1. I PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Friday, Auy "Orange Pekoe" is only the name given to a size, NEW CAMPAIGN of leaf Some good, many poor, Orange Pekoes Man in the Moon are sold The most economical and yetthe finest flavoured Is "SALADA" Orange Pekoe Sealed in FOR TWO WEEKS ti " H metal pure-fresh delicious 43c per Hb. No, dear frtwid, people are not as bad aa you jn& think. They fwgot most I'KIZK (' lt:i IN IHKTltlf'T 3t the books My rod and 60 not always (iU KN TO ( VMllil A Tl; WHO UBTS agree with the morals of the movie. r - .MOST POINTS ; ' ! J A . .. fit'ERONjsTARTJ HMcke4JjuM4i;.U not live loo, 1 rs E( IAL 1 itocis ot iNTti:t::K!luiiii y Al Smith l vry frank In regstd to roK.Mfc.lt STM)INO HI T '(S Mjis policy. Ht-dislikes the (aw p(ut wtfl KXTIt.V KTIMll.lJi 1 niorue iy , golden. The Daily News . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - Managing Editor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to ail parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period '. . . $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British , Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $6.00 By mall to all other countries, per year . $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.4!) Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch ............ $2.S0 Local Readers, per insertion, per line .25 uassined Advertising, per insertion, per word ...t Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Tficplmne DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations WW 93 8t Friday August 24, J!28 APerfect LuncUeosi A delight for hot cteys. Nourishing and refreshing. Easily digested by anyone, TRISCUtT Serve with butter, toasted MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS VISITORS WELCOME .15 LEARNING TO SAY NOTHING Wednesday Attorney General Pooley was quoted as saying there would be changes in the liquor act. Thursday the same roan took it back and declared there would be a stock taking before any policy was enunciated. That nowibly means that Mr. Poolev has had to learn his first lesson in diplomacy and the first lesson is to avoid 1 saying anything that will commit the Government. Naturally if one member of the cabinet begins saying what will be done when the other members have not yet had an opportunity to discuss it, there will be trouble. After a period of intensive talking during the campaign it is very difficult for new members of a governmet to avoid sayiing something. The change is sudden, yet it is necessary. Liberal members had to learn that. Some of them had to be called down hard before the lemon was mastered. So in this new government, the members will have to learn that no member has, a. right. to express an opinion on a queWioh which" is likely to come beforre the Government for action, unless he first has discussed the matter In cabinet council and been delegated to make the announcement SILENCE IS GOLDEN So in a great many walks of life. Many people like to hear them selves talk and they are often the people who have not much to sav. The executive usually is a man who keeps his own counsel or who talK8 matters over confidentially only with a very few. More people are ruined by talking too much than by being dumb. Silence is WATCH UNITED STATES POLICY A great many people know nothing of their southern neighbors although living so near and mingling with citizens of that country continually. They are so fearful of becoming Americaniied that they will not read anything that has to do with tlw United States. They are much like Dig Rill Thompson of Chicago, only they happen to be on the other side. Today there is a big political campaign in progress in the States and the problrma with which they have to deal resemble somewhat the problems with which Canada has. to deal. We can learn many lessons from our neighbors. That is on reason why the Daily News will endeavor to give the outstanding features of the presidential election as they occur from time to time. Yesterday we gave a good summary of the address of Governor Al Smith and it was a very Interesting address. We make no apology for giving it prominence. The day previous we had something about the Hoover campaign. To us the election is somewhat in the nature of a big sport event in which the winner is absolutely uncertain. There will be thousnds of new alignments as a result of the choice of candidates and the result is in the lap of the gods. TERRANCE DRAINAGE I Crimen ha assented to the petition of die land owners to close up the scheme. ,,,c "amo """ 8 SCHEME COMPLETE t,ieneffc!!u - INTi:i(lTI; OKATK1N TERRA OS. Aug. 24-Word has beon , At ihr Rotary luncheon yesterday af-reclvcd rom the Water Rights Depart- ! ti noon at the Commodore Oale Bruce ment :t Vlctcrla that the Terrace Horoe- Stevens gave nn Interesting oration shce Drainage Commission linvlnc ser- which wan much appreciated and on ved Its purpose, nil the uxe having nhlrh lio was complimented by the be: n paid, and nil ('.pints navUm bun immbrr.v Th;ima. Andrew presided riHl; and there be:i,; n, lurihei I unit- -- it ' Ihp 1 iri;; i;tni f vc! he n.-t:iv Krws. It payil Today (Friday) marks the start of lha new 2u0 competition la The Dell News' 41.000 Prlae Campaign In this ne com-' petition The Daily News Is giving an EXTRA $100 'cash prjao to the candidate Un each district who secures the meat points In subscriptions In the next two weeks. Full details of this offer are given In a largi' uU In today's Hew. An important leature of thus n;w $800 competition Is that "".. ana every candidate regardless of whether they already have a large or small vote total, ar whether they Just enter the campaign now starts now on an equal oatls with everyone else in the new $300 competition. There are ua handicap. Everyone starts today wUh nothing at zero- -as far as the new $230 compeU-1 tlon 1 concerned. What ynu do In the! next two weeks can mean an additional ri7e -I $100 In cash to yru The only relation the nev $200 com-1 petition has to the $4,000 prize campaign Is that every subscription you turn In during the next two weeks wll'. count you points on the $200 competition as well as counting votes In the $4,000 campaign. Surely here Is an unexcelled opportunity for every ambltiou perse ne living in the territory served by The Prince Rupert Dally News to profit BIO In the next lew days. This new (900 :ffer presents a wonderful opportunity for new candidates and late aterteas. To the candidates who are active now it presents them the opportunity of winning a' double prlae in the next few days. Call on. telephone, telegraph, or write he Dally News Campaign Manager tor full particulars. . Open from 9 a. m until 8 p.m. each day Telephone SS4 LARGE EXHIBIT FROMBULKLEY MINKO AUHAMilMl IttlltKM.M A-TIVK MKPI.AY IOU l.UU NEXT MONTH M'OKT NOT ('OMPI.KTK With the exception il outalde sports. arrangements are now practically com pkte for an outstanding Prince Rupert 3h!bitton this year. Various minor de-alls were disposed of at the regular weekly meeting of the Fair Board which .as held last evening with Aid. A. J. Prudhonune occupln? the chair In th? hsence of President VC P. McCaffery. D . D. Munro of the Land Settlement Board with headquarters al Smtthere, ho Is in the city today. Is again arranging to send to trie Fair a large and :pmentatlve display of agricultural products from the Burkley Valley. This district exhibit, which was one of the outstanding features of last year's Exhibition, t wul. it U stated, be even better on this occasion. The Smithcm branch of the British Columbls Chaanr :;r of Mines Is also planning to send i mineral exhibit to fee Fair. The Board decided to give apace to he postal department for a postal dem-'nstratlon booth. Ocean Falls having advised the Board that it will be unable to send a foot-:sll team here lor Fair Week aa wad or-linally planned, the program of out ilde sport still remain to be settled on There will, however, be lacrosse and native football. It Is possible that an Edmonton con a.n may be given a concession to oper ate a merry-go-round The Cow Boy Parade promises to to spectacular feature. The Prince Ru pert Pioneers' Association Is seeking to participate In the parade. BRIDGE AND TEA FOR LADIES LEAVING TOWN Mm. II. It. Itrlieter lliilertalned at Iter Home Yrtrrdy Afternoon Yesterday afternoon Mr. II B., Rochester entertained at bridge at her pretty little home on Eleventh Street in honor of Mm Perkins, Mrs. Bradbury. Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Sttckney, members of the Christian Science Society wli are leaving the city. There were 20 guests present, the first prize going to Mrs. W. Hamilton while Mrs Btlckney tot the consolation prlae. After the 0 ridge Miss fJavn ung and tea was served by the hostess. Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Sneddon pouring. NEW TEACHERS FOR TERRACE SCHOOLS TERRACE. Aug. 24 The Board ot Trustees of the Terrace Public School r...ve accepted the applications of Miss A. C L. Miinro of New Westminster for teacher for grades V. and VI. and Of Miss Hester Wright of North Vancouver for Grades III. and IV. A. Holm wood, principal and Miss Alive Davis, teacher of the primary graues ISst year are returning for another year. Advertise In the Dally New It pays! It Judge that tells about Seotsman - uing- a .baseball company because he woa Mnt.watohing a game. He fell out cf av tree, -t - It's the bumps you get, awl tfce Jolt you geV And the abodes that your courage Hums. The noun of borrow and vain regret. The prlae that esc 1 pee your hand, That teat your mettle-fend prove your worth: It isn't the blows you deal, But the blows you take on this good oa earth That shows If your stuff Is real. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert The Allied advance continues and the capture of Alteit by British troops is uuwunced. A sueceaeftti social was held la the Oree War Veterans' room when Or. MoMeU expressed regret at Oie depart. urs of the secretary. Miss Norab Drand, and Mrs. Brand who are leaetet -for' Vancouver. A seveee atorm has eaueett ttseteldsr aMt daoaage In Prince SMgwft but even in rUT ge) was done alone; the Ska m Hive. The tot annual swimming gala the Prince Bupert Swimming Club planned lor Sunday nest. The coastouction of the stab-way leading from Fulton Street to Fourth Avenue was discussed at a Board of Works commerce meeting but no decision was arrived at. TERRACE Mr. and Mr. Altcmua East Orange. New and son Word has bees received here that Tom Baker, eon of Mr. and Mm. Baker who lomerly lived here on the Klrfcatdy raaob died recently of pwenmonla. r. and Mrs. Wm. Allan an left on Tuasiiy to apead Ma at Pacific. J. T. Belt of town Tuesday. cinutual Karum Lake was in Friends here will regret to hear of ah death of Mrs, Belief, a former re sislent of the Laic else Valley. IIOTKI. AllUIV.W.s Prince Rupert A. Johnston and C. A Knight. Vancouver; W. J. Dean, Edmonton: J Malrifvi M011' real; J. S. Hicks. Telegraph Cm I:; A Y Wilson. Reran, D D Munro Snilthers; C Lever, Ter- .1 mm; Mr. and Mrs. R. . BaUtK. Van-"Viva; T. J. Symington. Vancouver; o D Manscn. Winnipeg. Savoy James Park sad Oua Peterson. city; Mr. ami Mrs. H. H. Patrick and of ; Mr. and Mrs. OaorM Kriiznx Anvm a Jersey have arrived c Qotaan Mmw nv m hi. back in town following a abort trip to amithers: J. O Deno. T.ik... r Alaska. Mr. Altemus la the repreeenta. BKiiiinnM, u.t. d.. - tivc of me Sherman Lumber Co., Pott-dam. N.Y., ad will spend several day here, on business. Harold Onn of Smlthere wee a here -t the begtnalng of the week. Mrs. MeBriarty Mad her graaddanghtce Miss Shirley Mcatwaat of Prmbe Rupert are gueata of Mrs. Oeorge Uttle this week. MJee DoUy itintjoim ny who has been holidaying at the home of Mrs. Oiase left far her bora m Prince nufwrt oa Monday. W. Alrd. Pacific was in town on Mm. McCarthy of Prince Rupert, who pent tike wcek-ecM with Mrs. E. M, smith, returned haani on Monday. Rudolph. Port Bnlngton. Royal John cKyr J. Harris Edmonton. Central Joseph E. Hoiasberg, city; Mr. Stewart; M. down, OJtJi. Khuett and J. Lareeo. Shannon Bay; H. Meyer Brulet and F William Hansen and C. V. Lam- el. D. Tee, dmtf operator of the Dig-by Island wireless station, and Mrs. Tee and daughter are spending a month on vacation in Vancouver and Victoria. Operator Deaoon la In charge at Digby Is land during Mr. Tee's absence. Siincrir foi rh Onilv New. COIU'OHATIOX OF THE CITY OF HUNCK KUI'EKT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation ot the City of. Prince Rupert intends to construct a concrete aide walk seventeen feet wide on the south tide of Second Avenue commencing at a point ten feet east of the westerly boundary of Fourth Street and extending along the south side of Second Avenue to a point (even teen feet west of the east two boundary of Seventh Street, excepting a tax :'r e intersection of sth Street anrt ttuk finnMwf. ..IV. 1. .... ... .... . . MV. U. It. T It tt...k. "UJ , am soutting on Lots S, 10, 11 and 13 Block 31. Seetlcn 1. as a local Imorove- most, and Intends to specially assess the -Mt upon the land abutting directly on tne work, except such portion of the coat aa Is incurred at street Intersections. a. The eitlmsted cost ot the work is IK.28a.S0. of which $211.80 Is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated annual apeclal rate per foot frontage Is 1 3841 The apeclal assessment is to be paid In 30 annual metal menu. 3. Persona desiring to petition against undertaking the work must do so on or before the 38th day of September. 1938. D. J. MATHSeON, Acting City Clerk. Dated this aard day of August. It8. a Nir to.nicht" Prr RANT'S Best Procura (THE ORIGINAL) Me Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT CUtdW .mI rar!i tr WOtiaai Cr.nl b Sm. tjm.l.d CicWidMll mmi HalmifClfiiliM DWiilUnM. Dull. This adverltoement Js not published or displayed by the Liquor Cfntrol Board or by the Government of liritisli Columbia "First call for breakfast!" How they do delight an outdoor appetite delicious Kellogg's Corn Flakes!- Good for you too. Always healthfully crisp and easy to digest. Enjoy them for lunch and supper too. ORN FLAKE Better V1T7 $ 3S ... Lady Assislnnt No other Corn flakes equal Kellogg's for flavor and criip. nets. Kellogg's are never tough, thick but extra crisp. Serve for lunch, dinner or break, fait. Delicious with milk or cream fruits or honey added. Order at hotels, cafeterias. On dining-cars- Sold by all grocers. Made b Kellogg ia London, Ont. Dentistry Over Orraea DEMAND PLATES thai jflve you a na' po.ir;incp and -iil l the contour "f I hi' ' Dr. Maguire Phone 2i "Rupert Brand" Kippers TUB DAINTIKST IJUEAKI'AST FI)OI.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage (X Prince Unpen. B.C. FIRST WEEK COUPON 200,000 EXTRA VOTES This coupon, when accompanied with three yeiuK 1111 scriptiona or their equivalent, to the Prince Itupni l"l News, entitles the candidate to 200,000 extra void it l' scrlptions nrejurned in durin? the FJrat Week ojt-their . v Name of Subscriber tt Name of Subscriber . Name of Subscriber ' Candidate's Name . ,t One First Week Coupon can bo voted by each candidal. I"1 every three one-year subscriptions, or thei equivalent, lui -nvd in during the candldate'i first week in the campaign.