n:bci 2, 192S HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 i 'DIAH, PACIflC - iwar V1 PAGE THKKb WHIJH "JUUIUI J-lii-t Local BJIO. Personal News In Brief iMIIIIUIIIIIU I fm 'il H nil H lBMKii PUfSMTW ?&Kvz$m "' cE5 f ' v 1 SPECIAL OFFER! I OR A LIMITED TIME WK WILL C.IVI5 FREE A 15c Tiiho of Woodbury's Cold or Vanishing Cream with each cake of WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP Also a Villi of Ben Hur Perfume with each bottle JERGEN'S LOTION rmes Ltd. yfic Potevr I)rt4cei.sts illlI?D AVE. f SIXTH ST. TtLEPIIONES K?t,20O JACKPINE AND CEDAR i.'itfe loud 3.50 MMible load $6.50 ;itfe sack 50c COAL PRICHS DOWN '. iiibina Peerless Egg $12.00 vnibina Washed Nwts $11.25 i erta Bootless Large Egg $12.50 . vrta Bootless Egg $12.00 fi ta Lump $i:t.00 Also all other classes of coal. I'i.mo ami Furniture Moving. Kb prow awl Katfga? - ;md Night Rerie 139 Second Avenue Canadian National The LargtSl Kaihoay Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE frwM THIMK HM'KBT VANrOI VIK. VMTOItU nd -i rii.K. TIHHMUVH nd M MYM. at II p.m. rr.w.uT. HHtMwmit. is p.m. wl KK11IIIKAN. sm'HIItYN. i p.m. NOKIII ami (M Til Ml M.N ( IHKUOtlt Isl.AMM. lurlnlchtly. rAbMiiu tiuim iwh: piume kii-kkt im Kxi'hn u!Mv at nsaa.n. tw rniMt ummui.. mimomoS. MIVMI'MI. til paint fcairra Canada. I'nllrd Malw. Mil.hL .!.. MtN alfcAMUMir LINES. "f th km oihii.. w th sf. rniMf hi i-mo rio t si). B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings ftom Prince Rupert K.i.hlkan. WranfHI ami Maa INtufccr Jl. Noirmlf II, Immi- '' ". i . is. latiHUtrr, Mnrta aawl Hrattte' I. I. Iirmaher S, IS. PHINrfch Hlt ..... tar llnlrl. Ii MH IwHa. Oran rtlL. t Nii. Alrrl IUJ-. I i amhli impawn iiivrf mm vmm j r""-'u.,.T f. ii r.ZZim ilM rail InlMmallon from- iv. v. oKriMHii. .B,;,r . r .,f in, t aai jk,! Trnnr. Iflnc Kart. Ill . l-hanr SI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED halllua from I'rlnr ulrV ... .,. " ,U , "f- ' v ANI'OH Vf:u, VI (.TO( I A, wb.ioii Hay. Ilulraal. . 'wouvHvurroiiu. Hu.i.if. aii '!rsiTwrn;;,.,,,;;t- VI II ': AIIM. ANVIIX HtlHAKV. WAI.M IM ANII. I-IKI ..lHUN. VS klU ll. HllllttoV. fl b.iM. .. . 1 ' 'nrt Am.1-. It. Si. SMITH. Aw-fll. "ZJ1"' Vhk.rt riitmiKh iitkrtu mid o f Irlurla ixl ' im utlnitlur City Meat Market Ird Afenuc (si:i.vk; nitos.) MEAT.' I'ISII, VlitJKTAIU.HS I'hone 765 A I.I, KINDS OF "NOIIWIKJIAN rilOllUCh at low prlcen, ami Immediata delivery m.wvel All articles are sf suporlor quality and a'lutely ' ajajira1'' "1 I ir I HliajMU uiaj - li sum; ok charges .. . The following in the scale of charge made tar reading notices: . 4. Birth. Notices 50e. .Carda of, Thanks. $2. Funeral Notices $1.. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcement $2. l a Taxi Phone 1. Rig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. IL Gime, I'hone 086. Chiropractor, Phone 184. C. 0. Baptist Anniversary November IS. McKay, tf Butter Ike lb. Milk $8.25 case, all Brand at MUNRO BROS, tf. Jggf ! L. 0. B. A. bawar St. Andrew's .(Rooms, Saturday November 3, ! from 3 to 6V 258 8tipfar. tTAJiateomllHlaWrrN Tuaia . and Trail Rangere Fourth Annual Minstrel Serenade Nov. 2t and 88. Ruert Fast United Razaar. November 29. Church; H. SI Wallace Co. Ltd. Shaded Effects in Taffetas . illie,,mejicpgnsive and A wonderful choice of Colors 51,50 ,i)er var(1 3rd Avo. & Fulton St. Phone 9 Im, MakeBetter Brearl Askj'our grocer for ROYAL YEAST CAKES STANDARD OF QUALITY. Boys' Band musical icmivBi. i a I ,t a .. . - . 1 Provincial Constable and Mrs. iu. l. Han or Manners arrived in St. Andrew's Day Scottish Ithe city from the interior on e. Moose Hull. November 30. jterday afternoon's train and sail-- - ud last night on the Prince Rup ert for Vancouver, Constable Hall having in his custody a mental Kitient from Smithers for Es-idale and J. Nelson vof this city who will serve three months in Ok.illa for drunkenness. ,n. now at thelt '.'beat. Order a .. inns at these prices. .i I ii i (..ih Keils, extra fancy, all per M lu.osh Reds, fancy, tioX $3.25 all sizes $2.90 Mcintosh Reds, Cee Grade, wrapped stock, all siaea Qf) IA itr hn Va V Mcintosh Red Household, un wrapped. CO Aft per boa v-.wv Jonatboas,, graded and sized, but unwrapped, wonderful PO fA value, per box 9aUW Winter Bananas, Cee sizes, per box Cooking Apples 5 lbs. grade, all $2.45 25c Watts'Grocery Phone 55 Phone 56 "Quality Right Prices Right." Wonin ot MooJeart Legion I Whist Drive' and Dance tonight. ! This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to Le on time. Mrs. H. B. Rochester returned to the cUy on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Port Essington. j John A. Clark, U. C. Packers Skeena Rjver cannery manager, (sailed last night on the Prince ; Rupert for Vancouver. Arthur Graves returns to his duties this trip, north as purser of the C.p.R. steamer Princess Royal after a three weeks' hoii-uay ashore in Vancouver. Verne Daly and Mita Neva Daly arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon train from Munaon, Alberta, arid will visit here for the. winter with their siater, Mrs. W. P. Armour. 1 John, is relieving as purser on I A.NNOUNCMHC.VTS J Mr M VSkT ;bjr -iled Uat night u Pri tlJTto T v lV 'W or Mooseheart IonS V ,S ilte , "iiiov Miv ua ua nee, nrsti . i L'M. ... i. I I I V. Doffew. mvtnmwX log PresbjrUrian Raiaar, Novemlr c"'r .af rMtt ClemenU, sailed 8. mgat an the Irinee Rupert Mcom llaaaar. November 8, 9. W. M. S. Entertainment, United Church. November 9. Armistice Day Baaqtttt, Nov ember 12. lor Vancouver. Basketball tonight in Exhibl-tion Hall at 7 o'clock, prompt. Admission 25c and 10c. Senior Native Sons vs Kincolith. Ladies, Senior Drill Team vs " 1 -'I''e Iafs. Intermediate Nine cartosMle of wht, which R.C.N.V.R. v CN R. Jun-arrived from the prairies late ior Colts v High School, yesterday afternoon, wore being ; , ' unloaded iato the local elevator James Gillett, Indian Agent tsys morning. There are now for the Queen Charlotte T.Un. i etoae to 4Weari of wheat bound and Mrs. fiillett and two chil-i Mren, who arrived in the city! Wednesday night from Maasett. i . - "prcivi airu hmh Digai on ine i nnce reeideaU of Prhsee ftupett for RiqHjrt, for a, trip south. ! the past three years, left e tfifi: 1. . L ' 1 morning's train for Guerph Ontario, where they will take up residence, Mr. Doherty going into foundry work there. Mrs. Doherty ia a sister of Frank Hodg-kinson of the Central Hotel staff. if 'a 11 mm ii ' ii iii im riMTi im nrnfTra sn inin HERE'S YOI H OPPORTUNITY TO fiET OI TI iTTED AT A (iREAT SAVING! READY - TO - WEAR SALE at Jabour Bros. FRIDAY, 2nd; SATURDAY 3rd; MONDAY, 8th. A Ladies' Hats, regular up to $4.50. Sale $2.05 21 Ladies' Hats, regular up to ?C50. Sale $3.05 Girls' Hats, assorted styles and colors, to clear at $1.25 :t Girla' Chinchilla Coats, size 15, 16, 18, to ciear .... $12.05 2 Checked Coals, aizea 16 and 18, to clear at $14.05 3 Checked Coau, i.ge cheeka, reg. f27.60, to clear at $18.95 3 French Broadcloth Coats, in navy, Black and Brown. Regular $32.60. Sale $21.95 4 Coats, colors Red. Black and Navy, regular $37.50. Sale J25.95 4 coats, very good quality Broadcloth, regular up to $50.00. Sale $33.05 3 Coats, trimmed genuine Onpossum etc., regular op to $65.50. Sale : $13.95 Ladies' Slicker Raincoats, in Green, Red and Blue all size., regular $8.60 te I745Q. to ciear $1.95 Ladies' Afternoon and Evening Dresses, going at 30 per cent less. Girls' Coats, sizes 3 to 17, going at 20 per cent less. JABOUR BROS. LTD. Phone 643 See Our Window 3rd Ave. 7th Street If your paper docs not arrive telephone the office OUR BIG Start TP s lomorrow OUTSTANDING VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SNAPS TO BR HAD Suetlette Gloves, Fancy Cuff, per pair Suedette Gloves, Fancy Cuff, per pair ggg , Ladies'. Umbrellas .... ,1;M...,,'( .'v J 5CC 83C ' ' Kiddies Fdricy ITirella feA: . Corticelli Wool, 1-1 lb. Hanks Purple Heather Wool, 1-1 lb. Haijks Paton's Heather Mixtures 1-4 Hanks W.'. Tape, all widths, G yard rolls '. ... ...,... D.C.M. Embroidery Cotton, 3 skeins fox Yit Wildspur Embroidery Cotton, 6 skenfs ftV Valincienne Lace, 3 yards for ...vv.. Heavy Torchon Lace, all width, per yard . , . tL Lace Edgings for Embroidery Work, 8 yards for ...... Colored Edgings, 2 yards for Laces, 3 to 6 inches wide, per yard 0c 55c 40c 5c 10c 10c 5c -' 5c 23c 25c 15c 3rd Avenue Next to llesncr Block aui