THB DAILY NEWS PAGE TWO whir it is U fo wav A 1 1 fair. vh a I: i .'I. : iik ! hat Jl.opl. here. better to pa--si.isfli. l'lei Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Hi. nti'. that i" it.- HEll' TERRACE (iOl.F LINKS i, ; i l'ri in e I ; upi'i t jiid will bo I"'. i'li- oi Trrr.-nc in putting in a golf .; -i-;-.ti..;i i' ! nectsarv in order t Best flavour-preserving package known Airtight 'aluminum Fine quality leaf Delicious blending- fresh pure delicious Over 200 million pounds sold Put up in four grades Black, Green or Mixed varieties Test this tea. The Daily PRINCE RUPERT - UR1TISH COLUMBIA Published Every Aftarnpon, except Suhdaftr, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third tenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Massing Editor. Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.S0 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per ugate line .13 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 8G Saturday, April 21, 1928 CANNED SALMON HUSINESS The business of handling the canned salmon from the Skeena and Naas Rivers belongs naturally to Prince Rupert. There is here a huge dock and warehouse built especially for the business and yet the salmon does not come here. The fish is caught in this district by outside people and it is shout tim w; .!'J.-' a .i.'i,i;, ,i( fu:Ti:.ii jr.i, "I a pi- iiuc u- v'i'iU ma brmiv'lii h tti Ih !;i thai! t.i boats tnuiMi r Eiiht '. traitc i i 1 ( U - i ! 1 1 - llt'lV I v.cild i-.t'li :',-- il i II not m : SioWS !,; 'I Ml il iai (in ; the : i ' inal-i i' I'M i- lii' ) in. . ollllit'l., liny all a ii it a,,-.: I"-: Illlhill i a. 'ikkI ji: en ri'U - u;v'-t thin port get some of the business. It Is i I'.at i i ' ; .' made people here ask for the moth. If we had our own pro-- h h that the fish would have to be rt'sliipnit'tit. pi. hi l.c v-ooci hu-iness for the salmon it tnulil MTtainlv he done cheaper nl. Ii the C N R . CP U. or Union ;. ii will lie c;is to arrange for the .i m if uc hae to t ommandi'ei the m 'it' and kc-H. should y made to tl drive hard ie board nt' !o get that a-ked to rn-.n;i:-so at thai have u report or! people may go tor u holiday. ing piepai'iu to the people of the inteiior town and o he evpeiteil i: willl h- brought to tin it i . m . With and a gas-clcrtrir ear operated on the rail-. we .-hall le ;.ivl!y soon ready U entertain Tour- aine time prov ide a l.olidav rei reutimi for tile PRINCE has b -sary i til. I HI 'I III PERT FAIR lefmiteh decided to go ahead with the ma 'no it a -'icceas. It would have been ' it be failure through lack of enthu- McCatiery hM a strong board of directors and there i- uo reason why the present should not be a banner year. strongly urge that citizens unite in this matter and make the present year far overtop all previous efforts. TOLMIE MAKES IltS ENTRY Hon. S. F. Tolmie has formally made hia entry into D.C. political life by accepting nomination at Saanich yesterday. It is his home district and doubtless he will be elected there. Doubtless, too, he will now resign frem the Federal Houae and devote his whole attention to British Columbia, with which place he has thrown in his lot, politically. MEDICAL MEN sre laying the bantu and hauling their nets on PATRfil RAWlf HAlTIIS BEING rHIftULDAimOj REHABILITATED BY TIIEV I'l.Y PKlMON OS HHHlMi tiKOI NO AMON4. 4 HKWS Of rttM H KSSM.S BOSTON. Mrs April 20 Two medical men are members of the uff of the coartguard rutirra M -dor and Mr-Jave. assigned to putrol duty off thr Orsnd Banks on u looko.i: f::r lefburcv But tlx; doctors' dut: urr not cjuriivO to nMiiitaliitnv tt'r hrtilth nf th? crf Th"y sre rilled u;mn )'ton to minister t' rr?s of K'le-i. h flsiiln vpmstN Which cress the A'.l int'.r ) ply i'h ,r trade on the urest tih : ijt grounds. Tht jrhi-lao are the only medical men wh"e advlt and Bid in nvtlable to cr?ws of thev small rmt while 'h- y THE UNITfiD STATES WASH1NOTOH. DC. April 20. Haiti !. being rehabilitated at an almost un-Ittltrvable pa e. In the opinion of John H. Russell. United States High Commissioner, who baa reported to Hon. Frank B. Kellogg. Secretary of State. :i the nrcompllshmente of United S'ntei olflrlal during the last year. The prosperity and happiness of the Hn'tlan eople have been msterlally n rcnsptl. lit declared, and the flnsn-clal policy inaugurated by President Homo shortly after assuming office m lr?a has resulted tn establishing their .'Innnres on s sound basis EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK April 21 to 28 Made of the finest Canadian Wheat by Canadian Workmen in our wonderful new Canadian Factory at Nlaftara Falls. Keep the wheels of Canadian Industries turning. Empire Buyers are Empire Builders' PARLIAMENT WORKING HARD 5 .VIKMM'.KK AUK JIST NOW IlE.VI.IXO WITH ItKi l"KSTllNS AT OTTAWA (By K. J. IJeachuian) OTTAWA. April 21. The members HvAfhturWa to their solemn talk and chiTWS In the city of Ottawa. The respite- hae brought the ttlosm of healtr) tc faded cheeK?. MI'VlCS (Ml members were Tr.o asslduout In the weCHtuifllfct seme of our a selves out. Members are always glaM to get away tor a few days. Ottawa Is a fairyland of enchantment to the new-camer. Anticipation Is always greater than real!-attoo. ThoaV who have made tripe the session hss a charm of novelty. (Setting back tor a few stays at borne la welcome relief. Many members of the. civil service are glad to see them go. The member of parliament has an insinuating nose for !!ews. There sre a tremendous lot of hino hp wants to find out He asks .jueitions. He ask them persistently ind then when tired out with the task, like the small boy at the close of a hard day's play, he Is always able to lcok up and still ask "why?" Mow all thete things engage the time of the :ivll servants. Civil servants, as a rule, are hard working people. Their hours may eem short to those who go out io tend the stock when the frost Is on the pumpkin and the corn Is In the shock. But It's a type of work that kills and no one who knowa. envies the work of the civil servant at Ottawa. THK C OKKKHrONDCNCK COMES for some time, conversations have teen going on between the United States and Canada In regard to the deepening of the 8t. Lawrence Canals. Naturally enough these negotiation are not carried on directly under the eyea if .newspaper correspondents. We have not yet reached that stage of open dip-Umacy. Borne curiosity was exhibited from tune to time In regard to these matter and statement have been made In the press dealing with the proposed arrangement. Needless to say, these discussions hsve been preliminary only. We sre not likely to rush into the eon--uctlon of the St. Lawrence Canals i: : over night arrangement without .I i-Mon before the people of press Itself." "II the project were one that would come in the course of time, and he believed It would, then the country would be all the surer by proceeding step by step in the right direction." out sun's For some yean. Canada has had. a merchant marine. It has been a considerable cause at worry. These ships were built during the war period when of construction was high. At the the operating loss was ai.OO.000.00. This fell to MUAOO.OO in I92S and IMM0.0O la. IBM. In 1437, it Increased to 73C uasr year' waw 'poor- yeav tot the owners of ships. The volume of traffic moving from Canada to the United Kingdom fell off. The earnings were serlouily curtslled and sailings on some lines had to be cancelled or re-arranged. Sir Henry Thornton espressos greater hope for the coming year. The ownership of these vessels is a heritage from he war. We would not have gone into the business had we not been drawn into It. But It would appear that we have perhaps reached a atage at which the Idea of sending good money after bad. might be worth considering. Strange as It may seem, that Is sometimes the most worthwhile method of getting your own back. With modem ships displacing some of the old ones, even with added capital cost we might succeed much better. The method Is at lrast worth considering. TIIK NATIONAL ItAII.WAYH The report of the national railways u a much more hopeful document. Despite the fast that earnings this year ncre not so heavy as last year, there Is abundant evidence of the fact ttuA the system is being co-ordinated and that i bunch of railway shreds snd patches, ure being brought together In one coordinated whole. The earnings of the telegraph systeJh coatroHetf 'by he rsii way', sre improving. 'Trie hotel systeai is producing better results, improved' terminal facilities must be provided at Mont rest within the next few years. Incressed expenditures along this line may be anticipated In other cities,, but Montreal la perhaps entitled to early consideration. "The editor aald that I more fire into my verses." "Cheer up. He might have more versee Into the fire." must put Id put Man in the Moon Think what a- brilliant man nea ue, Ht'd knack, them all kerflumniock. Ii only thlnga were different so His skyplece wax Ui stomach. Many a g(rl marries a his figure. She likes hl bank book. Twould be great fun to be a breese And blow about the silk clad knees. But many knees without a doubt Are nothing much to blow about. 3 man because to ae, lj She. looks just like a dressed up stick;, Her daughters look like logs. The reason Is because they buy By mall fiwm catalogues. The nasty hens. Some missionary women of the United States want to keep the girl Who was once Nncy unnw .mt r th. united States. They abroad usually express the opinion that) fc of lw , prmcei, the most oeiignviui pan. w ""t,nd daughters having to marry first glimpse they got or tneir ordlMrv united States cltl- land on return. Members ox parltament are mucn un same. Lumiug A stout man was shocked to see a bov eomfortablv seated In a crowj street car when two women were stand ing. 'Get up and let one of these ladies sit down," he said. "You get up and let them both si down." replied the boy Instantly. The first day in school the little boys took: then- seats and waited until the teacher took their names. The first one said that his name was Si. "No," the teacher oorrected. "you musyn't say 91. Say Silas." Next she came to one who said hi name was Tom. "KoJ aald the teacher Impressively 'it's Thomas.' i "And now. , little boy." she Inquired of a lad In the end row. what is your rams?" "Jackass." responded the bright lad These are the days when women begin to think about spring cleaning and men about visiting the dub. When wtfle gets the fever And starts to clean and scrub. Just see how quick the husband makes A bee line for the elub. This city la full of optimists Quite a lot of them every day bellere the nu bout "" md lerltackenaleKliig stated a Hows: i ujw. ' mment had taken the Tie Lawrence! Jk J wh nU, to utset that the Bt. " for cu" " , one of the largeat with u momUj the crap shooters the police ada had ever been faced. ahouM wund UP wnlW the ome In the big aave felt that we ,tUI th Dcm' ga romm : the preliminary negla- i: 11- ,h :i have thus far taken place mlon- . :nt utmost caution, not with , , .d on the other hand. ' you 'r ,t with undue delay but rather really Intelligent people become the of wbD they get oh ts the witness stead. ahould make progress in light the importance of the protect and In a way which win enable public opin ion gradually to formulate and e Uost heroes are men and so are the 'historians. Is it merely a coincidence? When a ban layi an egg the rooster also cackles. That's a way they have In the chicken yard. of trouble. However, there hat been a street gradual tendency to Improve. In IBM, 'Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert A I'll 1 1, to, I Dig. City Solicitor Fred Patera, K.C.. urged' bottom of the tale lies the fact, that; to the police commission yesterday they are not by any means efficient afternoon that the restricted district be ship in comparison with ones which reopened. Since It had been closest, he oave come Into use in later years. Their said, supervision by the police had be-coal consumption is large. They areeome much more cUBVult. Conamls-slow. Operating cost is heavy and so jsloner 8. D. Macdonald tetd of certain tbey have been more or less a matter disorders that had occurred on Pulton It la urged that. In the present time of war stress, Utat pastel would be better feeding sheep the Jst dogs. , Mrs. Robert eleven. bse of Private Olbson, was presented with a tea set by the Ladles' Auxiliary to the St. Andrew's Society at a tea In the home of Mrs J. Oeatpbell. MeMordle Apartmenta, .tritll. l. 1918. j J. P. Babeock. assistant eommlaskmer of fisheries for the province. Is enthus iastic as to the possibilities of flat Hi lung out of Prince Rupert. He has A Double treatment for A I dache Run forehead and temples with Vicks; also melt in a cup of hot water and inhale its healing vapors. This clears the head and usually brings .quick relief. If headaches are continuous a physician or good oculist should be consulted. dMWeo WAPORUB 0mr ttMiuioNJARsUsioYcMLr The Time, the Place, and .... YOU STAT OUT FOtt THE OPPICE AND fINt VESTERDAY.5 RAIN HAS TURNED TO ICE TO-DAY AND YOU PRO CEED VERY CAUTOU3UY spent a week here. Editor. Daily Ifews. . r -AND JOE BEARISH ACROSS THE WAY SEES YOU AND STARTS TO LAUOH , WHEN VrfHAMl HE DOES Ht3 STUNT ALSO mm CUT PLUG Soothing yet a man's smoke COOL AND FRAGRANT Three local hotel keepers will be c'larged before Magtrtrate Cam In city slice court tomorrow morning with manufacturing Ikjuor on their raises. Bill M Chapter. I.O.OJ!., will give a varied entettainaeent In the Weatholme Theatre st the first of the week. J In The Letter Box WITCIICIMFT C,KH. There has been some correspondence In your paper lately condemning the treatment of Billy Williams. Indian medicine man. in a recent case, and the question haa been asked, why not I allow these medicine men to continue !to practice their "charms": it having I been suggested that white people have practices somewhat similar. The answer to all this is that when the Indian Is allowed to carry on with JBh heathenish Dractlcea it Invert. ttiry 'Woe to trouble and 4jl Mterrf to murder, aa witness the Uard witch craft cases we had here .several years ago. where the victim waa tied out In the Arctic winter in order to drive the evil spirit out of him. and as a result of which he waa fnocen to death. If the Indian medicine men would con fine their magic to harmless healing It might be all right, but unfortunately when they hold this power over their fellow Indians they are led through desire for gain, or revenue, or some other such motive to practise It for evil. With regard to the -'iticlsm that the case upon which be . a convicted waa some three years old I .- aay that the police have evidence of Williams practising witchcraft v.-itl- - the last six months, but In th? former they had s complete case f.init i,tm wj,lch was ineir reason ror i.-.jiiig the chsrge ss they did. In reply to those critics of our crim inal laws let me ssy thst there Is us ually sound Judgment and common sense behind the various sections going to mske up our Criminal Code, and the section regarding witchcraft was not putk faiskr FTKU TUB HONKVMOfJj "aald the brMegroom to bride when tbey returned from their honeymoon trip, "let us have a clear understanding before we settle down to married life. Are you the President or the VI-e-Pralent in this house-hold" "I want to be neither President or Vlee-Prtsldeiit." she answered "I win be content with a subordinate position." "What pout ion is thst. d.nrr "Treaaarerl" The Royal. Saturdn;. , SLIPPING AND BE.3P1TE everything Whang : J -AND VOO PINAULV REACH THE OP(T,CE,-OET OUT FRIEND PIPE tTS THE TIME , THE PLACE, AND OOP EN'S A FEW PUFFS -AND WILL -VOO EVSR FORGET HOW FUNNY OOE LOOKSD Mi WA Hl- X a fl ww .1. Va. " I ai'V- . h Ti I jri7 i SAVE THE POKER HANDS" Canadian National Steamships Co. Li Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AM) SHIPYARD Operating I..T.I. M.000 Tim I'loatlng Dry Dink RnpIneeTM. Machinist. Hoiiermakera. Hlnckamlths. maker, I 'mind era. Woodworker, Etc. KI.FCTUIC AND ACETYI.KNK WELDING. CANADIAN Vacific Our plant it equipped to handle all kind." . f MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketrhlknn. Mrsiigell. janeaa. six I Kkagsray .tttm Ii II. Apt'1 1 Tn VanroHtrr. Vleluria u .... . .. . rrwi )rn s, io, 11, .w. IRINf fss HOVAI. laainlieli idter and Vancouver errrr I'rldsv 10 nm w. r. fikr-nuti. . ;1. '' rri- Cnrner of 4lli Rlret and Srd Avenue. rrlur. iinV.rt it r r " City Meat Market ttELVIO IJROS.) 3rd Avenue phone .fi MEAT. FISH, VECJETAHLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWIUJIAN PRODl'CE at low pricea, and Immediate delivery Observe! All nrtlcles are of mperlor quality and i ' l" ' ' fresh. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED .. N?1"'"" from Prime It rf T..rHl-v: pm,,l,"KIV Hm""in "'. liuinlale. Air'1 'w ' i-"!; .e'LVM5j.vV,rT.LIIA- MlUle. lerl Siiim l" '"' fUy eli.. iot lor pour siMrho ami was nivrtt iVivt liiii... m ,:a,pVrfVOX' ,TnvA" "ktMrOHT ItS llid Avenue. n, yi flvimi ,, i.ri... grti (" IJ Tlironili tlrl.fl, sel.l VIHorta ind ELVm. .,i' a:'f" Ihroiilti tn desllnstUir. - '