Saturday, June 23, 1928 BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE THE SALE HABIT, Backward s eason i Cum sii bEcbsm IS A PEAL SALE AND APPRECIATED AS SUCH IiY OUU CUSTOMERS REMEMIU5R! Wc sell Quality Merchandise only For Fic-nics For Fic-nics Electric reai keeps soft longest THE REST THERE IS! The Electric Bakery specialises in cutting bread for Sandwiches Now is Kodak KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Dour Service. .Films left before 12 noon, prints ready G p.m. same day yfic Pioneer Drur'tels THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. Time TLL1 PHONES tt?f,200 The Sensible Road to Health N matter what your ailment i. do not think your case - hoiu-ifss until you have,tried,qhjrwnat,k Adjust- riu. W hat it haw done for JthwB it will do fur you. Wo not I'l.-uyrh ijfnorauee of thin wonderful sciincf, hut the door to "iir ultimate relief and huppines. CHILDKHN CAN TAKE ADJI'STMKNTS any aire without pain. An adjustment at the right time Kill prevent many no-culled children's diseases. Consult about our Electrical and I'llra-Red-Ray treat-: ' ' 1 1 1 m for all diseases. W. C. ASPINALL, D.C. 6 and 7 Exchange Block Phone:- Office. Green 241. Residence, Mack 283 Local and Personal 4 a Tal Phone 4. lilt 4 Taxi. t: Dentist Dr. J. R. Ooese Phone 66fr For Taxi Phone 300. Oscar Hanaor. land. ) Central taotei. ti MUajjviolet if. Whitlow left thi-mornlng for her Hc-me in ThU altefnoon'a trln. due from ttr Kat at 3:30, la reported to be on urn. Dry Shingles ' for kindling 12.00 lo; targefloafl, Reel'a Transfer. Phone 204 ' ' . 147 Hyde Transfer for Box Cuttings, double load S3 -50 oood value for yom money. Phone 60. tf Passengers sailing this morning on the Cardena for Vancouver Included J 8. McDonald and Mlaa Doris Boat. U. P. MoCaffery returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train Iron. a business trip to the Prince George district. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cornish will sail Tuesday afternoon by the Catala for Vancouver and Victoria on their annual holiday trip. Adam Mack!). Inspector of fisheries, aUa tonight on the Prince George for Ocean Falls enroute to the Bella Cools division on official duties. Onion steamer Gardens. Capt. I. Oeorgeson, returned at 6 o'clock this morning from the Naas River and sailed at 7 for Vancouver and weports. MOOtW.FICNIC Tomorrow Boats leave Cow Bay from B 30 until 1 pjn Orchestra for dancing: Rnclng. etc. Beys' Band la attendance. Free coffee Mrs. J. E. Jack and daugh ter Blrdell are leaving this evening for be south They will be visiting at Sea tie. Vancouver and New Westmlnstir for a month. CPA. steamer Prtnceas Charlotte. Capt. C C. Salntey. Is due In port at 8:90 this afternoon from Ala lu and will sail at 5 o'clock for Vanooiver and Victoria. Miss Marjorie Carter, who hue been visiting with Mr. and Mra. Lance Styles MM Pirat Avenue, will aall liy the Prince George tonight for Vancouver enroute to her home in Winnipeg. Rev. T. B. DeSencter, Anglican Church minister at Prince aearga, arrived in the city on this afternoon's train from Prince Oenrge.and wul sail by the Prlace Oeorge on a trip to Vancou John Clark, provincial boiler tnspec-r, who has been for the past few ib the city and district on official rauties. will aall by the Princess Char lotte tills afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Gordon Anderrro. who haa been attending High School here, will sail on too Calais tomorrow for Alice Ann where he wlU spend the summer holidays with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson. . Darcy ktirah of the High School teaching staff has handed his resignation to the school board and Is leaving tonight for Vancouver. Be states that business nutters make It desirable tost be live in the south. Miss Mae Keller. R N of the staff of St. Luke's Hospital In 8pokane will sail by the Princess Charlotte this afternoon on her return south after having spent a couple of weeks .here aa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Prlngle, Fourth Ave. Bev. and Mrs. J. H. Young and family arrived In the city on this afternoon's train from Haseltcn aud wUI aall this evening on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver enroute to KoksUah. Vancouver Island, to which point Mr. Young has been transferred in the ministry of the United Church. ' 4-e-4.,. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Picnic. June 34. Pioneers' Picnic. July 8. , ELEVEN BOILS ON HER ARM AT ONE TIME Mrs. 8. rerun, Fisher Home, Alia., writes: "I was troubled with bolls and had eleven of them on mv arm at one time. "I tried all kinds of medicine, but got no relief. "I took two bottles of and have newr been troubled since." n.B.R. Vianiiihes boils and all other blood disorder; manufactured only by The T. Milbura CV, Limited, Toronto, Oat, THE DAILY NEWS PAfjR Tnnr.E Jostph S;:r-1. Terrace -awm:ll man. -ailed yesterday afternoon by the Prince Jtwige tn a business trip to Anyoz. C. H Horpe: former! a member ol the city fire department an:! now iden-Ifled with the radio bus: new In Vancouver, will return south on the Pr.ncc 3eorge this evening after having spent a few days lo the city on business. Miss Molly Jackson of the High School leaching staff will sail by the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver to spend the boll-days. Miss Jackson has recently been a patient tn the Prinoe Rupert General Hospital aufferlng from an Injured knee. The finest summer trip in the world, rla as. Prince Charles. Stewart. Anyoa. If asset Inlet. Leave Prince Rupert Monday, return Thursday. Or a week-end trip to Terrace or Smlthera. Very low 'ere. Enquire City Ticket Ottos. Phone 310. 147 Two unique- figures stepped oft yesterday afternoon's Main from the Bast in toe persons of a pair of HoUandeee women coming direct from the 04d Country enroute to Use" Queen Char lotte Islan4s where they intend to settle. One of the woman was In the quaint nat octal onSHiaM 'of her country and attracted considerable attention. Mrs. Robert Watson, sad daughter sr-ived in .he city on this afternoon's train from Winnipeg "fttl will be the quests of Mrs. Watson's aijbsr. Mrs. Wll-''am Cruckahank. Wallace! Block, until the arrival in about two; weeks' tune of Mr. Watson when ttoei will 'o Vancouver. Mr. We is a noted author and only thtSjw was sleeted president of toe Canadian Authors' As sociation. - - f SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL BY CATHOLIC WOMEN rard Party and lutwe Enj)el by I it rue Crowd la Pariah Hall Lat Night There waa a large gathering at a successful social hel dlast evening in the tHrlah Hall by the CataoUc Women's League. Card playing occupied the earlier part of the proceedings and arias winner, were: ladies' first. Mrs. O. W Nlrkcrscn: consolation. Miss Nelda HU- litch: men's first. M. P. MeOaSerr. ren's emaciation. Prank Fortune. WhUt - -ladles' first. Vilas P. Johnson: rrnsoiatlon. Mrs. O. A. Johnson: men's first. P. Broohu; consolation. Miss NeUk luwanlch. Refreshments were served at 10.30 and dancing following until ' 1J0. Music was by Dave lastman'a orchestra and Harry Astoria waa master of ceremonies with Mrs. J. J. GUUs attending at the dcor. RODERICK MURCHISON METLAKATLA PIONEER CALLED TO HIS REST KETCHIKAN, June 33. Roderick V'"cMon. Sr.. 73. pioneer of Metlakatla. died at his Metlakatla home and was burled from the church. Rev. p. R. Falconer of Ketchikan conducted the ervlces. Mt. Murchlaon came ts M"tlakptla with Father Duncan, and through all 'he years he HvM In the native village ' t took an active part in the conduct I c u.munlty affairs. He is urrlved by three sons, Roderick Jr.. Sam and Herbert, of Metlakatla. ,.nd by one daughter. Mrs. Anderson, who lives tn Ketchikan. 1IUTKL AllltlVALH Prince lttiert a. R Jones. Mr. and Mm. P. F. Dowllng. C. R. Dtpple. H. R. McMillan, B. A. McKelvte. a. P Pisber and Sun Waring. Vancouver; A. M. Jehnsoo. Hon. 3 F. Tolmle. J. W. F. Tolmte and Jcfhua Hlnchcllffe, Victoria: Mr. and frs. R. O. Campney, Oltaara. L. O Ocean Falls; W. L. Matthew, r r nt. ; E. Hos a t. Dorreen; Violet L I" rd. Harelton; Fred Lounsberry. Usk: M sk u Bdeushaw. Maett; XI las J. H t Oi .-at and Mlaa C Dlugemouae. llol-ihiul: Mr. and Mrs. P R. Day, New York Hny Mian Uevtni'ie Melliui. Dawson; WIN 1 am Jmnlcst n Inverntwa; James Nelson, Terra.- W. H Thorne. ClNJA.; D. Mc- IliiH'.s. Vancouver I nl nil O. Swr'iiey, Viiik-uner: W. J. Ar-m-ir. Dic.m'.-. Jauiw J. Hamoo, North Pacific Cannery, Church Notices 8T. AMIKEW'H CATIIEWKAL (Church of England) Rector, Archdeacon O. A. Rim-Sunday School at 10 ajn. Morning prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening prayer at 7:30 Sacrament of the Lord's 'SUP-per first Sunday of month at 11 a m ; third Sunday of month at 8 aJD. Baptisms by arrangement. CIIKISTIAN KC'IEXCK SOCIETY Sen ice every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block. 245 Second Avenue. Subject en Sunday "CHRISTIAN SCIENO .'. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. I'KKSIIVTEKIAN ( III UC II. Minuter Rev. J. R. Frlaell. DA.. LL3. Residence. The Manse. Telephone 448. Morning worship at II am. Sunday School at 13.15. Evening worship at 40 pjn. Rev. Dr. D. Drummond, ISA., of Hamilton. Ontario, one of the church leaders and ripe scholars will be pre sent. Two selections at the evening service by male quartet. There will be no evening service during the month of July. FIIWT t'MIEII rill K( II Rev. A. Wilson. B.A.. pastor Miss I. Haddock, deaconess. Mornnlg worship at 11 a.m. Com munion and reception' of new members. Sunday School at IS. lo. Evening worship at 7.30. Subject: "THB WORST fork op rxRorrruLws.'' 8T. PAIL'S LVTIIEIIAN C lll HCI1 Rev. J. H. Hanson, pastor Residence 4M Klghth Avenue W. Phone Black 170. Sunday morning worship at 11 o'clock ( English ). Sunday School 13 noon. The bus will be st Imanuel and SiiUi Street at 11 JO, Ridley Home at 11.48. Xvenlng service at 730 li the Swedish Lutheran Church (Scandinavian ) Several children will be baptised. You will be welcome. The executive of the Native Sons ."f 'Sanacin, at a meeting last night hi the Savoy Hotel, made final draft of the program for the forthcoming Dominion Day celebration. There wUI be the js-ual bill of sports and races with a dance In the evening bringing the fee-thrtitiee of the day to a close NOTICE. Bdwln L. Clapp announces that be haa acquired the Intecrst of C. J. Stevens tn the Beaver Bottling Works and that after this date, will be res ponsible for only such business as he contracted personally on behalf of the said Beaver Bottling Works. (Signed) Bdwln L. Clapp. 151 - SKIS OF LAND ACTAItlENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unreserved. surveyed Crown lands may be pre-empted by British subjects over II years ef ace, tnd by alleaa on declaring Intention to become British subjects eeadl-tlenal upon residenoe, oeepattoo. tnd Improvement fer agricultural purposes. FuU Information concerning rs"u jettons remrdlns; pre-emption Is given In Bulletin No. V. Land Series. "How to Pre-empt Land.' oopiee ef vrtttoh can be obtained free ef eharge tr addreeeiag the Department ef Lands. Victoria. B.C.. or to any Oar-eminent Agent Records will be (ranted covering only land suitable tor agricultural purposes, and which ia not umtr-land.. I.e., carrying over t.OM beard feet ter acre west of the Coast Range and I.SOO test per a ore east of that Range. Applications for pre-empUons are to be addressed to the Land Com-mlesloner of the Land Recording Division. In which the land applied fer la situated, and are mads oo printed fonss. copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements mads to value of IIS per acre. Including clearing and cultivating: at least five aeres. before a Crown Oram can be received. For more detailed Information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received tor purchase of vacant and unreserved Cron lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land is II per acra, and second-class (erasing) land $110 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or leass of Crown tande Is given la Bulletin No. 10. Land Series. "Purchase and Lease ef Crown Lands." MtlL factory, or industrial sites oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leaaed, the conditions Including payment of stumpaae. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding II aeres. may be leased aa homealtee, conditional upon a dwelling being erected tn the first year, title balng obtsJnable aftsr residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been eurveyed LEASES Fer erasing and Industrial evr poses areas not exceeding Ml aeres may be leased by one pereoe, or a eesnpejur. QRA2IIIQ m Under the Oraslng Aot the Province U divided Into grulng districts and the range administered under a Oraslng Commissioner Annuel realm oermtta are lesued based ea Bumbera ranged, priority being gives to established owners Stock-owners say form asewlaflone for range BBaaagemenl Free or eerily free, permits axe available tor eettlera, eavupers and travellers, at te tea end. 9 t- AtifflversarySALE SOMEEXTRA aOpMBWS Pillow SHp. ilnen finish, ' hemstitched and embroidered, values to Q-fl AA HUU $1.75 for pair.. Portiere Curtains in Green Pair'0'..... S3.75 Lace Curtain Panels, in 4 designs HKf Each a iis Ribbons in widths to 4 inches in various colors. ICn Yard 20 per cent Discount on all Dress Goods, Crepe tie Chines, Georgettes and Fancy Silks. L9 KSO Phone 9. Wallace Go. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the FAKMHK, LOGGER, KOAD BUILDER, MINER FREIGHTER, AND MUNICIPALITY Wherever rugged power and performance arc demanded. .... Literature and Prices on Request SOLE IHSTJUBUTOKS FOK Il.C.i MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Limited 132S STANDARD BANK BUILDING VANCOUVER, B.C HOLT &0Z0Gflto&mBB& BEST DEMAND "Rupert THE DAINTIEST Smoked Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C.. Ltd. Prince Canadian National CThc Largcfl Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from I'KINCK III TUI T for VANCOl'VKK. VHTOHM. SEATTLE. MIIMI1VH, Till IIKIIAVS. 4 00 p m.. N tTt H1IAVS. 8.00 pjn. For ANVOX and HTIIU'AIIT. MUX IHYN, IHIIlAYH, 4.00 pm. For MAKKKTT IM.KT. .MOMIAVN. 4 00 pm. For Mil Til IJl tKN CIIAKLOTTC ISL.I!. Fortnightly. For hKillVAY. IVKIIMISIIAYH, 4 00 p.m. PASKENTIKR TKA1NH LKAYK I'HIMCE lit I'KKT DAILY ILXCLI'T KIMtAY at 1141 a.m. for HUM K (JKOHtlK. tll.MONTU.N. IVINNimi, ail wlnti Kastern C'SHada. I'nlted HUtee. Adr.NCY A 1.1. OCEAN mv tickrt nrriRR. tiiihii Icanadian pacific saurvy dierTTTking Knickers in Tweeds. Value to 5-60. K. 3.75 All Wool Blazers in Red, Blue, and Yellow Stripe. Sizes 14 to 20, CO QC 0VO Sale Price, each Hemstitched Sheets in a fine quality, 8-4 8ize. ggQ 9-4 siJie 3.90 Pair Ltd. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. Brand" ers BUKAKFAST POOD." Daily by Kupert, B.C MTKAMaillF LINEH. tt.. PKiNtr kupert. Phone t Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Hrangell and Skagway lune II. 1.1. 18, IS. tft, tfl. To YaiietMner. Vlrtorla and Seattle June 9, 1, to. tS, ST. M. ngg ' PKINCIOHM KOYAL l"or llutrdsle. Cast Hells llella. (H-ran Islls. Naatu. Alert llay. rampbell II her and Yanooutrr etery rrlday. 10 p.m. Agency for all Htrainshlp Lines. rati Infermatlen front IV. C. OltCIIAItl). (leneral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Kupert. B.C. rheoe 31