IrAOF. STX THE DAILX NEWS IE3SC3BrXBBGMQflBnBS9HliB mam - Laundry Washed Clothes Are Not Rubbed' YOU know how you douse your dainty lingerie up and down in a bowl of sudsy water . . that's the way your clothes are washed in a modern laundry. They are not rubbed or scrubbed but arc gently swished back and forth in warm filtered rainsoft Water until the pure soap actually foams. Every particle of dirt is loosened without unduly lessening the tensile strength of the fabric. Then come many-rinses of rainsoft water so that your laundry washed clothes not only look and feel clean but are scientifically clean. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Direct Means to a Definite End Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments are a direct means to a definite end, which is the freeing of the nerve lines from any spinal pressure that interferes with their function of delivering the vital energy which animates every organ of the body. Because the proof that they accomplish this purpose is ever increasing in volume, Chiropractic is rapidly becoming the paramount health service. This is true and fitting, because it deals with the same cause of dis-ease. Without a cause there can be no effect. By my chiropractic health method I correct diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and lower organs. YOUK APPOINTMENT for health can be made by telephoning Green 241 Consult W.G.AspinaiKD.G. G and 7 Exchange Block (Jreen 211 Kesidciu-e: 10117 1st Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST 1 MILK-:-.PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride 8treet store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St. Telephone 6S7. FIRST MATCH DEFEATED NEW YOUK YANKEE IN TlCllir CONTEST YESTEKOAY ALE HKST OIVISION TEAMS LOSE (Special to batly New),, 1 JfKW YORK, April 31. All first divi sion teems in the American League wt thtr garnet yesterday Including the New York Yankee, who were beaten ,2-1 In tight contest by the Philadel phia Athletic who thus won their Urst game of the Mason, and the Cleveland Indiana whose recent winning' streak was ended lngtoriously by the I Chicago White Sox 11 to 1. There Is! no change in the standing of teams. the Indian stU) being In the lead over the Yankees and the Washington Senator who are tied for second place. The St. Louis Cardinals moved up on the New York Giants- for National; League leadership by defeating Pitts-1 burg Pirate who were returned to their! residence In the cellar. Brooklyn Dodgers took third place by winning over Philadelphia, displacing the Chicago Cub who were shut out 6 to nothing by Cincinnati, now In fourth place. New York and Boston were Idle. Tbe day's scores were as follows: NATIONAL I.KAMi: Brooklyn 8, Philadelphia 8. Cincinnati 6, Chicago 0. St. Louis 6, Pittsburg 2. AMERICAN LEAOIE Philadelphia 2, New York 1. Boston 6, Washington 5. Chicago 11, Cleveland 1. Detroit 3, St Louis 0. COAST LEAdlE Sacramento 4, Los Angelas 11. Hollywood 10. Seattle . Oakland 8, San Francisco 10. Missions 9, Portland 6. l.KWU K TABLES American League W. L. Cleveland 7 2 New York S 2 Washington 3 2 St. Loul 4 5 Detroit 4 6 Chicago 3 5 Boston 3 6 Philadelphia 1 4 National Lrajue New Yerk 4 2 St. Louis 3 3 Brooklyn 4 3 Cincinnati S 4 Chicago 5 S Philadelphia 3 4 Boston 2 4 Pittsburg 2 6 Pet. .778 .714 .714 .441 .400 478 333 M0 .6e .635 .671 .66 MO .480 333 3M i OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL i KMlt.Ml l.EAOlE. HIV. 1. Birmingham 2. Liverpool 0. Blackburn Derby not-, played. Bolton 4. Weatham 0, Cardiff 3, Sunderland 1. Kverton 3. Aston Villa 2. Huddersfleld-Burnley not played. Manchester United 3. Sheffield V. 3 Mlddtesboro 1. Leicester 1. Newcastle 1, Arsenal 1. Wednesday 2. Portsmount 0. Tottenham 1, Bury 1. DIVISION II. Blackpool 4. South Shields 1. Bristol City 0, Hull 1. Chelsea 3, Leeds United 3. Clapton 3. Notts Forest 2. Orunsby 0. Wolverhampton 1. Notts County 0, Pulhem 1. Oldham 0, Bsraaley 1. Beading 0. Portrait 0. Southampton 0, Swansea 3. Stoke 3. Preston a. West Bromlch J. Manchester City 1. KCOTTIfll LKAfll'E. HIV. I. Alrdrle 3, St. Johnstone 0. Bones 3, St Mlrren 3. Clyde 1. Ralth Rovern 1. Cowdenbeath 0. Hearts 1. Falkirk 1. Hamilton 2. Hibernians 3. Dunfermline 3. Bangers S, Kilmarnock 1. Motherwell-Aberdeen not pleyed. Partlck Thistle 3. Celtic 3. Querns Park I. Dundee 2. Minn IsailinbsI J TO EPROPJB I MAKK WESKRVATIONS NOW 1'KOM MONTREAL Tn l.lirrMKtl Uay 4. June 1 Montrose May II. June 8 Montcalm May 17 Mtnnedoaa May it, June 22 Montolare 'Via Olaagow Tii ( lirrlHiiirK-SoullMiiiiitiiii May 16 Metagama To UhkImii May 19 Marloch FROM QUEBEC Tii riirrlxMirg-siMit ha m pi on May 9. June . .Imprass of ScoUand My 33. June lS .mpreMof Australia May 30. June 30. .Mnpnas of Prance Tn ('lirflMri-outlUiiiiliin May 5. June 6 MOntnalrn May 39 Montroyal Ooes to Hamburg tOoaa to Antwerp tooes to Antwerp and Ootoh VK S.3. Ccatftl Pass. Am, BJ C.P.K. ttauea, VanMsvvr. iW Tekrliem jgr Styaaeer 10 yjy RRI TlSHiT.OLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada tbe Auditorium. It was a hard fought game and the teams were evenly matched. JOHNSTONE IS HEAD OF SONS Prtnee Rupert Assembly. Native Bon' rf Canada, last night elected officers as fellows: Past President Aid. .A. J. Prudhomase. President George W. Johnson. First Vice-President p. W. Anderson Second Vloe-President 8. J. Hunter. Treasurer A. D. OUTies. aeeretaryOeotlon deferred (il. A. Breau pro-tern). Chaplain John M. Morrison. Sergeant -at -Arms Fred Hlffou Inser Quart W. T. Cameron. Outer Ouard John Murray. Historian James A. Morrison. The matter of entering a bateball team in the Senior League was djaeuwwd. decision being left to the eseoutlv to make In the near future. JONES IS NOMINATED IN SOUTH OKANAGAN KELOWNA. April 31 J. W. Jones, member for South Okanagan. was nominated at the Conservative convention here yesterday. Advertise In the Dallv News. TIM HER SALE X9786 Sealed Tenders will be received by tlie Minuter of Lands at Victoria. B.C.. not later than noon on the 23rd day of April, 1928. for the purchase of License xv7(m, to cut a.iau.uuu r a.i oi oai-n. Hemlock. Brwuce and Cedar on an area situated on Roacoe Inlet, mouth of Noota River. Range 3. Coast District. Three (3) year he allowed for re- iniivai of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For-otter. Victoria. B.C . or District Forester Prince Rupert. B.C. CANADIAN SERVICE From Montreal To llrllw't. LltrriHHil uml (il.iiiw Antonla April 37. May as. June 33 Lstltla May 4. June 1. 39. Julv 37 AndanlB Mav 11. June 8. Julv 0 Atbenla May IS. June 16. July 13 I riy hiuiii ii-i iirriMturg-MMHinii Auranla April 37. June 1. June 39 Asosnla May 4, June 8. July 7 Alaunla May 11. June 16. July 13 Auaonl May 18. June 33. July 30 From New York Ti (iireiistuun nml LltrrxMl Scythla . . April 38 Lacoula . . May 13 in uieriMiiirr ami niiiiiiKiiiipiun uretania .. Ma, k, Wi june B,'ec lunra . . May 9. so, June m, July 9 naarta . . May as. JitheV.. 37i Jury 16 To Ijimliimirm ami 1Iumh' iVisvlvanla Mir 36 California. May 6 Cameronla. .May 13 Tn l'l,imoiilli-ll;nrr-lonil(in Carmanla. .April 37 Lanoaatrla . . May 4 From Boston Tn (liireitflowik ami Mmixxil Scythla . . April 39 Laoonla . . May 13 Around the World Cruise Pranronla Jan. IS. 1939 Call at Plymouth, Eastbound Money order, drafta anil Travellers' Cheque at lowest rate. Pull Information rrom lucal agents or Company's Offices n'i'J Hastings St. W., Vancouver. B.C. To the end of December, 1926. .Ha, produced .Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $78,018.5W; LwTfsGaHS198U7218; iiilver ?8O,787,O03 LLeftd, 10u42; Copper,. $209,967,0(58; ZWe m,5i?.,KTir M K re S2cUii99,133;'.St!ruoturaf Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, oQ48,-07; rWRWv' its mineral' reduction to the end of 192G show an REGIMENT WON CUP SHOOTING IIKIMSROVKIt TltOI'HV TAKEN IKOU ritii:NT HOLitKKs in co.Mi'tni- TION LAST NHillT In competition with teams from tbt R.C.N V.R. and Prince Rupert Hlgti School CadeU the 1st Bn. NBC. Regt. won the HeUbronar Cup. The shoot was held last night at tbe R.C.N.V.R. miniature range. The oup Is a challenge trophy donated in IMS by Mas Hell-broner for the beat team competing lit Indoor ranges wing .22 rifles. Tb Prince Rupert High School ha held the cup for tbe last year. The total were as follow (possible 800). N.B.O. Regt. Rifle Asm Tie Prince Rupert High School 668 R C. N. V. B 6W Individual scores were a follows: N.ILt'. HLOT. A. Wylie 8S B. Wilson S3 W. Bran 83 M. M. Lamb BO R. W. Cameron ................ SO b. wiiaoa ....i. ;:..; as it. B. Bastman .&,...... S6 0. V. Wilkinson .l.. 88 718 I'HINCK 111 l'i;iT lllflll SCHOOL J. D. McKay V. M 1. A. Smith ...... M W. H. Coll Una 81 S. Rutins A 88 T. Peddle .....V, 87 J. Stewart S A. Cross W J. (BOOtw a e . W 0 9 itnu is. '.A ic. w. Hum . O. Daw ,. O. Boulter ............... O. Dyer O. Howe . .. - L. Finn r. MacDonald J. BrocUesby VIC FOLEY FOUGHT TEN FAST ROUNDS TO 83 80 80 IS W. M. Brown acted aa range officer. DRAW RITCHIE KING VANCOUVER. April 21 -Vlo Poley, the local boser. and Ritchie King of San Diego, fought ten fast rounds here last night to a draw. THAVlNG TODAY AT DAWSON, Y.T. Much warmer weather Is reported In the far north this morning, tbe thermometer at Dawson In Yukon Territory being 86. causing a commencement of the spring thaw. At other point It la tlll warmer While at no place did the reports Indicate frost. The Oovernment Telegraphs report this morning at 6 follows: itaysport Cloudy, calm. temp. 41. Port Simpson Raining, southerly breeae, temp. 46. Terrace qSoudflr cairn, tem 41. RosRwood Cloudy, calm. temp. 41. Alyansh Cloudy, calm. temp. 43. Alice Arm Light rain, calm, temp. 48. Any oi Raining, calm. temp. 48. , , B,wat--Rainlng, calm. temp. 46. ltaaeltoh Cloudy, calm. temp. 40. Smith r Cloudy, calm. temp. 40. Burns Lake--Cloudy, calm, temp. 40. Eighth Cabin- Snowing, south wind, temp 30 Bcho Lake -Raining, south wind, temp. 39. Telegraph Creek - Cloudy, calm, temp. 43. Atlln Part cloudy, calm, tetnp. 36. Whitehorse - Cloudy, suiilli Wind, temp. .18. Selkirk -Cloudy, south wind. U'ip. 48. Dawwu-Cloud , iidiu, tentp. 36. . AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,170. PRODUCTION FOB YEAH ENDING DECEMBER, 1920, $67,188,812 The Mininj? Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which Is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full Information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing . THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines., Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. sssaxaammu wmsiinaawtii mi urn EDMONTON GRADS TO DEFEND TITLE WHEN THEY MEET LAKESIDES EDMONTON. April 21.- The Edmonton Orads basketball team will meet Toronto Lakealdes at the arena tonight and a tremendous feminine .struggle Is looked for. The local girls have trained faithfully and the visitors, who have bad two day' rest, are looking fit a It I possible to be. This tussle for the ladles' championship I likely to be a ml battle. III.I K MUDS WON The Blue Bird won their first game In several starts against tbe Bdblas in the eerie of ladles' hockey matches on roller skates which Is being held at ANNUAL DANCE asm FINE SUCCESS TWO IIINDKKII AMI TMKNTV-HVL' IT.KMINS I'KGCKNT AT, lA'JOY. AIVLK I I M'TION lilt i;. 11V l.l.KH' i.oikii; The annual dance Isst night by Prince Rupert Lodge. Benevolent and Protective Order of Bks, was a great success. Some 32ft persons were In attendance and enjoyed the festivities so fully that they were loath to leave after the borne walta was played at 3 a.m. Exceptionally fine munlc was played by Al. Small and the' Elks' Orchestra. Moonlight waltaes were featured and these seemed to be very popular. The variety program included the performance of Exalted Ruler R Or-ham who. much to the entertainment and enjoyment of the crowd, demonstrated hi skill with tricks of magic Including sleight of hand. W. E. Wllllscrolt, past exalted ruler. ave tbe Elks 11 o'clock toast which was an Interesting and lmprewlve ceremony. Mike Budtnlch was master of cere monies and W. D. Vance presided at the duor. B. C. Baylies presided over the punch bowl which was scon drained. Refreshment were served at midnight under the direction of Eddie Clapp and Jack Cobb who were assisted by other Brother Bill. The event took place In tbe Moose Hall. a IjOCAL news items The regular monthly meeting of the Baptist Church Mission Clrele was held last evening at tbe hoaae of Mrs. S. Dawson, Hay Cove Circle. Provincial Constable H. H. Maneell of Vanderboof, arrived In the elty from the south on the Prlnoe Rupert thU morning and Is reft tared at the Prtnee Rupert Hotel. J. A. Hall, president of the Hydar bank and now making his residence In Vancouver wbete be ha established a brokerage business. Is a paasangei aboard the Prlncs Rupert today bound for Stewart. J. S. Wilson, vice-nrlnctpal of Booth school la home from Vancouver after attending the teachera' convention and keeping hla young son a few days longer In order that he might have ye treatment. On account of unfavorable weather today, the Adair Can Chapter. Imperial Order, Daughter of the Empire, has postponed its annual tag day on behalf of soldiers' plot beautlfleation until next Saturday. Father Leray, OM.I of Stewart left on this morning's train for Terrace where he will conduct services In the Roman Catholic Church tomorrow. H will return to the city on Tuesday afternoon and proceed to Stewart next taturday night. 'aveYou taken your 'cFood To-day? COMEDY THICKEN FKATHERS." MUTRO CODWYN NEWS Admission 50c and 2nc WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 A brilliant, ten- mulntlruma. CONRAD .NAHEU MYRNA LOY, WILLIAM 1M SKI.I. CARROL NYE, l'AUL PANZER, KRV1LLE ALDKksos any many others. Canadian National QJid Largcfl Kailway Syflcm in America nmn t tiriif in AND Sailings front I'KIMX IlLI'tHT tor and Intermediate points, each For KKTflllk N and ANYOX. each For HTKUAHT each M.m HO.IY at For SOKTII and Mil l 11 il l.f..V I PAMKKSflER TIIAIVS I. Bach MOMt.W. ieir.MV and ULOHflK. IUMUNTON. WINNII' States. 4UKNCY AI.I (H'RAN U I'anadMn NsImmmI RxprrM ete., aHe for jser nett ahlpment. my ticket oirirr.. sen tiiiiih TRAIN SERVICE VAM-m vKK. viptohi. nm; Till MNIIAY and 61 MlAV i 1! ? UKIOKSIIAY. 4 pjn. io pm. lltHMITIi: iKiaMIS. Furtn r UU. rHIML KLPKKT N.lll HHY tt 11 30 a-m ( - r"M ' Ml. all point Eastern CnuJ' ' sir.tMsllll LIMBS, far MHy Itedets, rrvln i'briun ttf. FHIM'F. KITKKT Tennis! Tennis! SBK OUK NEW ItACKKTS .S7-"(l to Slll.00 128 arc in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 OFFICIALS OF WHITE PASS AND EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO NORTH The passenger lut'Tf the stesmer Princess Alice, which waa in port thl morning bound for Skagway. included many employee of the Whit Paw Railway Navigation Co. returning to their duties after having apent the winter In Ihe south. Steamboat muter, and engineers were among them. H. Wheeler, president of the White rat Co., waa aboard returning tt Bkagwajr after having apent tbe winter in Seattle. There waa also W. D. Oar- don, superintendent of tbe river division, end Mrs. Oordon returning to Why Hot after spending the winter In Victoria. TEA AND SALE BEING HELD AT WESTV1EW A tea and aale la being held this after i con at Weatvlew School In aid of achool fund. With many ladle promising to attend, th funetleo -should a -a great icoras. , Mlu Lillian Halllwell la general con vener and I receiving the guests. Mrs ' H orme Is pouring and Mr. A. J. WaUiuaon and Mr. J. D. Lawrence i re serving. Mr. It. L. Landry and Mm. w. M. Brown art In charge of tb home cooking table with Mrs. L W. Waugh and Mr. H. Halllwell in oharge o! the serving of ice cream. A solo will be sung by Mrs. H. L. lAtidry, in conipanled by Mra. Ernest Anderson AUvtitU In tU Daily N It payil L you ;et Montreal Prices and Value for Your Money ut Montreal Importers Tlilrtl Avenue J. B. .Miller, rropn '"' Tor Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Suppli - 1!llk ley Valley Hay mihI 11 "" Seeds, Kertlllaer uml 'lAI" call up 68 Prince Rupert Feed Co.