Ten Years Ago in Frlnce Kupcrt November 8, 1'J18 Despatches state that an arm-Mi:e in the Great War is lm- ne ndinfc, rDcnrpntratf6ns arejie-s mg hent'TkfiT olTtht- advettT of :eace Rt. Rev. E. M. IJunoz 0. jl I in an address, hails it as r.f dawn of a new political era J Cole is in the city purchas- machinery and equipment for .! Producers copper-gold mine i .led way. A 250 foot tunnel is lie driven. :. c Rupert is n6w past the v ;iv mark In the Victory di ivc. Already the sum of ','()() has been subscribed. t PRINCE RUPERT TIHE ,. Friday, Nov. 9 i 11.30 S0.7 ft. v 5.24 a.m. G.8 ft. 18.09 p.m 6.4 ft. Saturday Noyrmber 10 1, O.OG aim; 1U.1 ft. 12.12 p.m. 2U ft. C.0 a.m. C.9 ft. 18.44 p.m. 4.4 ft. Dr. Alexander rilONT 575 I1EMNEK III.OCK DENTIST MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. COAL Your choice KDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Bulkley Hay and Grain. Ac-nt f r Robin Hood Flour. Phone 5S Prince Rupert Feed Co. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 .a ag.. Warehousing, and Di-fributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Pinno and Furniture Moving. Coal! 'naimo-Wellington Screened Lump. tlanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut. maimo-Welllngton Mine-Hun. Ueacon Hard Sootless Lump. Bi'acoiv Hard Spotless Egg. Telkwa 'Lumpf ! '. Of the above there is ONE 'hat lt particularly suited u your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advlso you. Albert & McCaffery Limited I'honeM I1C and 117 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE DURING LAST MONTH . . J ' At ai th tne regular ,-,ri. meeting of the! school board held .t night the aritS rWwrts alfnllnw. & Rooth Memorial Number of pupils 476, boys 254, girls 222 per cent of attendance 98.74. Sav- Ings deposits $116.46. ' I Borden Street Total attendance 320, boys 155; girls 1C5. per cent 07.1 I seal Love Total attendance 66, ; boys 30; girls 30. Average attend-! i esiview joiai attendance 23, j boys 10; girls 18. Average attend-'! !. 'IVte TtOOMS aim bath. cr34ri 91, boys 74, girls 118. Man in the Moon I When offered mining 'or oil stock by a high pressure salesman sleep over It. The salesman may have left town by morning. Yes, there are some of the world's brainiest women who nev er yet have worn a seal skin; coat. Jf a criminal usea a hack saw to get himself free he is liable to further Imprisonment , but If he uses a clever lawyer; and an imbecile jury tor tb asfroe purpose, he is then an innocent man. If when you eat !i You dont-taka-tiBt.fr chewtn' The doctors say , ! 'Twill your digestion rulai And then you'll dt J ( And' win knows whr) yoii'W For nausea patients mostly Are found with those below. Jake says there are oer two thousand homes in Prince. Rupert' but nothing like that many broadcasting stations. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Vood in any quantity , CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our vrict. weights,-. ! I measure are right. . So is our Service ' Phone us and Save Monc and Time i DAY & NIGHT SERVICE ! Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE to take prepared We are orders on the Vancouver Slock Exchange Our ten years experience on the floor of the Brussels Slock Exchnnsc Is at your service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or mall. Representing Nanson Roth-well & Co. Ud., Vancouver. "Morning and afternoon closing prices daily. Theo Collait Ltd. Capitol Theatre HuHdln P.O. box 6C Phone Blue 428 f .V. I FOR SALE F0U SALE Two practically new armchairs. Worth' $100. What offers? ; Box 159' Daily News rtf: ''. , 264 .Ji. .-- . - sr r- SALE Lot on Third Ave- nue opposite First Street, $2,100 Easy terms. Rox 137 Daily News Office. HOUSES FOR SALE Section Six SIX ROOMS and bath, Fifth Avenue. $2,000.00. !"VK ROOMS and bath, hard- WOod floors main rooms, SLgurtfjo. I Terms Arranged ' - ,' ' Sprlinn (np I d u r iii iiuu.il inivart, cunipur- ativwy new Kine view, $i00.00.; . . . ,.. I. MeCafftry & X.Mbbons Limited 9(i FOR SALE LEVEL DOUBLE CORNER, Beat' harbor view. Only $400.00. ROOMING HOUSE, 25 rooms, all' well furnished. Also dwelling, renting at $43.00 per month. ' ' $8,000.00. HERE IS A Real snap. 8 room1 iivuc. rv rwnw, ..: ir BJWt'wUh hot air furnace, f ally . TWdefff $200.00. $400.00 cash I balance monthly. ROOM HOUSE, ful y modern. "W kotch i th.t - v Bmub col- exam!naUonil ,n English. Mathf-centrallv located, fire placea. umw- Fishing & fbc.iok c lw.. of 7 B . - r Ii!wlA .u i !i VaneouTer. B.C.. oeeypation ruwn. wd matics. Latin. Greek, History, R500.0O, ? 1.600.00 cath, bal- Mining Stocks and Bonds TWo Collar! Limited . Phone Blue 426 i LOST 1 LOST Gold Bar-pin with Mas ojaic Emblem and Compasses. Write P. O. Boi4 767, Prince Rufcrtt .. . ." ' i THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In Um taut of BBUAMIN PRANK-LYN 8XLF. author la ansr. Notice U hereby glwn that BeaJamUi Franklyn Belt of the City of Prince Ra-pert. B. C . did on the 3nd day of Ns-ember. 128. make an author laad aaalgn-ment of all of hla property for the banc-fit of hU creditor and that H. r. Me- Leod. Em.. Official Receiver. hM IP- pointed me to be cuttodlan of the eataV r w. ..n. ti w. ritat MMiin, af NoTMrther ,.v. that ihe r.rat meeting of creditor in the ibave eaUte win be h)dt Um oHlce of the official receiver t the Oourt Houm. Prtnoe Ru- pert. B. C . on the 14th dy of Noveanoer. IMS at the hour of 10 o'clock In the tllll SI TO entitle you to vote thereat prooi of your claim muat be lodged with me before the meeting la held. Proxle to ot ueed at the OHetlng muat lth.ni' prl?T-.Ulifi0, . And farther take notice (hat a4 each ' meeting the oreoltora wm Mfct tae narj have' an etahn iaalnat Che deMof wnicn y-u are enimea to rana prooj w Noch rlalm muat be filed wtth me or jwlth the trustee when appointed, other-, iw -e the proaeed of the destor'a' tate wUI be distributed among the parties entitled th-reto without regard to your DATED at Prince Ru: ert. B. C. thlt jsth day af November. 1(3 l. J. Q. MOODY. Cuit:dln. WHAT IS IT that keeps you always look- 1 ing well qnd smartly ' dress- 1 ' " ed? -s OUR SERVICE : PHONE G19 , to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to oil parts of. the city. i For that Suit , We have fine Fall and 1 Winter Suitings and Over- coatings on hand. Come in ; today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, J all guaranteed. Best materials and reason- i able prices. j Ling, the Tailor , Phone CI9 ! 1 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Furnished house- keeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT Thirty three room hotel, partly furnished. Apply J. C. McLennan. tf " " F0U RENT Furnished bedroom in Private home. Lady preferred. PP'y "u Fourth Avenue R . tpjjjp.m. Sundays and Holidays. 1J ajn' U" 8 Pm' RENT- Furnished heated FOR room. Annlv 3?.1 Flfih . ...... Avo ... V , ' ' t I ' J - - - or phone Blue 505. 269 DIUVURSELF TAXI For Hire to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue 389 WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. RANTED WANTED Work by the. day by Scotchwoman. Apply, care of Daily News Office. 271 WANTED A few more roomers. The best room and board, $40.00 j a month, len minutes irom Dry Dock. Close to mill and Cold Storage. Seal Cove Hotel. I Phone Red 461. 2M, Form No. 18 (Section 86) LAND ACT. MmCK 0F INTENTION TO APPLY I OR i.kasf. or kokesiioue j ln tnc stUni iwooraing d- ! uivi. aod itut. fronting au Lot 127,! poking. fnUavir.ff intod. nmto .ISL'' OonmDdBS t mt pUbtd at th inortlMMt oratr of nit Lot 131; tbnc !..-, r..nt, h.m. marc ar im to Itn mtrwetion vh tb et ooun- ary 01 lot 127 pr&auca nwrxn; xrwnce following id production ot the wett , bound ry of Lot 177 'wrath to mean hlV water mara; tnence euieriy. ioiieiu tb mran hl.b wtr nurk to point ct oo-ocaenewveat, and conUlnlng ten idem, mora or lei. BRITISH COLL MB f A riSHINO St PACKJNQ CO.. LTD. Bjr Jtme. Henry Bumr'.. Agnt OatMl Augut as. 1928 II 261 Form No. 18 (Section 88) LAND ACT. - NOTICI. Or INTENTION' TO ArPLV COB LEASE OF lORF.SHOHK In the Skt-ena Land recording DU Met. attuate and fronttng on Lot U, Range 5. Coaat DleUlct. OxtfcU River. TARE NOTICE that the BrttUh Col-umbUi rub in ii Packuw C. Ltd, of Vancouver, u t., i Paektna. Intend of the followlna i deaoribed foreshore: - nXSXZVSZZS K K" K xl t. ten chain; thence aoutn forty chain, more or to an intertectlon with the aouth boundary of Lot II of Lot II. six clni. more or leu, to , mno m umm uw mjn;, following the mean high water mark to Pm ' commencement, and contain- lng thirty acre, more or leaa. , BRITISH COLUMBIA P1BHINO A girvivn r-n rm . By j&mM Hnry Bubne. Agent. ! Dated AilRtut 33. :28. 388 I Form No. 18 (Section 88) LAND ACT. xOTirt: i)f INTENTION TO APPLY TOB i KAsr or loiiF.siiom; In the 8keena Land Recording Dli- trict. aituate and rrontins on Lot oi the Brltlah Columbia Fishing Si Pack- ing Oo'a Cannery Site, Townalte of Port Easlngton. Skeeiu River. TAKE NOTICE ti.at the BrltUh Col - 1 umbla Fishing it Pseklng C. Ltd. of Vancouver. B C . occupation Fishing and ' Peeking, intend to apply apply for a lean of the following detcrlbrd foreshore Commencing at a post planted at theirocfpjCff lca. ; - . northeast ooroer ofthe Mid Cannery M18,riiF"BI'Lr,a & iIU:. thence northerly, following the . pArK,NC ' .v.-it prmluctton of the easterly boundary of By .tame Henry Bushnell. Aget the B.C. Fishing A Packing Coa pro-1 Dated August 34. 1928. perty, six hundred feet; thence westerly, i ... - right angle to the laid easterly; is (Section 8l boundary, four hundred and fifty feet. i u'n AfT lrtii more or leas, to an Intersection with! the weaterw boundary of the B.C. nh' ...... . ing i Packing Ool property produced Mril K f ' v. VVnpI nHi'-" IC" nortlMT'y; hence aoutherly. Following LLtst or OltEsllOKt ld weeterly boundary produced tlx ; . I V ,. hundred feet, more or leu. to mean high I In the Skrena Land Recording Dl-Iwi'erTnark: thence euterly. foUowtng trlct. situate and fronting op. Lot 3. . v . hl.h mmlmr water m,rk mark to n w. I . .1 of e mean hmh point iJ '"T;V .r"' res.! , inure or leaa. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINQ tt PACKING CO.. LTD, Bv James Henry Buihncll. Agent I Dated Aurust 37. 1038 966 ! C.N.R. ffifilNs for the Kot Dally except Sunday at 11 JO s in. r'rnm the Kat Dally eicept Wednesday at Sao pin SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towjng Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Agents for Easthope Engines. Coolidge Propellers and ' Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Salt Lakes Ferrv Servirp WppW .) on the hours 1 p.m. till 8 u I i'none Sbl . , CHIMXEV SWHEP H. J. Zumkehr ' General Handy Man. j ' Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert. B. C. j HOWE'S SHEET METAL' " J WORKS (Established 1909) ; f The furnace you have been looking for has just arrived. ; COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER Phone 310. Box 467. 227 Second Ave. THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Under Uiiuer new managemeni. viean single and double housekeeping rooms Mrs. John Da I berg TUITION Hi v 1 Candidates prepared for all Un iversity and Professional entrtyye Geography. Individual tuition.: Particular attention to those lear- . ru.u t,.,. lerms ;, inter- ing bngllsn. on View. I! P. McKenna, B. A T.C I). Care of Box 153, Daily (News UlUCe ' CHIROPRACTIC!' DR. W. C. ASPINAliL. Chiropractor and Electro (Thera peutist. i : Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully Treated Phone Green 241 or Black 283. DR. R. E. EYOLFSON Aided by his new ANALYTE , Colds, Lumbago, Neuritlfcl Stonv h troubles. RheuimttaiC Head- :xhct. Sciatica and Catarrh, as Well as the m.,wv majority Vf,m,.n omens and NervouineS. Consultation Freej Phones tj Office. Blue 83 Res. Re ItormNo. IS (SeeUMi t.AND ACT. NOTITK OF INTraVTIOVTfV rrt.V FOB LKIHE Of l'OI(i:illOKlt In the Skeena Laad teertrchs Dis trict, and iltuate. trontlnji on part or Range S, Oca t DUtr.rt iee- arnh Piuim. TAKE NOTICE hat the Brltlah Ool umbla ri shine A Taeklna- C Ltd.. Vancouver. r, BO., o-cupnMon Flawing and Packing. Intend tr apply for a lease of the following described foreebore: Commencing at a puat pianieo. aoout twenty chalna northwesterly from the totuhwest corner ol sa-d Lot 3; thence !weit. ten cha'na; thence northwesterly. ptrallel to the zencru mn of Ue shore line, fifteen chains: thence east to mean hlah water mark, ten chains, aoore or leas; thence southeniterly. fallowing mean high wtter murk to point or eom mencejnent, eontilniag fifteen acres. Rim nange a, -' uwno, w .uict,. t. lAiva, k' puuwa th. u British Col umhla Fishing it Packing v. oi Vancouver, o-l.., uccudsiiou aiioi riaiitu uu p.cklnir. Intend to EDDll apply for a lease nr Ih. followlne dewvlbrd forvutore: imwa.m. at . nnst nlanted at the loutheast utheast coiner corner of said Lot 3; thence o'ih, two chtn: thcuce west forty Vi.tn. mrc :r leu. to an intersec tion with the we-t boundiry of Lot 3 produced south; thence north seven cliatru. mere or leaa. to the southwest corner ot Lot 3; thence easterly following the mean high water mark the of commencement, and contain-g KiTnt eighteen acre, more or lea. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING tt PACKINO CO.. LTD. By James Henry bushnell Agent. Dated August 38, 1928. 288 DEMAND "Rupert the imintikst Smoked i Canadian Fish & Prinrr Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK Operating (,.T.P 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Kii'tlneertt. MachinUts. Boilermakers. Blacksmiths. I'nttert inakerk Founders. VtMdw(irkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant lt equipped 10 handle all kind ol MARINE" AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 4.1 and .185 rtl rWi i ,vni,if aj ir wzwm naii psffsal essCajalbSiTo! Brand" breakfast food." Dally by Cold Storage Co., Lid. Hjperl. B.C. AND SHIPYARD IP" , v-a um Irl' fTHERE were two chddrcn, (0 healthy and strong, who were climbing the ladder of learning learning that life holds forth a promise to faithful tttidenta, rewardm; them with oppxunitiesamiMmehiMsrame. Now there two children dreamed dreams and made wishes as they saw the end of schooldays and looked into the years ahead. Their country was prosperous, hecsux the product of the land and factory were the first choke of all the people. All the land and it industries prospered and abounded with opportunities for tae children of the people. Each chdd btsn the battle of life with theoccupabori of his choice, and few tfeert were who failed n after years. There's a moral to this story The children of today are tie nation of tanorrow. Every dollar you spend for a B.C. Product helps certify the nduttral pro-yets aod prosperity of British Gokinrhw. Your dollar spent for , B.C. Product helps provide op i rjqpunities and careen for your cnildren in the industries of British Columbia. After all, that is where "life" begins. BE PROUD TO BUYPRODUaS Advertise in "The Daily News"