Save Money Boston Grill The cheapest way to buy the iDaiiy News l to subscribe by the Lycar The cost U 35.00 and your Icopv in delivered to your address eat:ti evening. Just figure out the email cost to you for thl dally "erv.oe for twelve month! I 1. V V I . I . , . . VI. CONSERVATIVES: iiVTin niiiH;s ihom HtANini A. LWll 1.1 !KH UI" I'.tKTV T.IK KM T III l-LUt. Id: ItUI ii:H. UIKM'TION nxn- , i:b. m NT i v T1PKS UVA Apul 31 Tlif prjvlslon of .ii-.ikcm ( it IIt:Uiiii S'.rslt". the !iu;'iit tf dire', nun finders snd s M'1'" nd tidal Mirvry nix1 re-"(I hy M B Mi'loiui. offloar ' "1 tlir Htidsun 8trlt cxpe-was tabled In the House Ian to control PILOTAGE MATTERS IN THIS PROVINCE WED BACK TO PORT WITH ENGINE TRUBLE XO IXTKSTIOX TO' (UKl; lHV KOCK Any rumors or r.-ports as to the locaj dry dock being cJosed etowu are entirely false, states O. A. McMillan. rapeMnteadent-manager of the plant. There Is no sock intention. On the other band, there la a posatblllty that dry dock operations may be further extended although no details are 'available. I(1A April 21 Hon Simon , 4 .ii. -.e. MP lsi-l nlfciit srteptedj . . ' imtlon tendered h'.m ty tne of Seanuh to roiite-t the 'lie next prmi.x-'.al election, i.tion was hrltl at Hoyul Oak unci ss rrjrcsr'.itntive of t :r!lllg he offer of tlie nommstletJ .;. T O Covenuy. the sit-in : Mui retired from the miM-d hi support to the I0NEY NEEDED HUDSON STRAIT jiM nii;t ,m:i to rout ine JAM iiuVKlt. April ai The shipping tram the ooaan dock to the DIDO GURVICH GAINS DECISION IN SOUTH Itrfeats Jim mi Kh Heal to Meet VMUm Jimmy .MrOiMiald or A If llsming Word has been received tlist mdo Ourvleh of tola city hut night in Vancouver won a decision over Jimmy Ryan, a quite well known boxer in the south. Tnere were no details ss to the bout which was Ourvseh's first in the south where he went to train recently. On behalf of OMo Ourvleh, chal lenge was Issued una awnting to tne effect that he hi willing to meet the winner of the forthooamlnf Jimmy Mc Donald vs. Alt Harding, preferably McDonald, on any terms even to winner-to-take all. YOCEN MARU SAILS FOR VANCOUVER TO FINISH WITH LOGS u.uiit. o..mniied the lMdlng of a naaeasaaj "i Ltu- bosrd of trsdc proposes .,. thlI .ftamoon and will start i ii un honorary pilot committee ' ou., , fUn omrgo for the i d ol the (.hipping, insurance. Kingdom or Continent i ;.ltage intei'esis to take' con- gjonjjng. ij.Kujgc manors in ail nrivisn 'i.i wnteri except the Fraaer Blver. United Monday HANDICAP BILLIARD TOURNEY FOR CITY TITLE STARTS SOON ri by cpt. Tony Msrtltuen and the championship oi PI" i n by Capt. K C. Tlbbttts, re-, to open at the arana i" ....xuamant. for stnaf A rul Imllbut boat Livingstone II.. I A handicap bllimra .- - iw-,1 t . .nriM havUlK oeru ... ... uu l l ii lh iiitnniiiir lr.ini liic nuvci.v a li'K bKiik, Th v.jiwl rlxarrd on Ksch same will br U 1') l"' n TO JOIN IN KILLER HUNT IKftl'tXTOK KIIKMM RI IKMtlXK Mil Ml IXtKSTKl ATOU AHIIIVKM IX CITV To fr rharge f (he IntrMlga-IMni rate the killing IM week l Mrs. fcrtfcer KMIas est Ohmwv Ate. InaprHt I'eeKes (nlkshaiik, hnul f I he erleslnal InveUlgaUwti de-narlestat af Ike iwrlMal mMeet. arrived frsWM Vlelerla l the I'rttiw Itapret Utt meenhtg. lie Immrrfl-M) weal Intei rHafrrrre Mh InaiMirtar KptRer and Hergeaat J. I. M. llaiMMh lxt whet lfr-nestton. If any. Ihee mHtnr had In give him wat net revealed. laspertar Cralkahnnk h eM wf the beid knawa lnvrstlgatws lei the wert and teae taken a pretalwrwt part In sssny snrreasfal ms linnl In llrlUMh ColHmbla. II was staled at I he pvU ta Ikiti thin sltrewwMi (here were' n new developHieeil In HtertKm wtth the eae. HALIBUT SALE HERE TODAY M'MRCR W IKIATI !OUl AT VAH- Klt'K PKH Ii (IX ;('II X(1K HUM M11KMMI Pish sales this morning were as fol lows: AMKItlCAX . ... utiiva wi in tM nnm nan n si part cargo at the Aioena wnesi "., ' Prince Ruprrt Elevator, the Jananeae,' freighter Yogen Meru, with Capt. B. X)mnX 38000 001,1 at McNeill aard a. pilot, sailed at mld- 5 Tanoouver whore J . Todd 14.000 to Atitn naherles right last nlgbt for at 10 and 8. the Orient she site will win cwhplew comprsw cargo a for , RAlaor gi5o0 to pacirtc ITIaheriea at with logs. ' T7 - Th. British Vfahaah Ijm to Booth ruher1M at OM-, twenty-lxth grain ship of e elr d . OANAIltAN Helen 7.500 to Atlln Fhtherles at 8.3 and S. AU1 llW to iarflo fWherMa at.iai and1.1 " '' 'i-mLmiT iUtlh araat (BO0 , en tteswl , .float, and .' . Ospe fspanoer 10JM0 to Cold Storage at IJ and 5. Johanna ls.000 to Sooth Filaberlee at 8JI0 and S. Minroatg to Atlln Fisheries at 11.10 U.000 to Cold Btorag at 8.S vANootrmt. April ai - Joseph Dod- mn -k -o. u.u res.oeni. u aead. sged have 31 17 hut d.velu,-H ,u.h, ,rm.hle three handsome cutis s ui so hud Li return. I lor the turse hlgueei lWt:': ' e L PRINCE RUPERT it) Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1928 ON DON, Apnl El. -Brackfturn P.over won I hi EngHsh Potftbait AsKociatiun Cup this afternoon by three goita tn vine. 1 Blackburn scored twice in the first half and each team once in the second. j This is the sixth time the Rovers have won the cup, in this re-j speet tieing with Aston Villa which also has six champion.ship events to its credit. The crowd to witness the match was a very large one, excursions being run from all over the Kingdom to accommodate the en thusiasts who flocked to aee this great annual sporting event. It is estimated that 83.000 peapk rilled Wembley stadias stand. The King and Queen and Duchess of Tork were present. Huddersiield won the toss though there was no particular advantage In this. The crowd had scarcely settled down when the ball went toward Mudoersfleld iii:at niaiifi ittcK. VAMOOWKR April at .The price of wheat yesterday was 1JW considerably i. than for the previous day. SHUTTING DOWN i , , ' OPIUM TRAFFIC goal. Puddefoct. the great Blackburn I forward, secured a throw-In and lobbed ritOlM TIO or IIKITAIX TO I the ball with remarkable accuracy Into! UlTllliHAtVN IKOM AXY VESMX the goal mouth Mereer. the Hudderv ' CAIIKVIXG DKKi field goalie hesitated after catching. Roscatnp charged Mereer and the ball OBNXVA. April SI. Britain wUl with-went Into the net The reverse un- . drew her protection from ships flying steadied Hulderslield. the Kngllsh flag engaged In opium McLean scored sgsln for Blackburn smuggling In Chinese waters. Sir Malcolm after minutes' play. Jackson .scored ; Bellevlgne announced yesterday to the for IToddersfleld in the tenth minute of League of Nations opium commission the second naif but Blackburn added ' Be auggeeted that other powers adopt one more to complete the scoring. j the same policy. Tot the first half the weather con- 1 The American representative said the dltlons were nearly perfect, put after United Statet wss ready to go as far as 1 half-time rem fell cauvlng some die- any nation in this respect, comfort but dampening the ardor of 1 . the crowd very little. ' (HTMIir: ACI'KAL Free minute from the finish noecamp i faired ponesiton but HuttdetafMM's captain registered an offside appeal and his (ddc made no uttampt to atop Roe camp. The player himself paused hut the referee waved huh on and he ran In and scored one of the softest of goals. BOUNTY $3.50 ON HAIR SEAL VANnrttrWCB Snrll 91 S hnmnt nl NO DEVELOPMENTS IN COMOX AVENUE MURDER POLICE ANNOUNCE TODAY -Though many rumors sre etretftetRU; sbtut the city. Inspector William Spluer snnounced this morning that there were no new development In the lnves-t-.irution o! the murder on Tuesdsy of gather Kills of Com ox Avenue. Many possible clues have been investigated bur. so fsr. bsve merely led to blind '.rails. Assurauce was reiterated tbst the press would be notified Immediately any such step s an arrest had been taken. Tlve police are apparently now working or. the theory that the fiend has made his escape from the city although this may or msy not be the case. HAYSPORT CANNERY HAS BEEN LEASED BY J. H. TODD & SON Announcement was made this morning ,: o. Johnston that J. H. Todd at bon Ltd. had leejied the Haysport can-;.try of the Maritime Fisheries and that it would be operated thl season In c njuiiction with Inverness Cannery. Negotiations to this end were completed 'his weak. Mr. Johnston left on this morning's train on bis return to Inverness after s brief trip to town. A. T. Sandlson. manager of Haysport Cannery, will aall tonight on a business trip to Stewart. STOCK QUOTATIONS Xewn ChmlMg rrtres Tmlay en Vanewi-vrr taehaage (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.. Ltd I n r silver r ' 3.60 s nose for the slaughter of hair seal In Jlrittsh Oolumbla waters will be Z rt ovUlc continued this aeaeon. Major Mother- well raid today. The production of the r""" ' - .. C George Copper Advertise In the Dally News. Queen Charlotte Islands Timber is the Subject of Litigation in Courts of British Columbia Gladstone Goioonds Independence Indian Kootenay Florence. L and h Lakevlew Lucky Jim Marmot Metab . . NsUonsl Sliver rend Oreille Fremler Porter Idaho ANCOUVER, April 21-Jijdgnieiit in favor of Chuhei Fukukawa Richmond .... of Tokio and Qun fArlMte Timber Holding Co. Ltd. of Rufu Arganta which he is the principal owner, in tbdir salt for rectification "i"80,11 or recission of contracts to buy 1,650,532,000 feet of timber from giVcresV ' ' ' the defendant, the American Timber Holding Co. of Milwaukee, gtverMio . . Wisconsin, was rendered in the Supreme Court yesterday by Chief silversmith . . Justice Hunter. suniock If the parties are unable to agree on the quantity of timber siooan King . remaining on the licenses, which are on the Queen Charlotte Islands, Terminus and to carry out the contract on' that basis, the plaintiffs will Whitewater ... have judgment for recision and return of $1,167,268 which they have ch . . paid, together with interest, costs and other charges. oeorgia River The plaintiffs allege that there was a shortage of !4 per cent oraudvirw in Use nmount of timber on the limits. Dm:m- Bid .57 .31 4.00 07', .36 .lev, .01 ao .14 .04 ja ii 1S.90 aaa . . S at .17 .11 .13 131 S .75 JtU, 81 1 20 Asked 1.70 M JS'H 31 460 MS .33 .17 .10 JO'i 0H M .13 14 90.03 2 35 eg M .43 JO as'. 10 .35 IB'-, 3 10 .30 3.40 .47 , M .31 62 1 J5 Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. i'honv 45? Price Five- r 'LACKBURN WON ENGLISH CUP TIE SOCCER GAME TODAY iiiiiiiibb i nuiiirinj vviinTno Landed at Spitzbergen After Flying Over Pole Was Three Days Taking Shelter on Uninhabited Island Before Arriving at Svalbard at Eleven O'clock This Morning ItI ON DON, April 21. this afternoon that Captain George Wilkins land- de ed at Svalhard, Snitzbereen at eleven o'clock this! 50,000 FANS WATCHED GAME NCW YORK. April 21- There were fifty thousand lana out to see Phileoei-phla defeat the New Tork Ysnkecs In the big baaeball mutch here yes'-rrdij. Pitcher Orcvea held the Yankee sluggers to five blows and fanned eight : men out. The game was the opener for the; Americans, Cobo piad Speaker ware J eonspleuous at the bat for the Atfa-! letlcs. Word has been received here' nluh mr mJr- forning, completing a flight across the polar region from j Iw,:,id )int uarrovv. lne report 01 the llitrht is confirmed natmi of a ssimon turneries m d- 1 il.i other SOlirCeS j " thl season It U learned. Svalbard also reported that Wilkins landed on an un-! tl has. at 'nncTftu Il"tetr jhabited island, 25 miles from Svalbard. and was held un' vtwTt pne of Major d. ' ... . iv days owing to bad weather Wilkins was searching for the so-called died blind blind spot spot! it had planned to fly over the North rut route from Point Barrow to Spitsbergen id - mm over tne pole. SKATTLE, April 21. News of the Wilkins flight; w a ived here with surprise as, although the machine ir i wireless no message was received ox the aviator Ik off from Point Barrow. W ikins was accompanied by Carl B. Eieteen, the iJuu "- -vYi-t,.wMC UMIE CHOSEN :ANDID ATE BY r. MecLsren, D0 Road Will Be Built Toward Tyee This Summer and Bridge Be Constructed Says Dr. V. H. Sutherland Following Inspection Dr. Sutherland, accompanied by official of the depart-' HON i i. tni.- morning visited (ialloway Rapids and inspected the road and bridge fiile. He was well pleated with the work done but stated that the road was not yet finished. It would take two months jet to complete the surfacing. At present it was cut up n places but this would Ite levelled and rolled and probably next year some binding material such as Tarvia. The bridge will be built this year and plans for it will be at ence prepared. Ato Dr. Sutherland stated that work would lie continued on the other sie in the direction of Tyee, the intention being to put the canneries in touch with Prince Rupert by read first of alll The minister expressed the opinion that the highway would haTe to take the river route to Terrace. Dr. Sutherland and Patrick Philip, chief engineer of the .department, will nail tonight on the Prince Rupert to make the nund trip to Stewart before proceeding Houtli un the same vessel ti.irorn w night. A. U Carruthcr-t, inspector of bridges, left this M-rning for Fmithers. pi 11 T1' Hi? I TO I it tngltsh tup 1 le Match Flayed Partly in Rain Today at Wembley Blackburn Ropers Winning 3 to 1 150,090 People Are Camped in the Open in Bulgaria Fearful of Earthquake Being Repeated HliJITOPOLIS, Bulgaria, April 21. Foreign aid will be wel comed by Bulgaria in restoring this city and vicinity from the ruins in which it is cast by the recent series of earthquakes. There were 85 dead and more than SCO injured. The city and surrounding villages have been abandoned. There are now some 150,000 people camped in the open and subsisting on such scanty army rations as can be sent them over the shattered lines of communication. . isK.ii: iiimi:kh viit HI TEN f'HAKLOTTM IX YACHT H'fWTtV.lRU MUDCOATE! AprU ao Messrs. Campbell Church and Led better of Seat tie In the yacht Westward arrived here early in the week and pinoi dsd to the west BBS it to bust bear This to the firs nstt of the kind and. with bear HiuWS plentiful. there shouM aamy othees f follow ;!N0 CHARGE OF FALSIFICATION HKfTXIIAXTS IX I I HKIt LIBBL CASE NOT At'ClSlNti UtlNEKAL THIS KEarbCT COUBOUaO April 21 "I desire to tatc that neither In the article new in he pleading was there any thought of implicating Sir Arthur Currte by inference or otherwise. I did not think so and will never think o that there was any suggestion of ialslllcatton of records knowingly, directly or otherwise.'' This statement was made by W. T. ft. Preston, co-oefeodant. with F. W. WU-ton in the sMjeo libel action against them by Currte. dkr vroaan askd If he uw himstU with Fr us tea In this renal he ispllsd: -I rcrtitoir de" The nominal roll of caaaaltlea Incurred on the dales of November 10 and 11 produced by Colonel Orde. Judge adve cute general . showed the total oastialtles of 1007 killed and 118 wounded. For Annui Ice Day. November 11. one man ass killed in sctlon. fifteen wounded ii'd no one died of the wounds. UNEMPLOYED IN WINNIPEG IICMOXNTKATIOX Ol' I5XA IX THAT CUY VEHTtllllAV ASKt.XU IOK IKILU WINNIPBO. Ap-11 21. After a de monstration staged by 1600 unemployed person PMdsy, the provincial government requested the federal administra tion at Ottawa to co-operate with the province and the civic authorities in solving the pressing problem. The unemployed, through a delega tion asked for 32Q a month and M for each child for marries men snd twelve dollars for single men. WRIT ISSUED AGAINST MAYOR TAYMIK TO liKKKXIl STATB.MKNTS MAUL AT MM:TIX(1 Ol I'OLICK COMMINMOX VANCOUVER. April 21. A writ 61 slat ing unstated damages for alleged slander against Mayor Taylor haa been filed by . MoOeer. McOeer and Wilson In behalf of Samuel Fnstino. hotel proprietor. Oeorgia Street Bast. apeclficaUy men tioning s meeting of the police com mission on April 5 as the time and place of the alloyed slander uttered. POLITICAL RUMOR IN REGARD TO GEN. SUTTON VANCOUVER. April Jl. The latest political rumor, the Sun says. la. that General Button Is being promoted ss Liberal candidate In Rlclunand-Folnt Orey Councillor Nirbol Thompson la io regarded as a likely candidate. HARRY F. SINCLAIR NOT GUILTY CHARGE TEAPOT DOME AFFAIR WASHINGTON April 21. Harry F. Sinclair was today acquitted of the charge of conspiracy to defraud the Government in the leasing of tlx- Tea- pet IX m c jll tirldi.