1928 mbcr 2, TITE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIT 7 99 DINNER GIVEN LOANING CASH TOW.A.FOU TO NEW YORK Col. Nicholts Host to Group of Cnrtadian Hanks Place Money iM , Local People at Commodore There dn cull Hecausc it Then Last Evening a Liquid Atieet tut. Ootd raarket for deal Maw JUS room i Mr hmuc itiitlte iweet pea design ''Htil in many dsllcate " airtight tea cMy uuiullv. It Is peeked mkI the famous fraqrMiit iilcnd. The uuily U i-R YOUftS NOWt Sold nt nil Grocery Storm attached to every pacfpgr t ' IFS Nickcreon, whose marriage to ' l.'ifmni,nnl Roy nwter will be an event of ! i NICKEH53N th near future- The tok 'place at the home of1 Mra. A. J. I . ..... ..LI.V i" I Mies Mar- WUB appropnai fl' teases at ImX Klstbt ely decorated for the occasion 'With seasonal adommenta of ; orange and black "i- and Miss A huge pumpkin, filled with were boatea- bcaut.ful gifta was brought in on t fi rte'ightful a wheel barrow by little Master f Miaa SUlla Faddy Phillipaon. The remain- Jr of the evening waa spent in Hallowe'en games which were pert & yen . jarn ; td t m. An greatly enjoyed by the gueata. Serving of delicious refresh-inenta brought the function to a cioae. MANAGING EDITOR tit Ui lAtfA JOURNAL YtSilEl) 'Itii CITY Impressed with the immense distances aud tk tremeiwlous ara of country in th west T. G. Low-rey, managing editor of tt Ottawa Journal, accotnpar!d Jy Mra. Cowrey passed thresh here yesterday, going south on the steamer last night. They are holiday i Jig in the west thia year, the first time thia haa happened. Jdr. Iiwrcy was keenly interested in the problems of newspa-per publuhing here. A Beautiful TEA CADDY Containing 1 lb. net MALKIN'S BEST TEA tHI W. M. MAUIN ee.. UO. VAUOeUYM. - ami y ds Yowl J Last evening Lieut. Colonel J. W. Nicholls, comptroller of ths Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company entertained at a specially prepared fish dinner at the Commodore Cafe for W. A. Found ileputy minister of fisheries, who was making an official visit here, and who went south later. The guests present were Lieut. Col. S. P. McMordie, D. 8. 0., George Hushby, II N. Brocklesby, Norman Freeman, John Dybhavn, B. J. Mellish, It. M. Winslow, James Lee, Adam Mackie, H. F. Pullen, John Dafey, C. A. Kirkendall, W. 0. Fulton, V. H. Tobey and S, E. Parker. After dinner Colonel Nichplle explained that the object of tht dinner was to welcome Mr. Fount, on his first viait following hie appointment as deputy minister, lie waa a man who knew the fsh-eries of Canada well and wab eminently qualified for the position, lie offered him congratulations. Step in Right Direction John Dybhavn aaiu it was tei yeara since the Canadian f isheries Association first pressed for a change in the depart ineiu ami th appointment ol air. rouu; at. ueputy minister waa tue first step in the right direction. Mr. rounu haa oeen twenty years n. the service. In lull he wus ap-pointed auperintenoeni, a lev. yeara later ne became directo. ana in July last he waa elevate... to his present position. Woik they had uilterencea of opinion, Mr. Found waa a man with wnoir. mey couia always get a goou hearing in connection with, then problems. He believed the administration of the department was safe in hia hands. Mr. rouna spoae : the goo qualities of their host of that -veniug and mentioned the desirability of good relations bstweei. (he uepartnient of fiekeriee uiu those engaged in the industry They were doing what they believed ' to be the greatest gotx for the greatest number. The vere the, servants of the people. He spoke of the courage ol Prince Kupert people who carriec on even when conditions wert sgainat them. He hoped that ii. future they would improve. He spoke appreciatively of the work being done by the fisheries experimental station and of iti; probable extension. Mr. Finn assured him that the germ which caused discoloration of the halibut had been isolated, which was the first step toward finding a remedy. The station would try to solve local problems, and would constantly be reaching out for now thinps. If the station was sufficiently equipped within s yr or two it should be able to do good work in co-operation with the industry. In The Letter Box UNITE ON NK'KEKSON Skidegate. Oct. 20, 1928. Editor, Dally News: The Liberal Association is holding a nominating convention for ihe Skeena riding in Prince' lluert November IS. The writer, who was born in the north and haa lived in the north and knows most of the Important citixeus of the north, the fishermen and lumber workers, would like to suggest that on that occasion all loyal supporters of the Liberal iwrty for once forget all then-little party grievances and get together and present a solid front by nominating George W. Nickerson of Prince Rupert, the fisherman's friend to represent them nt'trWlMAt' fMteiHrfetton. Tlwre-Ja-Jitaueatuin .at-aH about Mr. icWrWn Vi Bjttitjr ?to carry the nu)ng"to 'victory under the banner of the Liberal party. E. C. STEVENS. NI1KDS WATCHING 4 Stdre Uetsotive I'm auspicious of that woman, she asema furtive. Floorwalker WH, gjesp your ,.ye on the furs then. At the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday. D. C. Peterson, manager of the Bunk of Montreal, showed how the charge that Canadian funds being loaned in New York was injuring the expansion of Canadian industries wa un founded. It was true that money was loaned there on call but that vns for the protection of Cana dian depositors, who were the irst care of the bank. To do this it was necessary that there should be plenty of liquid funds' on call at any time. New York was the market where call 'oana could be placed to best advantage. Mr. Peter3on said the loans were made only to firms in the best standing and against' good secur ities to about eighty per cent of their value. The money could be brought in immediately as was done at the time of the financial panics. "Why is not this money loaned in Canada," inquired the shaker. It is because there is no market there. While at Montreal and Toronto loans are made they are '"ally for longer terms and the money is not as easily available s iii at Nw York. FANCY DRESS PARTY GIVEN Double Event at Port CizmentK at Which Tcnaia Cap is Presented PORT CLEMENTS, No. 2- Lset Friday evening s very enjoyable Children's Hallowe'en Fancy Dress party waa given in HastieV hall by the newly organized Com munity Club.. The costumes of the children were all "'very ooi. ar.d the evening was spent in play rag games, .after whkk suitable refreshment were served. The following evening. the adulti' Masquerade Dance wa.-held, and it was very w all attend ed, visitors eoming in from Buck- lev Bay. Massett and Mayer Lake. The following were prise winners. Best dressed lady Mrs. O. L Dunlop as Aurora Borealis. Best dressed gent E. H. Craw ford as Hindu Prince. Ladies original costume Mrs.. H. Hampton as a fruit Basket Gents original costume Joht. Williams, Order of the Bath. Ladies Comic costume Mra. G. Ciccone, witch. Gents' eomic costume N. L. Jones, Tramp. The hail was prettily decorated in orange and black and the music waa supplied by the new Orthophonic Gramophone was splendid. During the evening a presenta tion of two stiver cups to the winners of the mixed double tennr tnurnanen-. Mra. C, B. 8r iff lev and Charles Miaaker, was made by A. R. Mallorjr. MRS. HfHJTHAJI DIOB HAMTLTOM, Nov. 2. Mrs Southern. wfe of William Southern, president of the Hamilton Spectator and of Southern Limited, dieii todny THE KINO OF HELP MANY MEN NEED A Wsakh of Health in "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Wherever you go in ( aimda. you will find mnuy m a wl.o owe thsir good health to "Fiuit--tiv.j," the isarval awtlicinc. made from tieasratassd Joua wit juiis c :nbmcd with las finest and start uiulic mnliolaal ingredients. Mow. f th . m ii have been raunved f aYttdful Kidney Xrsubta or Rheumatimi Other .ottlefed for years with L srkaohc ikme were laifserabkt wi'h Imln'iiinn. Other arare wuak aoU run-it-un fcaeaafts f Headaches, unstruiuc .Wrves and Bilious Attaeks. Huiidn d and hundred Of these own had tried leaHdy after lesaedy without relief, aai then "FVuiUt-tivw" broiiaht liaslth, brought geaee of mind, brkiajht the radTny A living into ( -r lifE. Ho ''Fralttivea'' will help jm Oat a box to-ritv -2Be. ana Wu. d. ,v,.....:v.v. HOTEL ARRIVALS November 1 (Prince Uunert) A. Field and W. H. Mac Beth, Vancouver; K. Carr and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hall. Smithera; John B. Adams and J. Foreman, Seattle: A. 8. Tyrer. Victoria; 'John Anderson' and Hugh Carey. Alice Arm. and George A Cameron, Stewart Centra!) A. Dancy, city; F. M. Mayer and Robert LeMaltre, C.N.R.; T. A Nice, Vancouver; Fred Espley and P. Eapley, Edmonton; D. A. McDonald, Edmonton, and R. Staples. Prince Rupert. (ltoyal) E. V. Glass and H. Howard, . N. II, and A. Rosen, 8mithera 1 .(Savoy) ! D Krtatmaneon, Oaland, and J. ; 11. Wilier, city. SATURDAY AT THE UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. BIGGER VARIETY & BETTER VALUES STAPLE DEPT. 40 inch and 42 inch Circular Pillow Cotton, linen finish, absolutely pure, 3 yds for $1.01) 74 inch and 84 inch unbleached Sheeting, extra heavy quality. 2 yards for $1.00 Bleached Sheets, ready for use. Size 72 inches and 00 inches, fine close even weave, each l.0t Hemmed Pillow Cases ready for use, full size of good medium weight, 4 for $1.00 Genuine Irish L-nen Towelling, a very special quality at A yards for $1.00 Bleached Sheeting, this is a wonderful ' quality at the price. 72 inches and 80 inches wide. 2 yards for $1.00 22 inch Blue and Red Check Towelling, all pure linen and a very good weight, S yards for 11.00 54 inch by 54 inch Irish Dsmask Clothe, Hemmed ready for use. Each $1.00 36 inch Stripe Flannelette, a good heavy quality, wash and wear well. 5 yards $J.(H) English Double Warp Stripe Pyjama cloth in three good designs. Regular value 45c yard. Extra Special, 4 yards for $L0U Sateens in 30 shadea. Thia is a very social quality 20 inches wide, 4 yds for $1.00 Typed Tea or Glass Towels, pure linen, hemmed, ready for use. 4 for $1.00 Irish Damask Napkins, size 18x18 inches. Hemmed, assorted designs, double Damask. 4 for $1.04) English Turkish Towels, fast colors. Large size, splendid wearing quality, 3 for $1.00 26 pair pure weolChwrM&lankets, full double bed size, pair $7.50 DRAPERY FABRICS Scot.'h Madras Curtain fabric, scalloped edge, excellent quality. 4 yardd for . $t,00 Heavy Scotch Bungalow Net, 40 inches wide, Ivory shads, 3 yards for $1.00 Scotch Mdra Curtain fabric, very fine qua'ity, 50 inches wide, splendid value 2 yards for $1.00 :b inch Bilk Radium for curtain and ?ide drapes, fast colors in Gold, Oreen and Mulberry shades, 3 yards for $4.00 36 in. Cretonnes in 6 well chosen designs, a good heavy cloth, fast colors, 4 yards for $1.00 KfrrnTNfl wools 4 n'y pure wool Scotch fingering yam- in 10 sha les 12 oss. for $1.00 4 ply wool Sweater yarn, beautiful soft even thread in 15 shades, 6 nz. balls for $1.N HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Turnbull's winter weight vests. Tailored and opera, top styles, 2 for $1.00 Turnbull's Knit Silk Bloomers. Double Crotch, non rip seams in standard large, extra large and outsize. Special pair $1.00 Penman'a Heavy Knit pure wool children's Stockings in Black, Fawn and Brown. Sizes to 7 1-2. Two pair for $1.00 Penman's Pure Wool Cashmere Hose for children. Sizes to 6 1-2 in Black, Brown and sand. 2 pair for $1.00 Harvey Pure Thread Silk Hose, in Chiffon and service weight. A good variety of shades Some pointed heel styles, pair .... $1.00 Penman's full fashioned Silk and Wool Hose. Assorted shades, pair $1.00 Jason Socks" for children, pure - wool Cashmere Socks, made in England in shades of Blue, Pastel and Pink. Sizes 4, 5, 6 3 pair for $1.00 Children's Navy Bloomers, fleece lined extra good quality. Sizes C, 8, 102 pair for $1.00 DRESS GOODS AND SILKS A group of Silk and fine dress fabrics. 20 pieces to choose from, fine French wool. Delaines, Georgettes, Morocains, etc. yard ., $1.00 54 inch Irish Serge in navy only, absolutely pure wool. Indigo Dye yard . .v.. $1.00 MEN'S DEPT. Men's Dark Drey Cotton Flannel work Shirts,. good large Shirts, well made,, full cut. All sizes, each $1.00 Boys' Khaki and Grey -flannel shirts, well made. Sites 12 12, 18. 14, each .... $1.00 Penman's Pure Wool Knit Socks, assorted shades, all sizes. Special value, 2 pair for .' $1.00 Men's Dress Shirts, all sizes and all good patterns, Forsythe, Tooke and Arrow makes. Reg. values to $3.50. Each $1.00 Boys' Sweaters, Pure Wool. Sizes 24, 26. 28, 30, in dark dors and Heather mixtures, each $1.00 MEN'S UNDEAR SPECIAL Watson's winter weight Shirts and Drawers, well finished garments. Watson'. are one of the best makers in Canada of men's under garments. On Saturday we are selling this line in all sizes: 8hirts $1.00 Drawees $1.00 Fras er Sl Payne UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST BUKAKr AST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Kupert. I1.C