I ClSt. WI2 Alt OUT Is damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator, ensuring cool in summer and warmth in winter. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and Gravel Hoofing Galvanized Hoofing Chimney Tops Eave Troughlng Conductor Pipe Hoof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows Metal Hoofs and Siding Phone 310 Box IG7 : 111 Km el I A f I i rappers i I ' I Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, cey-ofe, wolf, foxes of all kind, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue FISHERMEN ! for Pumpernickel Bread Rye Crisp and other Bread, come to The Rupert Bakery Baked in an oven, heated by otl which insures a well baked loaf and one that will stay moist. Phone CIS J. r.aron C. IllMert 'Proprietors World's Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' Asa'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records undor tioyexmrwnt Infection. While and Brown Leghorns. Barred Rocks, R.I. Rods, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorcas, Blue Andalusian Order Now. Reasonable Prices. For Price List write Secretary. Prof. Lloyd, University of B.C., Vancouver, B.C. :moss t TERRACE DEALS LOCAL AFFAIRS don and E. T. Kenney aa well aa n. tend a big auction sale put on by Bd Halllwell. clerk, being in attendance. Rbv The value of governmen' property alterations within the municipality was placed ai here. eil,08, according to a letter from the seasor's department. I I. a. Arnold and son have taken over As thla property Is non-assesslble and the old Beaton barn - headquarters no revenue collected from it by tasa- for the transfer business . have (je tton the report was filed. tabtiabed hare. A letter from the public works de- - - pertinent announcing that Lazelle Ave. iVKW IIA&HLTON had been classified aa a primary read and Kalum Street a secondary road in Bmlthers Hall. Copt. J. J. O'Beien of PhlladelpaUa arrived in town this week after havtng spent the winter In Burope and la in specting the progress of oooretsews the Victory and King Tut mines. The provincial govstnsseait is plan nlng to put In a well drUIIng ouifH for the avis lanes of farmers with dry land in the vicinity of Bmlthers, J. W. iBxley. who haa land between Bmlthers md Teikwa. haa been negotiating to his end with Dr. H. C. Wrtaeri. M.LA Rev Fat Her A. Vmllieres, OJ4.I trip to Praasr Lake this church business. Many former residents or Bmlthers UHatriet are now in Btswort. Among them inR, j. McDonnell, W. J. YltU O l2. by Im'l Fatw Srvja Ix Btiun nku mi field. Irving McMullea. Edgar Harris. Women's Auxiliary to tbe ffaseltonl William Retd. Charles O'Neill. Major C. Hospital, Features of the evening ware B. North. Howard Campbell and "Rube" Scotch ami Irish dances by Miss HulL Rlcbardaon of New Hazelton and sefcc- tlona by McNamara'.s band of Haselton R. D. lYathersteehaugh. well known under the leadership of 8 J. Wlnaby. miainc engineer, la spending a few! days looking over properties in thla dls-1 Work ha been started on Mo. 4 UU.AWK rorxril. IHsCtwr IIKItn before proceeding to Prince Oeorge tunnel t tbe Silver Cup mine and it 1.1 W. IINANIK AM) . OTIIt.lt whence be wUl Uke an outfit in to t .twti i nn nn i.r MATTERS denim nlaeer lease on Flndlav River. Ha hi.k i. .,h .Kinni.. r W V 1 JIMIC B.U4 TBRBACS, April al. The regular Soefiea waembllaa .aaaUm market monthly meeting of the village oeunoU d4y were m eeidenae fkt Sn libera an f J , , . . ter waa read atattng that If the new , To remove a fire hazard which cauatd was read. Under thla classification the district who has been engaged in Mre- MtMuant nMTs aaMntv.fiM nar cent rreurnune to James Bav for tne Hudson when all Nature is NOW, donning new and festive garb, when the whole world is vibrant with life and color, when new beauties spring up all around us . . . Now, more than ever, people are turning to thi car that carries the spirit of the Springtime . . . the "Bigger and better" Chev-rolet. ; Now, more tHan ever, you will delight in the thrill of your firs,t ride in this luxurious, low-priced Al Harrte, superintendent of the Mo hawk mlBe, left thla week with Xdward m held m the eouneu cMmeeta o Tueav of thla week wNm people from n Tl M Tueaday evening, counelllem J. K. Oor- ,uj parU of the dtalrtct gathered to at- ' 7'. T. "3. . to attend a ttx4lng of the diractoha . , in Vanoouver. Tha Jigg plant haa now been installed and la operating at the municipality dealred to have the een-at least one conflagration last week; ! P aa , 1 j an au. auie atArk ,vl tKlst sua of the village ten. it wews te whea nnoccuoied houae near the' ' v1 10 th NlM M"" necesaary to aak the attorney general'a railway owned by C. B. Doollttle wam department to do the work at muniel- hunted, the village comro listeners arel0" ro' nal ex Dense. Also that if it waa not mmin m n t tnnu tn done this year. It oeutd not be done be burned under guard. ! a-' for another five yeara. No action was . Bmlthers last week. taken In the matter. w n umnwm h mmiiMi tn.;w I to his amort and garage Pupils f Mm. Go to vour Chevrolet Dealer! Let r him arrange a demonstration for t you. Get behind the wheel of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. Feel the happy miles sweep past with ease and smoothness, and ', . share the carcfree, joyous spirit of the Spring. Th GMA.C. . . Gwitrtl Khoti" own dtferitd ptymtnt pita afordi toe moit sob-vmient nd ecopomital way ol buying four Chevrolet on time. aoy musical recital at the George D. Parent recently dues heM home of READY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY mm CHEVROLET THE LOWEST PRICES IN ALL CHEVROLET HISTORY R.-t .eifcJJOO Csbrieln . 749.CS ft 4ft UtUntf . . SH OO Tea I r I OWst tlf.00 hjMM bnu .... IMbSM All frkl it tUtmy. Otil &rrm-t TssM, tomfwt sas tf Tit WALKKIt & BOSR, Prince Bupcrt. I.C PRODUCT OF 0 EN URAL MOTORS OF CaNAUA, LlMITDD in a Mrs. B. Oreensway, school teacher at Alice Asia, leemnud there at the flsat ol the I alter having spent a brief holi day here. E. A. Oeadsrd haa returned to Pacific Arthur Leverett. an old timer of this wlng a brief visit at his" home of the up-keep of tbe primary road Bay Co. far the past year or so. was a nc D"w ww ..." and also assists ins ter tally with the visitor here mst week anrotMe to Tan- ursdas; svanint at tne nome oi atrs secondary road. It was decided to sign eouver where he will spend a couple of c H 8wU- the attached agreement m thU connec- weeks wrth his family. I ....... flea 11 on of roads bylaw regarding the secondary road was made. I The financial statement showed a shortage of funds to meet the account. a go edition to be expected until taxeaj aiw due Bnm iflaruaalon took nlaflei as to the advisability of exercising their authority to borrow money, but It was decided to leave the matter until a meetrng neat week. an ;of At a request from tbe board of trade that tbe council take some steps to have an Inspect ten of chimneys made. end repairs affected where necessary. it was decided to have the clerk draft bylaw covering the matter In ac cordance with tbe act and submit it at future meeting. The enacting of a herd law came up for discussion, several camplalnts having been made of the nuisance caused by cows and cow bells around tbe town. As s means o fovercomlng these complaints without depriving stock- owners of tbe benefit of the splendid pasture on the townoMe It was decided to post a notice asking tbe owners of stock running loose to remove the bells. ducts. SMITIIEKS H. C Shlnn of Francois Lake vtB quit active farming in order to deeotM his entire time to the affairs of the Lake Timber Products Ltd., Contrary to re sent reports, been received from R. J. McDonnell Stewart that there la no deal considers ticn for the sale of the Ooronado mine. Rev. George Turpln. local United Church pastor, haa accepted an Invita tion to reconsider his resignation. - He will give his decision within two weeks' time. There wss cold weather and a light snowfall In the Bulkley Valley at the first of the week. Vancouver interests are planning to tablish another moving picture show THE IOfcVf KXK JJJ1 Ll-im nnted 'For Sale! JFor Rent i: Snap. Phone S73 after S o'clock. 9ft FOB SALB. PIANO: Kitchen table. HKATKR AND Blue STB. SALB. McCLABT PURMAOBTTE Phone 408. M I'OIt ItBNT tlon as prepared under the Highway. .f,, 33 woTu ROOM TO RBNT; RBA A diBodu w WMk 1 ...rtin, bW t Priday evenitw by the hnedtttaly on the new rlglu-ot-w.y ! A prellmlnsry reading of the claesl- men o referred. Phone Oreen S17. Ivor1 swrr-Houss,- ftve booms and hath; newly papered. Oood loca-lon. 984 Second Avenue. Phone 64S. FOR HBKT. CLAFPSRTON HOUSB. I Ninth Avenue Bast. Bent reasonable. Apply City Treasurer. City Hall. tf FOR BUI FURNISHED HOUSBKBBP- in rooms by tbe day. week or month. I Phone Red 807. U FOR aBT MODERN SEVBN ed stucco house, Bigger Place. I Oram VM. Pbo&s) 98 FOR HSNT. ROOMS WITH OR WITH-out board, central location. Phone Blue 188. tf keeping Grocery. JODBRN for MSvxegkassjaasBBWSuS eaakea PTJRNISItSD HOttSC-Apply Musaallem FVJRNlSttSU ROOMS FOR TWO LADIES or two gentlemen. Phone Oreen 890 OR RENT OR SALB -MOOCRN PIVB roamed bungalow. Phone Blue SIS. HOUSE FOR RENT. F W , FOUND -SMAU, BLACK 1 tuning post office key. A , mm oSsor. M PVRSS CON-Apply Dairy Jtr'mBWHrrf ? T Wort4 do away crossings. 'wlnT wlth two dangerous level j High snd cold winds visited this dls itrlct during the first of the week. I The Felix Bridge Club of Haselton 'met st the home of Mrs. Sharps this week. last week st Mrs. R. S. Ssr-gent s p lines were won by Mrs. James Turnbull and Mrs. W. W. Anderson. Dr. Brummltt of Terrace arrived at the firs of that week from Terrace with a patient for the Harelton Hospital. Dr. and Mm. H. C Wrlnch entertained with a bridge party at their home on Tueaday night There weve eight tables and prims were won hy Mrs. R. S. Sargent. Charles Oow. Mrs. Cox and D. Proctor. Bird of the Hhzelton Hospital rslng staff left st the end of last High wesjk for Burna Lake, being called there aasHSSsl BBBBMcSBl of the serious Illness of S4Sw, Mra John Bird. ntcOitrrs4'Hsaensi has pur- High on the river bank I opposite St. Peter's Church. He will Low put in eriobing so that the property I win net he washed swsy. Mrs. Matheleon, lady supertaundent Of tbe Itaenltoa Hospital. Is expected berk tonight from Vancouver where she has been on a btlef trip. W. B. Dor n berg of Vancouver Is expected here next week to poy n visit of Inspection to tbs Silver Cup nana. 2x4 Com. Sired, a good 1x6 Shlplap. No. a HxS Ptr V. Joint 3 in or in. Flooring Joint tl600 16 in Wsll Shingles -i 1J6; 18 In Roof Shingles. No. I Pert 3.60 4 in. No. l Sr.lplap. any widtli j to 12 In ai.ofli Rough Fir Boards, mixed widths R00 4 Light Sash, each 1 10 I 6 Light Bash 140 1 Inside doors. 2 ft 6 In S ft 6 in 3 40 j Back Doors. 2 ft 8 la. I ft x 8 In. (glass) 1 4.001 Front Doors, ditto 6 ''rer Anyea Also a big stock of flak lumber i Banday as suways on nana, as wen as i.amatoo, wall board, veneer, etc. Write us for prices. K.( l-IJilOK 1.1'MBf.R !iIIMU: To. IJaslted Ft. of Victoria, Vancouver. BC High Low SCOT'S. TOWING. Etc. I'. C. KETt'MI'M C(l. Sand snd Orsvrl for Sa Scows for hire. General Towing. Prices Exceeding Moderate, rhanes 771 and Hlue TSS. ClUilNBY SWCEI' II. J. ZtlMKEIIH fleneral Handy Man Furnaces sod Stoves Cleaned and Re paired, Chlmnles Swept. Cemetery Ptota Cared For Phone Red fit Prince Rurwrt. BC nxniANfiK nrw ash snroMi iitsn fi hmt hi bmight and sold and exrhsnged Player Piano and Two Oash Regiaten In p.r.tnopii.o M9 Third Ave. A MARIS stpwFfpS? CHIHOPUACTIC nu. K. P.. RYOI.PMN 8 Third Avenue. Telephone for sppolntment now to Blur 88 Residence phone Black lit. Acute snd Chronic Disorders success- fully treated Bstabllshed 1884 8. A. , Ml'Hgjl80N For terms- Phone Blue 838. AUCTIQNKBHS. PIIIKCE RI'Pf.RT AICTtON MART rrderal IHork Furniture of all kinds bought, sold or exchanged. Crating and packing done. Ooods sold on Commission Auctioneer. . J. DAWRS, Phone 4S8 ntlNCK iiUI'RItT TIDK8 SATI HIM, APRIL It 4444 1:81 ajn. 28.8 " 14:84 pm. 21 2 8:88 a.m. 0.7 " :80 p.m. 44 " siMiw. .rmi. n :0 am. 23 2 ft 1840 pm. 80S " 8:07 ajn. oj " MOMIAV. A Pit 1 1, til 8:18 im at 7 " 10:08 pm 18.1 B:i p.m. 1.4 " 21:88 p.m. 8.0 " Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Safely lleileveil l. SANTAL MIDY Sold by All DruggMi 'Tit r i FA02 F0U2 By George McMacuj BRINGING UP FATHER P aster NTitl WFAHO WHAT TKoAlD -n I I 1 IT MFV-DESNOOt dl)T j S(vJHAT COULD P VI , err golly- ip tUere'6 "YOU ARECO'MC WITH ME TOj 11 a PHOMEO AN' AID THE L . I BE SWEETER? HfL ' LAWN ANYTHING WOfVbETO I I I PC l AWM PARTY i? CALLED fl '. i HI V ..,, , 1:3? DO THAN TO CO TO P v SO GET FIXED Wall Board o AW-MAGGIE THAT LAW N PARTY- WOMT IT WOULO BE TO CO ensures a lifetime of satisfaction V r CAM LET ME OO TO ANOTHER. HllJZ UGrbWJi v 'I STV&H&y when used for walls TAV HOMEn and ceilings; fits true and & stand firm during thjf life of the bullding0 p I17i ST wont CKUMRLE BURN or f 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lss than 50c WANTED 70UWO UARaUBD WOMAN WANTS work. Private family preferred. Apply Boa 100 Bally News Omee. B3 FO SALE OLD NBW8PAPBM MAT BC USED W- stead o( building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oel special prise on large quantities. Dally New. I VROUMB KWt 8ALB. 71 V TON j boat, fully equipped and In good , shape. Roomy, comfortable cabin ! arrangement; take your family trol-! ling with you this summer. Attrac-, tlve price. VTrite Alvin Arness. Wac- ker. Alaska. 101 ! I POB SALE. BOMB OOOO BOTB IN ' trolling beats, packers and seraers. Be Ptesd. Nerthern Bxcbange. Cow : 1 Bay. 94 FOR SALB. NaTW 8PBBD BOAT: SB miles pnaalhle with Potd engine. A I HUILDING SIATEItlAIS xrmiL Li Miir.it i'Kk m. Per M. grade 18 00 112 00 tlO.OO or V Artklq Lett and Found,tc STEAMSHIP MOYEM Vat VaM-ejer Sunday as. Princ. n Tuesday ss. Calulu Thursday ss Ptiiio i. Friday -as. Prlnce-u- H i Saturdsy m. Card. . , April 15 as. Prince, s . April U ss. Prinr . . Fnm Vsnoeer Sunday- es. Catal.i Wednesday- as. Pr Friday es. Carde-nu Friday as Princes k , Saturday- as. Pr K.i April 21- -se. Ptuk .- For Fort fttmpwwi anil s.i.i- K Prklay Cardcn.i From Part Mmawn :mi n i- n Saturday -ss. Cnnlci. Caul Wednesdays aa. Pri w rram tnrx Tuesday- as Catala I Thursday os. PTin.f For Mtewort ami Premier I Sunday es. Calais ! Saturday ea. Prln i' From Kewari and Prem1" Sunday ea. Prince Kr . Tueaday- ea. Cauls lor Qs)ern rfcarlol le April xl as Prince i May Prince Chary From Qaeen rharkwtr-April IS -es Prince May ea. Prinoe Ch.r For Alaska . Wednesday ea. Pr!:i"' April Jl as. Prlnws. 1 rrom .la4a Thursday aa, Prinre ( April IS as Pr1nc -April 18 aa. Prlncr ft the Rest Mondays. Wed nKl Vtmm the Hat 'Tuesdays. TOuredar mall dbe in Vaatwuver Sundays Tuesslaf Thursdays Ssturdays C.P.R.- April 15 and Trains. MoeM To ' MAIL SCHEDULE Saturdays Irom Vaaemivto Sundays Wsdnsossye Fridays Ssturdays PR - April 11 and 3 Trams, .SusSSja, Tun days tnvox sd Allee Arm - Sundays Wednesdays .mall c)o irons Any ex simI Alke Arm - ii I Hi . v SS! Tueedays j Thursdays or Stewart ar( prewiirr Sundays 8atnrdaya row Stewart and Prrnili-' Sundays I! ' Tuesdays To Mass Hirer Polnls- Prlday From Bs Itlter IVInts- Ssturdays To Alaska Points- April 11 and 81. From Alsnka Points AprU 18. 88. To Qoeen Oi .rlotle Island r" April 81. 1 ay 5. From tine,. CliarMIe I A April is. May 8. iXTiixt mix nn.M ( Oraham A Atlln Ave. 1st Ave. Sat) St. th Ave. Palton St. Av. arTornv,ri m Wl afl &JLWnukc itn Ave. ai Conrad tth Ave. A) Cotton St Oth Ave. at Oreen St. tlM1" tb Am. McRrlds at fw. Oovt. Building . Frov. Oovt. Wharf O T P. Wharf OTP Station 3nd Ave. ai tad St Srd Ave. As Fulton St 3rd Ave. 8th St Sundays--One collect Ion P-m. collection. in' i 9 !. ') .15 II Of Qtf m ? ilOi ii 5 in! 10 is Ml)'. 0l