F5QB FOJJB THE LiAiLi NEW6 tur, .UI1H BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus MEN'S AND ROYS' -nil,, L-.-X-. I . f OH YEA-' MT6NOBO ' KNJ VOU e&AT IT mERl! 1 Khaki I NJOW U-TEK- ilGCb-rAKE MX TIP- Kg T TO CO TO THE pEA-5UOFE. I AM BOILIKI UP AN' J JU- iON.tAM'POTWRFOC" IT Mfc r SUT i V MOTHIN'TOmQKT Vw4 AH. lrV4 TOTao.MAXE L VTHE MOUNTAIN?) -VSEt$T J P THAT ilWTOT TO CO WHERE I UNDERSTAND AW-MV ABOUT- j f - r iL-' ..VS ..V-TmF RIGHT MOOO PRlEKJDS ARE COINC TO' THE Panfs A new lino, made in, England. Boys' worth $2.25. 0urprice $1.25 Men's, worth $2.50. our..pri.ce. S1.49 We have some wonderful value in Dres Pants for men and young men and boys' knickers and bloomers at prices to beat the mail order houses. FI.ANNELETTE BLANKETS 10-4, verv fine quality. $1.65 Only 2 to each customer. Montreal Importers J. R. Sillier. Proprielor, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, R.C. REDS Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO 5IOVINC We fell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEJIENT SAND GRAVEL Our price,' weights and measure are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 20L Night Phone: Red 317. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Ruilding Papers and Felts Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oil Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 11C and 117 DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $6.50 Large Back 50c COAL PRICES DOWN . Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransler; AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. MILK ILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EAkRLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENT1NDAIRY Telephone C57. REDS KEEP UP LOSING STREAK ST. LOUS CAIUIINAIJ .IKE IMV THHEE-ANO-A-HALT GAMES I P IS XATIONAL CHANGES IX AMRHICAN (Speclal to Dally Nwl NEW YORK, June 33. St. Louis Car dinals, winning over Chicago Cubs. stretched their lead In the National League yesterday to three-and-a-halt games over the Cincinnati Reds who lost to Pittsburg Pirates and are now threatened by the Mew York Oiants for econd place. ment. Yesterday's scores: NATIONAL LRAOCE Cincinnati 1. Pittsburg 11. St. Louis 4, Chicago 1. Others postponed on account of rain. AMERICAN I4AOI E Philadelphia -Hew York postponed. Detroit 3. St. Louis 8. Chicago 7. Cleveland 6. Boston 1. Wsshington 3. COAST LEAOIE Seattle 0. Missions 13. Los Angeles 6. Oakland 10. San Pranclsco 4. Sacramento 11. Portland 3. Hollywood 3. LEA CH E fTANIINOS Nstlmel leagae W. Is. Pet. St. Louis 41 33 441 Cincinnati 88 30 487 Mew York 31 34 464 Chicago 3 80 J38 Brooklyn 30 39 JOS Pittsburg 37 32 .436 Boston 31 35 475 Philadelphia 18 37 -308 Aaferrtraa Is New ork 48 13 .780 Philadelphia 38 38 414 St. Louis 83 88 483 Washington 38 30 484 Cleveland 35 34 .453 Boston 31 33 484 Chicago 38 37 483 Detroit 38 38 477 Around The World WithiSport Fans l Tfce Trea.pl The pot of gold which Andy Paynt found at the end of the long, long rainbow in C. C. Pyle's transcontinental marathon will wipe out the dfbta that for years have kept a mortgage over hM father's farm Pan of the S36.000 will build a new house and buy furniture for Andy's mother, end some of the money wiu take Andy through col li be enough to mal deter, happy, too. era ana "No cause for tears" Is the opinion of H. at. Abrahams. British Olympic champion, after comparing the chances ot British athletic with other nations for the coming Olympic games He un hesitatingly says that the prospects for British-success sre brighter now than tbey were In 1834. and that Britain has more first-class runners, hurdlers, snd Jumpers than ever before. "As to our gssaeral prospect at Amsterdsm. I re fuse to be as pessimistic as most of the people with whom I have discussed our chances." Abrahams ssys. RanJI was the moat remarkable Instance in all cricket's history of s man expressing through the game not only his individual genius but the genius of his race says a writer In the Man chester Ouardlan. No Englishman could have batted like Ranjl. "Ran)!." said Ted Wajnwright once. " 'e never, made a CTerlsMsA stroke In his life." Itie light U sBdo oA dUr crfckat-flejk wbep RanJI batted was a light out oFrilg own land, a dusky, lnncrutsble light. His wss the cricket of black magic indeed. A sudden sinucu turn of the wrist snd lol the ball had vanished where? The bowler, knowing he had aimed on the middle stump, aaw. as in a vision, the form of RanJI. all fluttering curve. The bat made Its beautiful pass, a Wlxard'a wand. Prom the very middle stump the ball was spirited sway to the avg-alde boundary And the bowler, good believer In the true faith, crossed himself st the Iglit of it all. "Ran-Ji." declared Oecrge Oifien. "Call him O rMS. ty lail Futon S.m. fa. CnM BriMia Msa r teams in the standing should still be rood. In the light of the progress that so far has been made, no sudden shift In the National League standings could re very surprising now. OLYMPIC HA7EK AT AMHTEUtlAU Opening ceremonies July 38 Track and field July 3S-Aug. 5 Wrestling July 31 -Aug. 1. Fencing July 38-Aug. 1 Rowing Aug 3. -Aug. 10 Swimming Aug. 4-Aug. 11 Cycling Aug. J-Aug. 5 Lacrosse Aug. 4-Aug. 9 Marathon Aug. Boxing Aug. 7-Aug. 11 Closing ceremonies Aug 13 f Terminals and Regiment drew 3-3 latt evening in the Dominion Cup match ia6 as a remit will meet on Dominion Dsy in the final of the same compe- iltlon. With the hill and wind In thetf favor Regiment had rather the better of the i.r-t half. Both forward lines were dan-g-.rous in turn Corbttt sved from rUrrlaon. Strachan and UalDORB and Ourvich did well to repel a fan drive -,f Baptie's who was playing Bnajgsms t centre naif for Rafimeiit DgjaeU ai V-ngth put .Regtoetit a goal np from rlce in and at the wsme thae gM a xick that crippled him for t?V rat of. the game. Por a penalty tor Wilson put the Regimen tsjs J lip ST JOHN HALIFAX C714 a batsman? Why. he's bloomln' con-' m'o nad all the better of thu halt jurcr!" SPORT CHAT With Philadelphia's failure ihls week to make any impression upon the American League leading Hew York Yankees, a turning point U probably marked la this season's competition la that division The result of it is that .Vew York la still away out on top 'tad tfce Mackmen have came very close to losing second place to the St. Louis Browns who -have been cutting quite a aaatbe of late. While all this tend to slacken even more the Interest in the doings of the American, a hectic race or honors is still in progress in the National where it is stlU possible for White 8pz. were displaeed from fourth any team in the league to emerge on place In :he American League by the , top. St. Louis Cardinals are still sport-Waab'ngton Senators who won from tr.g a three game lead, mainly as a re-Boston. The While Sox. In turn, went! stilt of their recant striss with the up from the cellar and the Detroit Cincinnati Beds, but there are many Tigers, who tost to the booming St. games to be played yet and. with a Louis Browns, are now left in the base- little luck, the chances of the first five t t t t t t i t t FOOTBALL GAME ENDED LN DRAW FINAL HTMinOLE HILL TAKE PL-tCE OS IXIMI.MON DAY FfiJI CI V Baptie and Cort:t were very safe for Regiment' and kept the Terminals st jay for a long t.m- At length Dlcken tt Corbett with a good shot Our-v.ch caught a com re from Wilson and rrjm Korrtngton but it was Terminals' -jame and Strachar. caught a shat oi Turrie's that wm intended for goal and urncd It past Carbett to equalise Tlli '.lie end TwrlnlnsU were on the sgxres-lve but cculd not score. Teams: Regiment Coro-'it. Ross. C-rorge; Kel-:jr BapUe. Tinker; Wilson. Russell. ustM. Hadgkinsiii and Harrington. Terminals Oi.r.T.h: Skinner. Hawe; MU1. Currie. MacDouald; Karruin. Ztrachan. Dtckem. Chenkl. Donstd. Referee W. Wllliscrcft. Linesmen A. Ctspperton and L. Bond Terminals were best nerved by Skin-. :r. MacDcnald. Cuir.e. Hill and 8tra-.:n and Barrison Regiment owed their '.raw principally to Corbett and Baptie. Selsey was good but the forwards put ip a poor display after RusseU went am. KETCHIKAN ASKS BASEBALL TEAM lil t PHl.NCE Hi rERT IS NOT K- PkCTBli TO BE ABLE TO COMPLY REO.IEHT Ben Self Is in receipt of a ecmmun iticn fr-m Charlie Idler, former player oi this c:ty. Inquiring Into th possibility of Prince Rupert sending a tjseLali team to Ketchikan on July 4 with a Ketchikan team paying a re .:rn vlalt during Pair Week. The mat ter is being taken up with the Pair Board buf prospects for the propcsal teing emptied with do not seem very irigbt owing to the failure of baseball .rganixatlcn here this season. Ketchl-can. though amaller than Prince Rupert, has a three team league In oper-.lon this eeascn. LOCAL MARKSMEN TO ATTEND PROVINCIAL SHOOT IN VICTORIA William Brass. M M. Lamb. C. V Evitt and A. Wylle will leave at the .nd of nxt week fcr Victoria where they will represent the Pint North BC Regiment Rlfit Association st the III-:ieth annual shoot of the British Columbia Association on Beal's Range at Saanich. "P.; event, in which the local men are hopeful of making a good ?b:wl!g. win be in progreu from July 4 to July 7 Pf 1, , Oesiment two goals to none. The wind had died down but Tar- EDUTAINMENT LAST NIGHT BY SALVATION ARMY WAS SUCCESSFUL Aa tfntoyabte and successful enter. t was held last evening In the Salvation Army Citadel with a large au- d'ence In attendance. Capt. Jame.t Sto- 'VXS.i"'"- liWtlTSB f 4iBBfT8Saw An Ally oS Commerce CO-OPEJIATING with every pbaee of CanatLn enierprase r oi branches. In For the greater prosperity ot Canadian business. mm , IB T T'a a. isa a fcr( ; ar st g I "v.j mm 4- vAMCoovcn The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Braiit-h - F E. Rubwison, Managei ill i ii i i . r mi i a?" V anted For Sale For Rent !INB ROOM BOOBS POR RBNT. 1081 Second Avenue. Sultasjie tar rasa' lng purpesas. Phone 848 or 178. OB RBNT. Hotwakaeplng married couple Miss L. Jonas. suitable Phone Res) 838. OR RENT. ClJtPPXBTOM HOUSB. tunth Aventss last. Bant res sonants Apply City Treasurer. City Hall tf OS RBNT PIANOS, rnAYBR-PIABOS. Pnonogrsphs and Sewing Machlrtes - Walker Music Store. tf OR BBMT. FURM!SHKD roomed anartmant with bath paid. Phone 847. POOS Water tf LAT POR RBtrr SIX ROOMS AND bath, on aixlh Avenue. W. pho 5tt or Black 338. U POR BRvTT-eRSIIBHBU HOTWOsS. lng rnesrii by the day. week or month Phone Bad 807. tf tor wan. poos boom apart- meat, hot water heated. Apply Smith Uallatt. Ltd. tf POR RSNT THRSB RCOM COTTsVQS. 734 SevenUj Avenue W. Phone Black '4JT. , j. 148 s i ' i "eiiw. i i,,,(.( POB SSRT. - rowrtaJn-KD AIART- menU Apply Mnsssllera Oroeery LOST Pindar please pbooe pue 888. SCHOOL OF LITEltATUIlE Sell Your Imagination. 1 TAILS' TO WHITE HTOKIES Free Information, School of Literature, Tt7 HtaiMtsril IWnk imiMlnt. VsaesMier, LC. usrt preside and the program included a Bible reading by Miss Florence Piarce. olo by Capt. Bfooart. kaapo selactloa oy Chutns and Sunbeam, piano aolo by Puller, recitation by Miss Real 3mlth. recitation by Miss L Jonas. musical barrel novelty by Capt Bto- bait. Ted Almon and Tom Smith, plana lo by Miss Anita Lipsln. raeitatloa ny Tom smith snd reading B; MM. Oar lyie. During an Intermission, ice cream was terved and. after the program, article left over frcm a recent sale were acid nn cap atone tt conanicting I be sale asfwim ny ftrr awTXaT.'Mrt Mclato - , DoThr Smith. Miss Annie smith and Hon. Dr. 8. P. Tolmie. provincial Con servatlve leuder. Joshua BlnchllBs. Vic toria. M L A.; Bruet McKelvle. Vancou ver newspapeiman. and other members of the campaign nartv left an ki. morning's train for Bmlthen. the next ttop m their northern election tour. They will speak at the interior railway town tonight and will proceed from there to Pr'nee Oeorge Dr. Tolmie Is sccompsnled on hi tour by bis son. LakekM Laas). Terrace. B C 1 I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. & 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c AGENTS WANTED FpR RJKjjX SALVAGE AND TOWING i bussonal avMrrma camm Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing agents wanted to take orders lor the finest line ever ahowa in Canada. Begal Art Co. Manufacturers. 310 Spadina. Toronto. FOR SALE Oft SALC. TBRK8 PIBOB CB4eTrfB-field Suite, six hole Monarch range, kitchen cabinet, table. McClarjra heater and other houatboM furniture. Phone Blue 318. 147 LD NBTWSPAPBP4 MAY BCJ OSBD 1 title id of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on tat floor. Oat special price on larfe quaatiua Daily News. OR SALS. 180 ACRJCS. 10 ACR8S cleared and fenced. Bouse, bant. chicken bouse, fine spring water. 8708. Apply 1. B Parkins. Skaana Crossing OR BALK. NSW PSRfBCTIOM Coal OU range with oven. In good condition. Apply 318 Sixth Street ORSAUt OOOO POOR ROOM HOCSB at Seal Cove. 8850 on terms, atc- Caffery Olbbans. 148 r " - OR SAUL POURT8W POOT ROW-boat. Apply Stork's Hardware. 14 Co. Ltd. HAS IIAKOAINK IN OAS HOtTM ftnull Bate matt Tnmtilir for Bats SlUIMER RESORTS IKEIE IIOTSPRINGS I.OIXJE now ores LAIU1EMT IIOTSI'SIAOX IN CANtl (Uthla Water Trent Fishing on Iakee Lake new open noon ACfomiomTio.v nix iihino PARTIES BRUCE JOHNS POM!. Manager. USED CARS FOR SALE Pop Toa Track, panel bady . . 8100 80 Pord Ton Truck. Chassis only. tartar type 8150 00 Roadster delivery. 1838, good candltlon . . 3175.00 Oakland Sedan. 1835. four wheel brakes, balooa Urea 8650.00 Two Toa Traffic Truck, new tins 8300.08 Terms ean be arranaed on above cant KAII'.N OA RAO E Phone 53. AJCTI0N SA.ft rNsrrsocrsD by tub owner who Is leaving town. I wBl sell by auction to the highest bidder on Saturday. June 33. at 3 SO pjn on Paul Annpur float the Oasoline Launch "Vera May" S3H feet long, new 5 hp DuBrle engine. AH ready to go. Oeo. J. Dawes I Auctioneer I Phone Black ISO. 18 CHIROPRACTIC lilt R. E. BYOI.rsON C hstvWeMwlt4r 833 Third Arena, elephune for appotntment now to Stat 88 Residence phone Black 353. Acute and Chronic fully treated XSttabUslwsti say FURNITURE AND RANGES xMnjrrc urn or notw PuiixrrVRJj talrlmg oWyYoVssaTTuvSn carpet all alaes: LinoUum 1 and linoleum ruga; tables, kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffonier, blinds, curtain rods, bienkata. (beets, chain, wioker and cane. Our prices are reasonable. You arc Invited to call at our store. A. MrKENgir. PurnJture. Phone 775 AUCTIONEERS. PRINCE Ut'Pr.KT ACCTION I'm! era I IWaek RlffiTAUILVNTS OOOO MjN, CAffc, Mrs. Ulster. PTonrlsersss woaq Nonte Lwuftad wasia asto Baked Bread mitt Purnitun of all kinds bought, sold' ot eschsnsad. Crating and packing done Qooda sold op Commission A itelaf r. G. J. DAWES, tltettc 130 ThM A vetior. tteagf l.V.f.! Kpeelal Chk-ken IMnner Rtrry Humtay Etrnlng frnm S40. STEAMSJJjP MOVEMENTS Per Vinrnuier Mondsy -as. Prince Oeorge 4 pa. Tuesday as Oatala 8 pm Thuradaya. Prince Ch arias . . 4 p.av rriday-as. Prlncewj Royal .. 10 pm Saturday m Cardena 1 ain Saturday as. Prlno Bupert . . 8 pm. June 38 at. Prlnosss Charlotte pm. June 37 as. Prtncrv. a. June 30 as PrlmN I June 27 m. Pnn.. 1 Juljr 11 m Prim j. v" Agente for Bast hope engines. Ooolldge Propellers, and Tuxlube Oil Umlt a aU dtMSlpUva lav Charter tm fake IvfTJ. IlMae 881 a....f-., . . ;a pa a a Mun.lay ss Prmc ( ' .,, ., 14 Wed newts y as Pr o,t iMll masy -as cardena Priday - Prince Hui PrUls y a PrmccM r.,).. June 12 Prtnmv a:, k June a& ss PriiKe, I. .j June 39 -tm Pritirr. i .,: July 3 s Prim J i. July 18 Prni'-e j July 30- as Prirur j v Eir rrt MhstSMea and u Sunday Cauiu Priday Carden Pram Port Msapann mi sMi ti Tuesday -s CaUU Saturday si. CrOr:. Par Aayot sad nieajn Sunduy as cm.u Monday- as Pnim- ( '..,r.r. Priday -as. Prune " Frasn Aavai aad irU.ni-Tnasdsy- ss Cu. Thunday as P.-. . s i SstUrdl) W Pi.-: H Inr Narlh lueen I lurlnltr- -Mondays ss. Prin i - rraea Nertb )aera I h ci..ii Thursday--ss. Prl:ie ( ..- Par aaulh tfaeea ( liaiirfiK-July 4 Prince Join July 18 as Prim J u. July 80 as Prime Jul: Aug 15 as Prin J August 17- as Pti: J Sepsamber 10 f ' rraea Saam Hri ur June 87 -as Prtr.. IT : July 11- as Pnnc J n.-. . Jary 38es. Pri.icr j:.: Attgust 8 -as. Pilni' J"'-August 33 as Pr :r J-:.' twsitawsawr 5--w Prnv J ' Par tla WldllSSjIll SS Prinre 'if'" June S3- as. Princes June 3o- ks. Prlniw l June 88--as- Priii'-- 1 I raw tta Monday as Prmce June S3 ss PrltK-- ' tor the nst Moodjda. Wednewlt elosay I mas the Hart-Monday. Wediied atall due IweMwl'rr-" wunaays Tuesdays , SJirsdsys; tnntays June 8. 18. 30 - Vaaeoavrr Sunday Wedneadaye Fridays Saturdays OP S - June II. IS V ta la Jk ta ia IB ;a ;a ?a Biier " ? June 31 as PrUK- June 80 -as. Prinr- : mailTchedule a a ? Ma is v is : is ;s .: .u-48 ., j:.sk tr. dutk i. a - ? ? .' ." in sf ,1 r-W . hi ,Ur I 10 N iii It l Ta Any" ana , . Sundays "" ,g Wednesdsys ITam Anya ad A Ike Arst -Tuesday Thursday I'er Stewart aad Prenil"- Sundsys Saturdays tram Wewar! snd Pf'mlrr Huulaya T leadays Ta Is Klvrr VfAvX- Priday rrem Nas Klver la Alks Pnlnl June II. 18. s " " rmm AUk l"- June 8. i. 30. 33 n ,0 Ta Karlli tjnefn fhrl-ie II 3 mall '1 Monday , tYwn NwiH y"" ,h'" 10jo Thursdays r WwtH fn iu. u 4 June 18. July J. 3" ,. ? Item June CN.R. TRAINS PT 1 PT Dally except Stmtv ' Iram the liaat 10 PA D.ily .if.pt Tut"