li.aMiHEj I1 It's Genuine (wmarraaaf ami Other Maefctitrry Taken la lYoni llnrna Ijike lie- BURNS LAKS. Aug. U An extensive development campaign la being Inaugurated hi coimeeUow wrth the Mona group of BttosNa elates Rear Toateatn-kut Lake. Promising showings hsv been already bean unesvarad and a com-piasasr and eUver aiaiiklisaw are to be installed at once and a aeod deal of lyioney win be spent Improving the ENGLISH SCHOOLBOYS COMING TOMORROW I'arty of Thlrty-fiiur Lad Intm llrllUh Ikluraliimsl lnt It ullnii Will I'ajr VMt lo rity A party of thirty -lour public school buy from England, making a tour of Canada under the auspice of the School Empire Tour Committee, will reaoh the city frcM Jasper I ark on tomorrow af-ctroooB'a regular train s&d. after spend- The Wunrn't H.nmtrj Boc'ety o; Pint United Church h ookliiig a gard r. oarty thla aitiocn on the law t the adtse of aba B P ienn?r Ml PlfUi Atanue Eaa which la pretCy lecoratad for the obcmob. afn Jenaer la fharges f opwlylng etMnc. ami lrunkrnneM Itealt mill This There was a hatch of case of In r- eccre of tba scivt&f the guaat. by Mn ' W T Kergfp. aba A. rtUaon. Mn. D Baataraane ana mm. HowaJd Oteen and la coarae of .he tea tablei with Kra. W. B Carnfali ind afn O. V Wlilunaoa coitductlag 'he ante of hom. cooking and Mr P V richer. Mr W. J. kUrkpatnck mm! Mist Rutti Wiikiaaon to charae of the ale of flower Mia Billot t. Oar deacon- j aa at In charge in taa kltetiaw and Mr worge McAfee and Mn W. H Kergln r. acting a. cMfUera. The muatoal program for noon Indudea vocal aolo. by Mr Tl MeLcod and Maw B. Darlea. aeeoat-pa&led by Mil. M. A. Way. and piano telacUon. by Mm. Jamea B. Black. INDIAN CASES ARE HEARD IN COURT or lea Importance under the Indian Act for attention of Magistrate MeClymont In city potior court thla morning, the charge having been laid by Dominion Constable A. J. Wstklndbn yastesdar afternoon and fined, 900. 'with the option of aix monthV lmprlsJiuaf o t . for supplying liquor to' Sam Cecil. Por Slmaaon Ind!", ws charged again thih morning with ell.ig liquor to Jcaeen IKKay. Metlatatla native. Adjournment In the second case was taken until th'a iftemoon. John V. CI pie Is acting aa counsel for the defence. O. Hlraiio. Jspaneae. pleaded guilty to . charge of supplying John Oeorre. Hazel ton tndlun. with liquor and was fined SO, with thirty days' option fJeorge. the Indian, was la -turn haras? with supplying Bert Dannls, Port Sunp Playing a tieht dcfriaarro game and l flying upon tbr:r .tar. Jar OllUa. v here In for jrnals the Boaer. dc eau J : he Kangari lo 2 last might in J , rtirvor Lacroaf Laaiue When goaU 'were .-.eeOaa Oltl beat the Whole Bar-j Ter' defeneie lor thrte of the prct!e4 Jhe im. the Dornag tke atcncwall defence of B. WANTED WAjrrSD.-- tKencfrapher. grade t. tat Dominion Oowermncnt Offices. Prince Rupert. at.OW-01.atO. Vacancy at present tor male. Marine Department Por partlcul.T of examination apply to T H. rVddle. Prlrdpel Tf School Prince Bupert no' later than August S. HIOH School r.rr1 wtnta room and board la return for services. Write Mis Bte. Ins Phllltpaon. Tlorth Paclfle Cannery EXCAVATINO wanted. By day x by Seal fe Hotel. Rock or contract. E Bernard Perrort.'Seho Was Rraad gtShy iyMMAir wanted for haM work ROYS SHIRTS AND STOCKINGS GRBATLY REDUCED ALL BOYS' SUITS AT COST OR LESS moat nf but the Blu Brickaen for the Rover, together wim lawrtf ahoctlne .prererited (twai frm atttingr through ancceaafuny. BCrera weee " Tr -Joe Olllla. 1: j Campbell. 1-D Urger. 1 Ranaara- Ghana Woods, 1. JClass'fied : Ads. any wiy ti WAKflBD. -Coie for ptaao Phone 4S. FOH SALE FOR BALI. 33 ft Runabout: PordMsr- lae ooo vera Ion. Rajo bead. A-K ignition, 12 volt itarter. aenerator, and batten: lust ov.rh.uled. and In Orrt etnas shape 17S Knrjne and fittlnar alone worth mora. Phone 133. 1M FOR BAIX Piano, Ivory bedroom suite. ataadard floor lamp, oak desk and bookcase. Phone M. OLD MTWSPAPVM MaT K UBB D4-1 'twd of oulMln paper of to lay oa-oaatt) carpet on tli. floor. Oat ' apaetal prtoe aa kua. qvaatTOea. Oilly Mew. FOB 8ALB -ChaatarfUld antw: dsut: library table: ruga: irory POR BAI E Small cle wsgtre all re Apply Mr WUkae. -OH RENT. Ninth Avenue APR City good ahspe. Peat Oglce. OK S.LK P4r4 Sodan order and ppearstot Bex 13S Duly I'OH flENT bad- cy- lot. 200 good runnlnt cheap. Apply News Office U QUEBEC Hester for eale good aa Dev. j! e 1'rorim. Pnoae Hod 710. ISP SMALL Launch r aale, BED Couch Inr aale. PhOBe Black 36. LOST I-OST- Pmir leaf clover Brooch, set with diamond and paurk. between Anglican Church and Urftd States Obnaulate. Plnder pleaM ""turn to Dally Mew Office Reward. 300 CLAPPSRTON HOUSS. Bent naaonabl.. . City Hstt. K OR RKNT -I lANOS, PtATBR-PIANOS, Ponogrph ani Walkers MtiaU itwhts Store. I MalhuM Jw-J POR BENT PTJRmSHtD rrnmed apartment with bath, paid. Phone 447. POUR Water tf POR ftBMT. POIW ROOM APART- ment. hot water treated. Apply Boilth Msllett, Ltd. tf POR BENT Kew sevaB' room heated no- dera house Pull bassmsBt. Close Ir Phone Red 730. tf LrTJHfflBHEn Room wanted dose in. At- ply DOS 134 Dsllf 11 by th. day.. Only Once a Year WATCH OUR WINDOW FOK SPECIALS Here Are Just a Few Sensational Bargains Men's Caps Values from $1.96 to $3.00, now Qc MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Co'lar attached and French Cuffs, values from 2M to ow 1.49 Value from $3.00 to $5.00, now 249 SALVAGE AND TOWING WCSK BNft HPCritL On th a room houa for rent. Secor.d Ar enue. Wealrlew. Phone Blue 01 after jo. u pok rcmt. poMtftMBD APAjrr. menu Apply Muaaailera O-ocery rooos sutu: uwaie cabinet, aingia i- irfnce Huprt Salvage & Tw(ne urj areaser. Kicnen caoinet. mone f l ( J row sals -LAtrncM flonepoweT eempletr anf In dttton. Apirtf BOOBS, sis basemen., for m dern. mired for SBS 311th A' PODB all nrnwlng con Dally News, tf and bath: fan imct lo or Ptnt. rw&y mo-etsctrtc range. $UM tf HAS mkMMIN" IN OAS RfllfS Aewau for Saw hope Bnglna. ObotMa Prapellan. a..J Tuilube OU Ha. ef.aM .unipttea far rhafler Bait Lake. Perry ert:ce f 1 days on the hour 1 pjs. till I pjn Baaoay and) HoUeaya. u ,m uu pa Phone SM Linoleum Door Ma'., each . . . ft. Tapestry Ploor !lug. each SI .'si etvet Plcor Rugs each tt.ur Barrymore Oua ran teed Rugs. . Bf,Vi Ruga ore 71x64 A. MACKaTNZTB PCRNITDRB AUCTlONKKI'tS. riurr. aictiox mart Purnltur of sll kind bought, sold or exchanged Orating and packing done. Oooda soM on Crwinalaslon 0. J. DAWKS. . Aarthmeer. iMsek tM CI!IROPIL(TIC lK. K. K. RYfM'OV fhlewaeaatee eag Third Avenue. Telephone for ppolntment new H. Bteaidenee pboae Blaek Acute and Chronic Disorder fully treated Bttablished um to Brut 3M. ROOMS and Bath Sectftm e. 01000. 7 ROOMS.' Modern. Section a 13.300. 4 ROOMS. Semi-Modern. Sec 9. 1.000. ROOMS, modem good location. Section 6. $3 800. TERMS. " r. ruling c . Phone 57. tf DANC1N0 IfltW MVI-ANWY CAMKMtf.L Teacher nf f'lanieal Itanrlng fcperaic. Toe Dancing. Oreclan, Rua slan. Bgyptlan. etc Also Physical Culture r. o. I.x 409. rhene IHaek 611 Mens Suits Reatarkabie Value 50 Suits Twteda, etc, $25.00 V, $45.00, now 17.50 10 $27.53 i SS Salts Worsteds, Serges, $25.00 to $45.00, now 19,50 t $29.5 ) Ovcreoats All weights, $26.00 to $40.00, now 17.50 to $29.9 Don't overlook this golden op perl unity, to make big Savings on imported bfgfe class merchandise. It's the fiaad wind op of the season. The early bird eatehee the worm. UNDERWEAR All Wool English, medium weight Union Suit 0.75 Heavy all wool Hewson and Standfieid make, a garment . . 5g SOX Huge selection of imported English make, pair Qjjg ALL ROYS SWEATERS AT 10 PER CUNT ABOVE COST TIBS Ties formerly to $1.50 and $2.00 now ........ 5Q( arv! mfc j ODD PANTS " i Away below Cost Mostly large sizes, $5.00 and &00 now 535 THIS IS A GENUINE SALE, PUT ON ONChT A YEAR TO CLEAR OUR STOCK AND ENCOURAGE BUSINESS. THIS ISA JIRN AJfD BOYS' SALE-DO NOT 3IISS IT PRINCE RUPERT B. C. HAIFA DOZEN UNEMPLOYED RMpismifm in keai rmikth fWMHi llf.MtSO IOR MOOR IN TIIM IHftTRH T Theft art only half- the lose! unemployed usee, icpart. J. M. t indent of the t Service 01 ! the city, as wall a. other munlcip?: work, t. giving aadiynit Juet now u quite number of an. Plfteen white am wer. asftt that wh to Um saltsry at Jed war Quean Char-lotU Islands, and antwe wiU b am ou shortly to sngsga in Jua wait at othe-Maad pottle. Alioawtber, s0 mm mm m fren. this district to IMWU1 iwral Mob. Of thaw at aaot than twen or tawney-nve m actual leatdetra of c.ty. Many went reus Okeeaa Ww cannery petal, ant Um war. quit. i number Iran Anwoa-. A lav an vara sent to Digby Island that wart to work on extensive improve- nmu that ere berng mad. at th wtrc-!a stat tan. TCHESINKUT LAKE MINING PROPERTY BEING DEVELOPED r.g It hour here. wUI Id tlx renlng zt. it- Rupert :or Vancouver Th party which It travelling ;n two tourist car, at In charf of Rn O B Wooller VC. master of Harrow School: Lieu: D A M Wynne of the Riflr Brigade and Henry Studhotaa. acting aa advau aarat GARDEN PARTY BEING HELD THIS AFTERNOON 1 march w.M.h. al Hr. C. P. .Jeaaer m ct India.- and wa fined tii and $3 JO -:. with option of .Iiirtjr di Joseph Seymour HaaHton Indian, wit -a (15 and MAO eceta. with opuiiu si lotirie-k day, for drunkenness rd Xathan Lawaon. Port Simpson nat.Tt, lor hav:nif liquor In hi p n-caaion ia nned I2S TX M JO coata or thirty djya in the loek-ap. ROVERS PLAY TIGHT LACROSSE GAME AND BEIT RANGERS 5-2 flVB-racm houa ?nd l u" duubt. eor-btr on (th Arcnu. W. Could rent at 3040 Prior 1.100 Cub MOO. Daiajx !3 pwr moath A HEAL S!AP THE TWO BB6T LCT8 or. ATLUI AV-CSUZ lor - lew and location. MOO -00. KAaTT TDBO. THat) OOLLABT LOOTO) afr aau cottage, two betf- OonTmlen: to Dry Dock aed , Baal Ooee Apply at .at Durran. SrranUi Arenue latt. tSO! PHONE GRF.F FHKE VOT!N. (OUI'ON Good for 25 Votes In ike I ratir News "Kwybody Wimt" Grand Prize Campaign I hereby caat 25 FRKE VOTES to th. Miss, Mr. or Mrs AAirass This cospoa, NEATLY CUPPED OUT. twm -i of the candidate fillsd in, and mailed or de!m -Campaisii Department of the PriBee Rupert Daily N count as 25 FREE VOTES It does not coat any cat then coupon for your favorite candidate, ai not restricted in any araat in voting them. cn and nend them In they all ermnt Do not roil or fold; deliver in flat packaire. NOTE Thlo couKn Bust be voted on or brfr Auirust 29, 1928. Ran ad ian National Qfo Urged Railway Sylcm in America STKAMSHIP AND TRAIN SKRVKF Salllncs from PIIIT. Hl'PIRT fnr VAMTf H'VER. VHTOHII 'f'"" MOMltVS. Tilt MKIlAVH. 4 00 p.m.. !t TI HItV. ' : :" For ANVOX and UTIIWAHT, MllMiWl. rRllilYM. 400 ! m Por MtKr.TT M KT, M(MltV. 4.00 pja. Por Mlt'TII Jl KLN f'llAIIMITTC lLM. PortnlghUf Por KKAUIVAY. MLDMWIIAYS. 4 00 PJS. PAWMRMIFIR TRAIN- LKAVK PIIICE KI'I'FKT IMII.Y r.XCriT IMtV at 1 1 M asi. far PIIIMC OKOKiiK. IIM"NI IVISMPIII. all tsalals IMrrn taneda. I'nlled Mate.. tOBM'V IJ. OCBAN KTEAMHIIIP LINES. riTV TH'Kr.T llfMIX SJ TIIIHH 41 . . fKINCr RUPERT. New Fall Dress Goods JUST AHIUVED t.1 I. ..itL v.. ui L 1 i 'i . atJ ,'a.ll -e ' ' i iriiin uiiu i.irKimu .imciit ouriiieru vnrinis v m pura wool. In black and white, sand and white, 29 navy and white, red and white, yard Worrell Fast Color Velveteen Sl9 Chiffon finish, 36 inches wide Fraser &. Payne Unlverwil Trmlini; Co.