rhaage the whale aaaeet af lite are sHaaUaa. Ample fwvxli are available for Ikh wrk." LEADERS WILL 1 Cancel ISundinc Warehouse j for Export Liquor j OTTAWA, Jan. 38, The CueUros , oommlasKin report, tabled yesterday, re- j commend the canatllatUn of customs ! bonds for export houses." j It etttes that evidence was given be- Xore It Indicating that material .reduc- ' tlon In the excise duty on cigarette would materially diminish smuggling without tenously affectlug the revenue. ' The report 'alao says that In seeking 1 SPEAKMONDAY Hon. It It. Hennett Will Lead off In Debate, Followed by Premier Mackenzie Kins OTTAWA. Jan. as. -After sitting barely 00 minutes the House of Commons ad- Journea until Monday whan the Con- servaNta leader. Hon. tl. B. Bennett wUl span tha debate on the address and Premier Xing will be heard in reply. It wiu be a field day with the two leaders aa such meeting for the first time in parllamenUry debate. Premier King, soon after the How amatblad. tabled the long awaited report oa the ftoyal CommlaMon on oua- toma after which J. b. tlsley. Ubaral for He xtthe pros- tad and cited the Maritime provlnoes aa a oaee tn point. He soggeated trade treaties with Cuba and Oermany. the former as a stlaaulua to the export of Canadian potatees and the latter as a sttmulu to the export of apples air Beaubten of Provencher aeconded the addraas and dwelt on the new eta tua of the Dominion and pointed tj Canada's increasing importance lu world affair a Instanced by the coun-tiy'a election t n seut In the council the teaptte .-l Ni.'.lon. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PltlNCE RUPERT, B.C., SAT IT DA Y, JANUARY 28, 1928 WOSPJTAL HAS SUCCESSFUL YEAR; NEEDS NEW Woodwards Reported to THE LITTLK . (I.(NKL. the J-uehe-s of Yo.k. in pecl-i the King's Own Yorkshire Lijfh; infantry . of which she became toluiiel-iil-chief lnst AuKUst. Digby Islaftd Radio Station Completes Feat of Speaking Ship Throughout Long Voyage At 8 o'clock this morning, Dighy laland wire'.ess station again noke the big motorship Aorangi, this tiraa 10') miles from Auckland, Now Zealand, which port she will reach this afternoon. Aa Sydney, Australia, the final destination of the Aorangi, is about the same distance from Dig-fey Island aa Auckland, rotfghly 6.C00 mile, the local station hag now practically atteiplishl Um foal vf having been ip constant communfcat War .with a. vtal thxwjOjsit iris f,ro Ytetprig to the Antipodes It is the first time thai such a foot has been eartied out by a Pacific coast commercial radio station. General Hospital Reports Being in Good Financial Condition but New Building Will Be Needed Soon Two outstanding facts were brought to light aa a result of the anrraal general mooting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Asso ciation held last night in the City Hall, with the chairman of the board, J. H. Thompson presiding. These are the need of a new building in the very near future arid that the association is now out of debt with all the buildings and apparatus paid for and with a small nucleus toward a building fund. The result has been brought about through the careful management of the institution, as mentioned in the reports given last night and also through something which as not particularly meiitloned. the ' generous grants made by the provincial overnment and by the city. Without these ot course the boefrilal could not , function. i - There wa a nood attend do ineJud- ing several lad tec those present being Are. and Mrs F. W. Price, O. C MoBae. ! I. Unwln. Archie Baatty, T. McMeekln j AM. W. J Oreer. AiaV erey Ttaher, J. L. Christie. Ceorxe Rorle. 8. D. John- j ton. a. Suga. D O. Stewart. Steve King. Alderman Brow. V. C Orchasd. Mrs. Prank Oibb. M. U. Stephen. Dr. Cade. H. B. Ro heater, atlta Harrlaon Jhrls Klklna. R E. enaon, N. Mus-jilem. Mrs. Olsy Mr. Pyl. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons. Laurie Lambty and Secre- ary-mauagrr H y Birch. The atement and auditors report wa read ny the secretary snowing that the total reoalpu amounted to 87aJM5.l5 whlcii were made up aa fol lows: By Sale old bo '.rr. 885; Ele vator cable 5 80.00 Account reeovned 1.487.8S Orants B.C.Oovernmc:,: per oaptta 0.39O AS BC. Oovt Liquor Profit.. 4J80.50 City of Prince Rupert per capita 10.487.60 Donatlona 135 s.v Endowment fund. M 88.6 Hospital fees earned 47 167 AO Bank Interest 805 01 City cf Prince Kn part Isolation Hoapitiil nursing .. 688 JO Various municipalities refunds Membership fee 174.00 fX-Ray opert!oii- 1.044.08 Nurses books and plus 44 Oatoatlenti fee 86.60 At the close : the year there waa a surplus of 84.231 aa. , rH mm.ii ,M.rli af th KfMnltl e valued at b :.u i t agalnat which are set account payable amounting to 1 61.70747 and a unalt reserve for a ecu-1 ' tlngent liability ClltllOIAV'H ItMDKT 1 n.i i ! ch.ilrmHI! no year' operation follows: You bav the annual statement be-i continued on page ait I FOURTH ROUND ENGLISH CUP SOCCER GAMES UfDON. Jan 28 -Following are the "faults of the fourth round English Cup soccer games: Bury 1. Manchester United 1. Exeter City a. BUckburn ftovOM 8. Cardiff 8. Liverpool 1. Port Vale 3. New Brighton 0. Swindon 1. The Wednesday a. nouthpert 0. Mirldleaboro 3. Derby County 0. Notts PoreSg'O, Wrexham 1. Birmingham 3. Sunderland 1. Manchester City 8. Huduenfleld 8. Weat Ham t. 4ton Villa 3. Crewe AlexadSra 0. Stoke City 4. Bolton 8. Tottenham s. Oldham 0. Arneiial 4. Everton 8. Sheffield United S. Wolvernamptoa I Reading 0. Leicester 1. EX-KING CEORGEWINS FIRST JOCKEY' CAME VANOVOUVBX. Jan. 88 -4he Ik-Ring George hockey team let night defeated the Monarch two goals to one lu the first of a two game playoff for 1 1 lie city hockey champioimlup. IKKI.AMI BEAT HtMH BELFAST. Ireland. Jan as Ireland defeated Prance 1:V an international rugby game here today twelve polnta -i -. :;!it. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latent and best for the least Phone 457- V Price Five Cert's BUILDING H. G. Perry Urges Quick Action to Sell the P.G.E. If any Offer Received from C.I'.R. or C.N.K. Would let it go: Should be 110 Outlet North of C.N.1L he Thinks VICTORIA, January 28. Quick action on the part of the provincial government, in the disposal of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, was advocated in the Legislature yesterday in a speech continuing the debate on the addresH in reply to the speech from the throne. The railway should go to either the C.P.K. or the C.N.U., should either of them after to deal for it. He said it waa a ahame that settlers were induced to go in along the unfinished route with no facilities provided for them. He deprecated allowing the outlet to the Peace Kiver to go away from the Pacific coast where it pro-. ily u. -lunged by means of the CPU. and the C N R. making a ,olnt agree-, u:eut lo operate the I I) & B.C. riad. j iir leiry urged that the province hotilo tuc cart- lu reipect to allowing aty outlei north cf the O.T.P. line. Appealing on uehai: cf the ncrih counlry. Mr. Perry aa.d the day of the slogan "Co West" had pa --5d ni had '. become nther Gm North." The truth of ihU waa fhown In the development o! 1 .he northern parts of Quebec. Ontario and the r.rarr provinces and he b.ped he g.-verumuut would take a'.ep to hive the aame apply to the province of British Columbia If no of:er satisfactory to the province was received from any source for the TjOX. he hoped the trarnmeat would tab iteawta haws It carried through thernsalvM. . BeMenag to ehargee made by Coaaer-atlve member Thursday that seven per cent was being charged by the land settlement board under the government In this district, he sld. it waa a question for the farmer, not a to the rate of interest but of getting any l?en at all. They would be ready to pay nine per cent if they could get the money Reg. Hayward. Conservative of Victoria, charged the government wee being a profligate spender of the people's money end by the Imposition of taxes tne taxpayers oi n.t. , Mr Coventry. Conservative member for Saanlch. advocated that the province pey medical bills lo eases of maternity at a step t:i the direction ot health innrance. which he said would be tor the betterment of the race. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ifiLlsii i.t.iuii: , lltMn it Bernatoy 8, Pulbam 4. Blackpcol 4. Weetbr; mwic h 3. ChcUea I, Clapton Orient o. Uao 8. Bristol City 8. LUAUI t IIUWtM I. Clyde 8. Alrdrteoulan a Dundee a. Heart 7. Dunfermline 3. Aberdeen 3. Talk irk 8. Partlck 1. Hamilton l. at. Mlrrcn l Hibernians 8. St. Johnstone a Kilmarnock 8. Celtic 8. Queen's Park 8. Motherwell 1. Ralth Rover 0. Cowdenbeath 1. Rangers 8. Bones 1. MAJOR SHOEBOTHAM 0FM0UNT1ES DED DAWSON. Jan. 38 - Major T. M Bhoebotham. commanding the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, died suddenly let night frum a hvart attack aa be entered a ball to attend a card party He came here from Vancouver in October last. WOULD REDUCE SMUGGLING TO UNITED STATES SEATTLE. Jan 88 If the liquor house of BrttUh Columbia are j put out of htmlneaa It would reduce i flinuuKllng oi loquor lino lh alxte by nearly 100 per rent. William M Wlilt-I ney, aaslatant prohibition admliil.ualor declared, when commenting on the Can-adlHii C'ustimia ('omnitaaion recoiumen - STOCK PRICES MOVED DOWN AT VANCOUVER Ijow Priced Iaaues Dropped off Moat but Practically all Were Shaded VAMOOTJVBB. Jan. 88. I rota ranging three to aurueu aotnta wore !-yesterday by arm eat W aoore of low priced lssu4 hMTjrAjAror1ta asjre shafeaj down gWsWjSlwTy mdre. Profit taking wa evident oat the volume of trade was not as great as on he previous days. Coast Copper wa ;ror.ger In the morning but weakened in late, trading Torlc did likewise. OFFICERS FOR THE HOSPITAL that weighed heavily upon the people, i . had forfeited all claims to support ofJThree 1, Taea MRht in Cheating Direetbrs Owing leTie At the meeting of the Prince Rupert Ocneral Hoepital Acsortatloa held In the city council chamber last night a board i of directors fcr the u SO I Ing year was Ichceen O P. Tinker. It B. saocheatcr. J L. ChrUtie and J. H. Thoaaaeon were Ichcteti cn the firu ballot but there . wa a tie between M. H. Staphan and-' lOeorge Wilkinson which 8411 peraUted on ! the second ballot. Hag HUM gave U I tc 10 In favor of Mr. llutsin who wa theielcir choaen. OtMtl whose namos l were put In nomlnatiea wore Messrs. iBeatty. Orchard. McMeeMa and Benscn. while D. O. Stewart and Chil Elklne relu-ed tc accept nomination The boarvl wUl meet MOaday to choose officers GRAIN VESSEL SWAINBY HERE The Briuah freighter Swalnby. Prince Rupert s thirteenth grata ship of the eaaon. arrived in -port at 11:80 this morning after an uneventful voyage from the Old Country. She is already lined and will btart loading at the first of the rek a full cargo of grain for the United Klundom or Continent The Swalnby waa met St Triple Island and piloted In by Capi. J. B. El-fert. harbor matev. : f I BRITISH MINISTER i TO OTTAWA HAS NOT I YET BEEN. APPOINTED I OTTAWA. Jan. 88 - Tne matter of a Brtinh minister or lla ton officer to 'Ottawa la one for the British govern-! ment tn deride and far no name has ' been snnmitted to Ottawa, stated government official. In answering a quea-! tlon baaed on the rep-rt that Sir William Joynxon Hickj. home aecreury, ould be tin- oeuiiiiut'a choice. i llltst ULAtl. MENTONK Frame. Jan. 38. -Ibauez. in ii.-ii, ..uun... a. u u't tuday. 1 11 i 4