PAGE POUR Tf m. I THE AILY NEWS Mo:,. BRINGING UP FATHER By George MctyU,,, See This BV GOL.L.N- THb lb A DEAD f Phll. OAN j ( THii ),mt A DED I I WHO'S ( JOT ONEOrTHE MANV V ,, ' JAME- SIMQ MS fi IAG jiv-. TOWN vou COULDN'T 5TAY WHAT ARE f TOWN VOU THE 1 NTlveb-THAT, WHV , , , ' POT OF COPFEE AN' CHE I AWA1 if VOL) HAD I VOUOQIN' HAVfi-r -bEEN IT- ; UAOV" ) ( t LIKE THftTOWM" jLJlU QACK EVERT T&N Ml NOTE ( IMOMMIA- I HOPE I DONT IWTHl'b Tw-fj- i. . y 1 7 , ,- W r 'WT' AN' IF I'M ASLEEP- WAKE f Diamond Ring V -v .WAKE OP FOR f OEAO TOWNl J MMDX J " Jl , . MB U J T ' .ir' We have lately madeTa for tunate purchase from a dia mond importer who offered a special inducement to clear out the balance of a package. We are having the stones mounted up in white gold rings to sell at $75.00, and you will say they are beauties. The stone has quite- a large appearance for the money and is of good color. This would make a nice moderaate priced engagement ring, but we have others with larger stones at higher prices and some as low as $ JOHHgUlfiER? ciEwELLEKp THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK rWE OIIVOUR COAL 15 PICKED) We pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make it a point to get coal for you that will give the moat heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 110 and 117 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quart for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed . Valentin Dairy Off Iceland Dairy 11th Rt Tel phone 557. Radio Radio RADIOLAS AND KADIOTItONS And AcceHHories F. W. CHANDLER Exclusive wholesale agent for Prince liupert and District a;ents wanted P.O. Rox 645 31 H Sixth Street, Dr. Alexander Smith Clock I'lMMie 476 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartajte. Warehousing and DistrlluitiiiK. Team or Motor Service. Coal S;.;..l am! Oavel We Hpecialtze in 1'i.ino and Fumiturv Muvlng. The i y - .-jja j o. Bnu- ri,M. Jl I 1 1"-" - JtttF H'F.IOK AT THEATRE Mr.mlny and Tuesday Monto Blue in "Wolf's clothing" Comedy: "A Careless Hubby." Paramount News. tVerinrrtay mid Thursday Lewis Stone In "The Prince of Headwalters." Comedy: "Dead Easy." Aesop's Film Fables. Friday nncl Hntunlay Wallace Beery in "Fireman Save My Child" Comedy "Oh Mummy!" Pat he Review heroes, but heroes nevertheless. underw.irlil nnd tlie i lobc ii'iuhi ii BEERY COMEDY AT WEEK-END "Firemen Save My Child" h Latent .Municipal Film Full of Funny Situations Wallaae Beery and Ray m on Hatton the Inimitable comedy team, who havi convulsed audience throughout th world with their antics In "behind th Front" and "We're In Ihe Navy Now aie back oocc more m v .,r :.. m-. acclaimed the lunnle- .. ,.: a- areera "Firemen. Save M . ..ii at the weak end AltOT Wirv ;ipMlsl!, I). i' .I.M. govenuri' i! uinlo'in. lu: .iliu H.. ton decliitl to unit muii.- uia. t&elr choke ot tweitutBe. In "Uhe ate of "Firemen. Save My Child" and It : comedy with a plot, they found an ideal vanlele. So they danned the blue of the lire lighters, with the same dlfllculty at finding uniforms which fit that beset them in the army am navy pictures and find themaelv literally catapulted Into a series o. side-splitting adventure in which the; Succeed In all but wrecking on: town's entlie fir flighting system However, they prove themselves he roe; In spite of everything, Involuntar. Tom Kennedy, who was their pei menace In their previous picture u hi, makes life miserable for Beer; and Hatton as the fire captain. Josep) Qirard, who also appeared in the pre llous Bcrry-Hatton furc.-s, Is the dlgni tied fire chief. Josephine Dunn, petite blonde, beauuful graduate of the Par mount Picture School, supplies the lorn Interest with Walter Goes, ancthe. graduate ol the school. "THE PRINCE OF HEAD WAITERS" FOR MID-WEEK Uwla Hlone mars In Itrtof Whieli Ifuves to br t nuauul One 86 aur tif rhtt' teehntiftle -afld 1 acting accomplishments l Lewis 8 ton; that ! Iiivhri.ibly stands heud am. "boulders above the mnterlal given him. Take "Tlir Prince ol Head Walters. " it i no greut liaks lr either Its plot or treatment, tin- ideit behind it belnn quite hackneyed unci the bright toucliM too skippy to give It novelty. Bui Stone i tlieie wilt, his perMinullty and talent. And 11 shape up as enjoyable. Tlilts lime tlir star appears as an art stuiieni in Paris -ami ucc.irdlnu In tlir Hi.llywcod pattern h; Hortj a Van Dyke The sequence of the whiskers staru the celluloid off on its revolu tion from which develop a time lapw Several years later btone boss up ah u hiaJwai'r a good one. too. Leave that to Lew. He has been mouriilnv tlir death ot his Rirl wife ad Interim Duniif blh Jcuniry fr mi table t" table in a New York restaurant, he dlsiiiven the son whose existence Me had been ignorant The boy U fast in the clutches of a gold nigger ana in neaciwaiter, with a parental influence guiding him. starts to hand out some tatlierly, advi'c. hf upunoi oi u us he save the youth tiuni IkiukcII .ii id betled by a iwtel yoiinr iluiiy; and son-.e nell-acrlfue ol his own. The picture will be shown ai Use Westholme Theatre on Wednejii.iy anal Thursday. THE UNDERGROUND ROUTE TO THE UNDERWORLD MlllWilV to 0.1, ll I VllLJif CMMsMa 1 s!BM gruwrfmpa gruwrfuipB entered entered vigorously. vigorously. Muetoal Mustoallft. ' . ,, - 1 . A From BRONCHITIS Distressing bronchi! cold are immtdiaUi relieved by BucUty'a Mixture. It penctrtrs. clears aad heals tbe bronchial passages with a isesd tliat is remarkable. Bronchitis sufferers everywhere testify to this uolou. flash-Use action ol "Hockley s" WhooDinff Couch aad Cranio are relieved with equal rapidity and iwsillve-ness. Drusxlsta everywhere scU and guarantee TJiMklev'a Mixture. W. K. Berkley , Limited. Ill Mutuel SU Ttroate 2 ' MIXTURE: laV a flaih MiV Proves lr V Acts Acts like like a jk a 'lnclc tingle tip sip J. .her as their below surface auggas. If one la to Judge from le atnrtllng entanglement of crook-lorn and subway trains which en-neahes Monte Blue in his latest staring vehicle, "Welfe Clothing. " The star's ad ventures in this stirring tory of a country youth who seeks rtune and romance in New York an. impascea a medley of surprising de-lopments which progress logtcaHy om one breathuklng Incident to tother in rapid succea:on As an liagtnatlve but unassuming youth In he un romantic rftr or miiwiv uard M.'iite Blu fnidt hi- ti.vt.ine.-1 -t -a;.!! Miut- .. .ird .iriiiini ,.vmi,i;ii W..e.' t;M. ,i:::li :hl . i nil! ., ' 'li, i.,'-i;;ie : -.I!. ': u:' fi.r i .ni.5. . ..ill-. . st-i:m ni'r. .lu o-ipie -ilen ', . ' , .11.- Pa'"T If'ti' Milter II.1W :. -t.,i , hls-eemarkaUc pn-tnn i: wii sen at tbe Westnonu ti-meh- and fATHER AND SON SOCIAL IS HELD TERRACE FRIDAY Kiw l nlled dwereh Young I'rop'r Have EnvaiHe d lutlriirlUe Time WKfi IHreiiU TKHHACK Feb. IS. Father and son nd mother and daughter week was elebrated in Temca e Frlflay evening u Knox United Ohuwh with a social t which both Cam. and CMM.T. roups attendffl Mtb parenu and rtends. Special VnettaUons were aJsc nued to the Biy Sqoui and Uie Wiling Workers. Ban-. Wm. Allen aWlded and opened he evening's enUrtainaaent with an ad-treis on the almi CM Ideals of the VO.I.T and CSJET. ftcoutmaster a Ctrkaldy also gave an Interesting talk r Bay Scout worf and the Mtrpoee l was intended to serve m the Ufa cf he boy. varied program jmm endereo. tbe j Sections were rendered by Miss Slbary. 1 Marjorte Kenney. Annie Allan and Adeline Thomas. Readings were green by Lilian Christie. Lamn Christie, Jean Dover and Billy Allan. An interesting part of the program was two life saving demonstrations given under the superintendence of Mentor A. Holmwood. the first by Archie Pinter, John Christie and Walter McConnell. the -cond by Billy Allan, Lloyd Jones and ydney Seamen. The methods were ex-1 plained by Mr. Holmwood. The program also contained seieetiens it mmic In partslnglng and rounds rendered by the groups . a course In this vork having been earrled en with the roups for some time by Rev. and Mrs. Allan, their leaders. Beveral charade were presented and x Lullaby musical sketch presented by Adeline Thomas, Bertha Moore. Soetila McLaren and Velma Orelg. Elmer MoConnell presented his report oT the Boys' Parliament activities after which refreshments were served. Tbe meeting was closed with the National Anthem and the c.Q.I.T. Vesper song ELMER MeCONNELL REPORTED ON WORK BOYS'PARLIAMENl TRtRAOX. Feb. 13. An Interest Int feature of rtic program at the C.Q.I T : ii c s.E T .- j'-:tl was the report maoU D Kimer M Couiiell, representative o . -ri-t -lie Bnys ParUament .i Vi'-t i... :ie last week In De- I : ;n . i. a the legislation dia-i: 'h 'i e organisation of a !.ew.ip.,uer deali:.' wKh the boys' work lu ' , ovinee. Ftir- iwrm.' h. TathcT and Son" ac-.:.,.'. wri, view to closer relation. X.11K romied iietween pa rente and -Inlilicn i'iie appointing of a provincial seere. -ary. The eanttnttanee and extension of the three C" campaign clean speech, cteai .port aad clean' habits. Setting dates for the provincial ath etlc contest. In connection with a discussion of "World Brotherhood." she suggestion was made that the members of tlx O.B.I.T. Stxnild an aecri be to the inert, berahlp of the League of Nations i Janada. thereby obtainina; mweh usefut xna valtieMe llteratoie en these lm .rorunt toptea. Tribute was paid to the memory o the lata Hon John Oliver, who alwayi hi wed keen interest in former Boy Parliament. Inner was enthusiastic awf appreciative of ttie honpttallty extended to the toys during th aeeslon. Among other piaets the boys were entertained at government Honse by the Lleut.-Oev-rnor. Regret at fsat txtng aMe to remtlu veer its Prtnee Hupert and make a rer port ef the work to kVe ewnps Huetrl, was sapresaad aw was aiso app resist ion of umbers being int eHUSiU with aeUveflhe generosity of TMteee friends in a. amet Into which bo Children, sad 11 tine, wish tlx- trip flnaneiaily He Likes the Climate Tnta la Lord WllUofdon. J10.O0O purebred Clydesdale million and only doiiiii -.piie winner In ScoUund Uit year, who U now vlalUng la ranadfl. wii. n had a seeciai audience before tbe Qovernor-Oen-eral. being pronounced a worthy guaaf, lUs Ixirrl-htp 18 hr giving a denimielrttllou of liow ImraeB dlallke the procesn ..r dlaemhiuUlng. He Ik b.!lng landed by pulluy from tho hold of tlu- Doinild.on frof titer UracU. V anted3 For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c GRAND TERMINALS BILLIARD WINNERS W. J. NetMtu l.okfi te Irsiik Zletnau by heore of tM In in In tilth name In te ruth geuaae of the Oyro Club vs. Oread Tamineja billiard fixture. W. J. Nelson of tk Oyro Club mat to Frank Zleman. representing the Oread rermtnais. by s seoee of 300 u loo. This gives the Oread Terminals victory in -he tournament ay an aggregate score Ji OS to tit. Played Total Aver. "old Storage 7 05 28 ggg Maple Leafs 8 71S8 SM arand Terminals . . 8 7108 SM Orotic i gits 8M oyro club a 7040 aee Individual averages to date In tbe Billiard League follow: Played Total Av '. Williams (M.L.) 1 aou Mr O. Pyle iQ.T.) 8 1874 197 slay (C.8.1 4 TK 1M 1. Howe (M.L.I 8 168 1M J Brown lOrotto) 7 184 1M Macdonald ICS.) 7 1308 1M W. H. Long ICS.) 7 1388 If A. Murray (C.S ) 7 1342 IB J. Beealey (O.T.) i 840 18 W. .1. Nelson lO.C.i .... 8 1800 188 C. Toungman IQ.I 8 1118 18fl A. Donald (QX;. 4 74 1ST Mayer UaUordle (MX.).. 8 1488 188 M M. McLaehlan (MX.) 7 1878 181 0 Balagno (Q.C.l 8 1487 178 J. Judge (Orottol g 881 178 i. HlHman (CJ3.) 7 1338 177 3. Waugli lOretta) .... 7 1888 177 en Self (O.T. 7 1187 178 3. A. Woodland (O.C.) .. 7 1317 174 - Zieman (O.T.) 8 8B 174 V. B. WllUscroft (O.T.).. 5 801 17 1 Morgan iOM.) a 1088 179 ' Aadaewa O.T. 8 1848 161 1. P. Tinker (O.C.) .... 7 1184 18 I Taung (OroMe) 7 1148 14 4. Andrew (MX ) 8 1830 188 '. ItamUton (MX.) 8 1884 188 'ohn Bulger (OS.) 8 480 188 i. Krawe (O.T.J V Til 13 '. Brown IO) 4 488 107 SPORT CHAT Events scheduled for the week an is fellows: onday (tonight) Crlbbage League: Cold Storage vs. C. N. Mecbanloa: Moaee vs. Prince Rupert Hotel: C M.: OjpettDTC;vAviaMy Bow Ofn: KirlgWibu. .V irange Mdge; Bt Andrewa va Ojanadlan Legion: New mprea Itotet vs. Orotto. v-81. AedfevrH Oarpeit Dewling. i TtJaBDAT Billiards : Oald Storage va Orotto. Basketball Benier League. Blka vs. Native Sons of Canada: Intermediate League. Big Four vs. High School; Junior League. Twata Boys vs. Btara. Thursday Hen's Whist: Oral to vs Oddfellows: Bt Andrews Society vs. Seal Cove; Knights of Pythias vs. Native Bona of Canada. Moose vs. 64. Oeorge's Beetely St. Aasrew'a Oarpet Bowling. Fri4y -llllilards Oyre Club vs. Cold Staraee. Bsakethall: Senior League, wiks vs Orand Terra mala; Intereendlate League Blevatec vs High School; Ladles' League. DrIU Team vs High School ' With the eaceptma of games that I. nve been postponed, next Tuesday vrnliiK will aee the close of the regular basket (Mil schedule. What will be done in the matter of these aottaened jimes will have to he Oecldsd.Upqn at i meeting of the executive of the As-m:mimi which will probably tM'rtold within the next week. Native Soiw ol (iinada have already cinched Senior U .iKue hoivars; High Schuiil is aHsmm leadership in tbe Ladles' Leaaue, while Tuxia Doys cMinot be ousted from the top of the Junior League. Whether or not the Intermediate League cham-plonshlp is to be in doubt will proh. ably r- settled in the coming weeks' games Biu Four has a chance though h Utm one to yet dethrone the lliri, Pchoal and. In view of the way the Rlevator bus been earning along lately tliere Is th possibility ol sensatloiml iiiilsli in mi division. OWL liw WANTED -APPLY OOOO BATS tf FOR SALE FOR BALE. HULL eOTTABLX FOR halibut fishing or seining, juet built. Price 43.000. Apply 8. Uyeda. boat-builder, Pert Basing ten. B.C. 47 FOR BALE. 31800 DUYB A NBWLT finished heuse. 8 roams, bnthraem. pantry and basement. Handy to sawmill Phene Black 811. tf FOB RENT OB) RCNT HMIR ROOMED HOtWS. fully modern: splendid marine view: Fifth Avenue Wast. Apply Thee Cot-tan. Ltd. tf TOR RENT ONE GOOD APARTMENT with three bedrooms. Down town. Stork block Apply Stork's Hardware tOR RENT ROOMS WITH OR WITH-out board. Central location. Phone Blue 188. tf TOR RCNT. Three roomed cottage rtly furnished. Phone Red 008. 88 HOU6E FOR RENT. 8 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Mimro Bra. tf fOH RENT. FURNtSHED HOUSE Apply 315 Fourth Ave Bast tf FURNITI BE AND HANUBe WB HAVE IN STOCK BSXM. SPR1NOS. mattreM, llneleum and linoleum rugs earpeto. window bUnds. euMala reds, curtam geoe and drapes, dtnlng aaoni ultea thestertleM suites, chahw. tab-las, neer laaisa, ntankeM. sheets, bedspreads, anllia. rengee, skdUto. kitchen hardware and mostly all house- bold aruefca ATI nei A. Furniture. MACKENZIE, 108 a.m. Phone 778 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. ZU.MKEIIH General Handy Man urns res and Stoves OUined ad Repaired. Okimaiea a wept. Cemettry Ptots Ceeed For. Phone Red 348. Prinee Rupert. HO EXCHANGE NF.IV ANI 8t:rOD IIANII l lltNITIlltK bougtrt and sold and eachanged Psafer PMho and Two Cash Regis tsrs in atoak. P4iorii.n IIR, n. lilrd Ate. M llt.8 PhWneat chiuoVhactic f it fjYiiuitu; - rUrprer,''S 888 Third Avatiiw -elsphone for appointment now to Blue BS. ResWeoee phone Blaek BIO. Bvenitsj calls made as arranged. Make your appointment now. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES eeee4 TL'Bfttt.iY. 1KI1IIII.1UV It H1h 76 ta, 17.7 ft. 30:83 pan. 14.7 " o 0:88 a m. 8 M " Has pm. u M m:nr!si.tY, n:imi ,uv is High IOW High Low High Low MlRh Low High Low High 0:41 ajn. 33:00 pan. 1:88 ajn. 188 pjn. Till HSIMY. I tllltHllY :4 ajn. 33 0 pjn. 00 ajn. 10)07 pj. I'KIIIAY, FKIutli.lHV -xi ' ' 3914 p.m. ijlOajfi.., I'M p.m. ritlllAY. FKIIHI AHY IT 10 38 a m. 23;53 pun. 4:18 am. 170 p.m. H.lTl'HIIAY. ILlllU AItY 11:38 a.m. :38 a m. 18:1ft p.m. t NIMY. FFIllll ARY 0:88 a.m. 1214 pm :18 a.m 13 04 p.m iij n 18.1 " 10.1 " 7B M 18 104 ft. 184 11.0 AJ 18 9 ft. 18.8 " iq.s " 8.7 Artuls LoiflK STEAMSHIP MOM t'er Vanrourer TtH-aday- at v,uu Friday as Pm,. , ftalurotty- as c.,.-.:. . " SS. Pr .. Feb. 18 as Priu,, Pah. 88 m. Pru . . Krom YaHeuuter-Bunday as c.,n. Wednesday .i- ' Saturday, as ' Saturday as l'n-, ... Feb llas Prm. Feb. 34 as Princ. I'er Purt flmpaon and Vi Sunday- at Cam- - . Frem I'ort siraiMun hi,: Tuesday- as Cum. far Anywk and Sunday ss Cain Wednesday -ss ! I-rum An)o( and Tuesday es csm Friday -es Prln. far ((ween Charhni Feb 11 as ir... Feb 23 es Prn Vram ifnern I'Hsrh.H'-Feb 9-SS i . Feb 23 -at Pr Feb 11 es Pn: Feb 34 as I'Mi - Fravn AUeka Feb 18 es Frin ' Feb 34Wes. Pm, Fee the Hast puns I m Mondafa. Wedne.M rrr. MAIL SCHf Fmm fle fBit Tueadayl. Thursil.v due Te Yaaertiiver- Tuesday Fridays Batunsaya C.P.B. 4Mb Ifi in Tralna. Mondnv Saturdays .. from Vanemiver Wetfeatte Fridaya CJJ).---eyeb. 11 ai' Tralna. ataaday 1,1 mr Ta Ahjoa, A I lee Arm PreHlger Sunday Wadneadavs i' Fr AnfOt. Alice Ann -i'""1 rroiaree Tuesdaya Frldaya Ta "vawa Hirer rrtnt- aiindays Friw 'ama Klver Pnlm Tuesday Ta Aasasut Point - Feb. li and as From At Polnts- Feb IB and 3D Te giiren mwrlelle li Feb 11 and 311 From Ouren rhsrloli.- ' Feb. 0 and 38 CrTJLTHI rnf the, Ta - ( Monday., Wtdne,in' at 1140 a.m. From 'he Hn: Tuesdays. Thurdiv. at 8.90 p m MiTirn ml M"'" LAND A'T T' llC IVTIMI' TO I.UAHI ' " la Oaatlar Land m " lm Dlstrlet of t i situate at the nortl fUJci, about 40 mil laa tt- town or Atlin in 184 104 5.7 18 19 17.8 ft. 30.fl " 8B " 3. i " longitude, and nrm' latitude. TARE NOTICE tn Lemleux. of Olmlv1 10 8 ft. lands: 100 43 D.O., occupation Tmni ror a :ease ox me f,-l: Pnlnmetinlntf lit II I"'' I northwest and of (H",v 1710 test north of H" ; Luke River: thence ; one mile south: Mh thence one mile n i 640 srre more m (8gd I Jfili:: 1 ' Dated Derciui" t:l" ii ,. ft S'i1 . l , 0 MI? I