fcbruary 13, 1028 liter than. r . a. I n 11)0 lie country laCunan crossing I -I'tllt' I. ;.:jgToiinstihiru UPiniiwimm st I'-f-fl?' I,,.. rimuiolstion it of a corresMmlinglyliiglitanilard on all these steanitra. 48 ON dock, after breakfast, the aiuLcr sunshine of an Atlantic morning greets you. Creen seas course by . . , suit wind whips your cheek. From then until midnight, Cunard hospitality makes your dny one long delight. et.it costs no more tn itn on thai akliiie.- Weeklv r.nl.in'sl Plvmnnih. Cl flfill liv tliA Ativan! .AIjjVtl4a. Ascania and Aueonia . . . to HeL fast. Liverpool and Glasgow by A Jk iBBaV III VSfc' ISHER Bnnis. UseMH OmXUtm. i- Qi(M, SsmUmU me Ainenia, lelilia, Anaania and Antonuu. CANADIAN SERVICE. and 5 )ar local tloamthipttml or wrilt i 1 1 AK11 STKAMSHIP CO.. I IMITM). ill lUMingn hi. West. VuniiMitrr Carry CunarA Travellrr't Cheque Eatily Negotiable MEN I 'ir.it Aid Kit in a most necessary part of your out-- (Hild be complete. Check your kit with the fol- and if you are short of any item get it from Ormes .-.lav. --urn .ft-.era . Dropper -Ii Hair Brush i v pin' Aid Manual i . Acid (Solution rs Ualsam ... ic Acid '. I, I' line .ii Oil FIRST AID SUPPLIES: Hum Oinrnent Lyt-l Epsom Salts Germicidal Soap Cotton (i.iiie iUndaff AdhMiv. Plaster SpHnt Peroxide C'a.tor Oil Antiiitic Tablet vwtK-r Alii KIT rOMI'LKTE a a a - - - "lanent wooden box (with no meUl fitting to rust) everything needed for first aid $3.00 : ide to order for any size boat. Miaes lid 7fu- Pioneer Druntttsls lllPfHYE SIXTH ST ICIEPIIONF.S 'W0U Canadian National iTfo LaYgcft Kaihvay Syliem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE ... l-fUNUS Htl'KHT for tNCOl VEH. VICTORIA. SKATTI.E. ruiedis'e points, esch I Kilt W. 0 00 a.m. MTU UtT and ANVOX. each MFItNKSHAV, 10.00 p.m NORTH an.l SIH Til Jl IK HAMI OTTK IM.4XWS. Fortnightly riMSKNMEIt THU I.KAVB I'KIVCK HlUT MoNotV. WlllNEMltAV and sATI KIMV at 11.30 am tor I K1MI ' lOKi.K. KUMUNTON. WINMI'WI. all points Eaaurn Canada. UaltW AOI5SCV AIJ ltN BTKAMSIIir I.INM - anadlan NathHVtl :xses f Mne, Order., rareias, t:heqse. ' - ... ... ritMT. u Ph MM (llv ticket orricR. m tiiiihi e.. huin ai UNION QTPAM?5HIPS. LIMITED 3 1 " MMuntn, VKTUH1A. wwan-on Hay. Alert llut. elr.. saturaaj. it e.'.icr siMpsnv, naah hii; immnt. auce akm. an vox. 'i HT. HiOe. Ilsil. Handat s p.m. 1 " "i -ii ii. kri. Mild to Vlrleila anil sesiue. a "ss- i., fi..i I..... i.... i Best P at- Titr mf ro..vc;r KANT'S 99 focurable (TMC 0RIU1NAL) Pure -Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT C.-..I i"i S Sw Saw UkuoM. Umil4. Clswl OmUSSmS ie u Jam, nt is not published or dlsphi.v.-.l l.y l' LjMiior L: Mid or by tho Government .t Local and Personal BO. Undertaken phone tx. Dentist. Dr. J. R. Qthu. Phone 880 Skatlnu dally. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. tf Phone 790. Mrs. Darnel Jabour will be at Zenith tf Oet the Big 4 habit i When this ting t a Tan. pbone t. tt United Church Young People's Society Valent.ne Social, Monday at 8 o'clock. 88 Our equipment fur shoe repairing In the bet in Nurtliern U.C. II nHIii rpert work. MacArthurs Hhoe Store. 88 r,:i Thursday, February 16 from 3 until 6 o'clock Mrs Salem Jabour will rt-celve with her. Clarence Miller, a former resident ol the cl'.y. is renewing ac(ualntancrs here, having icnvid on t,he Cardena yesterday aftornoun Iroin Vancouver. H. D. ttochfort. Stewart brOkCT. wa a passenger on the Cardena yesterday afternoon returning north following business trip' to Vancouver and Seattle We relnilld your old Mum like new by miHlrro maihlnr". Try us for sen Ire and ul Uf a t Ion. Mac-Arthur's Nhor store. 38 Mlu Brown, of Vancouver, sister of Harold Brawn, general manager cf the union Steamship Co., It a paatenger aboard the Cardena making r.he round trip north. Miss Ada styles, superintendent of the Port Simpson ImMan girls' school, was s passenger on the Cardena yes terday afternoon returning north tol lowing a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. John McRae. who have been apendlng ttie past month in Van couver where the former has been re ceiving special medical treatment, are espeeted to return to the city this week. Charles B Murray, vise-principal of the Prince Rupert public schools be fore the War In which his hearing was seriously affected while serving In tht laoyal Air Force. Is now located in Vancouver. J B. Naysmltn. Vancouver insurance adjuster, was a passenger on the Cardans yesterday 'sfteraoon galng throurr to Premier where he will settle tlu losses resulting from the recent dli astrous flat then. Mr and Mra. A. Bsaudln of Alice Arm. who have been spending the pa' :wo or three months in Vancouver f.ere passengers on the Cardena yea-errtav afterroon returning to the.r v me in the north. Mm Mary Rendle. who has been a tvevnt nurse at the Bella Bella hospital, was a passenger on the Oardeni yesterday afternoon going through to ort Simpson to Join the staff of the hospital there In a similar capacity Jchn W.' Allen, marine for the Dominion Fisheries, arrived -iaturdny night on the patrol steamer llvenchy from Vancouver and will b icre for the next few days getting out estimates for patrol work during the ft mine season. The Olvenchy left for the Qjeen Charlotte Islanda enroutr to the hsll ut banks on opening sea on patrol woiit. "Sweet Innocence, demure and young. Qreclril Sir Chivalry: Hrnrt spoke to heart, yet lips were shy Of Unas dear courtesy. But Cupid prompted Chlvslry T further Oils design. And tine lovr volctd Its message In a Romance Valentine." Dru Frlrmll ole agent for Romance chotvlaten. Phone ISO or 4. 87 Sore Throat gORHNESS or Inflammaiion of throat often leads to Isrnygitlt and bronchial catarrh. Pep tabteli are the sresdy, soothing remedy. The medicinal snd given off the dissolving Peps, destroy mischievous germs, end sore nets tod irritation snd purify sad Invigorate th whole of the breathing passage A Pifii in li ninth ktrpt InfecHt full THE DAILY, NEWS PAGE JIIIIEE We are Headquarters for hoe repairing. Send them to us for value, tervlre ' aiiif satisfaction. Mac.Vrtnur's SiioR Store. 38 Salmon Fishermen In all branches of the Industry should join the N BC Salmon Hshtfjinen' Association., for co -ope ration and battering conditions Oet In touch,; Jiti psf secretary, P.O Sos BOS, city. Kreital of Oratorio Mulr In St. Anrtrewll . Cathedral Wednesday, lhhisry ii, at 8.15, under the astspUe of 111 Ludieo' Mutriral Club. Collntlon In aid of the organ fund. . 38 O, l. ToungmSn .. Jock Tsit and 3. A. Bird ts. A. Harrey are the semi- llnallats In Um Oaaadlsn Legion bU- urd bandloap tesjmarflent The semi. inals and finals - will probably be played tonhi. Alfred Bstntaan, ifH Jensen and Andre UindwtsKssn ,ere each nnaa imprisonment, by Atsgutrate McCly mout In city pouos oourt thu morning or drunkenness. ,, Mrs. W. B. Morgan left on this morning's train tor Toronto, to which :ity she has been called on account oi the serious Illness ef her daughter, ilra. Cameron, famtoerly Miss Owen Morgan of this city. Mrs. O. A. Woodland' won first prise at Um bridge party held Saturday af ter noon by Municipal Chapter, Imper- al Order. Dsughtsss of the Empire, vhllc the oodsalaUon, ward was taken y Mrs. aheUOrd Oaiion. I. W. Marcntatta, accountant in the II BRITISH com remencu i.w " , pln. the city cauncU. 1 ' from loco and. after discharging a tu!!."' f1" , . cargo of fuel oil for the company's lucal unka. sailed this morning for n Luis Obispo, ChUfornl.. Eighty rarl"4s of grain arrived over he week-end from the prairies for the v Iberia Wheat Fool's Prince Rupert levator. Railway oavees this morning -apcrted 380 carloads on the division west of Jasper Park fecund here. Mrs. Frank Fitch, who has bean on a aUttfay trip sa Vancouver, returned u the dry on the caidena yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Fitch was accompanied lome by her young niece. Mis Joan iatch. who wiU pay a visit her. Oeorge H. atead of Vancouver, super-ntcr.dent of Canadian National Teie-;rapns, is a visitor In the elty on oftl-duties. He arrived from the Bast n yesterday afternoon's train snd will e here until Thursday or Friday. ti . wi m . . w . 1 r ..11 Union atesmber Cardena, Capt. Jas. .indlay, arrived in port at 4 o'clock esterday afternoon from Vancouver ind waypotnt and sailed at last veulng for Anyox. atewart and other icrthern ports of rail. Passengers on he Cardena Includrd Mrs. Matot, Miss Olllantaia. R. O. Dickson. B. Ban and A. McOonnell for Anyox: Miss A. Myles and Miss Mury Bandit for Pi.rt Simpson: Miss Brown and F. E. Harrison, round trip: Mitt Hatch, Mrs Prank Fitch. C. H. Taylor. L. B. Ooo-rich, W. J. Barclay. Claim Milter and F. Lobb for Prince Rupert; Mr. and Mr. A. Bsaudln fcr Alloa Arm, and J. (5 Naysmlth end H. D. Roehfort for Stewart PRIZE WINNERS IN HAMGRAM CONTEST Winners tn the Ilsmgram" contest conducted by P. nurna Is Oompany .united dtirtng the month of January are announced by the Judges. First price '100.00 cash went to Blmer.O. liar of Idmcntsn. Alterta. ssoond prist M0O. rath. R. H. Lamb of Calgary, Alberta: hlrd prise, 3o.00 rash to Helen Mac-,hall, Winnipeg. Manitoba. The five (onsolatlon prises were won by the following in the order named: J. C. Henderson of Prime Albert, Saskatchewan; James Cook 1" irtage La Prairie. Manitoba: Iner H Johnson, Melsval. 'Jaxkatrhewan: P Bonysan of Btavely. AlticrtK. and C. E. Lister of Medicine Hat. Alta. Advertise lu The Daily News r r,iu mfiiii.ii, ' Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, dstmbers of whl:h had been especiaUy invited to attend, were all represented In addition to the general public. Rev. J. B Friaen. taking as his sub-.ect "The bmnortal Dead," referred at length to the career of the late Bail Balg and hla cervlce to the Empire. At the clae of the sermon, the audience toed in silence aa "The Last Post" was soucded by Bugler William Ranee. Hymns and prayer were suitable to the oeeeaton and the glorious dead of the great conflict were referred to aa well as the widows, mothers snd orphans of those who had made the supreme sac rifice. The choir rendered sn anthem. What are These?" and there was s quartette by J. B. Davey. choir leader, j. a. Teng Marrl Blott and A. Clapparton. FOK I1AKI1AKA ANN. Monte BHie (to furniture dealer I .... v . M k u,, ru-Qt prl0( i ll push dlesel engines for lnstallaUon in the ' all il... I' new halibut boats being built hare for Capt. John Ivarson and Capt. Hans Underdahl ware delivered to the dry lock by the steamer Cardena last rvenlng. Ssmuel N. Boyle arrived In the elty in yesterday afternoon, train from New Westminster to Join the local ttaft of Canadian National Telegraphs, luocedlng as bookkeeper Res Puolic-jver, who has resigned to become accountant in Onnt's drug store. The weekly ScandUiastan dance In the Metropole Hail Battuasay night was a well attended and vary enjoyable affair, it took some the form of a end-oS to halibut rtsbermea who sn resuming the industry this week fol-owing the expiry of the annual close lesson. your goods over Hollywood Dealer "What did you wish to buy. sir?" Monte i' A baby carriage 1" HOTEL AKIIIVALM (eatrst Mrs. T. Johnson snd son, city: W. F. Taylor. O. Bardal snd F. Duggsn. CN R.; L. B. Ooodrldge and W. J. 3: ri'ty. Vancouver; J. Case and B. . .sher. Blue River. Itlme Kuert Mr and Mrs R W. Sinclair and family. Inverness: H. B. Wollen. Winnipeg: J. H. Hamilton, C. E. Imeson. H. J. Smith snd O. H. Steed. Vaoeou-ver: Mr and Mrs M. Carter snd laughter. Balmoral: S N. Boyle. Mew Westminster. savoy Joe Hagen. Vancouver; W. Oreen and Z. J. Morris, city: A. Johnson snd Kathleen Johnson. Pert Edward. LAND ACT NOTU't: Ol INTENTION TO AIM'LV TO I'IKt'HASE LANI In Range 3 Land Recording District of tTmce Rupert, and situate st th nor-herly end ol Telegraph Passage. Skssns .livr. TAKE NOTICE that J. H. Todd as Eons f VictJria. B.C.. occupation salmon oan-.vrk. intend to apply tor permission to turcuaae the following described lands: commencing st s post planted st the tort b west corner of Lot 21. Rang , CD.; thence chains east; tbenoe 90 :halns north, more or less, to high water mark: thence soutturly along high water mark to the point of ooaamanon-ment. and containing to acres, more or '' J H. TODD to SONS. LTD. Applicant. Dated December 13th 1091 . ANNOUNCEMENTS Women of Mooeeheart Legion St. Valentine's Whist Drive snd Dance. February II. CN R. Annuel Ball, Friday. FebrarylT. Catholic Women's League spring sale of work April 13. j Elks Cabaret April 30. ' 92 ftOarI-ilrtlla.'", To the end of December, 1326. Every-day free AND MBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada Has produced Minerals as fonowatj'liicer Gold, $78,018,548; Lode Cold, 8120,07218: Silver, $80,787,003; Lead, $106,976,?C(eV,:. $29d,y(ft,0C8 Zinc, $Cfli,56'rt1M CoalMlitl Coke, $284,599,183; Structural MafeTTHiahd Miscellaneous Minerals, $0;i75,407; making it mineral production to the end of 1926 show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 1926, $67,188,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than thoBO of any other Province In the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full Information, together with Mining Report and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, DR1TI3H COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuuble sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey, Districts are published separately, and are available on application. MEMORIAL TO MARSHAL HAIG .ocal branch of the Bank of Montreal,! CZuTnZ Sernton on "The Ifamorta, Dead" Preached by Rev. J. R. Fruell who i. south gr. B. T. Owaby. going ft a sis wetks' vacation Mrs. R. W. Sinclair and child wUl sail sau tomorrow sftarnoen Despite extremely inclement weather, j there was a good-elsed congregation In' AYMnrfMnM VlMt PiMhirtjHrisn Hhueeh - " ' u r.... 7". last night for a special service in den. for Vancowar on a hllday vUUt. "ot th ut, com. Accompaniea oy jnoer-ln-chlef ol the British forces ived in th. elty from Inverness on a the Qnti Ww wnloB bcid esurday afternoons train. tb, ,xli K-n-n of ' Imperial Oil Co. " Unker Mln. Bra. Cf,1n ulon' , TT . , ,. Service League. Imperial Order. Da ugh- i au tt MifwiafliM u. r.iuamMuirmmjn, mill i m ( 500 Yards Best Grade SPUN 75. Chairs that flop into beds. . . .bags that suck up dirt. . . .tiny ticking things that count all day long for you. Daylight any night just by pushing a button. A stream that never stops till you turn off a faucet. Any voice you want, talking to you from a cage on your desk or wall. Actions of yesterday, of people miles away, going on on a curtain before you. Stilled throats singing to you from discs; distant throats singing to you from nothing! Uncanny, daily magic this, due to national advertising. Advertisements have given you flashlights, telephones, typewriters, automobiles, cold creams, motion pictures. They have given you new eyes, -new ears, new hands, new feet, new faces, new emotions. They have urged such wide Use, so lowered prices, that almost wishes are autos, almost beggars can ride. Through advertisements you've laid down the shovel and the hoe. You can buy a whole harvest ready-to-eat in cans. You've hung lip the fiddle and the bow, for a radio. There's little old-time work left in this age of amazing short-cuts. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS They keep you to the fore of modern life. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating O.T.I. 10.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Knvineent. Machinists, Boilermakers. UlacksniUhs. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Elc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 386 SILK tgtmWnteli ttMfto Jtfaivsolutely pure silk ami m ffllTng WiicliB wide. t 10 popular shade; also Black and White. Per yard Fraser & Payne