Save Money Tit 1,11 .ill CP '' .,pc.-i way to buy the ., to subscribe by the ,,.,!. i $5 00 and your i.viT'-d to your address Just figure out the you for this dally twelve months I 41. MINING CANADIANS WON OVER BRITAIN Moriu Today '-.'.X::;"',y; Canada de-" "i-itaii, fuurt.vt.ii goals to , Olympic (Mickey game , Ti" Toronto Vanity i " "l,'i their opponent. ""' "'"I'l'lUK at least ISO It "Jr.... m..i. '"t It. ltta, 'It! PENITENTIARY WARDEN HAS BEEN RETIRED AND DEPUTY GIVEN POSITION NCW WESTINSTKR. Feb 18. Colonel W H Cooper, warden of Ihc British CoHmbla penitentiary, has been retired, deputy. O W Trollope eue- ocedli-g him. ti vi..i iurd s statement say of the ground ing he w in Ignorance upon which his retirement was recom- hi i ha minuter of Justice and has asked for an opportunity to ans wer any accusers. OLD COUNTRYFOOTBALL KMil.lMI I.KAUI E .IHvMim I Builley 0, We-t Hum 0 "BUM 3. !" l'",,v 0 Newcastle 1. Bolton Wanderer.-, a. Portsmouth 3. aunderland 5. lUtixlun H. Bristol City 5. Clapton I Fulham a South Shield. 0. Notts County I. Reading 1-Oldham 1 (lrlnwby 0. Southampton i Blsckpol 0 A'd I SWllin I -West Brotnwich 4. Wolverhampton 0. - . . . a 1 SCOTTISH I.K.WH E lilililon I. U 'lu ¬ Cowdei-tlc.M, ll Kngland l'layed Fifth ICountl nn Scotland Third in Serie for J'ootlwll Championships IXMOON. Pes. 1. Keen tcterest is being taken everywhere in tbe cud tie ejajna pikyed today both in BngtaM and Scotland, tbe former completing the Tifeb rund and tbe Utter the third The number of teams now remaining in the runninc for each cup u oni efht and hal; of these wlU be eliminates In the next round. Tbe surprises in the Bngllah cup game were tbe defeat of Leicester by Tottenham and Cardiff City (present cup boMera) by Motte forest Tbe cup will- now come hack to England. Cardiff having taken n fo Wales last year b m Waatwlob Arsenal i to 0. In tbe Seottieta cup Tbe Alrdrtaonlana wan eliminated by tbe second division teea Albkut Hoera Tbe'ftsaaejrtea we tsW wtnawaa tedae: ,t. , &!r..'W. w Mabcbeetel' tnHad t. dLtwinaiham e. The Wednesday I, Sherfleld United 1. AnaMU i, Aaton VUla 1. Leioaatet o, Tottenham I. Manaheatsr City Stoke 1. HtiBPf inild . Mlddleabsr 0. BUokbtttn 3. Port Vale 1. Nottoferast a. Cardiff City l. sniTTIMI OAMIX CatUc t. Alloa 0. St. Mlm 0. Partick 5. Dundee i, punfernuine a. Htbatatana 0. paiklrk 0. Albion t. Alrdrleonlans 1. King's Park 1. Rangers a. KrlmarnDck 4. Queen's Park 4. Hearts 1. Motherwell 3. TRIBALWAR ASIA MINOR Twu Hundred Killed in right Ilctwetn l'civcl and Ili-douins UIMXIN. I'rh. IH. A Jrruvilet.i ilelrli to lite Ktillv ljiire imIiI mure Ihan K Here killed In - a great trllml Ixittle near the Trnn-JnrdNiiU frHHller lielaren IXwtl VaI IhMlUt. rhlef or the Miital WalMliU ami the Niaerful lledotiln Irllte llene Sakr. Irlael Ii rrtMltliiK. lie nut a farmer fttlluwer of Urn shoikI. king of the llealja. Ills reeent raldt lieiuillil I lie llrllMi air fort e again! Mm. TRAILlNSIN HOCKEY SERIES Snu-ller Ttiwn Will Play in Finals Ajjflnst Vancouver Monarchy TRABa, Peb. U. Trail defeated Nelson four goala to nothing last night thus winning the round five to two and giving them tbe right to meet Vancouver Monarch In the finals on February at. ONE OF THE FAMILY U ,fr Ml'M U Jupcwr-car are eceompiietaejt facts and Ciineli lUM t re re ' llelort tieiort .risjiuun.iiiuuini fnrmi-r'a llem.'irk on rriunt fllrli LONDON, Peb. 18. -One of the Canadian farmers party now visiting here Is reported to have told a newspaperman that a servant girl In hi country Is looked after like a daughter. M oan visualise. redto-esaWollel rretgnt aeroplanes carrying tnalhi over-aeaa In a very few yean from now." b concluded. Capt. lied Pierce of the halibut boat Cape Swain has plana out for a fine six-room stoiey-and-a-half modern residence on Oraham Avenue. Weat Punch remarks that It Is only fair to ( view, on lot adjoining the house o' point out that servant gh-ls In Eng- Aid. W. M. Brown Excavation haf lnd often treat their inltreww like already been started for the structur- .-! i'f the t.-.mlly. which will pr-ibaijly cost around S0W PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1928 ... -, . ..itaat.ti - -i .. . . I'OUCfc IN AiKXK O CITY taking away .some of the 225 persons who were arrested in the Roman Catholic Seminar'.o Colegiar when a short time ago thin drastic move was made . the Kovernmeul fo- the purpose of enforcing Article III. of tb constitution which proiibitH the teaching of religion. At the right: One of trie students arrested. because he wan we aring clerical garb within the seminary. 1.1 TIIEIUNW PI'TTIMI on ni x roii m itv school rim rt: A bus wall b put into earvlce the first 8tUMUy in March for the purpose of bringing tbe cbJMrea IrvBsg aei cave to tbe Lutheran Sunday acbool. The b)g central Hotel bus la belrg preaaed Into the service. This Is the first effort of this kind In the city. t f .' VISUALIZES RADIO FUTURE Television Screens on Public Ve hicles May Ilring Entertainment lor I'assenxers LONDON. Feb. IB. -TeJerlalon screens n public vehicles, so that one could watch a cup-tie while riding in a bus oontrol of traffic by wireless; radio guided freight aeropiasssa carrying ma'.: Overseas There are some of the poa-slbllltlea of the future envisaged by Robert R. Peccrini. staC aupertntendent of tbe London Oeneral Ocnulbua Com pany. In a paper on "Bean applications of radio to the science of transport,." read to the Institute of Trans port at the Electrical Inglnsers' Insti tutwn In London. Mr. Peccrini said that an Inductive or wireless system of non-contact typ of train control was to be eonaideret by a committee set up by tbe UlnUtrj of Trauaport. Turning to rond transport. Mr Pec crlnl aald that the Institution of a ipeclea of Indication board at an omni bus headquarters, coupled with a loca: radio, transmitter whereby tbe passing of omnibuses on certain services could be returned immediately to the relet system actuating the tndlcatora. had been considered Any marked h-rcgu lartty in the service would call dowi the Intervention of a flying squad li a few minutes. "A television screen on a public eer vice vehicle would not, be so objection able as a loud apeekeV nor so unhy getnlc aa pairs of earpbonea,' he aald "To watch tbe concluding stages of a Clip-tie match while riding home from the office would be a pleasant meana of passing tbe time.' . It was a practicable propodUon to (nttaJ traffic oontrol towers wbereinthe "Stop" aod "Oo" signals or colored light could be radio triggered off from anjr reasonable distance, Mr. .Feeerlnt aald. "Manless ship aeroBiane and STOCK SALE WILD AFFAIR Some Offerine on Exchange I Strong in Mornilnjr but I)e-! dined In Afiem'oon VAXt'Ol tllt. re. IS. Venter-il.ijV t(Mk rtrhan(e was a wIM affair with tremeHrion vtvlMinea of sale. Heieral leader that were slroHfj In the morning were H-to profit taking In the after-ihmiii. prnd Oreille vma bkl te g4 In the morning reaetlng lo 11X44 at iiiwii and eoj4ii( at Ml far leao of a dollar. ' OraiMhlrw lumel iMdiy In Kl tvtits. Oeorge ropprr wan Mreng. Illg MIMviirl was In tlriuaad bat imM of the IM wa steurl I fhe Hlnt higher. Total Mleti for the Uy aineaated lu'wexii ohai-ea. I he tlilnl Nrgnl no far bill the money larnetee HiMhed all rerorda. Ihe letal being IIH.llW. nd Oreille ahvne exreeded SOCIETY FOR SAFEMOTORING Inly Those Who Have Driven 10,-000 Miles in Three Yearn Ellsible for it LONDON. Peb. 18 Solely tor ntotor-uu a new Order of tbe Road waa formed here recently. It has for 1U ob)eet en couragement to skilful driven a the ruada may be safer for all and only those who are proved careful. capable, considerate, courteous and SB- parte need drivers may become incmbgrs. To become a member a man must prev. that he has been driving for three years; that he has driven s minimum of 10,000 miles in that time; that he has bad no kerlou accident for which he was haul responsible; snd that he has not been convicted ou any nenous police clatrge Purely speed offences will not) count igalnn ham. for there la no desire tj bring about any slowing down of trat-f lo. The committee include the Car', of Cottenham. a Jttclng motor 1st, Sir Arthur Stanley, chairman of the H0ya Automobile Club- (though the It AC haa no ; connection with the order i, Mem. -Col. J. T. O. Moore-Dreaaaon, MP., formerly under sec rotary to the ministry of transport, and K. Lee lulnneaa. the, racing motorlat. ACE HUDKINS WINNER DECISION LAST NIGHT NBW ORK. Peb. IB. Ace Hudktns of Lincoln, Nrbrsnks. won the decision from Bergeant Sammy Baker laat night in a welterweight ten round battle. Clerk- Did you get rid of any moths with thoae moth-balla you bought? Mrs Dun- No. I tried for five hours. ill' I ctnildn't hi i ' lie Open Road e 38. rnT HLiiKiNo or St:.MN ,KICIVI IN IOKT ON THE ANNA S. The first berrip ft tbe sea- son SSHved tateflw.wAsJkvttv. ' Boston Grill Lui-Ke Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the leant. Phone 457 ' Priofc Five ienti STOCKS GOING WILD AT VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hew Regulations Are Issued by hshenes Department Dealing with Salmon, Herring and Clams - i n i i i i i ... v MIS IllUUt III lUMIIClUUft Willi dClfllllg operations on this coast "TI'AWA, February 18. As a result of the investi-iMade by W. A. Found, director of fisheries, ii u iiis have been made to the regulations in the . industry of British Columbia. Under them pro- : i.- made for the licensing of herring pounds. The m ax.n is changed and so is that for fishing cod and ri, alines are made in the regulations for seining ;!" iin made for closed areas. Summarized the m provide: H.'!-rintf pounds must be licensed. H i .us in fishing herring seines are required to be -'i. 11 .' net fishermen are required to place lights at t their nets at night, i 1 -eine boats must have numbers on top of the : 'HIM', a nig traps are prohibited. Kiwis of fishing for commercial purposes is pro "e fishing )oundaries. i t ion of the distance about the mouths of rivers -mis at which fishing may be carried on is ex- 'm 200 yards to half a mile. i boats assisting purse seine boats in seining is. l as is the "open set in purse seining. or wanton destruction of fish is prohibited. ' i ling boats are not allowed to cany nets, inj- salmon from inside a closed area is pro- 'ti purse seines are prohibited in a considerable "! areas. i mum length of salman purse seine is reduced ' to 200 fathoms, the width to be not less than s on the basis of a 3 1-2 inch mesh, minimum mesh for sockeye nets will be abolish-1 i lie coming season, i 1 ' lose season on little neck clams is changed to -y and March instead of June and July and of ' !;ims from August to October instead of from ! 1 ptember. 1 ' dose season for cod is Jnau&ry and February ' 1 f February and March, and restricted to ling mimum mesh of one inch extension measure for '"'is is provided instead of a fixed mesh of that PLEA IS MADE EXPERIMENTAL FARM IN NORTH 1 'v ' 1 ' ih A pice for tlie iperlmeutaf' larm - Mrirt was mad In y ny James O.Brady. Skeena, eup- " i"inip. who aald the agriculturists to "i British Columbia. 'FOOTBALL CUP TIESTODAf Amm a. Csptiln Bl Skog. Joad Which Cost $2.o0 Yard to tjteasjfct tn-4eeu,,,eoe.,jekjs were taken in tbe neighborhood of Walea Island. Protn this time on it Is expected there will be plenty of herring for bait for tbe halibut fishing boats 4 WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert. Part cloudy, calm; temperature, Sg. St. tiapLrt -Cloudy, calm. temp. 13. Port Simpson Cloudy, calm. temp. Stewart Clear, calm, temp- M. Anyox Clear, calm. temp. 33 Alice Arm Cloudy, calm. temp. St. AljsnahOloudy, ealm temp. SI. RowwooJ Cloudy, calm. temp. S3. Terrace Cloudy, calm. temp. 40. Harclton Clear, calm. temp. 18. &.n.trteta- -Clear, calm. temp. as. Burns Lake Clear, calm. temp. IS. Telegraph Creek Cloudy, calm, Atlln Cloudy, calm. tamp. 13. Whltehorae Clear, calm. temp. low. temp. 2 be- Big Salmon Clear, calm. 16 beluw. Dawaon Clear, calm. temp. IS below. IIOHiLAH ITU TltKIl The Douglas fir at Ulna the largest i Ixe of any tree In Canada. It grjwa an Immense aa. Irequently exceed ing au feet- In dlaaneter and 300 feet in height. One of the tallest Douglas firs ou record had a height of 330 feet. In the Kew Cardans, near London. Eng land, stands a atngle-ptece flagstaff 830 VANCOUVEH EXCHANGE Bid. B.C. Sliver 1JS Big Missouri 71 Coast Copper 49.50 Cork Province Daly Alaska Dunwell 33 Oeorgc Copper 7 78 Oladatone .08 Ooloonda 103 Independence MS Indian .00 1, L. and L .31 Loadsmlth Lucky Jim 43 Marmot Metala 19 Premier 3.73 Richmond .18"., SUvercreat 13V Surf Inlet .01 Sunloch 3.00 Terminus 31 WhlteWuter 3.33 Advertise In The Dally Ntwa Asked. IM .73 31.00 SO .07 JS 104 .10 .04 .43 .19 330 19 .13 om, 3 10 .33 340 SURVIVORS OF TANKER ARE IN BAD CONDITION flung to Driftwood Until i'icked up by Trawler Following Explosion TOKIO, Feb. 1 Meat f the sur-viTors of tbe American tanker Chukr. j which exploded and sank en route I from San Pedro to Yokohama, are In a acrtous condition, say reports from iMlsakl. where a trawler landed 21 of , the crew Friday. I Captain Heroes and fifteen membera , 3f the crew ware killed outright. The remainder saved tbemselvea by clinging to driftwood until the trawler picked them up. The crew waa composed of Americans. British and Chinese. OBJECTION HALF TRUTHS Hon. W. II. Sutherland Defend Action of (lovernment in the Legislature MAKES A CO?IlAI(ISQN f 1 a. kl ,-. . . m a u rave i iniiioj5fiuwiuot5ic a Yard VKTOHIA. Peb IS. Declaring that be objected to statements Of half truth but was not worried When all the facta were revealed. Hon. W. II Sutherland answered criticisms of bis department in tbe budget debate Friday. Mr. Sutherland aald tbt Oovernmeat waa going slowly in acquiring (ncw roadmaklng machinery because' It would displace many data who were settlers and who deptnaN upon road- for most of tbefc) jraaent in- Anewertng crltlclszaa, Xk. Sutherland aald tbe gra veil leg of loeda In Bsqul-malt In ISIS under tbt Oonaervattvee ccat M ao a yard while today tbe coat waa M cents. W A. Uackanale of SlmUkaaoeen said he regretted that the Oovertusnent appeared apathetic in regard to tbe coal Industry. STOCKS DOWN AT NEW YORK Slipping Procesti Continued Thia Morning. Aggregate Loss Doing More Than Ilillton NEW YORK. Feb. U.-tock prloea. which began to slip badly . yesterday. continued their downward course as support was withdrawn from recent pool favorites. Lo-sea of from one to three points were general. It la eatlmated that a two-day de- feet high presented by tbe British Col-lclu, wlped ou mor thn umbla gwernment. Thai staff waa cut ' uul"u v"lw W " from a Douglas fir tree SOO feet high. "a ,oom Trees 18 feet In diameter have beer. , "wiung k.ik.uuv. found, and a single tree has been cut that scaled 90,000 feet board measure. DROWNED WHEN CROSSING BAY SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 18.- eleven pereona are missing from the ferry boat Perm It Crossing the bay laat mttfAMnJyMlrtefcf were picked up. STODDART REGAINS INDEPENDENT MEMBER VICTORIA. Feb 18 D, A. 8tOddtrt of Cariboo told the House of Commons yesterday that he was an independent and would remain one despite the release of provincul membeis by the paily r?.rcu!:w.