PAGE SIX Outing Specials All Heady For Your Service CANNED MEATS- COMBINATION X Can Quick Dinner 1 Can Cambridge. Sausage 1 Can Meat Halls All for SI. 00 No-2 1 Can Roast Mutton 1 Can Corned Beef 1 Can Veal Loaf 1 Jar Salmon Cream 1 Jar St. Irel Crab Paste, Ali tor SI. 00 No. 3 1 Can Lunch Tongue 1 Can Beef Steak and Onions 1 Can Roast Beef 1 Can Tink Salmon, l's All for $1.00 No. 4 1 Can Peaches, 2's 1 Can Raspberries, 2s 1 Can Blueberries, 2s. 1 Can Cherries, 2' 1 Can Loganberries, 2s All for $1.00 C. & H. Pickkn and Jams, individual lzc, lOf Bottle Fresh Killed Roasting Chicken, lb IOC fJET VOUK SUPPLY NOW PKOMIT SERVICE MussaHftm Grocery CO. LTD. Phone 81 and 18 HAVE YOU TRIED? Our $ Lender in Silk Hose A wonderful I low in a nice range of colors. H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. C17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, IJ.C. Dr. Alexander I'HOXU 5i5 IIKNNIIt III.OCK DENTIST COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Bulkley Hay nnd drain. .Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. CANADA CLOSER TO BRITAIN IS PREMIER'S WORD MACKENZIE. KIMt AUKJVES IS riust k and SiKcWkii Sieiial rem- ri:ACE wokic " -"- PARI8. Aue. 24. BrjuzfJ and bene fited by the transatlantic crowing. Pre-1 mitr Mackenzie King descended t-he, gangplank of the He de France along-1 kle of Secretary Prank Kelloggg today at La Havre. Leon Meyer, mayor of Havre, greeted tbem and presented h medal to Mr. King saying: "We shall r.ever forget that you were and have remained one of the first men who tolled in the cause of peace." Mr. Kellogg received a gold pen. Premier King and Secretary Kellogg later arrived in Paris. x Interviewed here the Premier Indicated that after attending the session of the League of Nation next mouth he Intends to go to Engl nd, then return to Paris at the end of September for the Inauguration of the Canadian legation. The Premier said the Government pro- ; posed to establish legations In other countries than Prance but that decision did not Indicate any separtlst "NAVICAHLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT." It. S. C 110 Porter Idaho Mining Company Llm- 1 1 au lurahn iriM. nr.llM that It ho. under Section 7 of the said Act, depos- j ited with the Minister of Public Works : t Ottwa, and in the office of '.lie District ! Registrar of the Land Registration District of Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert. B. C, a description of the site and the plans of the wharf and dolphins proposed to be built on the foreshore near the mouth of the Marmot River. Portland Canal. In front of Lot Number Pour Hundred Sixty-seven 46T, Cassia r , D-Mrlct, British Columbia; AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one (1) month from the !utc of the first publication of this Notice. Porter Idaho Mining Company Limited will, under Section 7 of the a!d Act. apply to the M nlster of Public Works at his office In the City of dttawa. for approval of the said vlte and ; lans and i.'id ti r leave to construct 'lie aild wharf and dolphins. Dated "t Vancouver. British Columbia this 30th day of July, 1938. PORTER IDAHO MINING COMPANY LIMITED Five Roses or Purity 1'J.s, sack Jjill-oO B & K. Pastry Flour, 10s, sk ."if Canada Corn Starch, 2 pkgs Ii."r Seedless Raisins, 4 lb pkg. .. ."."r4 Hallowi Dates, lbs iVic Tillson's Health llran, pkg. HOf Iirunswiek Sardines, C tins I Of Saanich Clams, 2 tins iVtt Hedlunds Meat Balls, 2 tins l.".f SOAP DEAL 1 pkg. Sunlight Soap 1 pkg. Lux 1 bar Lifebuoy Soap 3 Rogers' Silver Teaspoons Total value $1.50 For 81.00 ('ravenstein Apples, 2 lbs . . -'( Per box !-") P.artlett Pears, dozen Hot Rananas, 2 lbs il'tf Craes, 2 lbs Pearhes, per dozen -lOf Field Tomatoes, basket ....."Op Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Pioprietor l ifth Street. Phone 20 emers The Latest Thing BUTTERFLY SKIRT Sizes 14 to 20. Phone 27 P.O. 327 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G8 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. . We Specialize In Piano and Funilfurv? Moving;. Clears Choked Drains Cleans and Disinfects Kemoves uiavamx Makes Good Soar)"' mil ;i I lie . ohtr.iry Canadian were wi'li tite determination lu work in ever closer collaboration wit's Great Britain. FALLEN HEIR TO A RICH ESTATE The mother in Los Angeles of William Kinnear. a youth who Is believed to believed to liavc left Tacoma some time go for the north, seeks Information of her son through the city - polios here, rbe lad has fallen heir to the estate of a rich relative in Ireland. PROMINENT WINNIPEG MAN DIES AGED 84 WINNIPEO. Aug. 2 Alexander Mar-donald. 84 years of age. head of tht Macdonald Oonsolkl.-itect Ltd. wit!, branches form the head of the lakes to the Pacific roast died last night following a protracted Illness. His only surviving son predeceased him two Advertise in The Dailr News CORPORATION OF THE CITY Or' PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert Intends to construct a concrete sidewalk ten feet wide on the east ilde of Third Street commencing at a point seventeen feat north of tht southerly boundary of Sec--nl Avenue and extending along the eaat side of Third Street to the north boundary of Third Avenue, as a local improvement, and Intends to specialty j&resS the coat upon the land abutting directly 00 the work, except sueh portion of the cost as is Incurred at street intersections. 2. The estimated cost of the work Is 98a.00. of which M8.00 Is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated annual sLeclal rate per foot frontage Is t.3056. The special assessment Is to be paid In 20 annual instalments. 3. Person desiring to petition against undertaking the work must do so on or before the 28th day of Beptember. 1B2. D J. MAI-MESON. Acting City Clerk. Dated this 23rd day of August, IBM. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO Al'I'LY TO LUASL LAN II la Smith rs Land Recording District and situate adjoining Lot S160 on East aide of ftkecna River. TARE NOIIOE that Christina Corley. uf Pacific, BO., married woman, Intends to apply lor a lease of the following described lands'. Commencing at a post planted at the southeast curner of Lot 6180. Range 6. Coast District; thence north 80 chains, thence east 20 cuaius; thence south 80 chains: thence west 20 chains, and oon-.ainu.g ISO acres, more or leu. CHRISTINA CORLEY, Applicant Dated MkV 28 1M8 IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a Duplicate Certificate of Title for Lot nineteen hundred and eighty-three (1883), Range live (5), Coast District. Satisfactory proof of the Ices of the :;ertificnte or Title covering toe aoove 'nd having been produced to me, It Is mv intention to usee, alter ine ex plratlon of one month from the first publication hereof, a Duplicate Oertlfl-rate Of Title to tlie above land in the name of Joel Plllsbury. The original Certificate of Title Is dsted the 7th September, 1810. nnd Is numbered 309 R Land Registry Offloe. Prince Rupert, B C. 23rd July, 1928. II. P. MacLEOD. 201 Realdtrar ol-Tltles Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Itoofinj: Mineral Surfaced Shingles JtolliKoofinjrif. -m . . irulldtnR PapcrndUP Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 GOLD WATCH 1 FOR SKIPPER Sill IIKNUY COMMANDS ACTION OF CAPTAIN' MANNING IN MAKING PRESENTATION MONTREAL; Aug". An set worthy 40 f; ttie, b?s 4r41Mons of thf Brlttali mercantile . marine and 'In ' Sooordano with the spirit that governs all .men, of he Canadian National service In the lace of emergencies", was the comment f Sir Kenry Thornton in presenting Captain W. C. Manning of the steamer 'Canadian Pathfinder wi;h a gold watc!y The gift was from the Canadian Government In recognition of his servicer nid those of the ci?w in rescuing the tcw ot the schooner Mr. you? of Lunen-ourg alter the vessel had been battered y a sturm. FLAT FISH IN HECATE STRAIT Tlt.WVI.EIt (. E. KISTIIlt ISKINGS I0.IHM1 rOlMIJ TO COI.l STOKAGE Canadian Flab and Cold Storage Co s steam trawler a. E. Poster, which has been put Into commission by the company for the purMK4 of taking flat fish in Hecate Strait, returned to port on August D, after three days' fishing, with her first oaten consisting of some 40.C00 pounds.- It is planned that the vessel shall make .everal more trips' lor the same sort of fish, the desirability of which a a food Is gradually becoming realized Captain Sanderson Is In com mand of the Poster. " STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon Cloning ITU- TmUy on Vanrou- tl KfliaiiK (Courtesy of S. D. Johnson Co., Ltd. I The following quotations were bid nd asked: Argents Rufua 28c., 38yc. Dayview 7c, 7(4. B. O. SUver 81.4. 1J. Big Mlasourl 4lc., tSfto. Cork Province 2., toe. Cotton Beit. Irtl, 60c. Dun well 13c. 15a, Dulfrle 99. JvM. Oeorge) Copper 140. MM-Geogla River nd, 32c. Olaslar. nlL 260,, Oolcond 8141. 11.11, Orandvlew 8ee.. t7Vjc. Independence 10, 10f4e. Indian To, Kootney Florence Slc 21)fc. L. St L. lOfte., )1KC ' Lakevlew nil, 3. Leadsmlth 2a., nil. ,t Lcky Jim 27c. 29s, Marmot Metals le. Mormot River Ootd I0c, 0e. Mowhawk 54c.,4e. National BUrir 14 . Noranda M.76, Pend-OreHle tltJO. 811.70. Porter Idaho 72e. 7c. Premier 82.47, 82M. Rvtb Hope 68c, SOe. Stiver Crest 10c.. lOfcc. SUrerado 60c., 80. Silversmith 7c 8e. Sloean King nil. Stye. Sunloek 82.40, 129. Snow-flake 37c, tc. Terminus nil. 18o. Torpy Richfield S0, 61c. Torlc nil, 88.00. White Water 82.10, ttJI. WoodMne 24c, 24 e. 01 US Dalhouale 82.41, 11.48. Dovanlsh 83c, 60. Pabyon ISc, 14. Home 82.70. 82.74. FISH ARRIVALS A total of 10.600 pounds of halibut was sold at the local Pish Kxchsnge this morning Including the 32,000 oaten of one Ameriean boat which will deliver at Ketchikan. Arrivals and sales were as follows: ' AMJCKHUN Chelsea. 32,000 pounds. All In Fisheries for Ketchikan delivery. 10.3c and Sc. Atlas. 27,000 pounds, Oanadjan Flan at Cold Storage Co.. 10 3e and Sc. r.tN.WHAN Viking I. 7.600 pounds. Royal Fish Co 10.3c and 8c. Bingo, 4,000 pounds, AUin Fisheries, 10.3c and 7c. The Thistles football team to ;My the Regiment tonight consist of Slocomh. Hslg, Murray, Dyer, lladdon. Woods. Currte, Sam Ersklne, A. Mitchell, Par-auhsr. Ed. Smith. McKay. Stiles, Campbell, Bussanlch. Straohan and H. Arltwrttw In the Dsllv Nwi, V l )' High Low , High Low , High riiw , RINCE RUPERT TIDES o 'KitmAvv i-4rirf'i;f. 1 86 a.m. 1 4 20,18 pjn. 17.0 ' 1 :68 jn. 8.1 " 13:80 (kU), 1'7 " KATl Kll tY, ,l (ll'HT M 98 Bin. 14.7 ft, 31:27 pjn. 178 " 3:18 a m. 7.8 ' 15:01 pm. H.l ' HUNIMV, .U fU XT 11.01 am. 1S:6 ft W.iB pjn, 18D " 4:t8 ajn, ' TS " 16:18 pjn , 10.7 " Phone 574 B.C. Butchers & Grocers, SPECIAli5-U)lUWEEK.ENl)lN-AUfiUST 25, 1928 PEAS, CHOICE UUALIT.Y Per Tin t t LUX- " Per Package . . . . ; LIFE HUOY SOAP i . - . Per Calf ........J.. ......... V LUX TOILET SOAP- ' 1 : Per Cake Vs. ...;',..... SEEDLESS RAlbiNS . THOMPSON . ; , Per Lb , . .... CORNED I1KEF, HELMET "V. t ; " 2 Tiina for ..-,.. CANADA CORN STARCH . Per Packet STRAWI1KRRY JAM, PUKE 1 LI). Tin "I,... ' IlKKKIST HONEY .. . . IVr 5 lb. Tin. ..i.,.. ... , ... 4. TOILET PAPEU Per dozen CHICKEN That top the market for Quality Liirht Fowl, ner lb Phone 45 Ltd 13c 10c 8c 7c 12c 39c 10c 68c 77c 44c 38c FKU1TS ANI VEdKTAIlLKS ArrivInK each boat from the south at moat attractive prices. A trial Order will convince you that our price, Quality and Service cannot be excelled. WATCH OUR WINDOWS, IT PA VS. B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Fh3ne45 Phone 574 SHIPPING DELAYED BY DENSE FOG ALL ALONG COAST TODAY Shipping all along the coast between here and Vancouver was delayed this morning by den and general fog-the first real heavy mist of the present son. CNH. steamer Prince Rupert. Oapt. D. Donald, due from the south at 10.80 a.m.. did not arrive until 1 16 O.f.R. Steaaner Prtoeeas Alloe. Cspt. Thamos CUff, bringing the Vancouver Board of Trade excursion: Union strained Oardaoa. Oapt a. Johnstone, and O.F.R. steamer Princess Royal. Oapt. Albert Mppon. all due from the south f today, were each delayed. The Cardeoa arrived at 1 pjn. and aeUed soon thereafter for the Naas River. At 2 o'clock this site moon the Prints Royal was reported anchored off Holland Rock (waiting the fog to lift before going Into the 8 keens River. At the same hour, there was no report as to when the Princess Alice might be expected to arrive. SHIP FREED FROM ICE LEAVES POINT BARROW BOUND FOR SEATTLE POINT BARROW. Aug. 34. With a ohsagt In wind to the north Um schooner c. O. Holmm, which sought shelter behind Ice here for four day, blasted a way through the loe y Saturday to fairly open water and started her homeward journey to Seattle. The Canadian vessel Chinook Is hold fast In the loe despite the chant In wind. MARKETING PROBLEMS OF B. C. FARMERS TO BE CONSIDERED SOON VICTORIA, Auk 24. Marketinx of B C. fruit and variable fiirmcrs will receive early consideration, a soon as the departments are In work Inn order and positions Hill to be si lotted have been distributed among members of the cab inet, Premier Tolmle said. FISHERIES REPORT JUSTBEEN ISSUED VICTOHIA. Aug. 34--The annual report of the Fisheries Department of thr province for the year ending December 1&37, shows the salmon pack wan 1,300.-cases afralnst more than two mil- non oaHes the previous year, as in re. cant years the bulk of the pack consisted of pinks and chums, their total opniblned being M per cent. Bockryen totalled 308,053 rilKKf .UiV.VM'Mll' I. ) I r I i I INEW YORK. Aug. 34-A samsatlonal i lu stocks took place today on Exchange of from three to fourteen points on many Important stocks. WIIIUT HtKKK IXIIVN WINNIPEO, Aug 34 The price of wheat dropped owing to no frost last night, to Wednesday's prices Mr. Ororge Edgar and daughter, Mrs Pri-su.ii. arrived lu the city on the Oar-dena today from Klemtu to pay a visit with kcl friends. WESTHOLME THEATRE FIUDAY AND SATl'KDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Mntinic, 3 p.m. "The Student Prince" Adapted from the brilliant romamo "Old Heidelberg" !;um'hi on the xtage as both drama and light opera. Played by a distinguished cast thi.t phuto-play pn sin' -gorgeou.s scenes of Rpectarular beauty. RAMON XOVARRO, NORMA SHEARER, JEAN HER.SH0IT, (5USTAV VON SEVFFERTITZ, EDWARD CONNELLY. OTIS HARLAN, PHILIPPE DE LACY, HORRY MACK. EDGAR NORTON AND MANY OTHERS M ETRO-fl O LDWYN N E WS Chance Theatre Close Saturday Admission 50c and 2.c Malinee, 35c and 10c ADVANCE SHOWING IN NEW FALL STYLKS in Ladies' and Misses HATS Featuring for immediate wear a marvelous assortment of stitiched Velvet and Felt Hats at the very modest price of From $1.50 to ?2.!):i for Misses' and From $2.50 to $8.50 for Ladies' JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone 015 3rd Ave. & 7th St. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Phone Dominion Koyal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Hate Repairs USED CARS Wo have .several excellent. bArjjains in uHed Cars. Easy Terms it desired, EVERY POLICY with The Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Gives you PROTECTION AND INVESTMENT Assurance in for $i,500,000,"i Assets $ 400.000.00tl For particulars,call G45 or 180 S. J. JAUOUR, Northern II. C. Representative