lAOE SIX For USDaiMS Only MANY men do not realize that; washday brings the dreariest drudgery into their homes. Relief from this irksome toil is a gift within man's power which will be more appreciated than "gold or rubies." Let us explain the many varied service our laundry offers. . . all of them within the average family budget. . . and any of which will definitely banish the tedious toil of washday from your home. Call 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian LatMd iry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Goitre is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. It is usually accompanied by constitutional weakness and other nervous disorders. In the three types of simple goitre, the trouble is easily removed in a few months, while in the exop-thalmic type (Graves' Disease) it is necessary to receive treatment over an extended period. Chiropractic accompanied by other natural methods, will speedily remove the cause of this distressing inco-ordination and the sufferer speedily restored to normal health. Wo are as near you aa your telephone. Phone Green 211 W. C. Aspinali Rooms G and 7 Exchange Work Houis O.IJO to 12.:U); 1.30 to 5 ISO p.m. Kvfiiing.H frorr 7 to 8 Lady Attendunt MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $!.()() 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcliride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Dlock Phone 675 DENTIST LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Maoej and ohUd, who have been on a visit to Vancouver for the peat two or three weeks, returned to the city on the Princess Mary this afternoon. It 1 reported that the stea ceaa Royal will ahortlv be nl the Prince Rupe OTanaiffl C.P.I joast tei service t o4r manently relieve' Princess .Beatrice Passengers salllnn this afternoon on we princess Mary for Alaska Included A. Nelson, Capt. and Mrs. WUllam An derson and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mason for Ketchikan: Mrs. A. Jdhnson for Juneau, ! and M. Burke for Skagway. Paaaensers arriving in the eltv frm Vancouver on the Princess Marv thin afternoon Included Mr. and Mrs. N. w. Prlngle. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Macey. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Colllson. A. E. Weaver. LAST Big DRIVE We have secured a few Extra Labels for the "Shamrock Hams" Contest HUY HALE A HAM AND GET A LAIIEL We are Riving a Five Pound IJox or Chocolates 1o the Winner This week and to the end of the contest we will give free one 75c tin of the most expensive tea in the world with each whole ham sold. Special price on Hams, per lb. :iTf MORE FREE GOODS A Reautlful Rubber Apron Frte with a few liars of Soap. Come in and see us about it Heinz Deans This Week 5 small tins for 5 medium tins for l)."r Heini Catsup and Pickle Special-One Sweet Mixed One Sour Mixed One Catsup Value $1.35, for J)."r B.C. Butchers & Grocers lumited Phones 15 and 571 OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND ROYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISH-INGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller. Proprietor mar. t Awvw llSir "11.. uscrve ruuu Jo-days Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Miss Anderson, 11. D. Forde. 8. McOofTin. A. P. Alleson, A. II. Flulalson, R. M. Read, Trevor A. Clarke, R. Soyes and A. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Colllson returned to the city this afternoon on the Princess Mary from NoLson where they were called three wceka ago on account of ihe serious Illness of their daughter, the l-tf Mrs. Trevor A. Clarke, who subsequently passed away. The widower accompanied them home and will be here for a few days. The funeral of the late Mrs. Clarke took place In the outh. KIM.KII lV ;LST. NORTH VANCOUVER. Jan. 28. Christian McLean. 40 years of age, was Hied when he was struck on the head c'.urlng blasting operations on Centre 'd. Cash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulton' and Cth Avenue SAVE THE COPPERS Capital Creamery Bricks 4:if 14's $..i)S E.C.D. Creamery Bricks .... 4C 14's $( H Highest Grade Creamery Butter in bulk, 3 lb for SjU.tiS Flour, 49's, any brand $-..VJ Pastry, 10's 57? Sugar, Granulated, 10's T.i? Milk, per tin 12f Malkin's Best Nabob and Blue Ribbon Tea 70c; Coffee in tins (J."r Fresh Ground .)r CANNED GOODS Tomatoes, 2's l ie.- V 17c Peas, size'5 l,"r Ts :() 3's 2."c Corn, per tin itfji Libby's Asparagus 21)f Pork and Beans, large tins. . t- Campbell's Soups l ie Heinz Soup lt! Law sise I !)e Canned Fruits, assorted, 3 tins for CEREALS White Beans, per lb Hf Split Peas, per lb 1)0 B. A K. Rolled Oata, Ta .... ,:jf China Oats, packages IW? Swift's or Burns' Side of Back Bacon, per lb -ISe Circle (S) Picnic Hams, per lb -It Hams for the contest, per lb. :t.i California Prunes, 4 lb. for '.Wf Black and White Figs, peHb. V2f Naptha Soap Special, bar Kf) Sun4irht Soap, 4 bars for .. Royal Crown Soap, G bars for ti."ic 3 DOZEN PULLET EGGS Extra, strictly fresh $1.18 Frch .Milk nnd Whipping Cream $.1.00 Orders Delivered Free Phone 301 Brand" BREAKFAST FOOD." Daily by DEMAND "Rupert THE DAINTIEST Smoked Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Lid. Prince Rupert. R.C. THE. JJHLZ NEWS Saturday, .T GENERAL HOSPITAL REPORTS hkiku in CJOOD l lNANtl AL CONDITION (continued from pag"o one) fore you, and as Alderman Tinker, chairman of the finance committee will deal with this In deiall. I will not com- ment on It other than to say that the Hospital's financial obligations have been promptly met throughout the year. Several Improvements and repairs have been completed in the course of the year and C. II. Elklns. chairman of the house commlttre will report on ihese, ahowlna that the nremlses are being kept in a state of good repair. , The training school operated In con nection with the hospital ; doing good work and la under the direct super- i Islon of Miss Harrison, the lady super- I mtendent of the hospital, who ha.i had wide experience In hospital practice , nnd In teaching. This sch ol affords an ; excellent opportunity for young women ! to qualify as graduate nurses, and to , those who contemplate taking up that vork I would eUggest that they apply to Miss Harrison at an early date. I desire to take this opportunity to thank the members ol the medical profession who nave given so freely of their time and talents In lecturing to the pupils of the Tru:ulnj School. Ill ll.llNi KIM) The hospital has been filled to capacity a number of times during the year, and an additional building pro gram soon wUl have to be outlined to provide adequate? accommodation for tee sick, with this end In view your board has established a building extension fund which we hope will be augmented Mm time to time. The Important place that public hospitals oc cupy In the economic life of the pro vince la reflected in the government statistical reports. ' Figures are not available tor 1931 but in 1926 no leas than 59322 patients were treated In the B.C. public hospitals. This means that approximately one person in every ten of our population was a hospital patient during the year. To the Ladies' Auxiliary for furnishing a ward and for donating chairs and alto for their thoughful gifts at Christmas; to the members of Hill 60 Chapter I.CUD.E. who have been untiring In their effort in connection with the children's ward; and to all others who, either by donation or kindly Interest have promoted the el 'are of the hospital we tender our sincere thanks. Personally I desire to thank the members of the board. for their support dur-ng the year and - also Miss Harrison and her staff for their loyal co-operation. My thanks are also tendered to H. W. Birch, whose real for the hospital Is 4 TO EUIlOPfc 1 of makH: reservations hov. FROM SAINT JOHN To llrllaM, IJerpool Veb. 10 Metagama Mar. 1 Moniclare to Mar, 16 Montcalm Mar. 30 , . Montclare To iluiw, Lhrrpuwl 17 Mellta ftb. 34 Mlnnedosa Mar. 9 Muntrose Mar. 23 Mlnned Mr. 30 Hellta t To Olasgow only Tm f'lierlMHtri-siiutliauiptoii-Anlwerp Mar. 1 Montnalrn Mar. 15 Metagama Mar. 33 Marloch H Apphr to rverywbcr or M H j. J. FoastEk, fj W 8.1. Ocntcal Paw. Agtnt. 11 C.P.R. Sutloa. VanMw. jff Tdsphonc jEr Seymour IU0 This Watch Good Value $18.00 We offer this week a very reliable Man's Watch at a moderate price. The reifu lar price Is $20.00. Plain (fold filled case 1G site. Screw back and front. 17 jewels, white dial with L'uck hands and figures. We guarantee it to be satisfactory as we have handled this make for years and find them the best timekeepers at the price we ever had. ONLY FOUR IN STOCK 19 oJewelles the srtme with the ctoq KftEaJSlML.W.nsVI 13 -y 4iS3& V a s r era i i j 1 WHY BE EMBARRASSED BY PERSPIRATION ODOUR It's so eaay to avoid this -obnoxious social error. Simply use Lifebuoy, the superb toilet soap, for face, hands and bath. Let Lifebuoy's creamy, antiseptic lather neutralize the one to two pints of moisture which the human body expels daily through the pores. When you use Lifebuoy you can be sure of never giving offence from bath to bath. LbSSt HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects LCVCd GROT H 8$ UMITCQ TORONTO J mainly responsible for It's favorable financial position. JAMBS C. THOMPSON. Pres. lIXAXCi: COMMITTIX O. P. Tinker reporting tor the Finance Committee said: The jear 1827 has been one of great activity in all departments of hospital work. These of you who have followed hospital activity will have observed evolution lp the scope of work undertaken, man; improvements have been made which have been referred to by the chairman of the house committee C. H. Elklnsi. The financial statement which you have before you reveal and shows the institution to be in an easy position. In my report of 1M6 I alluded to the-mortgage on tike Nurse's Home tod expressed the hope that so effert would tw nude during 1937 to clear up the outstanding Indebtedness. This I am glad to advise has bean done, the fiasi paymeut having been made on AUgus. of last year, exactly IS months ahead the time the final payment was to become due. thus both Hospital and Nurses' Home at December SI, 1M7. were free or debt. Dealing with aaaeU. you will notice that cash on. hand and. In hank amount S3.41B.56. and accounts receivable at M.609.20. This Utter item may not be received for some time. The statement has, however been prepared with care and has not been overestimated, m other words this aset is considered to he worth 100 cents on the dollar. A reserve, of a book value of HMO for extension of the building, and for extraordinary contingent nnipuega, ha-been iet up .nis year. We expect u have to meet in the near future a heavy item for repairs (such m t an roof) and' to lake cam pf suck a contingency the board decided to set thu sum s'lde. On the liability side of the balance iheet, you will note there are unpaid ac-counta of el.t707 which are now paid Two other items totalling IS1S.0S. which may not be a liability but are really sums held In suspense, they appsared In the IS3S statement and we do not think they will have to be paid. (The auditor t notice is present and will, li you wish, explain exactly what these items represent). 1 wish to mphasfke the fact that thu encouraging re pert is only made possible by the excellent services rendered by Miss Harrison and staff and the untiring energy of Mr. Birch, the managing secretary. OTIIKU ItU'OICTH The report of the lady superintendent. Miss Harrison, showed that there were during the year 0 medical cases. :tai surgical. 117 obstetrical, six infectious and IS tubercular. The avenge stay of patients In the hospital was 17.S day. There were 48 deaths, S3 major operations a&d 318 minor. In connection with the training class nve nurses had graduated, seven pre-bationers aere admitted, and six accepted as pupil. 7.1 staff consists of lady superintendent, fwretlng room su- dXaffiir Whb- menta that had been made during the year, called attention to the need of better water pressure and thanked the fire chief for testing apparatus and the member of the committee and the staff. Mrs Pyle reported for the ladles' auxiliary. At the clow votes of thanks were passed to the ladles' auxiliary, to mil 00 I.O.D.E , to the press, to the superlii-li-ndfiit of utilities, to the lady super-ii.teiHl.Mil and stuff and hoard of mun-'"' -v l' i reuiUrtu. WESTHOLME TH TONIGHT ONLY at 7 is j' 4 i EATRF Ronald Cohan A screen presentation f IVn-ival ". Wii m : which is the ultimate in screen achievement. RONALD COLMAN. MARY IlltlAN. NEII. IHMI I NOAH RKKRY. NORMAN TREVOR, VICTOR M. I V ,i WILLIAM POWELL, ALICE JOYCE, and man 01 her - COMEDY -ALICE, THE LUMlIrtlUAl K. PATHE REVIEW Admission Clearance and 9 in - 50c and lTc on all 7th Street and !nl Av' n11' (iREATER HARG.MXS THAN EVER COATS DRES5ES HAS Hosiery and Lingerie To Every Woman who is eager for new ideas in home decoration i combinations for the sun porch, new color schem.-room, new color beauty everywhere in the house -"u inif Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . Hi Hint f'ttot lf I Mnva VlCHmit. Ilule4lle. Alert TtayVelr T.i .Ml,. i " am ,(TOK,A' " IUy. .tlt Vu. v, u ' t0t ti?AulVJS,A J1"? '-"TH. ALICE A KM. AW ... 2Ti".AllT Wnd. Monday, t p.m. Ill tnd Arenue. it, m. SMI II tm , ,,, We are Offering for One Week Commenting Friday, a special Discount of 20 per cent. EVENING FROCKS We have themn Fhe lutest .shades and style and " at very reasonable prices. WATCH OUR WINDOW DISPLAY JABOUR ...... nip BROTHERS, LTD. ''hone G 15 tarn