Save Money way to buy the TMn ,-uenpwt ,, , JJctt is to suoscrioe ujr wic -it Tll cot t 80 nd Jur .ir-livercd to your address , vi id"'; Jut "Bur out the to you lor this dslly I ,,, (r twelve inonthsl I. xv ii:. N'. 'lie sect ud largee'. grain cargo : "K'u s! this port, the Swedish i HHo,i,d. capt. Ormaf. sailed at - -urtuy afternoon from Rotter-i H "iisnd. The cargo, which was ! i the Alberta Wheat Pool s n ufiitii grain ship of the ''filth boat. Britten freighter i now loading and wul get ft ti;.y or 10. The British steam s -f ulso on berth. MISS GEORGE CHAMPION B.C. Wins Both in Singles nnd Double 01 1K Event at, Vancouver ' xsuuvmv Peb. 18. Miss Blleen ( " t'ansdian Ladles' Oaommtoii ( '"l""" nd Jack Underhlll. each " 'in.,, provincial chsunploushipa lit '' Mulish CnlumKl. v.. c 're cspmred the ninth con-' 1'i-oviiriel single snd ladles' i'ired with Miss Miuaner. nd Underhlll took mixed Underhlll also won men's ' 1(1 P'lrcd with McTaggej won ''" 'Imihles. 1-! ! MM lu The Dally Nswa VANCOUVER KXCIIANCK B.C. Baser . . . . Btg Missouri .. Coast Copper Cork Province Dunwrll Oeorge Copper Olscler Olsdstone Oclconde . Indriendence Indian I snd l. Lfidfrnlth ' n,e 8.g nui' was Prince Bu-, huc.k,..JlT. Premier Mct.ilH Porter Idaho Richmond , j Surf Inlet Sunloeh . Terminus Torlc Whltewsur Canadian Olympic Bid. 13 43 50 S7 J7 vos 71 JO .10 IS'. .04 34 171,4 i.TO .eg lS'i .00 gas .35 8.50 2.50 5.000 Asked 1 80 95 38 M M .11 .T6 ai .10 .08 .t7Vi so 0 on Wednesda of tli'. vti. ttu- move ment Of lf.rger halltut vet'-eU to the (roonds Is now in lui! swln. Bocti are leaving for Alsske ports to take cn bait prlf.r to proceeding to the westward banks to ii.Mltute th season's peratloru. It w,u bi- at lct s week vt so before the m:ni,er n ti start going out In any numlwr. Besides those rcc.rded In the Water front Whiffs on Seturtlay., other boat have left over the week-end. The Cspe 3eale, on ThursUiy ntght frcm Vancouver sailed 3.ituris. night for Ketchfin and the Si'.t.s owned by the Canadian Fish ii C Ad 3tuaee Co. and operating on the In dependent lay, cleared thlh morning for Juneau. The American schooner ZureSia Ar rived In port yete.-day from Seattle and will proceed to the gui"1 ln day or so. ARRESTED WHEN LANDING FROM 'EMPRESS ASIA' VANCOOVEK. b 13. William Preston Olbicn. playwr.tht cf Washington. DC. and merober of s prjmitem United BUtas family, wanted on a charge of defrauding Shanghai merchants. wa taken Into custody of Canadian lmml-gratlan authorities today on the Empress of Asia. He Is being detained pending a decision as to what action shall be taken. CHOOSENEW BISHOP JUNE Synod of Culedonin Here at That Time nounccd to Meet In An- A new llhop f CalrtWttta I to he rbeeett In Jaae. At an evera-lite taeellng nf the IHoreoe ef (le-irswto a klwrt lime ago It was de-Hdesl te rail a synod weetlag In ITlrKe ltHen m Je hoI 1 for M 4e4loil nt a hMmp, fills dste being kMhJeet te Hi rwatetiterwe of the psHrepeHteit of llrttbli t'xlum ArrbbllMH Penrler has written Ibat the lime Is stlrHry to lihn aad the Hate Its w hreii drfin-llsiy flvetl. skeletonTf man" is identified as JAMES McTAVISH BUItMABY. Peb. 13 -The skeleton of a man lOUlia on ine east mvfm w vm' tol HUI. Burnaby. on Sunday Identified as that of James wtte disappeared last August. s bullet hole In the skull. Skater Withdrew from Races as Protest Against Alleged Official Discrimination ... a . II 1 . . kt MOR1TZ, SwitxerlanU, leuruary iJ.-t-nan wurman oi seventh in yesterdays 500 ii, New Brunswick, was placed mete raVe aTtef Koa of Holland In the same heat fell in front of m b..-i. thus delaying him. Kos another chance but authoritios gave mmpk Thr . ,1.h.L. , Aot protests of the Canadian Olympic tusea tioini"" "" mlttoe. (iornuiM in pi roteat against the action of the authorities with- meter event today, l.ormnn m time yesieruay Oitawn Despatch to Bdmonton Mentions ThU Port Specifically The Ottawa despatch which was (,uoted at Victoria and which formed the basis tor questions to Premier Mac-Lean, mentions Prinze Rupert apecltl caUjv as cne of the ports to be served by the Peace River line If the Canadian National build It The following la the lest of the deapa oh, which was exclu sive to the gdmor.ton Bulletin: drew inm the u .,u mminst i: 4-10 for the ! v That, the Canadian National Railway Company wUl shortly take over from the British Columbia government the Pacific Oreat Km tern Balrway nt a price of 1 17.000,000 and '-hat the government ol the ccast province wul turn over to tlie Ing back twenty roues on each aide of the track which will be used tor colonlsa- tion purpcaes, is the larormallon making the rounds here t day. The land for colonisation purposes wUl take In s large portion of the' Peace River block, and It la stated to be the Intention cf the railway ccmpauy r extend the POM, to the Alberta boundary and to give the Peace River tea the long-looked-tor coast outlet. I'ltii.iMiNAKiiiH rtmriJSTini AU the prellmlnarlea to the deal hnve been completed, and at the present seaman legislation will be brought down returning the Poue River block and all railway lands in the province to British ' ffolMirrMli This action on the part of I the Federal government leaves the pro vince tree to eumpMle Its deal with the bee been Canadian National. for the J"1" of Norway and Chas. Thunberg of Finland. Belgium thre- s was skated In heats. The " h" r BfMcnirrutl tht; 5'0,)0 mcter8 ruce- McTavlsh. When the plai. at consummated the There was I Canadian National will be in the post-Itlon ot being suit to build the P.OJt re- com- JT B.C. railroad, or of completlnj the P.OJ1. from Quevntl to Prince George. OB the main Un: ot the Canadian Na-tlnnal t Prlncr Iturjert. and bulldlni PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.,JHNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1928 MwdWHtK 1 1 inn ii ii 1 1 1 ' U; VVINNERS 01 THE 30-MILE MOUNTAIN TRAIL SKI RUN at the Jasper National Park Carnival. Centre, Sam Rossum, first; right. F. Burotraro, second; left- P. Withers, third. Time, 5 hours, Ttrteste, ".45 Secflnrfdr. - - LINE TO SERVE PRINCE RUPERT SURVEYS FOR ALASKA LINE FROM PEACE Y.wrorVKIt. I'eh. 13. Iteroanal-ee aurvt-VK fnr a railway from Haley lork on lite Peace Itlter we4siard and abreast ef the I'rate lllver hlnet In latitude SB to Iinw-mhi and lairtmnka will be n i1 re taken nevt aammer, areerdrag te 1. . O I'srrrll. railway rmMleM. STRUCK BY A CAR AND DIED TODAY railway company a tract of land attend-; ot Clement Hutton. IS yean of age, who ..Prince Rupert--Overcast, e-ature. 34. calm; tern- m.nend tfee departmeut of Im ...grutlcti shouM dicuursge further, ...mifcratl.n cf si ens who have in mind he salmon fishing as a oiling, as '.hfi tiidustry Is already overcrowded to the extent thai a low standard ol living. Is encouraged. That drastic penalties tor Infraction ot fisher; regulations be Imposed. That better harbor protection for the. fishing fleet be provided in the aaroors. ' It la pointed out by officials of the association that the whole object of the organization is the oettermeat of the salmon fishing industry In Northern B.C. RESCUE TRAIN - FROM TORONTO .Made Fait Work Taking fias .Maiiks and Experts for llol-linger Mine TORONTO. Feb. 13. A record break ing run from Toronto to Tlmmtns was made Saturday, when a special Canadian National train dashed over al es.! 500 miles of road separating the city from the Holllnger mine disaster ln leas than a dosen hours, carry ing relief equipment pahticularly In the form of gas masks accompanied by an expert from the Toronto fire department, in an eSort to save the lives of the miners entombed ln the bowels of the earth. The train which consisted of a passenger coach, baggage car snd sleeping car was assembled in the Isln rt time of less than two hours un- jder the personsl direction of A. X. BURNABY. Peb. 18. Three trans- Warren, general manager of the central fusions of blood failed to save the life region, and earned ofnetals of the was fatally Injured by an lnterurban ear Saturday night. HKATIIKIl KEItlltT. Bollinger mine, experts In resuscitation j and newapaper reporters. Just as the Toronto special was nesrlng Tlmmtns. yet another special was being made up at Pittsburg also ! containing gas masks and other equipment for rescue work. This train left Pittsburgh Saturday morning. Scientists Plan to Investigate Mummies First People Who Crossed Bering Strait to This Continent NEW YORK, February 13. The schooner Effie M. Morrison, whic h was ued during the past two years by the George Palmer I'm nam expeditions to Greenland and Baffin Land, sailed on Saturday via the Panama Canal for Prince Rupert where she will be joined in April by members of a scientific expedition backed by Charles 11. Stoll, New York lawyer and sportsman, whose purpose is the penetration of the northern Siberian wastes to study the flora and fauna there and. incidentally, to unearth, if possible, mummies of an an . in. frm th. m.m iitu. .t become the first inhabitants point east of Prince George to connect America. "wrd (Ntro"'i Z with the ID. A B.O.. whteh would The party ot adventurers, which has Marietta. Ohio, radio operator. A last of member of the crew signed on Is under the auspices been organised than give he Peace River a coast outlet of Nsti I "ToMgh." an English bull dog American Museum via Prince Rupert along the main line the to that port direct, ot down the P.OE. will be led by Harold MCrWWnJ Jditftk4i will be awsy from to connect with the Canadian National soelste editor of "Field and Stream.' clvtllMfldt) ISouf fix or sevtn months. ' main line to Vancouver by a cut-off of who has slresuy spent live years in : ui explore Csar Nicholas the Second I . . . . i . i .. itHiiim1 ' , I. . i j .1 . . . ... . the P.OE. from ASnoroct. me norm ana w -luuia, sa u tes uiianuwu OLYMPIC HOCKEY GAMES WEEKEND ST. MORITZ. Swlttatlsnd. Feb 13 the Olympic hockey games at the obtained seven points, Sweden tnreei Cnechos- lovvakla nil: nance 3. Great Brltiiln 2. CVechuKlovakp.' I: Poland 3. photcKrapher ot wild life. Cap. Bartlctt. who Is In command of the Morrlssey. Is another who has extensive experience in northern waters, hsvinit been on the bridge of the Roosevelt'' when Capt Peary reached the North Pole In 180. Others In addition to the backer and his wlhi. Mis Merlr 1. Stoll. who will cmpnse the expedition will Include Di H E. Anthony curator of msm- n:. Is tit ihe American Museum of, north Of Capt Chelyuaka, on the coast of Asiatic Siberia, some six hundred moles south of the pole. It will also Investigate the economic possibilities of KamchaUa -Twnlnsula which It known to be rich In timber, cost. -old. lead, zlnr snd other minerals. The party will be handled to Prince Rupert over the Canadian National RnUways. Advertise in The Ustly News Boston Grill Large Upstair Oininir Halt, with newly laid dancing floor, fcr hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Cent Canadian skater claims badly used Olympic races England and Sweden Swept by Fierce Gale mne lives lost in British Isles and over twenty 'Is in Scandinavia STOCKHOLM, February 13. From 20 to 25 lives are known to have been taken by a furious storm which swept in from the British Isles on Saturday. Most of the casual-tit- are reported from the vicinity of Soerland and Vent land where the gale crushed house and barns, causing much property Ion as well as the loss of livestock. I.i i.NPON, February i:s. A fierce gale which swept the Brit-I- Friday night and Saturday, took nine lives directly or In- Ihree houses were blown down in Manchester and hun-.ither parts of the kingdom damaged. Ireland reported the ! Tyrone and Donnegal exerieiicing the worst inundations 1 1. seloeity of the wind at Liverpool was 104 miles an hour. i kfham a man wa killed when the roof of a house collapsed. ii Gloucester was killed by a chimney crashing through the ero:' 31 house. HOCKEY GAMES IN THE EAST am-tun- Tied With Boston Sat I urdu) and 1'llUH.rc Iliat Detroit Yesterday x'omxj rb. 18. Splendid rl ..iked the Csnidieii-Bja'-on . n- and Morans (cured. Maroons Ore i came one eat Pittsburg ' iame between Tvonto and s' 1 Yuri Americans. Toronto had : the first two perlud but mi made It hot lor Hoach ' -rt surprises' the tana by de-- "- ftsagere Sunday. Mickey irinf twit Itarragb aaad Plttaburis wUi-' agsinst Detroit yesterday h M. s s Ttiu.r canadtsna 1. i Pittsburg 1 : ana I. Toronto 1. MNOAY ' 1 Detroit 0 N Y tUngvra 0. BIG CARGO OFF TO ROTTERDAM Ssi 'Uh Kriahi.- I With ''21 .722 Buabela of Wheat Mubriton anil Ashby leading Wrltii.eii at Lydgate. LancMhtre. were vnjil'.Td '.u death by bales of hay blown over. . m r iDtiin -f a schooner was drowned hi thr Mercey River when the (ale Milk h- .mall boat. A MLmmi was kiiled at Oerrecre lu trie Irish Free State. In l.aiuUn the gale res skid sixty mist and aun;ni rooflM tOMJON . fists . tt to reared the death 11m in the storm which swept Eunpe may reach fifty. .APPROPRIATIONS FOR j DISTRICT AT OTTAWA lour Item tar Neethe Itrltkh Celeni- Ua rrotUM fee In IMImetee llted at MeeV-eml In estimate presented to the House o! Commons at Ottawa at the tad of the woek by the Department of Public Wets were the following Items for Northern British Columbia: i Old Maaeett wharf repa.ra. IMOQ. Ccutribution to provincial goftrnment , tordi suitadng of Stewart-Ryder road til 100 Tatrhi River channel Improvements. M.000 Tax teleirraph lines In northern dls- trlcu of Br I tliu Columbia. HALIBUT BOATS ! LEAVING PORT Movement of Larger Hosts to (hound Now General in Anticipation of Season Opening on Wednesday With the rishing -.. reopening Salmon Fishermen Send Forward Resolutions Passed at Convention the Northern B.C. Salmon Fisheries Association today forwarded to the minister of fisheries at Ottawa the resolutions and recommendations of their organization representing the salmon fishermen of the whole of Northern British Columbia. They recommend: The closing of certain areas to fishing in order to allow thoJC areas to recover from years of intensive fishing. That the customs department maintain a patrol on the Alaskan jouiuimy to prevent illegal entry of a lower quality fish under the -uLe of Canadian fish which has a tendency to Tower market con- . :ns. - ' T..e ; reaction of allsn fishermen al- -.iij pnv.;evJtl to tttt. uuuen but re- TIMBER DEAL IN THE SOUTH Puget Sound Lumber Company Buy 150.000.000 Feet From Cowichan Lumber Co. VICTOsUA. Ptb. IS. A transaction Involving 3,000 teres of timber land estimated to contain 150M0M0 feet of timber, mostly fir. has been condudod by which the island Lagftng Company, a subsidiary of the Poae Stand Una ber si Tlasbre Oompary of this elty wUl I lag the uauts ajwMfetn- Lumber The purrhassrs undertake a four year l:g&:ng lease IMMENSE SEAS STRUCK VESSEL Store in Section of Bridge or Empress of Asia 65 Feet Above Water Line VANCOUVER. Peb. 18. Seas which stoss ln a section ot the bridge 05 feet above water lint and damagerl the propeller, struck the rTmprfws ot Asia two days out from Japan. Captain Halley reported on arrival here today. The skipper said the seas were the highest he had experienced In the many years he hsd been crossing the ooeaa. DEATH TOLL HOLLINGER 39 Twelve Rescued Saturday Were In Serious Condition but Expected to Live TIMMINS. Peb. 15. The death toll, as a result of the Hollingar mine disaster, numbers 39. Twenty-five bodies bare been recovered and tourteea mere are known to be underground. Twelve miners rescued Saturday ware In a serious state but all art expected to LORD OXFORD IS VERY ILL LONDON, Feb. II. The Sari of and Asqulth la gravely tU. lis has cient Mongolian race believed to have crossed Behring Straits to developed phartngitto ol ol North North Natural Natural History; History; R. B. Potter ol the , "S"" ' LAjnuua. reo. w and tnere are (later). Lord Ox ford is unconscious sag. so serious is bis condition thst the family has been summoned. NUMBER KILLED IN HAIG MINE WHITEHAVEN, Feb. 13. A terrific expiision in the Halt mine pit, the scene or other explosions to human lif.- killed thinien ,.fs party of twenty one who were exploring the works for the Mm time since a similar disaster clowd at last December. Several offl club v-.c xmoiiii those killed.