5? ft City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $6.00 For leiHr period, pal&in adragigr&g! nwfith 50 By mail to all parts of .NorthwnlMltnAdl British Columbia, paid in advance for S'alrfy SHB , ( $3.00 Or four months for . . . -jE3hi $1.00 By mail to all other part of ttotSajfc Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year . . . S-00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations UA1L EDITION Saturday. Feb. 18, 1928 MINING DEVELOPMENT SLOW Developing a mine takes some time and many of the mines are not handled economically, according to authorities who claim to know. Years of work often has to precede the securing of results in the form of dividends. However, this section of the country is gradually being developed by miners and every- year the situation improves. The greater ease with which money is secured now makes the prospect much brighter. MUCH YET TO HE FOUND While there are many rich projiertien already proven and others which have been staked and partly developed have jet to be proved, there is good ground not yet touched. Prospectors are continually on toe lookout for untouched veins that may carry precious metal but it is said there are fewer prospectors in the hills than for many years past Young men do not take to the profession as did the past generation. It takes too long and is too lonely. GAMBLING CaniblinK is an evil. There is no doubt of it Yet we all gamble, I; i .art of the .ii-r of live. If no one sad been witling to take a iliaim . J'rirue Hukti would never have been built and none f u would haw lfeii iit-iv. We are continually taking a chance. SortK-times we gambit- with fate and sometimes we gamble with eat h other. There are mi many forms of gambling that it is difficult to discriminate. One ot the iiivres; aniMni Louts in history is just now KIK 01: iti Van. -Oliver where the I, ears and the bulls are fightin g each otner on the stock exchange. Some gamble in stocks, others in real estate and oUn-r- in horse rat ing, while cards and marbles and minor methods are used to ., lesser extent. Kaeh person has his favorite torn-, of taking .1 t han, e and some of them are very long shots. Doubtless horse racing is one of the worst forms of the vice because it break out in greater virulence at that snort than at any other. Those who oppose it have .justification for their attitude but, at the same time others are -trong for it and like to wager their few dollars on the speed of the ponies. FARM LOAN SCHEME A farm loan scheme is to be adopted in British Colombia and it is to be 'assumed that this will be an advantage to the fanners. Sometimes a thousand dollars invested in -xtra crop is the best kind of investment, but on the other band there are many who are ready to borrow at any time but who are not as good at paying baek. ih!' mortgage Ironi a iarm is always difficult ind vmn it is held by the government. It is much easier to trv to get an extension of time AFTER ENTRY TO PEACE RIVER A man represetring United States interests has made an offer of $19.iMKJ,i(Mi to the Alberta (inveir rm-nt for the E.D. t B.C. Railway. He is from Oregon but he d .es not disclose whom he represents. Before doing business, the Alberta Government wants to know about him. Selling a railway is not everything. It roust be operated and extended and these things have to be provided for. That is why a line cannot possibly be knocked down to the highest bidder. ARBITRATION WITH THE I NITEI) STATES The draft arbitration treaty which the United States govern-, merit has submitted to the British government is intended to replace he Root arbitration treaty of mo which aspires next June. The terms of the proposed treaty have not beon made public; but it is (Quite safe to ay that it .one-ponds very donVljr. in purpose and in text, to the similar treat.v with France which has just beei. signed i tus treatv vnh rran. e which must not be confounded with the proposed r.riand treatv outlawing war, which has been hung up indefinitely owing to differences between the two governments which have developed has been hailed as marking a great advance upon the Root treaty which It replaces, hut a comparison between the actaal provisions of the two inetnunent hardly bears this out. The new treat has an ante-wpraaaajble, which is of course not an operative part of the mmiWI' AMHif&vmM aificance which the treaty of 1908 did not possess. The preamble, as cabled from Paris, is in these words: Resolved to prevent as far as lies within their power any interruption in the pacific relations whfch have fortunately existed between the two nations for more than a century, and desiring to affirm anew ttieir adhesion to the policy of submitting to an impartial tribunal any difference between them capable of judicial decision, and: condemning war as an instrument of national policy in their relation, and desiring to hasten the moment when other nations wdl make similar commitments, the contracting parties make this treaty' and hope that its conclusion will be followed by other accords which shall banish war among the nations of the world. LIVING COSTS GREAT BRITAIN Steady Reduction of Food Price-and CWt of Wring Generally f Lftst Year LONDON. "Tb lrfk -There wits u stead reduction In loud prices and in the oost of Uvtnf aeaeraUy ra Oreat BrMatn eaws. compared with July. 1SU. 1 .creating. While the price of mar-;ir:ue. fur Instance, is 8 per cent up ,:ut of flih is hlnher by 128 per cent, na ul eggs 144 per cent. Bread u S3, ill St. and potatoet M par eent up. .ie only articles of food shown In the atHtirs which, on balance, showed an ron lu price during the year were jj'ler. cheese and rgg The largest .-crease during the year was In the rice ot taran, which averaged nearly 'U Police per nmm lower at the end the year than at the beginning. Coal on December 11 averaaed n Mr throuou 9S8aUfcJJ. ?.iSSrj4ailLft?y l& mures, showing a MMIahed In the January number of the Ministry of Labor Oaaette, a d M l h fit wi$M''UPn'''w i the The oost of' llvlnit on Dor-ember ai. 1W7, the official figures slave, was 08 polnu above the 1114 standard The figure for food only was S3. Thl Is a mid-wtnter low reoord sin- 118. and ahowa a drop of 7 polnu aud 6 poliuu drop of SO per oent from the correspond ng figure Just before the genera coal Aue to the miners' strike In at? .. The dearest item in the "all ;'.ein" lint W still clothing, which Is 115 points above the 1814 standard. "Tou may take tt as certain that food and other prices will continue to drop during the spring months,- a re presentative of a West End store ssys respectively since the beginning of tlie 'Butter and eggs will nurtuate. leather year The lowent figures reached unoe mid linen will rise, but the average IKS were (tt and M on June 1 last reduction :n the cost of living will con- Tbe table af aeeraae food-prloe in- j I'nue steady." YOU may have htaro ot the girl who called her boy friend Pil.-r-.m beaauae lie made slow progress but aure. THE oUmc day a auau went broke Be feO in love and that smashed him. W1V&S and automobile are both luxuries but you can aell a tllvver. THE members of the Prince Bupert Presbytery art against gr.robllng ant! yet meat of them are married I PUT Bay money on the old grey mare. 1 risked- tt all and I did not care. For I knew she would win If she came lr. ahead And she made me stake, so strike me dead! . JAKE says that pretty wood the stenographers will all be at work every day. He says they are goiag to take that chicken disease eliminator Dr Wrlnch has been telling about and that will cure them I THINK if I have time a: the end) of the week 111 go out and buy about i two bits worth of old Ford I wonder J hew many I could get for tha'. sum. NOW. Mr. Pisberman. read the front PCe and see there what you will see I only wish I had as many regulations tr cep mc In the straight and narrow path. J,5fl Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Ing's train IMHUAKV M.y4MS. xne wa ten rant tooted a this morning The Prince John was discharging a large shipment of airplane spruce from the Queen Charlotte Islands and the Venture was in tram the south. The Lome was tied up at the wharf and there were large ccowa of lumber, shingles aad pulp Mr. Hoops of Telkwa amd daughter. accompanied by Mrs Hoops' sister. Miss Marjorto Campbell late of the nursing tag of the Prince Bupert General Hospital, left for the Interior on thtsssom- PRINCE GEORGE Toe first dance to be given by the ccal Orange Lidge took place on luesday night and proved to be a :ry successful affair, some 390 persons being In attendsnce. There were tasty larcratlans: fine music by the Prince 3torge band, and delicious refresh- menu nuffcrtng from extensive injuries :aincd a hen attacked by a vicious dog bekmglnp to the family, the five-year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. C Ounaing of Sndako Is s psuent In the Prince Oeorge hnspiiil The child, which was knocked down snd haken by the enl-nal. W4S badiy lacerated about the ace and heed end one of ears ni badly mangled. The dog was ot the Newfoundland breed. The coldest weather during the past week was fourteen degrees abees aero n Monday. There was a large loss aaWaaneada night when the store of Austins Ltd. at the corner of George anaaet and Third Avenue, was swept by fire which went quickly through the beaver board onatructlon Efficient work on the vart of the fire tiepsrtanatH resulted In the saving of much of U h.rge stock of mercnandiae aarrled by the firm. The Wteoe Oaaega) Railways Boclsl Athletic Aasoclattagi has keen ornntaad Jayrt with aWjijani Vi lr- '-f 'rfiBlii'i;'' TT H Tobey iPrlnos Bupert); haasorary vtoe-prrsidens. P. O RaeseU iSmlthersi. M A Burbunk (Prince Rupert) and ty D Watt (Prince Oeorge): president. W. L. Armstrong: vice-president. Prank Clark n-rretary, W. Morrison : treasurer. C. W. wry: executive. Edward Opte. Oeorge Kooens. o o Praser. Lea Ouue A. J Holers and E H McNob. Certificates In connection with recent St. John's Ambulance courses wert warded here lat week by W H Tobey. c. N R divisional supertabto- lent. io the following local railway sy pniptoyees; Frank Clark. D O Praeer Joe Lsberee. John Clapperton nert irotman. David Petersen. Allan McMillan, w. Morrison and W Hoaan. The Northern Hardware Co. Is ealling for tenderi, for the remodelling of the post-office which it recently acquired rne concern will move Its business into the building The Prince Oeorge Hospital I Assocta-tton has elected the following director tor the year: William Coop. W. L. ttughea. T a Matheaon. M. S. Merrott. Oeorge Mllburn. Aid. O O. Praser aha Mrs. R a Edwards. R. C. . RanosU is the secretary treasurer. . t . Jan MacMlllau, Marie MaUery and Mantaret Bunting are the class leaden n the Prince Oeorge High School In history. Latin and oompositlon respectively. The . Cariboo Automobile Association has Issued 30.000 road nape of the 'istrlct a wide circulation being thu tlven. C. A. Pyne. president, aud of- I PACE TWO atuin;i . a" , ;,- ; ,.T-.M 1.1 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Man in the Moon J Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert 8- ' - g . Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. TKBS Is bad weather for a girl with H. F, PULLEN - - - Manajrinp; Editor. corns and so u wet mtir. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ( YEARS OF near of the AsaeciaUoa art recelvtag snany oasaplimenui ea tk Ptanlt Purvu of i a SaW days in ar over the m , s). Uagoffln Memben of hospital. IS BSpsJIMl- wag bMi Jeok-s of boula SMsb and JSta Xva Orlngl of Mud river were married la Use Aatnan Catholic Church Mre on Tuesday awrnlng by Rev Pettier Wolfe. the Wooven's Auxiliary ' -fSl1 T. to the Prince Oeonjc Oeneral Hospital! jif I , (tectum six ,6, are meeting this aftemoon at the i m Ojaniflcate of Title Ho SMI I to Vour Child's lUT Treatment Children hate to be "dosed." When rubbed on, Vicks relieves colds 2 ways at once without "dosing" : (1) Its healing vapors, released by the body heat, are inhaled direct to the airpaswEes; (2) "It draws out" the soreness like an old-fashioned poultice. VCKS VaVa porub Okr wMiluohJafis Uscd Ycamt oa kehalf of the government a Use decision of Polirr Magistrate P Sab ran in dismissing s case WarUa aadelovteh who was tBaraad with asUing nuor. I(lhltt OKU (IE ja? aevenieen (17) and otabteen Ip). Work twenty-ali (8).ftctlon It to reported that an appeal ' will be 1 tb"fL',' nineteen , HBl, ?a ,TT Block ". ten "".l HO), 10 tlon seven i7. fM-Certlflcate of Title Mo 3447 1 to Lot. urvywwse lorty-iogr (44) and ivt ij'iirw tee (171. BecUon i. biock twenty prinot Bupert. I ujs twentr-eevei) '. gnt (Si, City of , ,,J2Sfr?!f-PrfL.?1 i0i' bow ' iriiiisnws vi tiuc laaud In tee name u,f..i? Jf0?' h"en this . ilfter. notloe Is hereby ri- that I Uhull. at the explraticn of one month ' tp" nrit publication ffj? ; . ' F-"' oanificate of Tlsle In lieu of en- n of the said lost valid objection as to any be made to me . DATTO at the Id Reftatry Office Prlaoe Rupert B.C . thtolrd Januray. M P MacLBOD. M Raglatrar of Titles. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." NOTirt: or aitijFaiion ixiu nttn LirfWai; IntrtjfflaMI ptsmtve la hereby given that on the beine nart r 7C V,T,,,. known a Port Clements Hnt.i .i....."S at Port Clements B.C.. umn the lands described as Lot No &. Block 44 5ub-dlvkrtam of Jot 74. Queen Charlotte Island pietrirt Map No io7. PrlnoT stu. pert Land ncjletratlon District, lg, the Province of British Columbls, fir the by th "'" or v th open bottle lr- r-jeumntion on the oremfesa ivu70 th" u,h d"f 01 r BRYDOKC LORN TINOI.BT Applicant. How on &&lolt at ouv showrooms This entirely new car surpasses the accepted standards of light car accomplishment; sweeps aside all boundaries of price class; establishes a new standard of acceleration, speed, power and smoothness that heretofore has marked only expensive cars PS fine cars. Motor Make and Model Rrd "A". Four Cylinder Bore 3"; Unit Construction Pump and Thermo-Sjrpbon Cooling Pump, Gravity and SpUth Lubrication Sinple Coil Distributor Ignition Sliding Gear (3 speed) Transmission Multiple 9 Plate Dry Disc dutch Dynamically Balanced Crank-shaft High and Low Speed Jet Carburetor (bot-spot manifold) Aluminum Pistons Oil Indicator 2 Blade Aeroplane type Fan Dikelized Fabric Timing Gear Carbon Chrome Nickel Alloy Valves N.A.GC Raring 24.03 H.P Actual Developed H.P. 40 at2200R-PJL Cbauis 4 VbteI Brakes Mechanical, 1 sternal upaootng lype, with Automatic Brake Exptaliter Springs Transverse i bttlS SM MMthU n cxr dt T -im J J mrjw t!te -Ute NOTRE. Semi- Elliptic Drive Torque Tube Gears-Spiral Bevel Rear Axle 4 Floating Full Crown 1 -Piece readers Gravity Feed Fuel Tank. Ignition Wires Enclosed in Flexible Steel Tubing E. PARKER, LTD. Third Avenue East Ohe Ileal Canadian eat 5: Steering Gear (Irreversible) Worm and Sector Type Acorn Design, Nickel Plated Headlights 3 One-Piece Steel Spoked Wheels Steering Wheel Alemite-Zerk OukeHt Lubrication Body and Chassis insulated to prevent noUe wW-bue 103)4 Inches Turning Radios 17 fret Tire She 30x4.3 -Road Clearance 914 " BquibmenLt Automatic Windshield Wiper (dosed cars)" Rear View Mirror Speedometer Dash light Gasoline Gauge Ammeter Motor Driven Horn Starter Combination Tail aad Stop Light Sun Visor One-Htce WlmUbfefc Thief-Proof Ignition Lode Foot Accelerator 4 I Irdraulk Shock Absorbers Wide Range of Color Options TtrformanKj 60 MVes Per Hour 40 MUes Per Hour io Second Gear Acceleration 9 to 23 M.P.1L ia8M Seconds 30 Miles Per Gallon Gasoline Coaeumprioa PUBLIC PREFERENCE A Canadian National mic Largeft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVH'K afliaa from PKInce Ri'mtT for VANf-oi'VKK. nrTOKit i tii- aad Intenavedistc polnu. each rtunw. 8 00 am Por STsnVAKT ami .1NYOX. each MtllNKMit It. 10.00 p m Por NOKTII aad KOITII (jl KEN CHAKI-HTIE IMLANItM. f - ' rAHfcKNOUt TK.tl.NH U:.t PKINCE Rt n.HI Bach MONDAY. MEIiSKSDAY and MATI KIUV at 11 JO t m OEOKOE. EDMONTON. WINN It Ml. all polnM Battern C Statta. -KN I'UllSj AGCNCT AM. OCEAN "TEAM I III' UKE Osr Canadian National Etprset fer Maney Orwm. rorlm K' te bIm for yrur nett sbtpment. CITY TICKET OrilCE, tM TIIIIUI 41 C. I'nlNfE Kt'PBRT Ch"' imumt Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Te KetehHtan. U'rangell. Junrau and xUgwav January t. !" Ta YaiMtMiirr. Vlrtmut and (Seattle I Huarj I. IJi, aad W PKINCEUM IIEAllllf'K. for Butrdale. Eat Delia Bella. Orean falls, Namu. Alert Ba CaniplM-n Klter, and Vanruoier etrrv tlaturdar. II a.m. grney for all Mteaniahlp Unra. full Infwraa W. C. OltCIIAKIi, Oenrra) Agent, corner of 4th Street and Urd Aretiuc l-rlnce Rupert, IU'. . . Mini trnra- I'liOlM " UNION' STEAMSHIPS LIMITED)! tor VANCOI a.m. Halllufi freni iti me Kuprrt. !."r .TVVKK. VICTORIA, flutrdalr, Alert ilay. etc.. Tud I Y ItK. VKTOKIA, Bwanaou Itay. Alert Ilay, rl . -..nn" 1"rJJi.RT 8'MPHON. NAAS RIVEU rOlNTS ... 2TEWAKT, Wales laland, Sunday, 8 pm. Its tnd Avenue. K m kuitii s..n ALICE ABM. ti . Th.fr-Uh tlt kets sold to Ylttoila and Neatlle. and Uaggc m,.mih mi ueftiinauou. mre 1' Vo.t