August 24. 1P28 Ling the Tailor Phone 019 Ctothes Cleaning Price List like thin is worth keep- in mind! .die' oiMGentlemen's Suite i cam pressed "."(' .r-oats 7Jc c mers is .... nr,( i i Suits rOf ? ITS, Dry Clonned and tcfim pressed Jjd.OO Overcoats . $2.00 Trousers 75 iirtH Tot1 J; ,ys' Suits $1.0(1 Alo Ladies' Fancy work f reasonable rates- We call for and delivef to 11 parts of tho city. Our Special Low Price on New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue RED'S Transfer I 'torn years' experience in FURNITURE AM) PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kind of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CKMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So Is our Service i one us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR glo load $3.50 Oi able Load $6.50 l rt;e Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Vr.a.ina Peerless Egg $12.00 lcmbina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootleas Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 A' o all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. MILK MILK I'rcsh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. valenthTdairy Telephone 657. VERBAL BATTLE AT OLYMPIAD Ki'OUTN ntlTIC NOT AT .U.I, I'l.fcAH. t: WITH M M;it IV tviliril fl.-lMKA IM'N Evidently cndfccr offlclala have no arBfr.on the pijst muK says the spcrts writer of tBf'Toronto Qlob. Tbl dlsput'ng of decision, at Am a habit. has into dWiw at'lM i28 Olympiad. It waa alleged that thei juuge, naving bten elctd from Um common, people, were the in-Ht Mr. lety and therefore unable to aee. Whole minutes were waited In effort to discover II certain athlete or official were (he real wlnnen of the event. Decision were reversed when It tu found Uiat talkative officials had scoreo tb mat points. For we muat rememfc that In this ao-callsd ' golden age of (part the main thing Is to win. verbal victories being us valuable as any other. Then were no Solomons at thle awr- tlcular Oiympald. and It was not true that Job. the patient one, had an; rl-aUve among the team officials gathered the. But the eonuaon people had company. Royalty being represented at the boxing event. It was deemed democratic to have the representatives Of reigning families join in the wild demonstration that foUowed the decisions of the Judges. Thus did the high and low hat oontlgents Join force When t waa announced that a United State flOT man had been defeated, forthwith and exhibiting celerity, his supporter sought the scalps of the Judge, and the Judges, being men of peace and unusual discretion, changed than- verdict ta world's record Um. It was the Srst time they had had a, real opportunity to writ their name In the Oiympald book, containing record of speed. Their ii(ht-about-faee caused a! naarrlot. '"d several fistic encounters, with spectator the principals, were narrowly averted. This was a pity. If some of tbote talkative fan would only get Into the battle oocaalonalty the league of Na-f.ons would nave a hard tmve keeping tr--ck of all applications for afftllatlo-.i. Those verbal battle artists aw really men of pease travelling In disguise But getting down to real fact, it dor appear that the Angle Baton Idea of ring generalship and ffscUvene is ai wrcng The Lt:n-Amerlcan liave In-ticdured a new school, the slugging toe -to-toe oambat taking precedence over scientific boxing. Canadian got a taste of this when two of out finest beser. Don Carrlck and Ray Bmlllle. were defeated In slam-bang engage ments. The reign of Jack Dempeey. the mauler of Manas, had much to do tih the squelching of these long-at-reptel toea CARDINALS ARE i:ni: mi.i; viii:ititY uiiiix f ilANTH IIKOKi: KVKX IN HOI IH.K IIKUlKIt NBW YORK. Aug. 84 Whue the Olant were breaking even In double hsder with Pittsburg, the Cardinal idle returned to the National League lead by a fraction of a point, due to the working of percentage. Kills del phis moved up to within four and a-half game of the Yank res by besting Cleveland whOe the New York era were idle. NATIONAL, New York 8-3: Plttaburg S-1S. Brooklyn 0-1; Cincinnati 3-6. Only game. AMERICAN St. Lout at Sw York, wet ground. Detroit 3; Boston 1. Cleveland 1: Ftillaoeiphi 3. Chicago S: Washington 4. COtT Seattle 8; Loa Angelas 0. XI Is ion ): Oakland 8. Prtland 10: San Franetoeo 12. Hollywood Sacramento 1. II SPORT CHAT Thistles and Regiment, each of whom have a name to the Grand Termlti-il will meet tonight In the third game of the Ollhuly Cup aeries. It promisee to be an Interesting match, eettling luch of the two teams 1 to be the runner-up so tar In the aeries and a passible winner therein. The team which loses will have a serious handi cap to overcome in the balnce oftr.e t-erie. In the two gamea already played. -ri.iKtles and Regiment nave both been blunked by the Terminal, the Soot by n score of three to nil end the sowiers , a iincle score. Odd seem to be i bout even for either team to win and K,,ih ii have their enthusiastic sup porters In view of the Interesting eHectl this match may have on we louran trophy of the season, the game should prove Interesting to a larae crowd of tan. , -n u ( ! rk. r.tjrmnt of Oen Tunney as the world1 heavyweight champion ha already added interest to we neavy -.... i.inn Alresdv Jack Sharkey. Young Stiibling and Johnny Rlsko have claimed the title left veoan. ,t down that Jck Dempeey wlh eventually into the running after some of the contender sua ...... down uie im " eltglbles ut Uew Is no feeling that Tunney will ever again td cuel. It U beUeved that the heavy How Subscriptions Count 20 1-year subscriptions, munm If from new subscribers, .add jjrts constitutes 6 "clubs," Vot 4 1G0.O0OT 400,000 COO.OOO Total l.lGU.OOU OR Four 6-year subscriptions! count 1,200,000 ii irom new subscribers, add 480,000 I MS constitutes 8 ''flubs," or 800,000 Total 2,480,000 DISTRICT NO. 1 District No. 1 include only those participant residing within the city limits) of Prince Rupert. One of the prise ears and a many cash award as there are active participants will be warned to candidate living in this dis trict. The nam of those entered In District No. I up to the present time, to gether with all vote cast for publication up until yesterday noon, are ax follow: Bailey, Mia Jean M 3J74.MC Buasey. Mr. Wm 3JS.17 OoUart, Mrs. CI S401.TS0 CMIiaon. Mrs. J. M. 1.M3.4O0 Dominate. A 2JMSJS0 ld. Mm. J 944,400 FrlsneU. Miss Laura 151.416 ailkee. Miss Edna L. 1JT3.87S Krtkevsky. Miss Victoria 944 M Maodonald. Mr. A IMtjtW McCrea. Mia Alice K. 270.800 UeKlala. Mr. Robert U 62,100 Morgan. Mia Connie 2J78,440 Pcstulo. Spsro 1VTJTS Prltchard. Mr. J. H t7jao Rood. John' 1141.100 Smith. Mr. Hugh M 3,173.436 Stevens. John R 7BSJ60 Wlckr Hoy Wennlg. Mrs. T 314438 Dnger. Miss Idn S18J80 Zarelll. Mlu Ermy 3JTS.400 DISTRICT NO. 2 District No. 2 Inductee only those participants residing outside the city of the Olty of Prince FMrpert. On of the prise earn and a nsany eaan award a there are active partielpsnu wUI be awasned to oknenoates Uvlng la tails district. The nan of these entered In Dtatriat No 3. up to the rreeeet Uaae. tnyetlier with aU votes cast for publication up until yesterday noon, are as follow: Anderson. Miss I, Bm Lsxe Blrnie. Arthur E., "Pete." 8m It hers Campbell Mla Cherrte. Stewart Ciccone, O. Pert Cleaaenu . . Dover, Mr. Oeorge, TerrVoe . Byotfeon, B. E . Oaland Hlldltch. J. E Hsjtelton Houghtallng. Ml Juanita. Prince Oeorge Laoey. Mr. James. Yanderhoof. Leveret t. William. Burn Lake. Wilson; Mr Nancy. Anyoi i.iaa.450 3.1MJ38 a.iM.r 2.181.400 X03T.100 1.000 . 41,409 S WO 478 S0 weight bouts plsn nod by Rlcktird for thf winter mont:, will lring out a title Claimant mucli more worthy than Tom Heeney. the Nrw SSealander who wai knocked out by Tunney Undoubtedly Jack Sharkey or Johnny Rlako would have prsved a better drawing card against the chempkin than did Heeney. Around The World With Sport Fans (It) The Tramp) Toronto la apeaklng of Jimmy Mc-Larnln aa the reigning sensation of the season. They would like him to box in their olty soon for they trdnk he Is destined to be the next champion In his class. Many of the worM's greatest swimmer, including Brnst Vterkeetter. tong- distenee profession! enampton of the world: Norman Derenam. Oeorge Mi chel and Oertruo Bderie, o.ueor of the English Channel, and Oeorge Young hero of the Catallna swim, are expeotrd to compete In the Canadian National Exhibition event at Toronto. Other noted stars Ilk Lottie Behoecnmrll. Byron Summers and "Floater" Bill Ertck- aon will face the starter, and the races ihouM be much better contests than was tnw ease when only three. Vlerkoet-ter, Michel ami Erlckson. finished In the inaugural grind !t year. It wa founo that 21 mile wa much too far to traJ eel in the frigid water of Lake Ontario, and aa a reeult the men's event th's season will be fifteen miles, and the women will, be asked to race only ten. But the witW Isn't any warmer than It used to be, and only those with plenty of tamlna and who are Impervious to the cold will oroas the finish line. CVe-v Young, who caused hla supporter plen ty of grief by hla lamentable failure In 1827, Is now going at top apred, and attending to training rules, and he may tarn the table on the German star. Vterkeetter, whom he defeated in a trial raoe of two mile off Sunnyatde recently. D. D. Munro of the Land Settlement Board arrived In the city from Sinllheea on yeaterday tfurnooa- train. I THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE AILY NEW $200 Competition Campaign Plan The Pftti-e Rupert Daily News will award $200 in cash prizes to the entrants b the $200 competition. $100 in cash will be given to th candfctatatiin each district scoring the greatest number, of points In their respective district on subscriptions turned in and credited between Friday morning. August 24 and Friday night, September 7, at 9 o'clock. To be eligible in the $200 competition one need only be an entrant in The IMily News' $4,000 Prixe Campaign. Winning in the $800 Competition in no way handicaps an entrant from winning in the $4,000 prise campaign. THE FOLLOWING RULES WILL GOVERN THE $200 COMPETITION 1. All candidates entered in The Prince Rnpert Daily News $4,000 prise campaign are eligible to compete in the $200 COMPETITION. In the event of a tie for winning points for either of the prises in the $200 COMPETITION each tying candidate will be given a prise of identical value, to-wit: a $100 cash prise. 2. Points will be credited on all subscriptions turned in during the duration of the $200 COMPETITION according to the Schedule of Points appearing in this announcement S. The turning in of one subscription constitutes entry in the $200 COMPETITION for any candidate entered in The Daily News' $4,000 prise campaign. Entry may be made at any time during the duration of this offer. 4. The winner in the $200 COMPETITION will be decided by their accredited points, said points being secured by the turning in of subscriptions to The Dally News. (See Schedule of Points elsewhere on this page). 5. Interpretation of any question not specifically covered will rest solely with the management. The management will judge results and award the prises. 6. The $200 COMPETITION opens Friday, August 21, and ends at 9 o'clock Friday night, September ?, 1928. The winners in the $200 COMPETITION will be announced and the two $100 cash prises will be given the winning candidates aa soon after the close of the $200 COMPETITION as it is possible, but in no event will the win-ners be announced or the prises in the $200 COMPETITION be awarded earlier than September 14, 1928 at midnight. 7. It is one of the conditions for the $200 COMPETITION that entrants must be candidates in The Daily News' $4,000 Prite Campaign. Any given subscription or subscriptions, because of the twofold entry, will count points on the $200 COMPETITION and votes in the $1,000 Prite Campaign. 8. Winning of either of the prises in this $200 COMPETITION will in no way affect fhe winnings in the $4,000 Prise Campaign for each, in itself, is a separate and distinct campaign, though subscriptions of an entrant may credit points in the $200 COMPETITION and vote in the $1,000 Prise Campaign when turned in according to the stipulations set forth. 9. New, arrearage, renewal or second payments on subseriptions all count the same number of points In the $200 COMPETITION, according, to the schedule in effect at the time the subscription is turned in. Subscriptions may be' secured by any candidate, anywhere. 10. Equitable compeiMavtion is assured every entrant in the event ha or she does :et win in the $200 C0MPKT1T1ON, in that .every entrant in the $200 COMPETITION MUST be also an entrant in the $4,000 prise Campaign. All active non-prire winners competing in the $4,000 Priie Campaign are guaranteed 10 per cent cash commission on their total collections on subscriptions. A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW CANDIDATES AND LATE STARTERS THE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS ANNOUNCES A NEW CAMPAIGN FOR CANDIDATES EN-TEREI) IN ITS 1,000 PRIZE CAMPAIGN. THIS NEW $200 COMPETITION HAS NO RELATION WHATSOEVER TO THE $1,000 PRIZE CAMPAIGN EXCEIT THAT IN ORDER TO RE ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE IN THE $200 COMPETITION THE CONTENDER MUST RE AN ENTRANT (EITHER NEW OR OLD) IN THE $ 1,000 PRIZE CAMPAIGN. Here is a wonderful opportunity for New candidates and late starters. Sec the Campaign Manager immediately for a full explanation of this exceptional offer. $200 in L,asn DIVIDED INTO TWO PRIZES One Prize for District No. 1. of $100 in Cash One Prize for District No. 2 of $100 in Cash The $200 Competition opens Friday, August 21 and closes Friday, September 7th at 9 o'clock P. M. HOW SUBSCRIPTIONS COUNT IN POINTS Up to and including Friday, August SI, the following number of points will be issued on subscriptions: . 1 year . 2 years 5 years 4 years 6 years C years . 8 points 16 points 24 points S2 points 40 points 48 points From Saturday, Sept 1, up to and including Friday, Sept. 7, the following number of points will be issued on subscriptions: 1 year G points 2 years ... 12 points S years ... 18 points 4 years . . .24 points 5 years 6 years 30 points 36 points .The above schedule shows "HOW SUD- SCMITIONS COUNT IN POINTS" in the new campaign for the $200 COMPETITION which is announced today. You will notice that subscriptions turned in by Friday night, August 31, count more points than they will if not turned in until the following week. New, arrearage, renewal or second payment subscriptions each count the same number of Mints in the $200 COMPETITION. EACH candidate in the $4,000 Prise Campaign now has the opportunity of entering the $200 COMPETITION, and any subscriptions they secure and turn in now will count votes in.the $4,000 prise campaign and points in the $200 Competition. WHAT IT MEANS You can win in the $200 COMPETITION and, at the same time and with the same subscriptions, enhance your opportunity of winning one of the two ears or the cash prises in the $4,000 prize campaign. It is possible to win big in each of the campaigns aa they are separate competitions and winning in one does not restrict or hinder a candidate in any way from winning in the other. Candidates, here is your opportunity. All candidates start Friday on an equal basis in the $200 COMPETITION and all have equal opportunity of winning regardless of their present standing or time of entry in the $4,000 prise Campaign. IS YOUR NAME IN? Phone 534 THE PKINCE ItUPEKT DAILY NEWS Campaign Department Ojien Dally 9 n.m. to 8 p.m. Phone 534 Nomination Itlank in The Prince Itupert Dally News "EverjboJy Wins' Campaign. I hereby enter and east S.000 votes for Miss, Mr. or Mrs as a candidate in . The Prince Itupert Daily News "Everybody Wins-Prize Distribution. Address Phone Note Only one nomination blank will be credited to each candidate IF NOT ENTER TODAY