hlt. thl VjinfflllVPI' lirillf'O fntV'O Iv.io frrnnrltr luuin lftiin-il ' She ' , ,. ....... zc(i ior many reasons, chiel ol which appears to be the act mat tne mayor 01 the city (Louis u. Taylor) waB icLLi-ii iiv i iiwiiiii ilv 111 n.uiiii villi's nn :i nnnpv wninn n:i lieen termed an onen nohev. " It. S. Lonnio. the enmmis- T J - I 2 ar 1.--1J.I 1 . 4t . -oiice force, stated in his report to the city council today. I ue commission did not make any recommendations, boarded the ablp. lointing out that the responsibility for action rested on Th Canil1,n i"" ,d woulQ he citv council. J2?.?T2"r- ma ac nowg uu woe win i rnnwr imio - A .summary of the evidence shows that in addition to " Amry. he root of the trouble, there are manv other reasons 'the umt-d stca for hia bciu. ur. L ,' . . A iV .1 1? A 1 r it . V iati k(M . W... ...tl.. . I II III I 11 1 I.I II III LIHf llt'IIIIlII I.;il.IIIIl JIIIII I III I I II'II'III' V III I I1M -- " orce. ne stated. ,.. ... .. ... In connection with charges that members of tho force canadiw p- t 11 M i 11 1 t . n&tt aUlil i hi. lAaMaatt I II'ImIm tKaftl i't i w x m u wama. win a w aua ird tiuiiiiii t-aaaanuii ma a. . . - - - L. I am forcetl to tho conclusion that whatever dismnsi- wr u1'' "Thu lUn 01 riret wU1 i i . . ii i , . . nn m hi jiaria n km Empire, ne Ml J. ion mav nave oecn made oi anv so canod nrotection ftAkaMf fen mmmMit nn tiv sr. IIIMIOI- IIAMIOU KK.MI LONDON', Aug. Aug. 34 night Rev. Daniel Davlea. Blahoo of BsAaor ainea CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Everyone reads the Classified Ads. LARGE C.IBAUKT If you lose, advertise for It. Special Dinner Saturdays Thursdays and If you find, locate tho tfwncr. I; Dancing rvrry Saturday ulRlit 0 to 12. from Whatever you need, advertise for It Dance Hall for Ulr. PRINCE RUPERT OET THE CLASSIFIED lit HIT. Accomodation for Privae Parties Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper rnone 417 Vol XVIII. No. 190. PRINCE RUPERT, JJ. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1928. Price Five -Cents EPORT mm mm mm nw mm mm w km. mm mm n wm mm m r m im mm mm ma mm m mm - mm. mm mm tmm m mm am - mn w aw w. seam ai w mm am jsjv a ga gej m t an n ta wm ma mu .w an m saw rm mm wa mm - w. mm mm wm mm tmm m tm tw mm mm mm mmm mm mm vav v v sm s mi m ma vi ssj an mm m mt m mm mm mmi m mam- am mm wm m tm mm mm mm mm mm wn bt mr mm. JX MLX-AJZ. m. vJr ML r A 11 I JL A iLJL JL XJULJllW AJL I V A WsL w JL JLJUA ItvAA JL ItaW F JLJJt li mAJ A A A JA Open Policy of Mayor Taylor is ! Blamed for Police Condition in j Vancouver by the Commissioner bays Is lorced to Conclusion that Neither Mayor nor Police deceived Protection Money From Chinese of Vancouver. VANCOUVER Auur. 21. "It shou'd be stated here PREMIER KING IS HONORED, (IK AM or WELCOME TO Milt At STEN ClltMIIKKUtlN ON IIEHAI' 01' CANADA PLYMOUTH. Augg Pr-mler M.ic ksnsete King and Secretary Kellog arm hod any member of the police force or the mayor of , pnmiar .We nt lm. ;";C City. 'mlfranu and t prefer Brlttah atock. of Frank admitted " bhii im-wt. tiMt. M c IJeferrincr to charges Casisa, oper- r.tnts to Detective Sergeant McLaughlin and Detective ' ' - ' - 1 .nrges unsupportable. ) C ommissioner Lennie recommended that the Board of ;t Johcc Commissioners should consist of a judge of the tlUll lilt LUUl m V1IV lUIIVU IIIMi-iUVt "WV V VIIV V.T w c.'i.i tun nntsljintlirnr citizens. As an alternative he re- i i ji i n i. -i i .1 m n i r t. l- r UIILlUILI A vrt a i vMa. Members Here Today Making Annual Goodwill Excursion r oni' hundred prominent Vancouver buninca and profesaional Vancouver Hoard of Trad, dljtned.to aid In the lvelopmwu i.tdi und mutual good feelintrs between the aouthern centre and nc iul points. The party will arrive In lbe . city late thia noon tihourd the C. 1. R. steamer Princew Alice, Capt. Thomas ft. h;u tt n d eKpodally for the occasion, and will be here until :! .jrh' wlu-n Xhe group will proceed to Anyox, Alice Arm ami v.ar' l'ow. U River, Ocean FalU and other coaat iHtlnU have - aiiraadv bwi visited tn tha oouraa of BABCOCK URGES CONSERVATION SAVR I'IMllMl MAI.MON IN I ITKU I li t . I H I.IKK M I DI I. IN IIAVXTAt'K Vli niRiA. Aug. H. To find salmon '.' ''in: in the upper reachea of the ! y." Ittver i like hunting for a needle i c iiiyVkiAck, says the annual refxut " proMqetal ftaheriea derwrtment ) afcd by jaan p. Uaboook. deputy ni'ii.-M'iucr of fialierlea. H' ,"!'. im. the halibut situation tn '"-ri. Uritinii Columbia are llkewkw nii-'H itua the neoMalty of meae-iiiiM-rve the halibut m urgwt by o i 'MiiitiimaJ commlsalon la stfwiMod. nU'NCIU.oit. AI'I'OINTEII OTTAWA. Aug. 34 Announoameut made today of the appointment of Dv K C , as oouneetlor to the ! " i leKtlon at Barla, he had heen i'-'-iiur to the department of ext 'ff' " ilnoe IBM. Aiivtrtlas in thi Dally News. the orutae. I Met by rapraaentoUvea of the Prtnee I Rupert Board of Trade and city oouu- ell. the viaitora wUI beitakeai In ohaaj hry the local commlUM lmowdlay up4n I arrival to be shown around the city. vlalU to the dry dook. elevator and plant of the Canadian Plan OolU Btorane On., a wrtl aa otlwr potna "f Intereiit. being planned. At 8 30 this evening, the eaeeualve of the Vancouver Board will give a dinner aboard ship In honor of the knal Board of Trade Oounell and Mayor- and Ald ermen. Hollowing the dinner there will be a conference between the eaecuuvaa of the two boards ana at p-m. enmnllmenury dance will be Wander! dm visitors la the HU. :i The party will leave here Jor the north at I ajn. tomorrow. The Princess Alice will Ue up at C.. n. Wharf No. t landing there arwolally at six o'clock this evening. 111(1 SKATE CAKIIIT Howard Hill of the C. N. R. whirl freight stiff, s-ftshlng during spare mo-meat thU morning, hooked a huge ahate whtoh measured 4 feet, " lMm long and 8 feet, I Inches wide. Utidlag of the big denlaen of the deep proved more of a. problem th.m ' .:U-Wu It MKVIWTKKX VEAH Ol.ll oiiii. swam (ihm:i. ix heteen .hocks DOTaTR. Aug. i4 VUm U4dle Shery. IT years of age. of London, swam the Bngllah Channel today from Cape Oris Nra to Dover In IS hours. & minutes. POSSIBLE FAKE MESSAGE FROM LOST AVIATORS AMtTEl It (1ETM U II T HE THINKS IS Itl.AI, ( All, HIT OTIIKIts IMIIHT ITS At 1HENTICITV CHICAOO. Aug 34. A wlreleea mes-signed "Rncktord nyers" was received In Chicago today by R. J. Harris, an amateur ofraaor. The aasMage aald the plane was down on a small island fifty muea off Newfoundland owing to oil feed failure Sunday morning. "Myers safe. Only way you oan gal to ua Is by ship.' aald the me age. It further aald that fond supply vu running low and the wireieM e4 was being operated by power from a aenerator. An effort to arrange a later hour for oon vernation waa answered In this way: "We are very tired and need ale) badty. Will call you tomorrow night." Harris said ha waa very ooniMent the laesaage waa bona fide but other amateurs pointed to several discrepancies Tfcey pointed out that neither Ha.vel nor C ranter had more than a aketchy know Mm Irelen and Cramer, the better r RfBopeeaa aenu Hairls.eakt.,01) . to other hand the algnaW oiVne thrhugh as from the hand of a Veteran ofierator. One amateur asked where power oould have been supplied by generator aa the plane used ba-tterlea. The menage too, was not on the wave length luted by the flyers. (Uhi ffW4 wftttMklrtrl I'RhTTY TRIO INf ( LASS UY THIiMSKLVES: Thye are Georjrette, Leontineand Kmile Bernard, the only triplets who were among those present at t hi. year's baby .show in Paris Second Message Purporting to Come From the Two Lost Aviators North of Newfoundland and Asking for Help COPENHAGEN, Aug. 21. Authoritative reports from South Greenland yesterday that IJcrt HasscI and Parker Cramer were sighted Sunday over the village of Fiskcnacset have stirred the utmost op timism among experts that the United States airmen will be found safe. NEW YOKK, Aug. 2J.-Eric Palmer, a Brooklyn amateur radio operator this afternoon reported that he had just been in communication with a station reporting as the missing plane "Greater Hock-ford.' The message read: "Hello, old man; we arc on an island 50 miles north of Newfoundland and usiinjj a wind generator for power. Talked last night wtih 9CI)J Chicago. Please send help." MURDER CHARGE 4 in (ii; n.rsTi it or 1 1 )lt .!( ON Sit LET I'EA AT -TEUKAfl; TKRHACK. Aug. Ui A. At-Uee has a sweet pajsv Stalk ui which are eleven dasthsot and ;il slied bjoorrw all In a eiuater at the top of the vine, lis now-ens are while ami the vtne Is groalng Ui a vmindah boa. 4 " VISCOUNT'S .. GRAYE.OPEN ;t a LBN EAOl.BB Aug. . HotTlM grwet of Vasoount Haldaoe was found opened this morning with indication of an attempt to pry open the coffin. Lying aaleep bealde the grave waa a man who stopped the funeral proeeaakm of the former minister yesterday. He was awakened by the cemetery attendant, the man "declaring he had spiritual! leanings and hud u appointment with I the Viscount Ho naserted yesterday IMS, died today aged M. He lived all tht ,h 7unt his life In Walea. i ' !: SUICIDEPACTt woonarocK. out . Aug. at. Robert Chllda. the 10 year old son of Alderman . 4 Fred Child, was arresnd last night on a charge of murder following the ver- responsible for the death of Miss Oert-rude Telland. bis sweetheart, tn an alleged suicide pact Monday, dead. not SAI.AItlMi Of NINE .Ml.Mlil.ltS Ol' (MIUMT. AllE ET AT Ml ETINd VICTORIA. Aug 4- At meeting of the eucutlve cou&sU an oreder-m-couneU was passed designating the mlnlstera who shall reoWve salary. The Premier gets MJOO a year and eight others sl.MO each. MalUand and Bruhn get no salary. diet of a coroner's Jury which held htm t MAHOOD BUYS Properly Owned by James Crontn 1'iism's to I'nrtland Canal Operator VANCOUVER, Auk, 21,-Thc Haliine lton.ina mining proper tliH, fiirmerly owned by James Cronin of Spokane, located nliout 2o miles from Smithers, have been purchased by (irant Mn"(Ml, well known Portland Canal mining man, who htntes that he will commence develon-ment of the properties at on.c. PILCHARD CATCH IS LARGE ONE VICTORIA. Aug. 34. The pllchsrd plants, Including one operated by Prlno Hupert people are having a very suo eessful year on the west coast of the Island. Urge quantities of all nd fih eal Is being produced and up to th present the return are well ahead oi Ivi aeaaon. Seward Threatened with Disaster as Result of Fierce Storm in Alaska City Plunged inb Darkness and Water Supply Partly Cut Off Places on Alaska Hallway Heport Damage. SEWARD, Alaska, Aug. 21. After three night of continued rain which reached a climax Wednesday, Seward is again threatened with disaster-by the raging watera of Lowell Creek in the greatest flood since 1917, where houses were washed down stream. Third Avenue bridge has collapsed breaking the power flume and plunging the city into darkness besides cutting off part of the city's water supply. Fourth Street bridge was threatened yesterday and with it the remaining water supply mains. Thousands of feet of lumber of the Warrack Construction Co. of 8e itic with which they had begun thee building of the 1100,000 flood control llum, was carried down stream and piled up with qiud and rock on tn track! of the Alaska Railroad. The at rm wai still raging yesterday, bringing report from outlying district far away u Mosae past or the wide-. , snread damage and the weakening i the railroad and hlehwiy bridge. BRIDGE AT HAGWILGET ISTOBECLQSED MAKE CHANGES IN EDUCATION iion. iosin.i iiixdicLHTE hays VARIATIONS Will. TAKE 1"UCB SLOWLY v VICTORIA, Aug. HOhangea edueetltak system of B. 0. oaa mad very stony and as t)JftHaywllglrW tne iw iMhleter'4 n its Use de- over the Bulkley Hirer close to Kewjjoehua Hlnthdlff, sM today. Tttn de- Hstrlton, which has been condemned by j partment of education waa one In wfelcn I Uie engineer of the Department of Pub- radleal change could not be tteMteaU IK worm, wm be dosed to trsrilc. ll ne emphasised. was decided at a mettlng of the execu- tlve counsU yesterday. .dertl!e In the Dalit News Verdict of Inquest is That Ernest May nurd Was Shot in Back by an Unknown Person Mybtery still Surrounis Affair in Which Well Known .Man Lost Ills Life at Addenbrook Island Lighthouse Mystery still surrounds the killing late last week of Ernest Mny- nard, keeper of the light at lonely Adenbrook Island, about two hun dred miles down the coast from here. What seemed, according to first reports, to have been a case of suicide is shown by later informa-niation lo have been clearly a matter of foul play. Shot in the back of the head, the unfortunate man s body was found face down on the small wharf of the light station. Indicating that the killing had taken place at night, there was a lantern in the dead man's hand and the body wis only partially clothed. The theory advanced is that Maynard must have been called ,oui from the llght-howe In the dad af . 4 tAHrlin 1 1 1 nXTCl night by som alarm and shot by some I All jfllr Al AK N llant. Identification of whom my IIUUIUUIU ilUiAU to be a very difficult matter There waa no weapon near the dMeacd the nearest being two gun In th ilght-hoi.se ausrssr. Psculltrly enough, tht drors of the lighthouse, Itself w locked. Discover; of the tragedy waa mad by i wo flahermen who. operating nsarby. perceived the light to be burning tn broad daylight and proceeded to Investigate. Oolng on th small Island from tht rear, thty first attempted to enter the lighthouse and found It locked up. then being no response to their calls. Then they they went down on the wharf to make the shocking dlauveiy of the dead man's body. A pioneer of the city and th north, the late Mr. Maynard for several yesn after the War. In which he served, was the keeper of Lucy Island lighthouse. Only a few months ago he was moved to Adenbrook For several year before the War. he was anltor of th City Hll and waa wU .acquainted In the city. Many friends were shocked to learn of hla untimely dwnls. Th tngtdy still under polio Investigation with Inspector William Spll- 1er In charg. ' 1 That Maynard had been shot In tho back and killed by a person or persona unknown waa th verdict of an Inquest held at Ocean rail , Into the tragedy. Informant has taken place at Ocean falls. A oft-noMd bullet ntred Maynard s head which was virtually shattered. Inspector William Splller. returnliiK to the city tills afternoon alter msklrv. Investigation of the tragedy, said that he bad no statement to make In regsrd to thi msi'.er. IMFtKIALNAVi K.tVS WILL IIK KKQUKLII JI HT AS LONG AS COMMEKf E CtlUUKI) BY SEA VANCOUVER, Aug. 34 Declaring; It was a matter of business and not. em-tlment, VievAdmlrsI Sir Oyrll Pultor. oommandsr In chief of the Nortra Am. ertcan and West Indies aquadrota. msvde an eloquent sppeal for support tor an "adequate Imperial navy" at the Canadian Club luncheon given In has raonor yesterday. "So long a commerce Is carrlerl by the ssa, the only safeguard Is svn svde-quate navy", he declared, "Just u ls in sure noe or the vUlage policeman." P. GE. PROBLEM FOR CABINET VICTORIA, Aw J4-A tlwroaicrt investigation will be mad Into the (affairs of the P.OE and Its possibilities j.ftr which It win be decided whether or no the line wUI be sold Should tt bo do- sided to retain the railway, a aohem will be mapped out whereby it may be made aa useful as possible to ttve prov- Ince. That l the present view of lion. 8. P. Tolmle as stated here. He doc hire that this problem will b on of tta fUsst tackled by the Oovenuneut after tt haa set its house in order, . mtt,