PAGE FOUR Only teas grown 4,000 to 7,000 feet above sea level are usedln "SALADA" Orange PekoewBlend the flavour Is therefore richer, more fragrant and much more delicious than other teas. Only 43c per -lb. Buy It at any grocery store. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIJ PubUihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN i - - Managing Editor. SU11SCRHTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $6.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month M By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $S.0t: Or four months for il.00 By mail to all other parts ot hiitish Colunabia the British Empire and United States, aid In advance per year By mail to all other cwMftee, j year Transient Display Advettijntf, fW ifcc h per fnaetttea .. Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local Readers,- jer InsertlAUtie'! Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each inmMon. per aaate line. . .. Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Cireniatien I'eleplvonc 95 EdUor and Reporters lVehoM - - 86 C? em ber of Audit limeau oi Cirruiatittn DAILY EDITION $. Friday, November 9, 1928 J a TELKWACOAL PROSPECTS The purchase of the Prince Rupert Coalfields near Telkwa by an English company headed by Lord Melchett and the smaller property owned by Jack McNeill is one of the biggest things that has happened in this part of the country in .many years. If there is no hitch in the proceedings, the development; of the mines there will mean the establishment gf w industry that will permanently place Telkwa on tbe UHjuatrinJ map and will benefit the The storm oh this coast Novem ber 1, 2 antf & wap the .worst that has been felt on the Queen Charlotte in several years. The wind was from the southeast. Miss Joan Ilaaa, school' teacher at Lawn Hill spent .the week-end visiting with Fred Atkins at Skidegate. Bill Campbell pioneer pros- pector from Jed way, is staying at Queen Charlotte City for a while. He is the owner of a number of copper claims at Jedway. Capt. Serensen of the troller, Jenney, Capt Nelse Robinson of the troller Torberge and Capt. Cort of the Boneta have returned to Prince Rupert, the last of the trailers who have been operating here this season. The Gillespie logging L.campatj Lena Island near Queen Char lotte Citv has closed rand Mr jJfGiliespie has left fcf Vancouver. SMITIIEI& J. A.'Kinnerty is at fflM Again after being laid up for several weeks with a severe cold;'-" A sturdy new crossimr has been installed at the corner of; King Street and Second Avenue, i this being the final act of the program of, municipal improvements for M28. The shortage of houses in Smithers is becoming acute and,' during the past month, several families have moved 'to other points in the district through failure to obtain acoomodsjjlon. who e of the Bu kIlav"Efell as PiWp Thirwrt A site is being cleared on Main -..x,w. t .r . i J1 or many year ihis ooI property hm been heldiBireei M,Kem w. saanaers with the knowledge tiwi it-would some day become val-.EtMc c?.for " up- liable. An effort w rafc some years ago to get the which iB t:.ii'JSfflk rauway cuiiipany w mum ine-iw e OI 6) milS mw O'Neill, the propertytfre- owners pmtmBmgii -this was done they would go ahead and developiie mines. It was too big a job, for the company had no money to spend on such thongs at that time. Owners of mines have to make their own rail- nood p"iw is being made wav rnnnpprinrtK. nsnnllv. unbxa an in tho odbo nf a TTHin wrtn lne construction of a - - ' ' ' v. ; store . . L..IIJ1 uil P Ion there is a positvre guarantee of sufficient business to make the line pay. For some time past there have been rumors that some thing was doing at Telkwa and then an announcement been purchased by the Mond interests. It was compar AU4.nua. a. a. i i LOOK FOR TIID TRADE MARK IRi THE Judder cq 1 iSf Child'. "SNO'W" all While A complete rnnfie of Northern " Kukbrra and StylShui la on hand to meet your need at FAMILY SHOE STORE Prince Ripert, B.C. STEWART -r building on Ninth Street for Allan Garolan. Mrs. J. H. Wilson left last week for. Vancouver where she was made that the property of the Telkwa Collieries had wil.' ,pe8a. ,0Br month . wud wira m unci. . . uuvciy uiiiinportaiR an tne property is hi present unae- George Casseran. who is heavily veiopea ana unprospeciea. uniy aoout nait a dozen men interested in miaiag properties or thereabouts are working in it and the coal is hauled to OB Rlw- ft last weak for the railway over the road in trucks. The other property!1 out f is thoroughly prospected by means of the diamond driH.I c w uke"sucoeasful pioar' the results of which are given in another column. It is a prpector of' the Salmon Itinr tViinrr gn1 its dnvalAnnunt itrill Ka o 41!m 4..' a.i t-tu. i . i m . . ' niiu iw u-bTjvfiiniib mu ra a. icov wuuia iui aocuon, teix iasv weam ipr a nip the whole district. south. A Tomrn'i "OALT" . mi "NORTHERN" Men' "BROCK" Rubber Footwear Equip your family, from baby to dad, with " NORTHERN" Rubbers, and eraoy the comfort' of geod bmkh. "A ttjlefor every sh-er aruhbtrfar every purpofr' . . ,. ... . M. THE RADIO TKLKPJIQNR I WlT ZL "IJS! The proimsal of the B. (?eplMne ConrpjUlV to haviaar ea confined to his home establish a radio telephone sece throughout British for eiraj days with a heart Columbia with special refereiae to northflra and eentralt8tt,ick sections is extremely interesting.' The fact that it fa'- - backed by a responsible company indkatas that it is Hkely PRINCE GEORGE to become a reality in the near future. It should be a, great thing for the country if it is found to be workable. e mm branch of the Caaa- , - . dian Legion has decided to hold, social fejactiona in connection tultk Urn i. ..-I--. M . J,. I ing the coming winter. Weather has been a good deal colder KeVe of late, the lowest L tnermometer reading 01 the wek ha ving been 11 degrees above aero. 1 ' aiany icaJ parsons .jfave. i taking advantage during tb of the opoortnnify te jnike.XbjfhtB on the Yukon ' Alman plaae "Northern Light" which is sjtenti'-ing ' several days here. . It. F. riark ft C6. of Vancott,ver. has decided to open an office loo-ally, George W. Mason,., having been selected aa, eocal eor-reBjMmdent, . ., The Conoaught Hill LutheralB; Church Girls' CTub met this af ternoon. The Young Peoples Society tost, Thursday evening. Schools will be reopened here on Monday after having been closed for two weeks on account of the scarlet fever epidemic. THE. DAILY, NEWS Friday, November 9, 1923 NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. SKIDEUATE I .BURNS LAKE 'i hboi a -iive- been engaging f in a, beeto assist Mr. and .Mrs. Dave 'Watsonl who were burned out recently, to erect a new residence before winter. A public subscription resulted in the collection of $106. J. II. Johnson, vho arrived recently from San' Francisco, is ab out to ereit'a tteld storage plant PrannrafArtf th 4 ha arrival kar 24) will spend the winter In the United States. Rev. Ieonard J. Hales preached igaed the secretaryship of the ocal Boy Scouts owing to his .aving the district Mrs. Agaes Hathaway left for Vancouver last weak after- Jiaweg- spent two months here as the -TUert of Mrs. Tibbitts and Mr. and Mrs. Warren' Johnson. Mrs. II. J. Bettis of Mud River has been visiting in the Mapes district with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Wilson;- , Rev. Leonard J. jlalee reached in burns Lake for whitefish and a"we,L"',T! lithe iruui. jie is koiuk hmji . , .,, . ... business on a large scale and has leased property on the Lowe sub division on the Lake front where he will take up the duties of Anglican rector in succession to Rev. J. B. Gibson. p of week of Yk- town u,t at the end bit a Luke Nornua was a visitor in on Airways plane bound for tfe north, traders 'and men weret M. Teare left for Stuart Lake busy clearing a landing place lest week. He will superintend 1200 fwst Iobk and 260 feet wide j improvement of the Tatcbi River on Grow Istaori. The piane : which is to be carried out by the is to remain here for several days. Lyster Mulvany returned to Burns Lake 'last week after having spent several months at the Babine fjah hatchery. VANDEIUIOOF Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ludwig left last week for Chicago and Federal Government , J. P. Kimball left last week on a business trip to 3a a- Francisco. Harry V. Taylee is still the chaasploa of the new golf ooors which was recently estabUahed here, Mrs. EL C McGearhv has been confined to her home recently j with a severe illness. j, Pimples' Cleared Ends Irriiation anff "wr . w j t Hiar m j aw m eneav ni TTnnr iKiTi "WITH an ctuuisltc meet asm is eaircmeiy attractive, it a), I A Beautiful TEA CADDY r lithographed iu ma ny 1 dsHcate roioft, mi- new if in airtight SM urauy with one pound of the fmou4umrant HaJUn's Best blend. The ,WSb is SoldatUti Grocery Stovtt TM( W. H. HALKIN CO.. LI. i i ii inr-v'.r in 11 t m ii rTWTnHi i r s nnifi v veniencea. 4 H 'm. i 0 . INFORMATION i . '- , ; : Nt ayctrlc OMwlonamt in ; .Caaada Nprnenta toUl Inveat- ... r kaMnt aitimswd t ovw i,i .uj.vrtn wf iiJ mri"1 her. wtsw-aoaar dv- aXSLilfl. ru it Kumher Three if a strut J imtmmenU itOlHC with CanUa't Ua4mt irUuMnu. and Powreompafiics Of Ctnaoa AMONG the goat and useful industries f jLX. Canada are her Light and Power Coa-parues, operating in all places where mm law :nough to uttfiae aodern eoc Power aenerated at the falls isenouae tn th ultimate consumer until it has been relayed to transforming sfations and distributed in such "Mtobeuablebyfdctoryorhonie 8sired5 eoQugbto run a locator heat a ciingtion. ,fe ' T 'J 1 coat to the rt&nimi iStomoui x penormcdjor ncotatcncsai thehcaMetftbeehefc wire means not only hght bat alio the bair to useall t aaodem electrical equipment. Proa Halifax to Vancouver, our Light and Power ooav panits are operating day and night far the benefit efthe public. The Northern Electric Company wishes to pay xrnSute to the tirelew and unremitting egbru of our great utihty Oriftpaniei toaid snwoieowsge better iilfm nwfctlhni y 0Uu-ougbout the Dominion. Mrw Eecfrfc COMPANY UM1TED Equipment for Transmitting Power and ScunJ 111 Wabw 8U, VAN(OtIVER, a C Rash nealed Expels Eczema Containing MALKIN'S BEST TEA VAMCOUVtR. a. C.