PAGE SIX is Save time A Money LAUNDRY washing cleans clothes without the wear they get when they are washed at home. Your clothes are not rubbed in our laundry . . . This means we can save you both time and money. Phone 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best aisnory and Dry Cleaners I'honc 8 . HEALTH FOLLOWS OIIPMCTlCCOSIttCT$ MtSSOHE OH SPINU SERVES INDBUSfSCf THE rOLUWIM MOMS: nvuvu .tV STOMACH sATAMI,c,ltA f t vtoxu NJsuoie 5rM1Causuimi HEALTH a Healthy subject to talk about; if you are interested, consult W. C. Aspinail CHIROPRACTOR G Exchange Mock Green 241 The New Spring Models of Ladies Hats Coats and Dresses arc arriving daily Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue COAL Prices DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina WashedNuts $11.25 Alberta Sootles Esc $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS CUREDRHEUMATISM How rheumatism was banished from the life of one man la told In the "For three yeara I suffered Intensely from rheumatism. The pain was so eerere in my hlo and thlah that I would iiftve to stoo and H-mt. hn walking along the street or.' -wording in . the field; M(I worked , on .fny ferni spring and summer months. , and' on ne raurpad in fall and winter). Often would have to lay 0.7. "I consulted five regular physicians it different tunes, took their medleln: followed their Instructions. No change. Next a specialist removed mi tonsils. So change-exeept to get worse. Then course with an osteopath. No im provement. Pain became so severe that I had to secure a leave of absence from railroad duties. The superintendent advised going to the Rochester Clinic. To Rochester I went. The oniv change suggested here was to follow a prescribed diet. This I did falthfullv and carefully for many months. Dut still no change. 'Chiropractic adjustment had bean urged by my friends. These I decided o give a careful tryout. In January. 936, I began taking adjustment and continued regularly for two and onc- nau months. After a few adjustments couia notice a alight chance for the i better. The Improvement was very gradual, however. i "The pain gradually lessened and since the middle, of March, 1035, to the I present over a year I have not had 1 an ache or a pain of anv kind in mv hip or thigh, nor have I lost a day's work from rheumatism during this ' period. 'I believe that anyone who will take -egular adjustments, and allow th. chiropractor the necessary time, will get well." A. N. HEDLUND Bwom to before Mabel D. Hill, iblroprsctlr Research Bureau "Statement No. 2071 -B. If rheumatism troubles vou. irive Chiropractic a chance, and consult R. Eyolfson. Chiropractor. 623 Third venue. Prince Rupert Phone Blue 88 or your appointment, now. Advt. Fancy Grocery SPECIALS French Mushrooms- choice firata. per tin r0 French Mushrooms, dry, per lb. $2.00 ?ate de Foie Gras, extra quality, 24 oz. tin 7,-? Genuine Russian Caviar, 2 oz. tin 7."iC French Anchovies in olive oil 3 rings, per glass (H)? 4 ring's, per glass 80r 5 rings, per glass 81.00 Spanish Anchovies, 'in salt, pr n r0t & II. Anchovy 8auce, bottle 60 C. & B. Pickled Walnuts, jar no 'ndlan chutney, jar fljf Ripe Olives, 9 ot. tin . . IKif Ripe Olives, gal. tin, medium 81.15 Ripe Olives, gal. tin, large 81.75 Greek Black Olives, large, lb. :i5! Jeffress Olive Dutter, 3 os. jar MacLaren's Queen Olive's, 17 oi. jar .J5 MacLaren's Stuffed Olives, 17 og. jar 75c Italian Tomato Paste, 15 oz. can ,-? Sweet Pimentos, 7 oz. tin . . 'Sit Sweet Pimentos. 5 oz. iar . ; Curtisola, 4 os. jar 75J. A splendid appetiser Tea Garden Preserves, 1G oz. jar 500 Your choice of Raspberry, Blackberry, Currant- Loganberry, Apricot, Bing Cherry, Pineapple and Spiced Figs. C. & B. Potted Meats, per jar ii5r-In Glass Assortment of llnm Ham and Chicken. Tongue. Tongue and LWcken, Chicken, Ham and Tongue. Anchovy, Shrimp. Lob ster, lurxey- Turkey and Ham. Turkey and Tongue. SAUSAGE SPECIAL Genoa Salami 75? Milano Salami 70? Capicolli, hot 05? Essex Cerveltvt 35 r) . Special Rttthenian Sausage i 35c Liver Sausage ;j(? Premium Bologna .... 30? Goleborg Sausage 00? Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 Rub a little Zam-Buk over your hands and arms to check and heal all roughness and chafing. It's wonderful. Zan-Buk contains valuable herbal extracts which lubricate the tissues, soothe pain, allay inflammation and grow new healthy skin. Cold-sores, 'chaps', frost bite, chafing and similar troubles are quickly ended by Zam-Buk. It provides the handiest and safest antiseptic dressing for all injuries and skin troubles. COLDS For cold in the head, smear a little am Hnk over the palms of ibe hands, and inhale, Kor colds in chest Or back, rub briskly witli slhtly-warmed Zam-Buk night and morning SOOTHES PAIN - PREVENTS BLOOD-POISON. box i I or tl U Ot alt rtti$t. BUSY BEE GIRLS LUTHERAN CHURCH Mrn. HaiiK I'nilmlahl Eltttrd President of New Organization at Meeting on Natu'nlay afternoon The Busy Bees, girls' organisation of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, meeting Saturday afternoon at the home of trs. H. Dahl, 330 Fourth Avenue East, elected officers as follows: President, Mrs. Hans Underdahl. Vice-president, Mrs. J. H. Hansen. Secretary, Miss Charlotte Edwards. Treasurer, Miss Lillian Hansen. "A new church" was adopted as the motto Df the organisation. . The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs J. Murvold. 908 Hall Street. Arttl i f'y- TV't- N- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL Houievork Phone Red 257. tf Mon SISSKl AT REDUCED PRICES EXTRA SPECIAL TWO DAYS ONLY Swift's Premium Lean Back Bacon In the piece, per lb ll! V4? B.C. Freah Pullett Eggs . .3 dozen lots for $1.25 Tea We now have our Fuller's Ten at the highest possible standard. None better in the store. Will compare with any $1.25 or $1.50 tea and we aje selling it for per lb 1)0? A discount of 10c per lb. if included with any of the following specials: Tomatoes 25 cases large tins, while they last, 6 tins for 1)5? Corn Flakes Quaker or Western, 5 packages for 55? Quaker China Oats-Regular 45c. On sale, 3 for 81.125 Lemons, California Runhist Per dozen 15? 1 doz. Lemons and 2 dozen Oranges for "81.00 Butter in Bulk 8 lb. Fresh Creamery for 81.-5 Coffee Our Fresh Ground Coffee Is becoming more popular. We are now selling 500 lb. per month. On sa'e this week, 3 lb. for 81.15 Heinz Catsup 3 bottles for 05? With each pound of Fuller's Ten or Fresh Ground Coffee sold this weok 11 regular prices we will sell 5 lb. of Granulated Sugar for 25? See Our Window Circle (S) Picnic Hams Per lb 8? B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited I'honeH 45 and 571 ,TH)1 pMLl NEWS Mond;n , p, ; CIVIC COURT OF REVISION Waterfront Cases Discussed This Morning by Lawyers in Ap peal Against Assessment The civic eour: of revision was engaged this morning 111 consideration of the appeals of P. Burns it Co., Ltd. and the Imperial Oil Co., Ltd., represented by L. w. Patmore; Thomas Trotler, c. C. Ketchum, Edward Llp-actt (Prince Rupert) Ltd, and N. M. McLean, represented by Milton G011-sales. and the Canadian Finn Si Cold Storage Co., whose c. up. .1 was W. E Fisher, against asscssr.ii nts on wnter front property. Overvalue t.i.u and exorbitant taxation are the grounds of appeal in all cases. Counsel In each case were heard and the decision of the court was reserved. L. w. Patmore, m speaking on the Burns' case, submitted that the assessment on this property amounted to $107 a front foot, taking Into consideration both the frontage assessment of 60 per foot and the assessment of the acreage to the rear. He claimed In-c-quitabllltles In afcscsjment and compared the land In point with other parcels on the waterfront. He claimed that the Burns piece was one of the poorest parcels of the waterfront. It was faced with a reef and wharf building was both a cosUy and dlffl-r-ult operation. Be held that it was In equitable to assess Burns at $80 a front foot, which wathe same as more valuable waUrtronT such as the Big Bay's while the Imperial Oil Co. was 70 per front toot. In $Sfl the assessment on this particular piece of waterfront was 178.40; in 1937, 97. and In 1938 $107. He saw no eoSjesponding Increase In value or eernlng power of the property. Aid. Collart, chairman of the court, suggested that there had been an increase Ip the number of utility users. thus an increase In population. Thl? would increase the value of city land. Assessor J. C. McLennan held that this waterfront property was worth more today than It was two years ago. Mr. Patmore did not agree with either Mr. Collart or Mr. McLennan. He aaw no reason why waterfront property should be more valuable today than it was two years ago. All assess menu along' the waterfront, be claim ed, were too high and Increases were not warranted. In speaking to the Trotler sppeal. .'Jr. Oonsales agreed that waterfront property had not increased In value. In 1934 the assessment on Mr. Trotter's piece was W: in 1835-30, the same; in 1937. e7. and this year. S107. He submitted that there was i.o reason lor the Increase It should be remembered that Mr. Trotter's was only a small business. A whaff had been built at tremendous cost., Mr. Trotler simply could not afford to pay the Interest on borrowed money and taxes. It would put him out of business. The assessment had been increased almost 100 per cent in two years which he considered unreasonable. This was not ss valuable property as that of Albert ts McCaffery, the Big Bay. Hunt's, etc which were assessed the same The assessments were too high and out of proportion. E. P. Jones, city solicitor, pointed out that there had been no increase In assessments between 1921 and 1936. Mr. Patmore made the suggestion that the court should deal with the cacs as they stood. It should be taken Into consideration whether the lessee was a big man or a small man, a rich one or a poor one. Mr. Jones had no sympathy for such a basts Certainly no statute provided Cash and Carry Grocery Corner Fulton and Sixth Ave. SAVE THE COPPERS Sugar, Granulated, 10 lba. . . 73? Milk, any brand, per tin 11!? Tea Malkin's Best, Blue Ribbon, or Nabob, lb 70? Bulk Tea Excellent quality, per lb 50? Coffee Great West, Malkin's Best, Nabob, lb. 05? Coffee Fresh Ground, ier lb. ID? Creamery Butter, per lb. -13?-l(l? 8 lbs. in one block 81 .25 Salt Pork, per lb 2? Bacon, Swift's Premium, back, special per lb -12 H? Picnic Hams, per lb 22?-lil? Eggs, strictly fresh, 3 doz. 81. IK VEGETABLE SPECIAL 10 lb. Carrots 10 lb. Turnipe 10. lb. Potatoes (Aslicroft) 4 lb. Onions 34 lbs. for 0.1? Tomatoes, largo tins, 6 for . . 05? Pineapple, Singapore, 7 for 05? Canned Fruits, assorted, 3 for 80? Soap, Fels Naptha, pr bar . . 8? Royal Crown Soap, per carton 25? Fresh line Green Vegetables every boat at attractive prices FRESH MILK AND CREAM IN FRIGIDAIRE "BUILD B.C." England Likes Pacific Milk DISTRICT READERS FVaiwtBiTfB Go where you will in Canada,! there is no finer dairy country, dairy cows or dairy men than1 you see in the Fraser Valley. To us, here, the sight of fine herds is common. We sometimes fail to appreciate their value to British Columbia. Pacific Milk is gaining a big demand in England because it is so rich and has true natural flavor. j PACIFIC MILK Head Office. Yancouer I'attorle at Ladner and Abbottford. -BUILD B.C." for It. "But oomaaoa sense does," replied Mr. Patmore. Mr. Jones disagreed entirely with Mr. Patmore argument. Similar argument was employed In ueeliug with the other cases. At noon, the court took adjournment until a o'clock tomorrow after-voon when Its final session wUl prob- bly be beM. FREIGHTER ASHORE ON YILLAGE SPIT eCATTU. Feb. IS. The Alaska Steam ship Company waa advised yesterday that the freighter Donalle operated in the Seattle-Alaska service, was aarouna on Village Spit. B.C.. but would be refloated at high tide and return to Cotno under her own power. There were uo casualties. Market Prices Prices current are as follows: LAUD Pure sso Compound joc tOOS B.C. Fresh pullets 40c B.C. fresh firsts tag B.C. Fresh, extras Me .Local new laid Mo llsll Smoked kippers, lb. lie Kippered salmon, lb aie Smoked black cod. lb Juo Finnan baddies, lb .....Me MEATS Fowl, No. 1. lb MS and 40o Roasting chicken, lb , 41, Ham, sliced, first grade 0c Hani, whole, first grade Me Ham, picnic, lb nc Cottage rolls, lb 79 Bacon, back, sliced soc Bacon, side 60s U 60c Pork, Jry salt jjo Ayrshire bacon, lb. . ajc Veal, shoulder 3&c Veal, loin 400 Veal, leg , jj,. Pork, shoulder 280 Pork, loin hjq Pork, leg 8s8 Beef, pot roast lie to 200 Beef, boiling ue to 18c Det- .' -JSCisfilJS. Beef, roast, prime rib 33c Lamb, chops 60c Lamb, shoulder gjg Mutton, leg t fog Iamb, leg 4Bo Mutton, chops Mutton shoulder 100 BUTTtR Urookfield. Shamrock and Woodland lD 60c M. i. Stephens left Saturday 'afternoon for Ketchikan on s business trip. He will return to the city on Ot The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. . Send the postal order today while you still think of it! WESTHOLME THE IK MONDAY and TUESDAY. 7 and ! p.m. Monte in Blue "Wolfs Clothing" PATSY RUTH MILLER, JOHN MUJAN. DOl ( .i v HARD, LEE MOHAN, ARTHUR MH.l.LH and others COMEDY "A CAKELE8S 111 Bin PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission 3Sc and 10c REMNANTS at Half Price Havine completed stock-taking w 1 mulated a large assortment of short enl ; SILKS VOILES CRBTONNES WOOLLENS CRBM8S COTTONS These Remnants are very useful l i purposes and you can have them at great i . : li ices. Jabour Bros., Ltd. ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Rowes Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work Office and Show Room on Third Avenue, junt Canadian Legion Building, and will carry a lin eve-troughing, flashing, utove pipes Hnd elbow vanized, all slses from 2 inches to 8 inches. Sinks, faucetts, water pipes and fitting- i make anything in sheet metal. We repair Mtnw that needs repairing. Our Tank Shop at Cow care of your Chute and Tank problems. Hot Air vi our specialties. Phone 310 Will Get us Night or Da Having had quite a bit of experience in the c nave ueuiueu to cui our credit to a minimtii ini t.i. l!.i I'll. ui!l tjllt ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works . City Meat Market 3rd Avenue l'hune MEAT. FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODI '; at low prices, and imntedlHte deliver Observel All articles are of superior quality an. I ' h fresh.