PAGE F0U2 See This Diamond Ring $75-00 We havfe laterjvnlad Jk fSr tunate purchase from a dia mond importer-who offeree a special lnducemen nf to clear out the balance of package. We are having the stones mounted up in white gold rinjrs to sell at $75.00, and you will say they are beau ties. The stone has quite a large appearance for the money and is of good color. This would make a nice moderaate priced engagement ring, but we haw others with larger stones a' higher prices and some ao low as $15.00. JOHNglMER CP cJEWELLEKp THE STORE WITH THE CLOCrV (Ve GIVOURCOAUlSPiClcec ' Z U CARE NO! rJ ) AIR- We pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make it a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phone 11C and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and Gravel Hoofing Galvanized Hoofing Chimney Tops Eave Troughing Conductor Pipe Hoof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows i Metal Hoofs and Siding Phone 310 Hox 167 COAL Prices DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Swot less Kgg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue aiNDSAiY& I n . i tV tanage ana oiorage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Purnltnm Muting. BRINGING UP FATHER BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT Champion Teams Added to Victor ies in senior, Intermediate and Junior league ' A small group of spectators wa'ched hree en -skied games in the basket ball league last Dlght. In th Senior League he champion Native Son of Canada won 40 to 28 over the Orand Terminals; in the Intermediate League, the leading :lgh ScAool defeated the Elevator 42 to Jo, while, In the Junior League, the top j place Tuzla Boys vanquished the Stan j once again by 26 to 13. In the Intermediate League, Harold jaaedonald of the High School rolled up tX 28 point the highest individual More 3 far made by any player In any league thla season. Little Eddie Bmlth of the Junior league played In all three games of the ..s?per and Oearge Kelsey timekeeper. Individual accrlng was as follows: ' jtMoit Tuxts Boys Eddie Smith. 8; F. Oam-! eron. 4; Tom 8 teen. 2; P. Morrison. 3: 1 J Pierce, 8: total. 8tan-E. bmtth. 8: J. McNulty, 4; D. Scott; B. Nelson. 1: O. Vlerlck; total. 18. INTERMEDIATE I.RU11K High School Harold Macdonald. 28; Danny Morrison. 8; AHan Cross. 2: R. Stalker. T. Joe Scott. 4; total', 43. Elevator C Donald, 2: T. Hughes; A. Murray; Benny Wendle. 8. Vmceot Ueagher. 17: BMIe Smith: total, 39. 4HMOK l.r.Alit K I ASdajr'bf Canalla tdtt durrkiB. 30; Bldle Mnith-. 1: Clarence Tnomson, 1: Spiro OorMoh: O. White, 0: B. Batch-ford. 10: total. 40. Orand Terminals Ralph Smith. 3: Bronson Hunt. 8: V. Meagher, 4; A. Blocomb. 8: Joe Qaase. 2; Jack McNulty. 11: total. 38. League standings to date follow: senior I-ragiie W. D. L. Pta. native Sons .... 8 1 1 19 till 4 1 8 0 Terminals 3 0 B 0 Intermediate League High School .... 11 0 3 32 Big Pour 7 0 8 14 Elevator l o 11 2 IjhIIp' iMgue High School .... 7 0 3 14 Drin Team 2 o 7 14 Junior lague t Boys -7 0 3 14 Star s o 7 8 ST. ANDREWS HOWLING k rrew" Itlnk Man 0er That f (learge srolt ja-IKtenlitg In the St. Andrew's Society carpet. bowling competition last night the rtnk f Jak Prww won over that of George ftipft. The B Davit vs. Jaoa mmrf"iiiikptp iiiea weUt-tni other postponed games will On Monday night the regular games will be between the following nnks: Oeorge Abbott vs. Charles Taylor; Nell McDonald vs. J. Watson. Standing of rinks to date in the tour nament an as follows: W. D. L PU JaatM Disk . 3 o o 8 Jack rrew s o A. McLeod 2 l OwoTge Scott 2 0 Oeorge Abbott a o J. Watson 2 0 R. Cameron l o C. Taylor i n Jack Watson o 1 R. Davie o 0 N. McDonald 0 0 Tom Seattle o 0 HIFLE HANGE M. M. lomb lllth Senrer at U'eektr MMHrt of AtsMefalktn taeolng Secret were mad at follow at the weekly shoot of the North B.C. Real ment Jun Association at the Market range last evening PlygjaBlnla l mmistwre THwyii. Lamb t5 84 ' W. Brass 93 R. Wilson so J. D. Marksy 87 B. Wilson 87 A Bureau 88 II B. Eastman 88 IIOTfl. MiniVAI-Sntoy U. E. Qulnn, Porcbrr Island. . SPORT CHAT and Ned Bvrne. who returned recentlv IVT l" - a A For akk at Governrarnt Liquor Stores aad Beer Parlori. Delivery Free to any part of City. THE DAILi NEWS -Wv playet bad ever attempted to play on a fast floor In a regulation haU. At lone stage of the gme. 'he score was 1 18 tb 4 In favor of New Haaetton. A 'returned match Is planned. 1 T Radley Is under the care of a clci-tor at Burns Lake as a result of an unusual and unfortunate accident of which be was the victim. While playing hockey on Burns lake recently, he crashed Into a crack in the tr while going at high speed and this twisted his foot in such a manner as to cause break In the bone Just above the ankle. Basketball rest at Smlthers Is now centred ugajn the forthcoming visit to that town Of two teams from Ter-, ace which will- engage in a series of . ,me with SoUthers teams on Pebru-liry 28 and 2. There will be ladles land men's games and the best of i Smlthers talent is being called upon Hi to meet the Trrradtes who will be en- Arrangemenu to match Dido Our- ! ""alned at a dance. evening-junior. Intermediate and Se- v,ch- tiM known local boiin man. The Sheiks and Eskimos have failed 10 brert thlr deadlock In the Smlth- rwi. ,w. ,. T!from the south snd challenged all and , HocT lot termedlate game, and Doug. IMkmU. of hu weight and etas, to meet, the Junior. Ole Jackson was score-W evldenUy Mien down. Dido , J' ' 'e,t , lce says be U ready and nrtt' to go but I lw" v" there mMh to be some little difficulty P7 w scon-ooara reaaing oae- on the part of Byrne ThUS the local " The ronraras were handtcapped on boxlne- Interact are dam-Wed of a i the "" nd (t ' nd the IMI match whlh would haw proven one of the moot interesting held here In many a day as it would have brought together two likely looking town boyi uho ptooably would have put up lliely tilt. It Is to be hoped that ar rangements may yel be made to have IthS mateti - national legislative committee snd re- ItwwentaUve at Washulgton. DC, of I guardians had a quiet afternoon although Edgar - Harris. Eskimo goalie, was struck on the eye with a flying auck. medical attention being i COLD STORAGE WON I Aiirn ntinn oltm 7hee MM ILUd A-u'rces of of . bU, which has been Introduced In ' congress providing for conducting boxing call-1 '" lK' HUure lsl Xlght He- imtm In tU.k. a ivn K 1a. . fell 1 1 m! Itl V.-..r l.f ttlU I. AK WTxna Taytorf ti-ajlrma of the The Oyro Club suffered a rather sevr defeat by an aggregate score of M8 to the American Ijeglon,, who gave his 1 878 at the hands of the Cold Storage support to the ftll! M the executive j in the oniisrd league last night, w. J meeting of the legion, held at Indian- i Nelton plnyed first man for the Oyro spot is recently. The Boaing bill wa t'lub while Charlie Balagno went to prepared by the Ketchikan Post oi th I -econd place Legion. W H. Long regular first man for thr I " o Siornxe did nut play on this oc- The New flaxeltun b.tsk-:i);ill tram I . -mil Alfx Murra. taking that posl-journeyed to Snthers ilt week and I i.ju ":. took the boys In the railway centre Bert M:nta!i wa the only Oyro BBg9BBHI3fSDSBBnC2iCri Vl OtA u iof rttlVW Art ..alii"' ed2 OSaS. sw WMwmif, taw VICTORIA-PtIOENIX BRG. CO. LTD. 8nrJg8lisrHlislfs4BrTB li tin This advettocment not pubhshol or di.spl.iyed by the Liquur Control Boku or by tU OovMTimcnt ot Ontub Columbu. W anted" For Sale For Rent player to win Ma game. High break of the evening thirty as tamed In by A. Donald of the Gyro Club who. however, failed to win. Individual scores were as follows: W. J JOelson (Oyro Club). 187: A. Murray tCofd Storage), goo. C. P. Balagno, 198; J. Hlllman. 300. A. Donald, 11; A. Macdonald. 300. O. A. Woodland. 189; J. May. 300. Bert Morgan. 300: John Bulger. 186. League standings to date are as follows: Played Total Aver. Cold Storage .' 0 8470 841 Japle Leafs 8 7138 883 3rand Terminal ..8 71 m 888 3rotto g 7088 886 Dyro Cluh 7018 880 Individual are rages to date: Played Total Av. " Williams (MX.) I SOU 200 f. Msy (CS 6 1188 198 . a. Pyle (O.T.) 8 1574 1B7 I Macdonald IC8.I S 1758 106 3. Howe (ML I 8 1568 106 V Murray (CS ( 9 1742 194 W H Long iCti 8 1883 194 D Brown (Orotto) 8 1660 184 1. Senate (O.T.) 5 949 190 w. J. Nelson IO.C.1 ... ft 1687 1ST Mayor XicMordie (MXi. . 8 1483 ias 2. TounffOHn (O.) 7 1374 183 M M. McLachlan (M.U) 7 1373 189 r Balagno iOCi 0 1839 180 J. Hlllman. C S I 9 1638 180 J Jadge (Orottol 6 1091 179 A. Donald lOCl 5 890 178 O. Waugh (Orotto) 8 1411 1T7 B. Morgan (OS.) 7 1333 178 Ben Self (O.T.I 7 1337 178 r Zleman (O.T.) 8 888 174 W. t. WUIhcroft (O.T.I. . 8 881 173 a A. Wootfland (O.C ) .. 8 1370 171 J. Andrews lOT i 8 1363 189 R Toung (Orottol 8 1336 187 O P. Tinker iOCi 7 114 186 M Andrew (ML.) 8 1330 183 J Hamilton (M.L.) 8 1304 183 John Bulger (CS.) 4 616 184 O Krause l O.T.) 3 371 138 ft Meagher lO.T l 1 118 118 J. Brown (O) 4 498 107 GEOJDESAYS Hut (ieorge Forgot That Dioger.cM, Too, Had Viniton and Inler-viewers and wrs b Suhjeet an well as an Object. Oeo. Ade says- -"Unless you live In a barrel, people will use you as a subject lor conversation." If thla rs so and we bullera K la It m ' i ua k., best .'avJba '4Mu Aim.' ahsr aunnV uAm L w -ww owva cnuveiaauon la te wsr hvtfw csoUwm. , And by the way. tie Sprtag sarcirles from "Sceletv rand" made-U-meaure department arrived this JOtotngl They are too beautiful to try tdmbe. RougrilSr. they , are SVotafc. I Ma English Tweeds in every conceivable wewve. pattern and color combination, fancy English worsteds hundreds of them- plain and fancy gray series, blue, guaranteed Indigo, serges, vicuna-and cheviots Society Brand suits are hand built throughout and are uaran:,-i to please the most fastidious dresser It will be a pleaiure to show thla beautiful I range of woollens to you. Mr. Man. ao pop ui on yaur way to the post office. We thank you. Thor Johniton Home of Society Brand Olothes Canada's very best. Advt. GYMNASTUMAT ANYOX BURNED Commodious nnd Well Appointed Structure at Smeller Town Complelely Destroyed Word has retched the city of the tot! aesvruciion ny nre recently of , the Community League's mrmnuium , Anyox. The structure, which la said to have been the most up-to-date and (best equipped of Its kind north of ! Vancouver was sltuntert near the .powerhouse and not far from the nnr, I pile. It steam heated and Its equipment Imltidetl full gymnasium apparatus, ccnunodlous seating ur- ranrmient. shower baths, ete. It w, the Urgest dance floor in th tmslur By Gebrge McMar,i fl f HEUO-MIKE-KlMVOU 5 IS I THSRE VT IV IT H VCTl ti KANE'. Wk H ( ww-r rC 1 J COME THE FOLK'S II Wu.b COOO-THEB ffi 1 M M& ONE HH kmow? ' ( 3 ARE OUT-1 COOKED 61 COE, THE FRONT RtSS M " HERE- MM! ThS 1 K,i 50ME CABBACE-COME COKNEO BEEF RIGHT AM' C3 MB I V , WOOOH , oooorpm BELL-HE hp M H vUU .! T ' L t r8"8!?!! rl ,M COED 1 JHE BEtK rr UKisfaf v ?seiiiJ hi nrraaEjw .m maul ? w i w ,j. r Siilpllr i M ...Jc-V-,:, W.iKm ' i . I Into Into eimn camp he by a score score at of 24 24 to to 20. 20. It It I - ' ' '-- - -- Ifll tori W tu was the the Mm m -time -time the the New New Haarlton Hawlton DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WANTED WANTED RELIABLE OIRL OR Woman to look after young child, afternoon and some evenings. Phone 153. 48 MAID WANTED FOR OfOIIRAL Housework. Phone Red 367, tf FOH SALE THOLUTR FOR SALE. -13 H P. P8USCO Standard, registered dimensions 32.2 x 9.3 x 4 3. geared power gurdy, and complete equipment. Pin living quarters, four comfortable bunks, locker apace and toilet. Address Al-rln Arms. Wacker, Alaska, or PjO. Box 1036. Portland, Oregon. 48 FOR SALE. LAUNCH "MANCT" 88 BT 7 ft. Eaathope. 4 Cyl 16 h.p. In first class condition Can h seen at Yacht Club. Chenp. Phone 887 of Red 513. O. Rorle. 41 FOR SALE. HULL SVfTABU FOR halibut fishing or seining. 44 I II, Just built Price 83.000. Apply 8. Vyeda. boat builder, Port Easing fll, B.C 4f FOR BALK. 61800 BUT 8 A NEWLY finished house 5 rooms, bathroom, pantry and basement Handy to sawmill Phone Black 021 tf FOH KENT TO RENT. IMMIDIATELT - FARM. Kltwangar. B.C. 125 acres, modern buildings, moderate terms Apply DuVernet. Prince Rupert. BC. K RtTTT POCTt ROOMED IrOOSCv fulty modern, splendid marine view: Fifth Avenue West. Apply Thee Col-lart. Ltd tf FOR RENT ONE OOOD APARTMENT with three bedrooms Down town. Stork block Apply Stork' Hardware FOR RENT -ROOMS WITH OR WITH- out board. Central location Phone Blue 188, U . , , f FOR RENT - Furnished House breMBS! Room for rent. Apply Muss I Ism Oroeery. 41 HOOSC FOR RBrfT 8 ROOMS AND BATH Apply Munro Bros tf FOR REST FURNISHED HOuwR Apply 215 Fourth Ave East. U FUHMTUHE AND HAN0KS DONT BRING YOUR DIRTY BOOTS from the garden Into the kitchen. Place a Diamond Rubber Mat at the Kitchen door. We carry them In stock. yalw all kinds of furultnrr Furniture . I AfKKNZIK L.;nijMNBy 'sMp II. J. ZlMKI.lUt Oenertl llarwly Man Furnaces and Stove OleahSd and Repaired Ohlmntea Swept. Oemeurf Plot Cared For. Phone Red 843. Prinee Rupert, BO EXCIIANCiE nktv ami sr.rovn ihm n nMTt iiK bought and sold nd exchanged. Player Ptno and Two Cash Register In (took. PAPAIiOITIlH A MA It. IS SW Thlnl Ave. Phone HI CHIHOl'HAtTIC nit. It. B. KYOI.FStlM Clirropraflor 623 Third Avenue. Teieprume for appointment now to Blue 88. Ratteen phone Blsck 381. venlng ealss made as arranged, slake your appointment now. town. . The burning of tha gymnasium tjt Anyox Is the secOikT Incident a.f iL ; kind which has affected th forahooot 1 18 tour north of Doug Frlaeell nm the Prince Rupert OlrU' Drill Team. It I was in the gymnasium at Anyox a well as the community hall at Premier, I which was destroyed by fire two week wurre ine girls wer to have given i "X'lr exhibitions. Now other arrangement., win have to be made for the I showings at thee twe points. The j party pinna leaving for the north about March B. I Article Lett tod Found,4t STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Pr Vshroiiter TUMdiy as Cam . FlMf H. Prlnre !(.;. Saturday a ci'k , " s. Prlnc- -Feb. 18- as Prin, . Feb 38 a. Prin.. from Yflnronter Sunday -a. cm i Wednesdiy sa Pr h : Saturoay. a Carde n, Saturdiy si Printe. Feb. II as. Print i.. TuesdaV Prlnn- M I'or Tort Simpson and N.ui E Sunday a. Oamur ,,t I'roin Pnrt Simpson and Nui tit- Tuesday . Cam , , I'M Anyot and K(e.irt Mnday as. Carnt . if Wed a Pr lYnm AftJOt and Mrum Tuesday as. Cam.-i.-FrMay-. Prlnre fwr ()nrtn Charlott.-Peb 11 print- Feb. 25-. Prht rvwm tfueen TharMle. Feb. -as Prin . i Feb 33-a Pr.:. . Tar Alka Feb U-s Prin . F4). 36 Prtnr. IvmN Alsika Feh. tl- es Prti. r- " ' Ttf. 3- Pfi tie' MAIL "SCHEDULE rr.nnt my rr the Kast Mondiy. Wednediv Fr closes rrm the rjt--THranH, Thtird f ' do To Tncoer Tuetdajt Try Saturday CPA. -Feb 15 . Train. Monday-Satuiuaf Irem Ynesuvfr- Sunday Wedseedty . Friday O.R.-reh. II ' Tfafns, Swndnya I 6r To Anyoi. Alice rn l-remler ' Sunday : i"" Wednesd rrmn Anjt. Alk Aim M" Pfnulef TueseMy Friday Trt Mass Rltef Palnl Sundav rrm Ms Klier Pelntu Trf Alka Pnlftts Peb. fl snd 38. from XMk Polsl- Fob. tl and 26. To queen nmflette M r Fob II no 35 front queen rhrlt' . ft and 23 CHJL TRAWS For th El -Monday '.Vdnesiv-at 1130 s m rmm 'Se fl-TUedyi. Thuradi'v at 1,M pro LAND VT TO I.EASK ,vn I() Oawltr Land n ' Ing District of T' :' Irtai t the north"' Lak, about 40 i cewn or Attm. m . lallttuda, ni ''""' TAkS" NOTfrr i ; Lemleux, or Oisdv- BO., oocupatlon Trupi" ror a lease of 1 1- t Unci; . Oommmcing ' i" riorthwHt end of " 1710 feet north ' Like River; thence . i cie mile otiih: ''": thence one mile 840 aeres. more or ! (Sgd.) JOHN ' Dlted Dcmbtr B .. Ml .1 I' 1 1 ilst- Kvl -4 i