PAOR TWO JSP dtt En .iMFBQnBi WTRfi hiwhibi arsi em Kupert grow ;,, keep tie pe-.r!. to increase our shipping, to hr they have done Mime' lung m in much as we ;!iv pleased to h;i- HATE lOU IU Albert1 has been trviiii; Dominion government to gh t , 1 e ( O - ei y 1 tin n. Railway from the Alberta mn e- t, them to market the product :n oppn he noted that they did not' ask the ( Now the worm i;- tuniip.t' M'ld her coal also he carried to Ontarin .1 both reqiifsts arc I'oolNh and ,:n : probably end the agitation. We would like to help Alberta all u COal btt. carried at our expense i. hev m better methods of Buuulvinc i t-i-i., m- 2nn n w ;One out of every five pounds of tea used tn Canada Is "SALADA" the reason it is more satisfying and better value than any other tea. Sales are the best proof. Brown Label Quality, 80c per lb. Orange Pekoe Blend, 85c per lb. Soid everywhere. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA - Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For leaser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid, in advance for yearly period $;.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts oi British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Trihiiifettt Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion . . . Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local Readers, per insertion, per line Classified Advertisintr. ner insertion not- w.-,l Help the whole family to better health Save yourself time and trouble Serve it with hot milk MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS $1.40 $2.80 .25 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line .... .1 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Ediior and Reporters Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Uuieau of i in ulations DAIL EDITION the province with a great ill tax reduction and aN.i mined to do more than in: We shall all be glad ui-.ii (.; inilii ;it to ha . r all the main thing is tin- ability to ing our share if we can oi iv .',,ni , ing 1 or ourselves at the same time If the M aci.ean iroeri!it.eti! , :in .M(H!(l;iv. Fe THE M A( 1.5- AN IU DtiET While it is diffic nil lt ry.;.!v, a pn ,., m.ininn of Lean budget, it is sate To say it will 1. aetl-i.teil U tl,.. -at il'ac! ion. 1; i the - ll'iil t!;e governnieti; i-n;p!' ng li .2 lf'2 the Mac-people first ste is deter k ;:i',l let t he pr i nee grow. . iit.:.- relief i.: taxes, liu! al'te, ; taxes. We do not mind pay oujrii to do it nd to g.; ;l iy do anything to Vi d. to keep the pro-iicity, we si ; tit. .:: ju-t inweri a'te make Crinci railway busy, hall then l'e"i ng 0111 .. it) ONTARIO -ii!e means tu influence the .lie on the Canadian ":it inim I Ont.iiio low enough to enable it ion to American coal. It is to I'.R. to do anything. '!;-it:sh olunibia may ask that .1! lower than cost. Of course , ( 1 in in demand of Woodward will can but to ask that thei. "a -on. There would be liv haririnir the rest nf the Dominion with the Ions on the carrying of Alberta coal by rail Why not send them Vancouver Island coal by water? It would entail lesa loss to the people. The wninion expenditures are increasing without adding the loss through carrying goods on the National railway at less than coat. CANADIAN POKTS FOU CANADIAN PEOPLE Alberta, raised the cry "Canadian Coal for Canadian People" and thus carried away many Canadian patriot who have not given the matter proper thought. Why not then Canadian port for Canadian products. Canadian wheat is still going out over the railway to American ports from which it is shipped to Europe. If the people who are worrying about the Ontario coal supply would turn their attention to the way the wheat is being carried, Prince Rupert would stand a chance ol benefitting-. This is a Canadian port arid everv hiwhei nf grnin shinned, this -way, benefits us. Instead of that Vve allow the wjieat to be shipped" from American" Atlantic ports' tills beneitting the United States. FIRE FIGHTING APPARATUS When there are big mines there should be fire-fighting apparatus close by. That was recognised on Vancouver Island where the coal mines are fully equipped with gas masks and air pumps and such other things as are At necessary. Hollinger thev .seem to have not been so equipped. They did not have Sloan for minister of mines. It was a long way to Toronto whence the apparatus had to be brought and many things might have happened in the meantime. It is not possible in every small mine to have complete cets of expensive apparatus, but Ih.llittiv r wis not a small mine and it would sfcem as if it should have had all thing nccesnarv for giving first aid to those trapped inside. Hot meals without work i'l'i WATERLOO. Ont. rebruary a. The rising tide at prceperlty In Canada is reflected In the Annual Report of toe Mutual Lite uf Canada presented at the fifty-eighth Annual Meeting of the policy holders of the Company held at the Head Office here today. "The general prosperity which prevailed throughout Canada, during the paat year," said Mr. w. H. 8omervl!le. the General Manager, tn hta ad drew covering the Annual Rep .'ft. the steady improvement in agriculture, and the giod tone of, business, not only enabled our efficient agency staff to produce a healthy Increase in the volume of new o,mlnes written, but also placed ouf investments in a highly satLslactory condition." Mr. Soinerville pointed to the new assurance written during 1927. a ar s meant of 151.293.136. a compared to $50,039,348 in ihe year previous. An :ina!ylJ of these figures showed that t!ve averse policy Issued In U37 Was for a larger sum than the average of .018-a desirable feature. In the nasi three wars 28 'i nf the Mutual !.!' - ' policies were written With the .Dtoassjf .ty Benefit Clause and tt with toe Double Disability Benefit Death losses for , i7. Mr. Somervtlle showed, were remarkabty low. "We continue to encourage our policy-holder to safeguard tbelr good health by ottering, t the Company sk-uene. periodical health examination By experienced physician. Advantage as quite generally taken of this service." Mr. Somenrtile analysed the sound in-.e;tment position of the company In detail, showing 79.1 rr of lis total bond holdings to be invested in Government "' Municipal bond. r.-snl of 1W7." said Mr. atomer- .lli- 111 c,ii r,on, "Is evldenee that :r C :iij-u;y ,....;:fJ to fulfil It iisn: : ir:i.ti entrusted - i : 1 - (ll.ll ..-ycir 114:-. ,.:l .,. iokI lis 11 for the , ' . -y h iv 1.K1 It;- ) 111 1 .!-( tl) - f. iv :ir.'.fs The mill 1 b;v,h: t- ' 1 -. Im-hi - Hi'- beat ,- (T. ill uu!l s- pi.:'p '-f v-,1 Tin-i! -ii'jllicl k lnr 192H -r-f lu' p: I - : llfldo. til'.'.'-l j", v'iir ii:ti 1 .' : ' .a- V President t'ronvn's Address tic Ll'liei' I : Ai.lliil ;l-i s .ulf!l's V.H.' . liu I ; i. c. -.1 he I'l .-- i'!i i.' . M: il,,iii tr,.:::i , r'.pn-,'l he.tily' ; .r lli ' A.- . tie On ll '.'..111 : no 'i:ii:un )r ,-c. l'U7 ce- alr("ei ih-'1 p-mr.t'fi ui:t oy '.oral M.'O.a-M s.ncl Mr Cr.uiyu. .a- '. .ear Ju.t .. I :.ivr 'l nil iil" p: V! u ,-: :l 1 ; :e Pi:--;:!! '.-, m;:''!! Mir. i-Jditui;.s - -in uectal reserves and inv.ds funds, we can adopting a ta -nous phrase 1 rest satisfied that co operative assurance ot the people, by the people, tor the people, shall not perish frjm the earth.' Mr. Cronyn then alluded to a gratifying fact which had not been mentioned in the General Manager's remarks. "Our policyholders," said Mr. Cronyn. will be gratified to learn that our ratio of expense ha dropped to the lowest pcint in the Company's history." Mr. Crouyn traceo the course of the Company's Investments showing that real estate holdings had shrunk to a nomparatively trllttng figure. There was j downward tendency, however, in in-erest rates, and nearly all claases of t;urttlc were affected. Interest Kate Maintained "Thanks to the foresight ot our Investment OoounittM." aajM Mr. Oroiryn. ' heavy purehaai made ,iir t -years "of long-date bonds yielding a high return have to date helped to counteract the prevailing condition. It seems, however, viear that we are facing an era of lower rates of interest, and. In common with other like investor, that we must perforce be satisfied with diminishing returns. "Unfortunately for us." Mr. Cronvn continued, "as policyholder the decline in ratfi of interest over practically the whole continent. Is a matter beyond our control. It Is but one of the many item which brlna home to us the fact that we have emerged from the shadow it the Oreat War. and that we live alongside a nation teeming with wealth vhose unemployed capital, unhampered by tariff or artificial restriction, of necessity now into channels commanding the confidence of the investor." Man in the Moon ', H (JAKE says the people of Prince Hu-ptl are a stuckup lot. The other dav hf says be met a man who hailed from ia north of Scotland and he looked with nccrti and contempt on everyone -.orn in England, Ireland, panada, Tinted States, Edinburgh or GMasgow. Then lie talked to an Englishman who thought Canadians were all "rotters den't you know". The next waa an Irlf hman who thouglit members of any othoi nationality were only snakes to be driven out or trampled on. Finally he spoke to a Terrace man who gave it fiuletly. forcibly and yet modem I v that any man who had not lived on the I. i.ll. 1Ht DAILY NBv73 Mondav, 1 MUTUAL LIFE'S 1927 REPORT REFLECTS THE PROSPERITY OF DOMINION OF CANADA President Hume Cronyn and General .Manager Sonierville Present Splendid Analysis of Company" s Operations to Policyholders at SSifr Annual Meeting YEAU'S RECORD OF MUTUAL LIF'E OF CANADA High Lights from 1927 Kepurt Tint aatlefaetion which President Cronyn and Mr. w. H. Softer-ville expressed in the result of the year's operation as shown by the rafort arc summed up in brief in the iolltwlng table of result for 1927: Surplus Earnings $1,501,387 Surpassing' Uioae of 1938 by 9160,000. New Husiness Written $52,293,136 All written in Canada and Newfoundland. Assurance in Force $386,712,481 A net Increase of a32.6OO.OOO. Total Assets $8,233,343 An Increase of s .600.000 Policyholders' Dividends $3,616,105 An increase of 9950.000 over 1936. Surplus Funds and Special ' Investment Itcservei $11,829,283 Rate In. Intereat Earned 6.46 Expense Ratio 14.44 Incrented Value of Holdings lo offset lower interest rate. Mr. Cronyn called attention to the sharply-Increased value In bond purchased by the Company when Interest rate were high. "Taken at the values fixed by the De-partxent of Insurance in Ottawa, our holdings are worth three million dollar more than the total shown in the 'lament before you. In the second m - there Is a distinct advantage to i - "linn borrower, whether titer be ft- Or.vei ntfrt. Municipalise. Corooratlona ::!.(: m.ials. 'in being able to secure :r mim much below those pre- l .n ! ! ,i itia ago. nil- in i.nuhlle. remains the in - - wg your funds so that ..: DC (me beyond question and Hi a km-. tillable return. During n ... i-ir we shall have vwelve is 'ii (I irs for Investment On. ....I.-:' 1 ; 1, t iwi-atfe municipal bonds, aviii.iibi.' 'im risen so sharply :;: 1 r:.e that :! yield lea than :i : the type of corporate bond i k-a retiiri, oi t or lee." Preferred Corporation Stocks r-;n .:ig in mine! the large sum to ..ivted. and the facts above noted, your Director., after careful considera tion." said the President, "have decided; to invest a modest portion of the Company s uud in preferred stock of well-established and prosperous corporation, in making this departure from the forum investment policy of the Mutual Life, the Board has been guided by the. practice governing Britain ui Office and by strictly limiting U amount to be invested tn any one stock, and by spreading such investments among Corporations of varying types operating tn different geographical area, there wUI : be attained that diversity of risk which in t. old Lead has over a lanethv period proven so bencflelal. Headless to say. in selecting Um to ua new avenues of investment, our old-time motto ot 'Safetv Pirsa will nravtii- nni. inose curnontions-ithei mbom ant m putatloa Of which ll ear the eloaest scrutiny win be apyrovM." The eetlrins nimton Uun f Kerr naken. Toronto; V J. Brelthaupt, Kitchener. Malor-Oeneral lion. a. c Mewburn. K.C , Hamilton; Mr. T. A. Russell. Toronto, and Isaac Pltblado. K.C, Winnipeg, were re-elected. M a meeting of the Board, held aub- sequent to the Annual Meeting, Mr. Hume Cronyn. London, Ontario, was reelected President; Mr. R. O. McCulloch Oalt, 1st Vloe-Preaident; Mr. J. Kerr Waken. Toronto, and trice-President, and Mr. C. M. Bowmann. Chairman of the Board. tn addition to these, and the Directors re-elected, the following are also mem bers of the Board: Mr. W. O. Watson. Toronto; Sir Lomer Oouln, Montreal; Mr. Louis La Course Lang, Kitchener; Mr. Qlyn Osier, K.C, Toronto; Hon. J. Fred. Eraser. Halifax; Mr w. J. Blake Wilson, Vancouver, and Mr. g J, Long, TIC, banks of the Skeena and within sight of Copper Mountain 'waa much to be IT Is noted that Abraham Lincoln and Garfield were both rail plltters out many politician tn thla country are only hair splitter. NOOAUW. "the Oasis of America" Is a slogan that Is worth studying. IT'S satisfactory to know that Oerrv McOeer 1 no longer In the employee of the Government If he had been he might have owned them by this time. ArrusSAUCE Ih all right td eat with pork or goose. SOME young men Imagine the Way Certificate) gained in the EXPERIENCE manufacture of millions of quality cars . . . years of research and experiment in the great General Motors Laboratories . . . the superb skill and artistry of the world's foremost body-builders . . . all of these went into the making of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. And the resnlti have been ptertd . . . proved by Chevrolet engineers .. . proved by every known teit of a car's READY FOR 107 tvheelbase, 4 inchei longer. Bigger, roomier Fisher Bodies. Non-locking four-wheel brakes. New shock absorber springs. 34.6 per cent, greater power. "Invar-ttrut" constant clearance pistons. NOTICE. Re-OjrtlfleaU of Title" No. 9M4 1 to Lota V.V. "i l!r,, " " UI0C nineteen 1191, Saotlon alx (0). R-CertlfloU of Title No 3801 I to Lou eventeen (17) and eighteen If.6,,,.?0Ck "' M. Section IX (0). R-0rUfleat of TIU No. 8903 I to Lot uiiitwTn i in i. uioca ten moi tion men m rf-Qrtlflrf of T !'U. N' 1" I to Loti forty-three (43). fort 3 I forty-five 4, Blocl it), eect ion eight . Whereas proof of loaa ;-tour (44) anl 3k twentv-aeven " v,v' RUpert,MXp 6s ine name or Ira ; E. Mahon, haa been filed In thla office, nolle la herehv -iv.,, IU.. . JJl1, ,!i lhc. Mw o one month from the ristj Af h. f,H hwtwf, Issue provisional CertmoS?: Title in t'eu of each of tr- m ZX unlei in the meantime valid oblctlon as to anv be mnri.. in n. In writing DATED at the Laud Registry Office, 63 VE quality and manufacture . . . proved by thousands of mile of ACTUAL performance on the great General Motors Proving Ground. There is no element of doubt or uncertainty. The New Chevrolet comes to you with a high record of achievement, won through the most gruelling and exacting tests in the automotive world. The "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet is NEW . . . amaiingly, thrillingly new . . . yet it has been tried aad proved by every test and standard. ' Come in . . . See this car wl.uh ha become known as the world' must luxurious low-priced automobile. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY H. P. MacUttD. BagUtrar of Titles IN I'ROHATK New and Lower Prleet ltMbw 62)-CO IapfM Stdi 11994 Teatiaf M'-CO CtfcfMrt - I OS Cavps 74044 Ciml Chwii a -n a Cm 740.00 Cudxtr Dlir' t; r St SmVm Tm Track Clunu i ' C9 Alt frk'l l fvtfi. i j . G0trnmiui Ti ni' Telephone 3 lam Rupert' BC" th rt Jsnuray, im tiii: si "'MWT or nniTisii 1,1 ti!T..1Mat,r of lhe "AdminUtMtlon Art (no , ...1"" SLiHt t, ot Alexandor .-"'y'i i osaaea. humuij TAiee Mfi-t,;, .. r . . iihl?,:. Voting, the Oth day of oamtiVnn "-.If0! r r in of Alexander parties hav- hJ ?yJyjL 10 furnish same, pro- Toth riu V.10 I" on or before the iiTii? ,,nrt1rtd to the estate are re-9eiu.S 'Py amotint of their in-Wbteriueas to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, rv.i... .. Prince Rupert, fie i2 IOlh rtny ' bruary, A.IJ .4: II OLET Kaien Garage Dave Ross Third Avenue, Prince Rupert PRODUCT OF GBNERAI. MOTORS OF CANADA, I IMITED to beeftrae a bright light la to get lit up. FREE things rassmb'e the cheese in the mousetrap. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert ' 11 V FKIHtlAKV 11, 19IS William 'g. a well known fisher- man, kae reached the city after having been east up on a desolate Island near the mouth ot Furtland Canal when his boat hit the rock and sank. For six day he lived on a has of mush, which he was able to salvage, and a porcupine which he managed to kill. The federal food control authorities discourage the us of Iced cake. It la a watt of Ugr, the government hold. AdverHae In the Deltv New I'ltlNCE ItUl'EKT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NOTIfTaC 1st hraKi .!. i . . Hsevu, ii an. tjru- a nee with the Statutm, that all assessed' taxes on land levied under the "Taxation Act" and all school taaas' levied under the "Public Schools Act" are due uj Pl on February lgth. I99S mmv un (jriKiiu nrtniarrv anrt payable on the date on which the notice nf assessment thereof is mven tn th. taxpayer. ', All tftVM HtIA nll..k., . . . .... - u.. i v -iin-wvn lur ine Prince Rupert Asst. n nt District are payable at the office f the Provincial Collector, Court-house, Prince Rupert, THIS tlAfM IM - 1 , m to a peraonal demand upon all ary,18tht19aBlnC' WUprt' Bj- FPbru- rlORMAN A. WATT, Colleolor, fcANADIANjf FACincJ 'HltwvX Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Ruperl T KHrhlkan. IVranrell. Juitesu and Skagway January !s ltir a" " ' ... iitviii'i, n-mrn ani lvalue inerstrji I, is, and ."' ..... rMIM-'MHn mat KICK. tantinswll Krr. and VaiMwuter e.ery satunlsy. II am tieney fee all Slraatshlp Unea. ftn infAruisttoa t"- w. r onriuitn. onsi tient. .... ....... .mi -in .miniur, i xinrr itupeet, ill. I u All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers UEDUCEI) 15 PER CENT RUHHRIW, sites (i and 7. feKulsr $2.25, now Shc Sale C'Antinuca Every pair mut i-o. ' TH0R JOHNSON " mm To Every Woman ... , L - l Who IS eairer for new irlaa In hnma Aorr.ran combinstlons for the sun porch, new color schemes i room, new color beauty everywhere in the house-"'''!' ing Lacquer cornea as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. i; i ii-l'- Demers' are now shinvmK Billie Burke Sport Dresses Phone 27 P.O. H" 32t