IB PAGE EIGHT THIS DAILY NEWS Friday. N.,v,mv FAMOUS PLAY Iff 7 FOFFFlf ISM r I IS SHOW! it 7 and 9.30 p.m. Sat. Matinee 2.30 p.m. JSL 11 Fruit-a-tives" Did Stop His Rheumatism MR. FLOYD "Fruit-a-tives" soothod his kidneys freed bis system of excess acid and Ku4oiKiis wuate regulated his bowels puriiied hut Mood -and tliis is why Mr. 8. Floyd of Nauaimo, Il.CU.u not bothered with lthcuin&tism any more. "I suffered with Rheumatism in my shoulders sod. as most of my friends were tolling 'Fruit-a-tives,' I decidsd to try tlieni. Ia a short time tlio pain disapiwtred and I had relief for thu first timq. I think this medicine n-aily marvellous." If you ar bothered with Rheumatism Fsuim in thu urms, legs or bock, or with Neui:ilffi or Headaches, get "Fruit a-tivcx." and 60a. a box -at dealers everywhere. JLJ ii Willi Lionel Barrjmore and May McAvoy & Noted Caste SCENIC " THROUGH FOREST ISLES" "HODGE PODGE" TRAVELOGUE ADAIISSIQN 50c and 15c A. C. Macmillan of Vancouer, who has betn in the city and district for the past two weeks, on Oraeat Weat Life Assurance Co. business arrived from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed last night on the RIGHT IN THE SHOULDER IP r-: 1 tt n Local and Personal , aBS ; i, This afternoon's train, due from' the East at 3.30, was repor ted tail morning to be oa, time. : i W. 1L Tobey, C. N. . awperlii. ; tendent, returned to the city on thts afternoon's train following a trip over the line aa far as Jasper Park on periodical inspection duties. C II. Sawle, editor of. the Om-ineca Herald, Is in the city for a couple of days on business having arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Uev. J. B. Gibson, rector of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train, after having spent a few days at Smithers. At the meeting of the Schoo I Board last night tenders for coa (were received. It was dei-idei! that the Contract should go to ithe I'jrjnce Rupert, Feed Co. fur j Wellington Coal at $10.50 per (ton. j Railway offices this mominir .reported 400 care of 'grain on the ' division West of Jasper Park I bound for the Albert a Wheat 1miIV4 Prince Rupert elevator with well over 200 car west of .thi.l illvfabwwl point earning thi i way. MATINEE 85c and 10c Xylophone SoloThe Dancing Tambourine' and other Popular Airs, Soloist W. F. BROWNE I A. R. Holtby, superintendent of the C. N'. R. bridges and building department, returned' to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a br'ef trip to the interior in official duties. . Fffnk Morris, 'manafer of t B. 0. Undertakers, returned the cfty on yesterday aftertwon , train from Terrace where he ! spent a couple of days to conduct the funeral 6f the late Mrs. .Effie Bruce. 250 CUPS IN EVERY Grocers h't Recommtnd I Simply It L Deliclol, ' : "Lion and (he Mouse" at West-i holme Theatre U Classic ' i ' " 'of'Stage The famous' stage play "Thr Lion and the Mouse," the feature film at the Westholme tonight and tomorrow is well known ii.s . theatre classic. In the film version it is much improved aim when it is known that Lione Barrymore talies the leading part it is clear that the picture is ar utstnnding one. The story dals with the manipulations of a rich man "Ready Money Ryder" who wishes the hand of Judge Shirley's daughter. It is full of Interest ritfht from the opening. JACK DE JAUSSERAND SCORES AT CAPITOL The popular lea.ler of the Rup-rt Canitolians received a great mition last night on his rendition of two classical violin solo numbers, Cavalleria Rusticana in'.l Beethoven's Minuet. Both numbers were artiically inter preted and, the occasion being Music Lovers' Night, the many nu-dr patrons present showed 'heir appreciation in no uncertain manner. Music Lovers' Nights at the j Capitol are becoming increasingly inopular and etHI greater things are expected of Mr. de Jauaserand and his Capitolians in the weeks to come. H.S. Wallace Co.W. Shaded Effects in Taffetas Make inexpensive and Charming Frocks A wonderful choice of Conors $1.50 i)er yar(1 -4 3rd Ave.' & Fulton St. Phone 9 Week-end Specials Granulated Sugar, 15 lbs. for SjU.OU Blue Ribbon Tea, 1 lb. pkg. JT.? Nabob Sliced Peaches, 2 -12s tin .'. :M)f Rlue Ribbon Raking Powder, 5 lb. tin, Kxtra special, per tin $l.'S Quaker Corn, 2a, 1 tins iKir Campbell's Tomato Soup.. 2 tins 'Sit Kellogg's Pep, pkf.' lf Boright's Pure Maple Syrup1 2 1-2 lb. tin 00 f Fresh Cream Cheese, lb. . . 15? Quaker Tomatoes, 2 l-2s, 2 tins ,T Swift's Circle "S" Plcnfc Hams average 5 1-2 11m each.. New Lima Beans, 2 lbs 'Sir B. & K. Pastry Flour, 101b sk. ".f Evaporated Prunes, 80-10, 2 lbs i!.-f 10 lbs. Potatoes, S lbs. Carrots 5 lbs. Turnips, 5 lbs. Onions, 5 lbs. Cabbage, all for . .'$1.00 Mcintosh Red Apples, household pack, box .Si. 75 Ceo grade Wrapped, box. . S-.-5 Alberta Market P. r.AMt:LA. Piopriitor Fifth Street. Phone 20S t Tonight and Tomorrow A Great Week-end and Double Bill Its a Scream 'Home James With Laura La Plaiite A Hitf Love-Laugh Special "A Thief In the ark A Chilling fmwlraniu of Spooks and Crooks A Sawdust King, A Haunted House, A Dead Hand - AND ON THE STAGE Fred Wells on the Xylophone in "Something Different" A great Show for both Kiddies and (irowiMipi. Saturday Matinee 230 l M. 30c 10c First Show 7 P. M. 59c 15c Mt Week " SEVENTH HEAVEN" THROUGH SLEEPERS TO THE SHIP'S SIDE, The Canadian National Rail-; ways have made arrangements to : h Derate special trains and through . Uleeping cars from the Iaclfic nCoast to the ship's side at Mon-flreal and Halifax in connection' with sailings for the Old Country during November and Decern-ter. Full Information from City Picket Office, Third Avenue. I I'rlnce Rupert. Pnone 260. 282 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board dally. We can give Instant ser vice In buying and selling Mining 'Stocks on Vancouver StockJ3achang. '.J.'- We a Wo have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. CI 7 2nd Avenue .Prince Kunert, B.C. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd A Kant. Phone t " Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency . Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Kate Repairs USED CAES We have several excellent bargains in ucd 'ai Kasy Terms' if desired. Phone 15. Phone 571. B. C. Butchers & Grocers VIT LIMITED us wee&s Specials DETAILS BY MAIL If. you are not on our Mailing List, Phone, us ( B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF (JOOI) THINGS TO EAT Phone 571. Phone 43. PWM W M m SJMlSSMSSSiMVM M If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office