fodir August 24, 1928' - Me Your Bright ai AND ALK!N n nrcT Mi -is suDcrioV'-csocciallv ia.flavor fragrance nna-ianrmTWYff?vifinB, iWrtHffHGacaaniiMa Bedroom set Cheery IT' sivy Silk Ded Spread with fringe mid neat designs, mzc KOx'.iO in Rose, Dlue and Gold (gC QCJ each tfUsUeJ TRAITOR!) SILK RED HXTHA LARGE WHITE SPREADS RED SPREADS Ilcaut il'ul ouality in II! ue, lovely design, each Hose and Gold, each $10.00 37.65 Rroehrtettc Quilts, large sizes in blue and OJ OK Hose. Dependable wear, each "The Nobby" Specials ! Specials ! Vacuum littles 50c Hair Clippers ... 75c Modes 50c, .'J for $1.10 Face Powder 25c A fresh shipment 1WGK & SHAW'S ClIOCOlATES Just in yfw Pi on i e r Dritgri.sis TMIPDAVLf, SIXTH ST. TELLTM10NES tt?,200 Canadian National- Steamships Co. L'mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Opersllnr, Ci.T.l. 20.000 Ton I'limling Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Rollermaker. HlarUroillis. Paltern makers. Founder Woodwoikera, Rc. ELECTRIC AND ACNTYI.KNB WRMMNG. Our plant Is 'equipped to handle nil kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WflHfc PHONES 43 and 386 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED V,CYI:h. vitWff. TVZ. Alert lisy. etc ,, ""vim, 5 , ... tZ iV.M',l'VKI. VICTOUIA. H.ited,il. Alert Hoy. Hlrd.y. ' " for JiVrt K,'MN nnd MAS HIV KM POINTS, frraay. ,.,,M0N Sunday ANVOV' STKWAHV, MAIM Idl.ANH, 10 HT MMlStl. rlt A"'m' It. M. SMITH, Agent. Iflw ul"lr' ii '"" '" drktlnatlur Local and Personal i a Taxi Phone . tflg ' TaL U Dentine Dr. i. ft. oh Phone B88. Chiropractor. C. O. McKay. Phone 134, tl Fottball tonight at 0:46. matte vs. Regiment. sale.tSMtttttre, etc. UO Filth Av- toest. none Mo. , 300 Bulklcy Valley 'i Big Event of the year li Its fair at Smlthera, August 31 and September 1, 1038. rtorckm Singer ol Masactt waa a passenger aboard the Prince Charles yesterday going through to Vancouver on a business trip. B. Oarofani of the Ward electric U Marine Supply Co. stag sailed yestsi- day afternoon by the Prince Charles on a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. Dlgby Ulnd wireless station was in commniHeyMoB at midnight last night with the steamer Niagara soon after the vessel left Sydney a.t 4 p.m. A us traitan time, for Vancouver. Aid. P. K. Woodskte and City Solicitor J. a, Williams 'are representatives of the corporation of the orty of Vancouver in the Vancouver Board of Trade excursion party whien is in the crty today. William A. Oow, station agent at Ha-relton for the Canadian National Hall ways, and Mrs. Oow arrived la tbt city from tl interior an yesterday afternoon's train and sailed by the Prince Charles for Vancouver and other points In the south on a holiday trip. Oeorge H. Stead, British Columbia superintendent of Canadian National Telegraphs with .headquarters in Vancouver, arrived In the city from tile south on the Prince Rupert Oils afternoon in the course of one of his periodical Inspection trips. Ha wui be bare for a day 3r k here re proceeding to the interior. C. A. Cunningham of Winnipeg, general superintendent of the ffp"fiHnr Rational Express Co.. arrived In the olty from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this afternoon in the course of. a west ern Inspection tour and will prooeel aoet tomorrow morning. Mr. ' Cunningham is accompanied by B. A. Letts. superintendent with headquarters in Bdmoitton. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Mouse Bazaar. November 8. V. Anglican Cathodrul Bazaar November 23 You'll Want ONE OF THESE Silver Spoon SPECIALS 3 Kotfera' 1881 Silver Teaspoon i pug. sunlight .soup. 1 pkg. Lux 1 bar Lifebuoy Soap For 1. 00 Only a limited number of the above. Reid's Sultana Pound Cakes each "."if We also handle Reid's famous Cherry and Genoa Cake. A trial will convince you of the excellence of this product Seedless Raisins, bulk, 2 lbs Gri.penuts, special, per pkg . . 15c (Order a supply at this price) Pickling Cukes and Pickling unions are now in We expect a shipment on Wednesday. Cet your Heinx Picklinur Vine gar were- , Mother's Flour, fti Gingham, 19 lb. sacks, per sack .... S'J.iiO Swandown Cuke. Flour, special per phtt, ()f Wildrose Pastry Flour, 10s, per saex (,0r We are now booking orders for Preserving Peaches for delivery about the end of the month. Place your orders now. rroservirfir reaulremenU lilngH. c an, l'arowax. etc. Waffle Syrup, 2s. Special per tin I-V DelJMonte DriPak Prunes, 2 l-2s . . Til. ir... n jinn vrci-n, i. una i ir don aon will win proceed Droceea Celery, rdriitisf.rl 'ttresh. 1 4alsiaiaU&to JUeMBi Uprlvl Cabbage, pec ik ..... ' (16, WU. ilrWW'a f Beef duality Fresrf Trti i tk dfl eerrD to smlthera. egetauie. Uiihtmru Squash and Pumpkins Are in. Citron expected Wednesday. Watts' Grocery Phone 55 Phone 5G Shop here und save money THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE aTtTtf tttf 44 KKIK 1IYE Norwegian Tenor-Baritone In will give a CiaHMILML CONCERT Moone Hall on Tuesday, gust 28, at 8:30 pjn. Adniiiision 91.00 Accompaniments by ' OWas.'Balagno riano from Walkers Mualo Store. Au- ' Tickets may be had from: Ormes Ltd.. Hoee, Cowan & Lat-ta Ltd.. Thor Johnson. Joe 81ag-fard. Mrs. Hannan, Seal Cove; SelvHT Bras. 200 This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Yoa cannot afford to stay away from DulUay Valley Fair, Smlthera, August iai, nrpamDfr i. 200 J. A. Morris returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief buaUMsa trip to the Interior. Moriey Slier well known powder man. arrived In the. olty from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this afternoon. Oct your Fair membership ticket from aol lei tori or Secretary of the Pair Board. You might be the lucky one. 200 Miss A. M. Bsrbeau, who has been south on a business trip, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this afternoon. A. Y. Wilson, Bemo sawmlllman, arrived in ttte city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon train, being here on a brief business trip. B. J. Smith, who has been spending a ro-eeks' balid? In Vancouver, re- ' turned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this afternoon. j William Watson, for drunkenness, waa nned 835. with option of thirty day JmprlMbJwnt, by Magtotrate McClymont In city police court this morning. St. Andrew's Society Picnic. Orauy ' Bay Sunday. August 28. Cars leave Rooms from 10 ta untu noon. Com- rrlt meets Saturday eeening at 9 pjn. There are peopl. who have Uved In Prlnee Rupert for Otteeti years and never visited the Interior. Remedy this by tolng to the Bulkley Valley Fair tnw lo ' Ronald WOsna. who has bee employed in one of the canrfftles down Uw ooaet. returned to the city from the touth on the Prlnee Rupert this after noon. The. Pair Board membership tickets fa not coat you much and they help nake the Fair a success snd you hate h" chance of winning a valuable lot on Second Avenue alt for the sum of $1.09. S0O Miss Pete Tremayne, who has been "felting her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Tre-nayne st WUUam Head has left to re- ume her training as ntuee at the Henry Ford Hospital. Detroit. Victoria Tunes. J. R. Turner, manager of the Duthie mine, who has been In Vancouver and Seattle on company business, arrived .n the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this afternoon and entrained for Smlthera. P. X. Peterson. M E., consulting eng! -.cer for the Silver Crest Mines Ltd.. it a pasrenger aboard the Prince Rupert today enroute to Hastings Arm whete he will inspect progress of operations on the-Saddle mine which the company la opening up for shipping. Mlaa CamUie Peters, teaeher of Ocear rails. Is a guest for a few days of Mrs. Martin Miller at Seal Cove. She Rent part of hr holiday visiting her nother. Mrs. Ragout, at Tlsll, arriving here yesterday on the Prince Cbarlr. Ihe and Mrs. Miller are planning to make a trip to Alaska on the neat steamer north. D. D. Munro, manager of the loan de partment of the Sun Life Assurance Co at Vancouver and poteittete of Oiseh Shrine Temple, is a px-nger aboard the Prince Rur.irt today btvnd for An- rox on a brief business trip. The oere- nonlal of Olseh Temple,, which was to have been held here this fall, will not take Pece but candidates form Prince Rupert and Anyox wUl. Instead, go to victoria for the ceremonies. 6 h, i complete 8jUck ofkb at Aiyansh in the Naas Valley for ours, die past few years, and F. H, Hoadley principal of the Smlthera public school arrived in the city on yesterday after-neon's train following a prospecting trip to the Kttsumkalum Lake area. Mr, "i Oor- within where U m mm ntxt day or HOdiey fwcj pro- Arthur Q. Copping, noted author of Iondon, England, who la making a trip around the world on Salvation Army work, will arrive in the city on the Princess Charlotte tomorrow afternoon from Wrangell, Alaska, where he has boen visiting for the past week or k With Major and Mrs. Walter L. Car-nithera, and will proceed Hast on Mon-iny mornings train. Mr. Copping will rtniduct nervlces in the looal Salvation Ai my i ltaUel on Sunday. , Winners Ike oldest stocks oi GovemmeuV e sot Mia. Wbiilaas. wife of Dr. H. A. Wni'.-leae of Stewart, la a passenger bound north from Vancouver on the Prtuo. Rupert today. H. W. Ketdeman. well known minlnr man of the north, is s pnawingrr ahoari the Prince Rupert today bound trot. Vancouver to Stewart where be la eon duotlng operations this season. Miss Moron Riven of Borden Strec School teaching staff returned to Ui city on the Prince Rupert this afternoon from Vancouver where she had been apeattiag the summer holidays. School Inspector and Mrs. H. C. Pra- eer and family returned to the olty on the Prince Rupert this afternoon fror, Victoria and ChUliwaek where tbey have been speeding the summer vacation. C. A. Banks, manager of the B. C Silver Mines Ltd. is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound from Vancouver to Stewart on a visit of lb- apeetton to the company's operation there. Inspector WUUam Spiller. provincial police, returned to the cttv on trw I Prince Rupert this afternoon from Ad- enbronk Inland where he has been conducting an mveot las tlon 'into the recent murder of the lighthouse keeper. Ernes' Msynafd. A. J. McCurdx of the Western Oanads Alrays Ltd. arrived In the city from Vancouver cn the Cardena u day tr supervise the dismantling and shlppli to Vancouver of the Vlckera Vedet" plane which was recently wrecked or. Poreber Island while engaged in fishery patrol service. Mrs. John B. Praaer of Wetasklwln. Alberta, who has bean visiting on th onset, arrived In the; city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this afternoot "nd w'U be Joined here tomorro w by Mr. Frsser, who is city treasurer of We-faklwln. Mr. and Mrs. Fraaer. who are the parents of tan Fraaer of McRsi Bros, staff here, will be the gueMg for two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrew, 887 Borden Street. Mr. Prase-Is Mrs. Andrew's oousln. VISIT OF VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE The Entertainment Committee of the City Council and the Prince Rupert Board of Trade respectfully request 4 rerweeentative attendance of looal men ayif'BaH on PflSay tjifiiin ! M Hall in honor of tag visit of the V:ki- couver Board. As there are no ladi.a travelling with the Vancouver Board It Is especially desirable that local men bring two or more ladles with them. A food orchestra has been engnged with new snappy music and Mrs. Carrat wil provide delicious refreshments. The dance will start early as the Vancouver Board mil at l ajn. Gentlemen's tick ets are SI. SO nd ladles are free. Tlu Vancouver Board lll entertain at din ner on the a s. Princes Alice at 8:30 ilv Mayor and Aldermen and the Executive Council of th. Board. 1W 81 kSince 1883 s.a,, CJsr- Xiwesaaejy "SEAGRAM'S 83" has been a leader in popular demand a consistent winner, year in and year out, since it was first made in the distilleries of' Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Ltd., Waterloo, Ontario. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Dritisb Columbia GOOD FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank aid your first subscription, this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Daily News gifts with the grand total of more than 25,000 votes. This coupon may be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber Candidate's Name .ii..,. U. r Amount Enclosed ,. This coupon will count 10,000 extra votes when returned to the Campaign Manager at the campaign office of the Prince Rupert DaNy News, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 10,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. e HEALTH FOLLOWS oiwsMiaicraMtcrs rHHUftfON SflNU syej im wsuses or rrouewiNoot4Jwj: am 1 " tl am canadian PACInl7 'Vtiuwir STOMACH MKCMAS SHUS aiONfVS APNKM SLAeMS MU"M GIVE THE LAD A CHANCE Does your boy's work at school compare favorably with his classmates? Can he learn? Many backward children owe their success to Chiropractic. Call or write for pamphlet W. C. AS PIN ALL Chlroprnctor Green 211 Phones Klack 283 6 and 7 Exchange Illock. Open Evenings B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtehlkan. Urnngrll, ami Mkagway Augut :. , tit. 13, 17, SO, 17, 11. Iu Vam-uuvrr, Victoria and Meatlle Vujhi , 4, s, 11. 15, IS, , 85. ritlNCtwa IttlYAI. lor lliitrdale. IjW llrlla Oils. (H-ean fall. Nsmu. Alert I Mr. Cainphrll River and Vancouver every ItI(U), IS p.m. Armey ter all Mleamshln Line. i-ull Iufrmut4n from tV. ('. Old'HUlli. Ilenrral Agent, tVrnrr of till Street and 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, ILC. Phone 31 g" Cify If eat Market (SELVIG DUOS.) 3rd Avenue Phone 7C5 MEAT- FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Obsenel All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh.