urda.v. April 21, 1U28 &nnm ; prices at Prince Rupert of the New Chevrolet Light Delivery Chassis $o:n.oo IIV Ton Truck Cbwsja $H)0.00 Roadster $S08.00 Roadster Delivery $808.00 Touring $808.00 'oupe $!).'! 1.00 ''"ih .$0:11.00 Hedan $10:t0.00 Cabriolet $10:10.00 Imperial Landau $1080.00 Front Bumper and Rear Bumperettes standard equipment on all Pamnger Models. Disc Wheels Standard pquipment on Imperial and Tabriolet only. On other models $30.00 extra. Spare Tire and Tube, J5l! .00 extra. Faien Garage Phone 52 RICHMOND Louvre 'S FAMOUS POP. VALUE in Ladles' Coats Hats and Dresses II S. WAI.I.ACB CO, LTD. Corselet tes GOSSARD M in niir 1 1 u a I i t y Silk ;- Maiisit. Klastic In- i I Carters. Sixes 32 to ' Special $2.45 H.S.Wa!laceCo.Lld. '.rtl Avenue and Fulton Phone 0 NOBLE FIVE MINES Miller. Court & Co. spon--ii-i and placed before the "iiMic such well known pro-i t ititM as Cork Province at V. Whitewater at 25c, Pend "iville at 25c, and now they ii.i NOBLE FIVE MINES LTD. at :U)c a ahare. Over three quarters of a million dollars baa been I nt on development, power I ' 'n' and mill. This is a proven property. Subscrip-1 mil , t;ii,en by S. D. Johnston Colt (1. 617 2nd Avenue Agents for Miller. Court & Co. Lid. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 CartaRe, Warehousing, artd i)ltributinn. Taam or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and l'urnltum Minium Waterfront Whiffs Bumper Week for Halibut Landing Trolling Operations Starting Outnide Owner Pleased With New Boats Heavy individual landings by Canadian alilHtf JiiMfcitunjd the past week at Prince. Rupert during which ihe bfiraBHllquan-tity of 1,981,000 poundr3500 pounds Canadian ajsdlfflHWqunds American has been Unded here. Good weuther preva'lTEWround the middle of April and many boats have made comparatively short trips but came back with the largest catches of the season. The size of the catches has no doubt compensated to some extent for the low level of prices. Six Canadian boats during the week landed their sixth catches of the season. They were the Unome, Ingred II., Bingo, Viking I., Terifkn and Marguerite. Halibut landlnct at Prince Rinrtf . for th imiaii ti .... . .. , .too- rzzz 'rjrz, r grmtwm a Wa,fUW pounda Canadian and 44)39.700 pounds American aa 00m pared with 4.027 250 UD Of 3JHHBAflD IVninHii A mat !. 8.000 pound: Betty. 11.000 freaalng. i Spring that the new halibut boat Takla was "nwi w. hi m iuv ii. p. wimn ... Kstep engine The Takla actually la equipped with a 100 b p. Western -Bn The Salvage Princess of the Prince left early Tuesday morning for Douglas , Channel to pick up three hundred piles for the B.C. Packer and dlstrl-i butt tbeea to Lowe Inlet. Ctaxton and Oceanic canneries. The boom was transferred to the power tug Zanardi when tbe Salvage Princess went on Wednesday to dribble Ialsnd to pick I til Mi: hitckt nm-Tou u. UIHTHICT MOTICX, on Monaair. t the hottt alSWT- la hereby given that I shall. uu 2i si oar oi stay. ivsv. of It otk 1 the fate- s,oTSeP,CoSTt WI- of lirviitcn for the purpose of revising the list of voters for the said electoral 1 district, and of bearing and devermlnlag any ana ail osjecuona to tne retention of any name on the aaM lltt. or to the registration as a vqter of any applicant for rrglKtratloti: Stid foi the other ptirpostM set forth in tbe "Provincial fcect!iis Act." Dated at Prince lUipert, B C. this 4tii Jay el April. IBM. RaXlTBTRAIl OP VOTKR8. Ill Prince Rupert s to rl District. MINERAL ACT (Form r.) CHHTIl If ATKFmPKOVr.MrlNTS NOTICE Princess Pat. Lot ases; Pilot. Lot 4r ItJtJP.. Lot 43M: Obsarver, Lot 4WS, uimmI riiimi situate In the Atlln Min im fMvatlon of Oalar District. Where located : On ktunro Mountain about four mile from the town of Atlln. TAKC nOTICB that we, James Stokaa and R Frr.ser. Free Miner's Certificate No. a80-800Cl. intend, sixty days from the dte hereof, to apply to tbe Muting Recorder for a Oerlfffcate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. Aud further take notice that action. SSmw m ueMofm.uchb'cer?.T.?rtSlS jUeat. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of n"Ei"?i,2 the laxue of s Provlsiotial Sf!iLfl,?iVnf Title for Lot sixteen ( 1 ,,fA1,lUn 1161 Town of tr,;MP Vlf at tbe crtvs Txo,v.trngltn.01v: ' Und Wni beln produced f "-j" intuntlon to issue, after he pna-UMsf my OM month from the Mrst bob-Itcatlon Cert I fleMe hereof, a Prov o of Title to the h 'v' 1,,Ki ' wm of W H VTOKWI Th' "'"'oXbir Wn wiooer, dated the rate of Title la 'J--':..r'm&a7ri.n Rr The Prince Rupert Salvage and Co. has received a contract from 1 xifl .Zl.r yards of sand to be - v 1 sassj taw . The highest bid during the week was Mac and 6c which the following boate received: Reliance I.. 17.000 pound: Tyee. 19.-600 pounds: star. 12.000 pounds: Bravo. The car barge, which ha been moo- paunds: m .t ih. h-,w , ... cZl r '"d mke m for two .rain boat, Caroline. 6.000 pounds h The lowest ,ndl.n Clt Y whtch price for American fish was 8c and 4c .'u,,, ww up to te tbe top Canadian bid was 89c and 6c taken by the Cape Spear for 6.000 1 Th. Mn. 1 " "w"" rvrnnut. fi..Hi. u , aa 7c and 4c which was paid by the .g yesterday moved the from the beach near the dry dock 1 " - " WW.U DW1W JJ. 1U1 wkMa V. . 1 . . . during the winter. Tbe "JJ" will now Imon were reported about k. , .,.. . . the mWd, of Prtl M tton of the rvlce to the Salt Lake running in Rannel Sound on the Quc:n CharlotU Ialanda. Urger trollutg boats i X t , ,x ' oam() from Prince Rupert have started to. croa. Hoate Stralu In order to nmt ! BUpCrt 8"'T'"e in tbe fUhlng around Hippo Ulan 1"? P"n h1' I A new chart of Caam.no Sound and l"0 "T" ! HU Py onVe has been eatab- uDsl. hu , ,.. h ' t. . ' Uehad In tbe boat houae where Canadian Hydrograpbic office, it u an nounced by the department of marine and fisheries Copies are free in exchange for 2Sc. A rOHHMTlox i A letter has been received from Id-ward Ltpeett. Ltd., Vancouver per W. P.HJIJi. formerly transacted its tbe buei- Oapt. Tony Martlnsen. owner of the halibut Uvlugnorte II. is back tram Norway, where he spent the winter, ae- Drte. pomung out that it waa re- I' " " '"7 , iwH)inf esiaoiisnea ana. aently stated In th Waterfront Whiffs meantime, Capt. Tlbbitts is still in full of the Livingstone. Cant. Panona recently signed oS aa second In command. mV??f!?a T ,h OW11: fighwr salvor. Capt. Rush, is " bT-dWa-..L'PWrtt LU" ' V110OU- due to Albert ticCaffer, with a tU mlU. cargo consisting of 103 tons of ostnent. a carload of plaster and timber and .T -f1Va' Bd to be d in the conrtnaetlon of """ nQ n'nt ,rom ma new AlvascaT theatre. North Arm of Fore her Island with a boom consisting of 1 JOS ,000 feet ofj iloaa or fortv-tnraa . aaeilcmj fee tha Biel .Rav I JIWihr Vl 'a nmm mH! At nl Prt "" roducu from Core Anewrnlmatel four million rMt 'of lo h... nnw h.n . ,r PUm l Cawregtown to the Big Bay of them have been left at Digby Island and will be brought later. atachlnery and equipment la still be ing tfetteered by the Dew of the Ru the old Lumber Co.'s new sawmill at Seal Cove A scowload was brought in by the F.R T on Thursday I The planer at Oeorgetown. which has been In operation dressing lumber since the main mill closed down, finally ceased this week snd the few people still remaining at Oeorge town are about to move In. The new mill at Seal Cove is expected to start cutting on Monday. It will concentrate operations for some time at first on the filling of large orders that hM hi MMlaMf (m Kiati wpajta ;up and bring bare Thursday night the lumber " " srr m as tabs, i tiwiUMf if, a i staT aaa . whivii iuui u n na aown ft.'ia ovnifia ay -l'KOVINCIAIs BLECTIONS ACT' power tug M T 3. Capt. Beg. Green, delivered a adbwload of lumbar from Oeotgetown yeaterday for tbe Big Bay Lumber Co a local retail yard. I'l KASKK WITH IIOtTS Capt. John Ivaraon and Capt. Ham Underoahl. returning to port this week i after having made their maiden trips 'to the halibut grounds with their new .halibut beau Melville and Covenant. 4 The Taxi Driver I use Champion Spark Plugs because they nelp to make my service more dependable. Champion la the bettcrtpark plug because It has ag exclusive silli-mantte insulator spt- . dally treated to ulth. 9? stand the much higher temperaturea of the modern higlxompres. ion engine. Also a new patented solid coppers Caskct'Seal that remains" abiolutcly cas-tlght under high conapre sion. Special analysll electrodes whkhanurt fixed ipark-cap under all driving condltioni. CHAMPION SparKPIugi built during the winter at the Prince Rupert Dry Dock, expressed complete satisfaction with the performance and leeaworthlne of the boat ae well a with the manner m which the 75 h p. Falrbaaka-Moue full dk-rel envies worked. Poth 'boats fished on the west coast of the Queen Chp.rlotte Islands and haied full catches, the Melville weighing out seme 32,000 pounds and tbe Covenant slightly Jen. Oapt. Ivaraon stated that It wan the largest catch he had landed In eleven yeara' flabing out of Prince Rupert for which he had received the lowest price 7.6c and 4c and netting a check of 2.100. The six man boat wa out about twelve days and. in spit of the low price, waa by no means in the hole on the maiden trip. Trolling opertkttorui commenced at Dundas Island on Thursday of this ween when USpt .Johnny Claunon of the packer Elmer C. eaUbllahed a camp there. Twetre boats were unmedlatelv on hand and atarted flshlnn. settine one or two springs that day. I Moat of tee trollers are still located in Warke Canal where the run of fish! one thousand a still clow. in the con- The nrevaUlna Drir of tat n ik for American flan STL - " !!? " 'Prince Hupert market ha. bean 17c for - 1 win w uiuuui irum UK TtO aprinc wwns niver oy ine power tug aanardl and acow. The Dumont logging outfit waa towed into town from Warke Canal this week by Capt. C C Ketchum with hi power tug Wigwam Op rations of thl. concern have now iwn dosed down. ALBERTANS AND THEIR RAILWAY I'KKMIKIt ASit IION. V. W. KMITII flKT I.ITTI.l: nK.M:Hr KIM I.NTKK-VllHH MITII IIK.ll- KDMONTON. April 11. That Sir I Henry Thornton of the Canadian National and President Beatty of the Canadian Pacific are to get together soon as possible for another con-: ultatlon In reference to tbe ID. & B.C , railway question, that the Inquiries of. the two transcontinental into the A1-; berta situation art continuing, and that i in tbe meantime there is no further: development in the matter la the word that Hon. V. W. Smith, minister of railways, has brought back wltb. hica on bu return from Ottawa and Montreal. Interviews with both chief executive In Montreal and with Hon. Chas. Dun-! nlmg. federal minister of railway, were secured by PresaUr Brawnlee and Mr. Smith, and the northern railway situation waa again thoroughly canvassed The Joint offer by the two menpanien was not amended, however, and whether or not there will yet be a new ofier , will likely depend upon the outeoaac at the neat conference between Measrt Thornton and Beatty. tbe mteauian to srrange which was the last wdrd tbe two ministers got on tbe subject before leaving for hotnie. "The situation remains much ae it waa." say Mr. Smith, 'except tut the sir has been cleared somewhat by our further dis LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER'S WIFE SEES WOMAN FOR FIRST TIME 2 YEARS 8KIDDOATS. April 31 Captain Bob Scott arrived back from Cape St. James at the week-end In the mission launch Thomas Crosby. A landing waa made at the lighthouse, tbe first success after five previous fsllurM. as a result of rjufh weather. Mrs. Scott accompanied her husband and !f was the flrv. t;me in two ycur- that Mrs. Lawrence, the wife of the tight keeper, had sewn a woman. ' To reach tbe IbjbrtlMMUS It was neces sary to climb SM feet up a steep stiff and this can be done otfy. when the saw is ito sot h. FIRE PREVENTION IS THEME OF SPEAKERS R. E Allen, district forester, left for the Interior today and will spend next week addressing schools ana disseminating the gospel of fire protect ion during next weak, which Is fire prevention week. Otorge Nlekerson of this city will give a short address to the Rotary Club at their luncheon Thursday afternoon on fire prevention. The matter of fire prevention will alto be taken up In tbe local schools lKi:tlf U. KKKOK Oeneral Look heee, my dont you be careful? why Army Clerk--what 1 wrong, sir? Oeneral Why instead of addressing this letter to the "IiiteUlgtnee Officer" you have sddresstel It to the "Intelligent Officer." You should know there Is no such person in tbe army. trtratford Beacon-Herald. HECLA AtiENTS for Prince Rupert BLIND MEN MARE BROOMS VANCOUVER SAYS MANAGER HERE cussion of vari?us,ljcU and figures that brcom factory of the Canadian enter naturally into the caw.' !PRIWn5A!P RV Thunpson. Mr. Bedpath and Mrs. D. C. Stuart. Cuhler Mrs. J. a. Irvine. ' A whist drive waa aeiev at might with Mrs. M. McAnhur and MM. Joseph Brown in charge. Winners in the whist drive were: An interesting visitor to the city yes- todies' first, Mrs. N. Mussel Iran; kaaies trrday wm C. Brawn, manager of the secend. Mrs. Harry OrmlsUra: men. Na- f'm. 9. M. Newton; mens second, Aid. Uonal Institute for the Blind. At tbe Decree Rudderh"n. There were eight factory In Vancouvei there are twenty tables. blind men employed st the work and Winners of the raffles were: earnlne abjut twentv dollars a week Table cloth, Mrs. R. Cameron: sack .. inrf fitrnlna ,.n . vaII - f I n lahH ar. Of BUBAT. AnSUS McPheC: DSjntSd i ticle. It has been In operation for five cushion, 8. D. Maedenaid; electric veara and the nroduct. about a thou- stove, Marcus Andrews Winning Uc- sand dozen a month, is marketed in were drawn by little Mast Nonas i B.C. snd Alberta. Archie. Mr. Brawn ays about half the men J 8. I -vine was master of eei are married and aome of them have, and Mrs. McPhee prsslilsd at the dooi blind wives. The provincial government make a small grant toward the Institute. FAMOUS INN Scottish ladies MAY BE RAZED l UHcllon VrMrrdav Afternoon I nrter IMretiktn l Hr. McKobble ANOTIIKIl III Il.ll l.tID I AI(H IS PICKWICK P.treitK IH TIIRBATENEO The Ladles' Auxiliary to St. Andrews' LONDON. April 30. Another famous Society held a spring tea and sale link with Mr. Pickwick and hi aerr? Ir. the stub rooms oo.. Seeoq AvenM com4)sfo UJUiBsatssuM with yesterday afternoon, the event being Hon. TheraBl' ia'ifl MlM dsattruc- most successful. The premises were suit- in Oeorge Yard. Lombard Street, la ex-ably decorated for the occasion. Mrs. prcted shortly to have to make waj Meftobble. president of the Auxiliary, was general convener with the following ladles assisting. Sewing Mrs. James Hsddon. Mrs H. B. Bastaaan and Mrs. Cltarlee Taylor. Home Ccoklna- Mrv Oeorge and Mia. Ouyan Raffles Mrs. Oeddes and Mrs. Mar phle. Afternoon Tea- Mrs. David Scott, Mr WWAS SO NERVOUS Isaac Rosen .'lepasd into 4,eijdll'V JW 'P until I got a box af uriKwry store. I rant aome pepper," ttUrHtv to the lady clerk. "What kind do you prefer, black or light colored pepper?" ska replied. "I don't vant eder kind: I rant tissue pepper." She Oeorge. what do you have to do when you want to draw some money nut of a bank? WTajor. Ontsrio You have to put some money In A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT r., befuivhaud. That's niways " i rr . j been my gxperieuce Pearsot'j After the firat bot J found a great' iliange, and after two boxes I was na well as I could ba. "I told my mother, who had choking sensations, about them aud Ui7 helped her greatly." Pries 50c, a box at all druggists and dealers, er mailed direct on receipt of prie by The T. Uilbura Oo-, limited, Toronto, 0&t for street Improvements. It will be remembered that It waa at the "Oeorge and Vulture" that Mr Pickwick took his quarters after he gave up the noma st Mrs. Bardell'a In Oos- Scott . ell Street Here It was that he was , arrested by the sheriffs officer for non payment of the damages snd costs m the breach of promise action. The "Oeorge and Vnlture" of today Is very different from the hostelry of Mr. Pickwlrlt time. Strictly speaking It Is not now u:i Inn at all, for all Its three and SHORT OF BREATH " de0t1 to rTln' mMU to Ith hungry warkers of the neighboring r i a nm a r-r-n COULD HARDLY SLEEP offices Nevertheless tbe house main- i'""" " mu:h of th Weck "Pint lira, Loaiea Reg-lia, Oolden Lake, Ont, write.:-" For several years I - " t,n Tlltre art th d r"hlot1 wu irmtly troubled with r kearL i o "U for diners, and the wells are I wa so nervous and short of breath ! c-vered with valuable oM-tlme prints I eowM kardlv sleep at viffkt, and If ''l'ng with the Pickwick Club. The I did sleep for a while I had bad I City Pickwick Cl-6 holds its meet-dreaats. I ings here, and the Dickens Fellowship "I Kuuiged to keep at tnj work, I has often held gatherinsB here also, somehow, oatil I began to have dirty In 1037. when the Pickwick Papers were psila which go so bad I had to give f,rt being published In monthly part n. I used WHtiv kiads of medicine, ; a club for the circulation of popular literature used to meet at the "Ofprge snd Vulture." When it waa profossB that the club should subscribe fef the Pickwick papent an ameudasent was moved that the new work was vuigar The amendment was lost and an addition wai ninde to the original motion that the monthly parts Whan complete should lx bound into one volume. This volume waa aoM a year later for 13 shll-Imga snd sixpence. It Is now In the British Museum library where It la pre scrvitl as a national treasure. eubscrtbe for the Dally Mews, FAGE FT73 The Furnace that Saves One Ton in Seven Steens, Limited Home Comfort Plan now to have a warm comfortable home next winter. The best way to make sore is to install a Hecla now. You will have More Heat More Comfort More Cleanliness Bigger Fuel Saving See the Hecla Agent in your district. lie will be triad to show you the many special features of this famous Furnace. Mail the Coupon for valuable Ifeela Literature. Clare Bros. Western Ltd. Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton Vancouver CLARE nFlOS. WESTERN LTD, WINNIPEG Please mail me booklet about the famous Hecla Warn Air Furnace Name Address 'PJl." I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaBBBraaaaaaaal : NavySuits ami ! Ensemble Sllifc "Demers" DRY : BIRCH JACKl'I.NB AND CEDAR Single load $&M Double Load ft.30 Larjre Sack 50c COAL PRICKS DOWN Pembina Peerlesx KfK $12.00 Pembina Waahed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Kkk $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 ' Also all other classes of coal HydeTranster AND COAL CO. mSeccnd Arenee Radio Radio As well as specialising on the No. 17 Rsdlola. we wUh to draw your attention to the Radiol a No. 16. It is another of the up-to-date, last six months models, a six tube receiver. Price, less Had Iv. Irons .... f Wl.M Price, with Rsdlotrons .. l 14.13 Prloe. complete with Radlo- trons snd 100.A Lojd- speaker 9I.1I.1S F. W. t'llAMM.FK Exclusive WholeaaJe Dealer for Radlolas Offlre: III Nlxth St. fhix Ml Prlnee Kuiert. ac. I "7775 AT it with a c.tvJtniMnci saw q Siatis atatis sharp eharp longer longer Cut! CutieasJer. eJer. Saws Sows faster faster Ik J K V BIMONin CANADA ttAW CO. LTD. fwjj BE VANCOUvik. .r JOHN.N.S . ! Kjsj kim,w.to asaawB I