Mar?ibpr 9, l"2i V Local and Personal News In Brief SPECIAL OFFER! tornti niif MMaiwi iiiiii iiOU A LLMITBI). TIMIi WE .WILL fllVK FREE a5B'T$bo!pf tyooburyto Cold or Vanishing Cream with each cake of WOODNURY'S FACIAL SOAP Also Ti Vial of Ben Hur Perfume with each bottle JERGEN'S LOTION yfie Pioneer Druqeista MIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?f,200 HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 580 JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load , $3.50 .Double load $6.50 Large wick 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootier Large Egg $12.50 Alberta SDotless Egg $12.00 AlberU Lump $13.00 - ' Also all other clrtKes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. tiapreM and Baggage Dav and Night Service ,.. , 139 Second Avenue Canadian National Q7ic Largcfl Railioay Syilcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE v,lh.,(t from PHIM-i: KITIUT for vAMorvr.K. Victoria and HKATTLR. Till HMiAYs and M;MVs, at It p.m. I..r MtMV.tHT. M l.lKMAYS. 10 p.m. ..r ANYOX and KETCHIKAN. SATIROWS, 4 p.m. I or NOIltll and Mil Til ql'KKN CIIAKLOTTE IxLAMM. rortnlthtlj. PAMNKNdEK TKAIN LEAVE PKIVCE HITEK'f IUII V EXCEPT SI'MAYal II.Wb.ii. for PKINCK (lEOKUE, EUMONTUY VWNMPMI. all mlol UMrru Canada. LnlUd Slilf. miency a. wr.w .amhhIp linss. ruis mi fmi pm.t. tt. thimh ot.. it tm'km orricr- mi R f. fmt Sieamshin Services f . W. , I . A . Canadian; t . 1 Sailings from Prince Rupert. 1 , hri.hikan. Hraniill ami M.Ka) N..rmbfr IS. Irrm1rr I. IS. to. I.i aiiMivrr. VJrlftrU and .rlll-wii. . I lwmfr S, IS. V.r tiUMr. Ea.t IWIIa IMM. Orrsn l.a"-. Nam... Arrl .t. ' 7 a.eai'SMjjsf.WK:"1" UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . AalltntM from Prlmf Kuirt. ( , ltr VANCOUVKK. VICTOUIA, .HWnMiH IWy, liuiru-.r, n.r.. n.PvirTni.. ..uied-ie.Alert He. nMsy miaht. lor MMK ARM. ANVIIV. STKHAKl. ttAI.H IM-AXO. PHI NAAS, fiillKlUJ. S p in. ntn f Rll,,t. B.c. US d Anur. It. M. SMITH. .d iailaM flikrd mrciiieh to dxtlltatltmi City Meat Market -' .. MEAT- PISH, VEGETABLES A LI. KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN IMIODUCB" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe l-All articles are of superior quality and absolutely frosh. ' V Wft it ;! $CALrl OF ' CHARGES j- mi "n i i ,t 4 . ' inc .lowowing is me scaie of charges made for reading notices: .Birth Notices .50c. Carcjft qf.T.bankfl, $2. ..Fuqeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c .peri 1 name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. 4 4 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Hlg 4 Taxi, tf j Taxidermist Phone Green 40fi.' 204 Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse, ?hone 686. I Butter 45c lb. Milk $5.25 case, all Brands at MUNRO I)liOS. tf. Oscar Smith of the qustoms House staff is away' from duty, having started a three weeks' holiday yesterday. Demer $19.50 week", coats and dresses. Moose Bazaar tonight, and dancing. Rafflea Scandinavian Dance fn the Met. ropole Hall Saturday niKht, ember 10 at 8.30. 268 A splendid musical nrotiram and sketch at United Church tonight. Yon will enjoy 'every min ute of the entertainment. Monday. N'ovwmlxtr 12 flanarilan legion H. R 8. L. will hold theJr annual Armistice Banquet fn the Boston Hall at 8 p.m. A limited number of tickets at $1.60 each. 26 The Post Office general delivery and regulation- wtakets will be open from 9 a.m.. to 11 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Monday. The public lobby- will be open from '8 a.m. to 6 p.mj Short circuit in electric wiring caused a mlrw fire at the real-dente of Irene Ross, 80? Comox Avenue, the fire department being called out at 9.30 last evening. Slight damage was done tohe ceiling. Sunday, November 11, Armis- j lice Day. A memorial service under the auspices of the Canadian Legion will be held in the ' West holme Theatre at 3 p.m. ! Special music by the Boys Band. 'All ex-service men and others wishing to join the parade are re- I quested to fall in outside the Legion rooms at 2.411 p.m. prompt. Collection In aid of tbe Cenotaph .fund. Everybody welcome. 266 WhM(rrltvm ltsce, tlr. Friday of every month. Mcose Bazaar, November 8, 9. V. M. 8. Entertainment, United 1 Church, November 9. Armistice Day llanquet, November 12. Baptist Annlvcraary Supper. November,. Ak; ., ,, Social in Catholic. Hall November 1G. , Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, November, 22. Rupert. East United Church Bazaar, November 29 0. S.t, Andrew's Day ScotUsh Dance, Moose Hall,, November 30. St. Andrew's Society Auxiliary Sale, of Work, December 4. United hurch Bazaar December Prince Rupert Players Club presents "The Saving Grace" at the Capitol Theatre, Ddecmber 10 and 11. FKRB DEMONSTRATION Heinz Goods and Nestles' Milk will be demonstrated here on Friday and Saturday Dollar Specials LOT I 3 bottles Ketchup 1 tin Tomato Soup 1.00 LOT 2 6 Una Baked Beans, Med $1.00 LOT 3 9 Una Tomato Soup, small $1.00 LOT 4 vl Lot Ketchup, large 4 . 1 hot .Vineirar, 16 oz. ' ' " 1 bot. Sandwich Relish ol- Mayonnaise 1 tin Tom. Soup, small . . $1.00 LOT 5 1 bot. Ketchup, large 1 tteL India Relish 1 tin Baked Beans, small 1 tin Cooked Spaghetti, small 1 tin Tomato Soup, small $1.00 LOT 6 2 tins Baked Beans, small 2 tins Spaghetti, small 2 Una Tomato Soup, small 1 bot. Chili Sauce $1.00 ' LOT 7 1 tin Baked Beans. Med. 1 Un Tomato Soup, Med. 1 tin Bnmghetti, Med. 1 bot.'TOnegar, 16 . 1 bot Salad Cream $1.00 LOT 8 v 1 1 bot. Norchester Sauce, large 1 tin Baked Beans. Small 1 tin Tomato Soup, Small 1 tin Cooked Spaghetti, Small 1 bot. Prep. Mustard .. $1.0O Mussallem's .Quitting Business 1 One hundred and twenty-five ! ?tlft Lengths now on sale. Best reported English and Scotch Woollens selling below cost. Suit' ttrAs going as low as $10.00. Fixtures for sale, seVlng machine, electric iron, roll top desk, mirror, etc. Anger The Tailor Taking the local Vancouver Prince Rupert run in place of the Princess an accident 5nt Week. C. P. U. tamef Princes Hrv. with Cart. Steyi Grnar. n next Tuesday. MakeYourOwn SOAP and Save Money! All you need Is waste fats and GIILETT'S PURE FLAKE LYE full Directions With fory Can YOUR GROCER SELLS IT! II. 223 Sixth Street 26 were Jist for owner of the George Copper pro perty. jw?.''"- s.'Hv'''-..;"'; 1 v .f 0 for, tha MMVftr ::t lUvRm. on ner rewrn ttwsA oial ary will be on this run for two Rossland minine canm. having tHps and the Princess Alice will t,een a hoistman in the Le Rolr; :. the next Alask.1 sailing centre Star and other mines when h" h she Uhe Mary) was orig- tne old West Kootenay town wasi inally scheduled to take. The (n the heydey of Us history. He Alice will be here northbound was ajg0 an amateur hockej play-' er of some note in the famous old Boundary League. DAYLIGHT RECEPTION ON PHILCO RADIO Yesterday morning at 11.00 o'clock KOMO, Seattle, came in quite distinctly on the new Philco Electric Radio. And again at 2.30 in the afternoon the follow-, ing stations were received with ' perfect deafness and' loud enijogh i to be heard throughout the lower j floor of the house KNX. Ilolly- i wood; KGO and KTAB, Oakland; KHQ, Spokane; KJR and KOMO, Seattle. Saturday evening at 9.00 o'clock there will be another Philco at our store when we. shall be i pleased to demonstrate juat what : the Philco Radio can do. For a Free Trial in your own homej call at Barrie's Home Furnishings or phone 123. Adv. f It. Giving Amazing Itesults. It you have varlcoe vein or bunch. . you can atari norAai aiaa Its 111 do o. d -.oao'frtiai. today :aetj to to bring enng them tnem back pack and IX you art wi joj Royal, which met with 0r of the Knights of Pythias for "" " cr;giai bttu of lidobfa at Vancouver last British Columbia, sailed last ! and ?.V .t WiiSmPiS night, on the Prince Rupert, for; Vancouver enroute. .to his hone New rt visit, t.ti .fjyai joJat. . j- -v; ' t :fVZ IcTfiririon'Vv'as'' a pioneer of ' t.t .e aee.' '.. u 'AtS1 a iD-werlul. penetrating antlaetlc cl tlutt 1 small ooiu isaia a iocs ito, vny rharmcy eaa aupclr you axd MlU.loU Kayser nose Slipper heel, half heel, twin heel and lance heel, full fashioned. PAfiE THKfca McINTOSH RED APPLES, Wrapped Stock, Per box . . 2.20 PUMPKIN, Royal City, 2 l-2s, per tin vv. gc ' ASPARAGUS TIPS, Del Monte White, Is, per tin 35c NEW COMB HONEY, each .." SWEET POTATOES, per lb. ...... s. . . ; . . .jQc .. NEW BRAZjlirfillTS, per lb. ...'.-.; 32C Kit ' " 5C; : "" We baV? just received a shipment pi "Chedlet" V ' ; - Cheet ah English Chedder packed wiss Style,; . 6 portions to the package, per pkg. . . : 35C ' ' liGINGER SNipijFresh and Brittle, per lb. , . . . M. . . . . ..'25c . SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR ' 10 lbs. for 67( PURE LARD Gainer's, 3 lb. pails, each gQ 10 lb. pails, each .' 2,00 PRUNES, New Pack, per lb . NAPTHA CHIPS .High Grade Soap Flakes, per pkg .... lgC PURITAN SALAD OIL, Quart Bottles, per Lottie 59$ ; PEEK-FREAN Cheese Assorted Biscuits, per tin ...... ggc PEEK-FREAN Aftenioon Tea Biscuits, per tin 75' FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THANKSGIVING , Cranberries, Pumpkin, Anjou Pears, Pomegranates, Grapes, Bananas, Arizona and Florida Grapefruit, Oranges, all sizes; . Appleg, all varieties. " ' i-4 Hothouse Tomatoes, Fancy Celery, BruSsel Sprouts, Cauli-f lower, Calif omia Lettuce, Hothouse Cukes, Sweet Potatoes, ' Globe Artichokes, Green Onions, Leeks, Hubbard Squash. QUALITY RIGHT PRICES RIGHT ORDER YOUR REQUIREMENTS EARLY WATT'S GROCERY Phone 53 Phone 56 I Bdt-bll tonlcht. Exhibition uth to Spend the winter. Mr. Adniaalon He and 10c. Mn'UTSx''J7TaViR,HH Mr. andMrs. W. B. George and Mrs. Smitheringale of Stewart V ARirftSF VFINS Prince Rupert last night going REDUCED ' j Hall T n.m, 4 games, Senior. In- George Is a prominent Stewart 7-Itermedlate, Ladle nnd Junior, mining man and was the original Simple Home Treatment That Is Union steamer Cardena, Capt A. Johnstone, is due in port from the South at 11.30 tonight and will sail at midnight or shortly thereafter on her return to Van couver and waypoints. EWART lYNE (PJaWat. Capitol Theatre) Teacher of Tlanoforte Candidates prepared for Awochte'l Board of the -V- ill'.-. . i..i-t;. yisew. Studio: 2nd floor Federal Blk Phone lied "Ol In all the latest shades 88x slipper heel, silk to hem, same servico weight, per pair $1.05 64x Chiffon Slipper heel. Silk to the top. Per pair .... $1.05 LaDce heel and twin heel, per pair $3.00 FRASER & PAYNr Universal Trading Company 2ft a af Tf. . a