firday, April 21, 1928 JHE DAILY NEWS PA.GE THREE i 1 1 i" i i - i i -j nii mwm ip ivh' " jpi.i 111 Tested and Church Notices Local and Personal you Pronounced Pure t BREWERY VICTORIA.- DEMAND -a Health Giving pt)HI AND GO0Dpt:$R iwh at brewed and bolt In) by m mutt not be looked ufiun 4 j luxury, but M FOOD tkotwci Ui.u.nivd. of wmkin tU-.w find in BFTR modcravtrlv ruril, hrtih(ui ftimuUitf tsiulr 'ngrd in h-rd pli)iiil labor, wfnrfc bsidrt ill rumnHrt; clfc.t poutun otbmt Mill more invigorating and rtrcnarVfcpUc-inj; jtillilirt li it onine in iu Rrrat perctmif of rttcract ,3 logrirtrr ttitn lite- vrrv low Jirmnt or si. on, ilui Ml VI U SPUING BELR poiHirv the tjualnm nrirMry to tcrvt ihcac pirptrt. f ur -jlf j!I Government Vrndort and ia Brrr Pair lor ( ii s ' jnd convince yourself. Dtlieit tut to tmy ptrt o ifce aijp. ktM Selvlp Spring Drcwgry br i JchnaB.C. t m .iilkcrtiirincnt it not published or rlispliyrd by the Liquor t' imiuI Ucird or by the Government o( Biiiith. Columbia. M r. oves in i our Own Home make them with the CINE KODAK, simply ueht the i : i Hid ires lite release, inaia an mere is to n you re . KuDASCOPE in on your Kirnting circuit and snap the n. Then sit down and enjoy the picture. ;iV; KOI1AK MODEL II with f.3.5 lens. Hand held. uprinK m m, driven, fixed tmus. Price $110.00 l0I) Si tM'E MODKI. ( -Klcdrically driven, works on any ,iaiy house lijflr.injr ciivuit. Price ,4).(M i"I)S Ol'L SCREEN -Size 22x"t) inrlien. Price .. $12.00 Compete Outfit. $1U2.00 7ic Pioneer Druyeisls IWcDWL l SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES '?t20O upert Brand" 9 ippers "THE DAINTIEST IIHUAKFAHT ViMlf Sraokwl Daily by fEanadian Fish & Sa8M G. L'1. n i ILttO Prince Itupcrl. H.C 7 Nil lr onn L1 1... ies wn oweaier IIUVl n 9 isoricd styles, sinie ' and double-breasted, fumy Jai-quard Knit. Specially priced ut $5.95 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. HT. ANimi'.Wfc CATlIKDItAL (Chureh of England) Rector. Archdeaoon O. A. Rlx. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 3:30. Evening prayer at 740. Sermon tQg J'Comox a Young Han mini T1 ,y n iflml of & Jj6rdi Bup-per llr.Wafwa)n ;.:U li am.: third Sunday BrrafltfsVAt 8 .iri Baptisms by arrangement. 1 HAITI! CIllUl'll. Minuter. Bev. W. F. Price. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sun day achcol at 340. Evening service at 7.30. Subject: "The story of a run away alave." Organ Ut, W Vaughun Davlei. Pralae and Prayer on Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. ( III1I.H1IAN M'HOMT SOCIETY Service every Sunday morning in the Hay'a block. 345 Second Avenue. Sub Ject on Gundny: "Probation after Death." Teatlmony meeting on Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. PRESBYTISM AN ( III Ki ll. Minister. Rev. J. R Fnwll. B.A.. LL.B Residence. The Manse. Phone 463. Morning worsh.p at 11 o'clack. Sub- cci: "Llf;ht." Bunday school at 13.30 Evening service at 7.30 Subject: "The difference between Far and Not Far. Anthem by the choir. Solo by J. A Teng. . imti:i ( III K II. Rev A. Wilson. B.A.. pastor. Hits I. Haddock, deaconess. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sub' Ject: "Preparing the Highway." Sunday School at 2:30. Evening worahip at 740. Subject: "Double Recompense Devotional meeting on Wednesday at 8:15 pjn. HT. I'U l.'H I.I THKKAN 'CHI Rt'll. Rev. John H Hnou. paatcr. Residence 438 E:ghth Ave. W. Phone Black 170 Morning worship at 11 o'clock (Eng lish service l . Sunday school, confirma-tlcn elaa at 13 noon. Evening services at 7 30 t Scandinavian i. A cordial welcome, to all. Ron. Ron. D. D. 1 anfc A. L HOTEL ARRIVAL. Frlner Rupert R O. Johnston. Inverness: O. H. Pcthlck. Smltbers; James Lamb. Caa-siar; W. F. Binna. Balmoral H 8 Wil- Dentist. Dr. J. R. Ooaae. Phone 688 Skating dally. 3 to 4 and 8 to 10. tl Oet the Big 4 habit When thtnkln Of a Taxi, phone 4. tf Fair Board Dance, Kay 34. Exhibition Hall. Mr. Ales Strachen returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. T. J.' Shenton. Inspector of mine. will aaU tonight by the Prince Rupert for Stewart on official duties. Mloa E. M. Barle returned to the city on the pnnee ttupen un mummx from a bueineM trip to Vancouver. Oren P. 11111, Hyder druggist, is a pas senger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north following a trip to Seattle. H. Foroy and H. Hoi ton. charged In city police court this morning with In toxication, were both remanded unt:l Monday. Presbyterian Literary Guild meet" Monday nlgnt. Interesting address by Miss Jean Harrison, R.N. Musical program. KefreebinetiU. Union steanter terdrna. Capt. A. JobnatoM. retnmsd early this morning from Naaa River porta and sailed on time at 7 o'clock tor Vancouver and waypointa. Mrs. John Bustgard. wife of the attorney general for Alaska was a pas senger aboard the Princess Alio tola morning returning to Juneau after trip south. Provincial Constable A. Fairbatra of Teikwa. who went south laat week on escort duty, returned from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning and proceeded to the interior by train. Laater B. Jonas, who arrived during the week from Vancouver, sailed this morning on the Princess Alice for Stag- way where he will resume hla duties as agent for the Canadian National R. ling 8. Sweeting of Vancouver, travel-auditor tor the Canadian Pacific may not Billiard Banquet Saturday, April 31. In Boston Hall at 9M pjn. Presenta tion of prices, etc. Tickets l.oo. James C. Langiey. manager of the International Snippers Ltd., sailed by the Princess Alice tbis morning on a business trip to Ketchikan.' Mia. Oeome O. Bushbv arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this momma from Victoria and wlU be a dan. D. W. Atkins. L. O. Lyaett. C R. Railway, was a passenger aboard tneiesntor acre wr us aw ww w7.. McMillan and A. Acheaon. Vancouver: Princess Alice this morning going t W H. Sutherland. P Philip through to Stewart on hla aeant-eanual oiler Beaner rsturoed to the city on. Carruthers. Victoria; Mlas A trip on official dutlss. the Prince Rupert this morning from a Kltlmaat. r " business trip south. Mrs. Beaner is re- Hat ny I Ouy R. BaUoch, provineial puslic malning in Vancouver for a while OUfi fttaodland and Alexander Smith, works CVepartatsnt engineer who super- toocer. tl .HsjmH, "ewtrles'Tfrtr OTrf tmrnd; vised the work of construction of the! ThomasV King. Swanson Bay: Fred Kalen laland Highway laat scoson. re-1 Mrs. R. O. Johnston arrived in the joribben. Vanopuver. turned to the city from Victoria on the city on the Prince Rupert this mor:ung -X-r-. Prince Rupert this morning from Victoria and will take up resl- I Thomas A. ittag arrived in the city deuce tor the summer at Inverness on the Princess HMsJ last nisht from H J. Bradbury returned to the city cannery. tha Swansea Buv cdfmtrv wh-re lw ha on the Prince Rupert this morning fol- been trapping during the ntr and U towing' a two week s trip to the W'estj The annual meeting of the Prince .registered at the Savoy Rofcl. Coast of Vancouver where be inspected Rupert Branch of the Navy League of I the progress of operations on the con- Osnada will be held in the Bank of I Uivnn freighter Cnilkoot. apt J st ruction of a rsduotsso plant for Montreal. Tuesday. April 34, at 740 'Mulr arrived in port Ian night from Bradbury Telf. pi. the outh and. after duicharglng shlng-j I 'lea for the tug Bay Lumber Co. mlle-l C.NJl. steamer Prlnve Rupert. Capt. Mrs. Jack Burgess and child arrived for the Naaa River with eaaasry up- O. Donald, arrived on time at 100 in the city on the Prince Rupert this plies this morning from Vancouver. Powell morning from Qualleum Beach, Van River and Ocean Falsa and will sail at aouvar. for a holiday visit With her Teddy Wrutgasrd of Houston, who 10 o'clock tonight for Stewart, return- slater. Mlas Nora Carter and local has been a patient in the Prince Ru- lng here tomorrow evening and sailing friends pert Oeneral Neepltnl for several for the south at 11 pjn. months. 11. leave on the Prince Ru O. H. Pethlck. assistant district en- pert tomorrow night for Portland to Archdeacon O. 'A. Hit will sail to- gineer for tne provincial aspanawnt enter the Shrlners' children s hospital night on the Prince Rupert for Stewart of public works In Smlthera, is in for further treatment on ecclesiastical duties, returning to town to meet the minister and the tria city next Tuesday on the Cstala. 4 t t Rv. waiter Allen of Stewart will oc- ArWOUNCEMBNTS cPT PutP" Andrews Angli-lttfrt . can .Cathedral tomorrow. Royal Society of St Oeorge WhUt Drive and Dance. April Si. Prince Rupert Dance April ST. Capt. Bill Barrlngton of the Barring- ton Transportation Co. was a passenger Lboxd the Prtnoeae Alice thia morning Otrsi' Drill team going through to Wrangell where he will make arrangementa for the reopen - amtertatnmalu ln of ' ervce on the Sttkine River Boy Scout and Camp- after having spent the winter at hla fire ' April ST ' ' home in Oak Harbor, Washington. Bid 8ome Annual day. May I, In Meoss VaU. . Women of Moosehourt Legion Child rn's Masquerade. May IS. For Six Years PIIVIPLES Covered Her Face Mrs. Albert Btuhha, Newbury, Oat, writes: "My rare was covered with Thufs . ; Frank Oueit. found guilty of drunkenness, was fined 838. with option of Tracts Club Annual Ball, Friday, May ' unprUorunent. by Megla- 14, Moose Hall. crate awviynrsnt in y mm i , yesterday afternoon ne la doing tne Oyro Hoedown. Moose Hall lay 11. C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice. Cujt Arthur Slater, arlrved In port at 9 30 this morning from south and aalled an hour later for Alaska points whence she will return here southbound neat chief engineer of the department who are here. M. M. Snyder, who la Identified with a Los Angeles credit concern snd who has been spending the past ten days In the city, sailed on the Princess Alice j this morning for Juneau, accompanied by Mr. Snyder. More than half the passengers coming north on the Prince Rupert this morn log from Vancouver are going through to Stewart. There Is a list of A3 per none going through to the Portland Canal mining camp. The Board of Trade and City Council III meeting Hon. W. H.Sutherland and . , . . i a.m.wi . -.In l.t . n t niihll. rnlra lartlllna Frldav wane cnerges Bgsjimfc wyju viuupvvii uvpu.j uu.twi - - i and Charles MtDonnell of consuming i In the city hall this afternoon and dls liquor in a public plsoe were dismissed, 'cussing with them local problems, par- Itlcularly the road situation. r M S. freighter Canadian Farmer. Oapt. John MoKernan. which haa been discharging 500.000 feet of lumber at the lumber assembly wharf for the rail Wednesday afternoon. The Alios had! way. will sail this afternoon for Oocan 100 passengers including the following Falls where she will load paper foi who disembarked here: Oeorge Worley California, and X. Warren. 1 ' Passengers sailing from here for the A. L Carruthers. bridge engineer for north on the Princess Alice this morn- pimplei and was so bad I was ashamed thf provincial department of public lng were E. 8. Barle. Karl Me user ano J. to ba iwn. I suffer...! ,n thia . work and formerly district engineer C. Langiey for Ketchlkau: Mr. and Mrs. ix years, until one day ' a friend told ' accompanying lion. W. H. M. M. Snyder for Juneau: L. B. Jones me to use Sutherland, minister of public works, for Skagway, and John Premovltch for as dean and smumi. lut up only by The T. w ... :.- Hn., LLnited, Toronto, OnL and Patrick Philip, chief engineer, who Whltehorsc. arrived from Victoria last ngbi. .This' niorrrBig' the party made an Inspection krs. A. Mathelaon. lady tuiwrlnto-of the Kslen UUnd highway He'-'irVs df)it, ,pf W Haelton Hosplla,, who Oalloway Rapids bridge alte. ' went south at the first of the week In charge of an insane patient, arrived In C.P.R. steamer Princess Royal. Capt. the city on the Prime Rupert this TlKimu Cliff, arrived at 8:30 laat even-'morning from Vancouver uml proceeded in.,; in-iii Van - i - and wayports and. j to the Interior by train iiHvinK a hea 1 freight cargo, did not get away ...11 ll:S0 piH. on her Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill returned return south Oe,.eral cargo Included to the city on the Prince Rupert this 14(1 bHrrela of beer for the government morning from Bella Cooln where he and aftu . ; 1 'Hfy. two bottles the vendor and 345 cases of oranges and 'called this week to investigate a BUb-pimplea wwre an j,'.r. my skin Was mlls The vessel also had a trans- Mug affair among the Indian,. The f .iiw-i- for the city which waa delivered .it the dry dock. She also took on oil i Oil Co.'s aUUau. Incident proved to be not vrrv and was tried umn..iily by diary ir-.iutraU. flat L'Mm'W: will convince you that no COMPARISON other car at any price in the fine six field equals McLaughlin-Buick in value. mi-wtc The G. M. A. C. Deferred Payment PUn oBert mmy advantages to buyers of McLaughlin-Buick cars MdAU .JM'll BcauM of its lttdcrthip In mUi in th fin tM . . and bcauM of iu a.Mctafion With tho raac Ganvral Motor, organization, McLaughlin-Buick i abl to build a bat-tar car at a lowar coat. And. in accord with tha McLaugh-tin Buick and Gananlltotora poller, McLaughUn-Bwkk turn, thrat adTantagoa la graatar valua lor tba i w Duyvr. KAIEN GARAGE (Dave Kos) Third Ave, Trincc Itupcrt, H.C. WHEN BUTTER AUTOMOBILES ARB BUILT McLAUGirUN- BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Tommy's Taxi. Phone 671. 113 "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the FAUMKR, LOGGER, ROAD BUILDER, MINER FREIGHTER, AND MUNICIPALITY Wherever rugged power and performance arc demanded. Literature and Prices on Request SOLE D1STH1HUTORS FOR D.C.: MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Limited 1325 STANDARD RANK BUILDING VANCOUVER, B.C. holt m&c$mw&z&z best I for WOMEN AND CHILDREN The Classic Shoe for which we are exclusive agents is one of the beat known shoes in Canada and it is worthy of its well-merited popularity. Indies' Shoes from . . Children's Shoes from (iil.Hr, to $UIJU) . . $1.8.1 to We are exclusive agents for the Fleet Foot Tennis Shoes Jabotir Bros., Ltd. l'hone 615. ,'trd Avenue nnd 7th Street All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 15 PER CENT RUBBERS, sixes 6 and 7, regular $2.25. now Shoe Sale Continues. Every pair must gu. THOR JOHNSON Bgj.! CURE Jttf? DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE HEAR-INC., CATARRH and other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone I'll. Wal late Block. Open Evenings . "I 4