1 1 ' 4 one 52 111. 1028 P AIM from iTftmmnMrw bladder Irritation w """""Ml gaon eaasS by SANTAL MIDY Beware of Imitations lor ths word "IWIDr " Mulit by all rtrussiata (MHeaaS by Our am rig rices '-r Feb. frt, 1W M id and pressed 7fe ,m'(l and pressed $a.oo v.'.-t $1.2fl 7.V '.. iii'e $1,00 u-aincd and 75 leaned and pre.i- $1.75 n oata .. $S.5U 92.00 i nop SUM) mt 7.V a.v i.v '( (JURAT .... 75 yFFer Laundru 1'iLM) Ltd. ii" 118 WALLACE CO. 1 Til. am Coat s Mndp by .iiclieHter. Eiiit-!t or Rulilter lift colon 11.50 and $12.50 w- MWWW SSS UlWt I 'hone 9 'Hie and Fulton ney re Here! i: MODKL, M) HETTEH hevrolets 7 -i een at the Mi SI II ITaI rllat 'II (ieneral Motor 'inducts " a.m. to 10 p.m. daily Wicekinjf Service n LOSING out SALE of J'JjVS AND IlOYff M,"N. AND mntNllll. INfiS Mt 111 on nnfian1 Importers Third Avenue " M I'roprlctor ENuAKO HOTEL A. (.. Anna-j, Pioneer Ilcmident of Hullway liivimnn Point. Will oiwtruct Hostelry I A. O. Annan Knaako. c.fl.K '(ten Sin! 'hi I- fcpplfu pioneer bf divisions! DuhiiC h.. and Pint,-, Oiirid"" Willie interior on tMin "" r: l" aher having jr .,i ), :jm.v n.iip!,. .) weeks in the clty.stattw ' ' ' ..' ur to prcceed with the ,l,ir"r""" ' hotel and More bt.l'.lin , thai town. It will measure ) oy :) lie; and will be two storey in h-ight ror Installation In the new liostelry. Mi Annan puschased while I" Hi- city the fitting, of the old Hub poolroom on Second Avenue. Mr An-"i' pin .halted while m the city the firm, ( the old Hub poolroom on H:rui.d Avenue. Mr. Annan hope, that wh the provision of the new hotel, 'hire may possibly be aome tourist DiliKsk induced to stop off at Endako Mr Annan ha already established u flxnuiK and hunting lodge at Olen Attnai. on Franol Lake not (or froro PRINCE GEORGE -iif.rv i bemii made hv .1 umr. The nfy council ha. decided to con-cenaiia on which. It la proponed, v" i- -rants Irc-p- the provincial Uicrt NOTICE. 1 A Orinih: the Hin Ky River near Its Junction with the Wapiti River at or near Bcjii n tn the Town of Orande 1'ra in the Province of Alberta. mfta' feasible Pas to a point st or near the Town of tttewau tn the Province of Brltlan Colun.biii at the head of Portland cotvitrii-t wharve- terlv ironi miner Hiia'tnii Inlet then'''- wsterly 0 This Modern Life! Its Habits Produce Con-.(( "tipation, which Fruit-a-tivet" Corrects MONTREAL, Que., "After suffering many years from constipation, I was advised to ,try 'Frult-a-tlres.' Alt my ills are gone now." Mrs. II. Godln. -Ihdoor Woilc, toft, rich foods, lack of exerHae tmpalrourbodily functions. The most common evidence isconitlpatlon. Normal intestinal activity, denied to most of us by our way of living, restored and maintained by 'Frult-a-tivea," made of the Julcesoffreeh.rlpefrult, blended with health-building tonics. 25c and 50c a box. tll.A city hav. (J.-c:!Ki: they . ),aij r- dv. afi a result of the action laken. 8 at night except on Aulurdaya when !the closing licur aluu. l.e 11 pm I Oacar Berg of ilns city has been n'a:ded the first jinzf oflered by the -i-u. It la ii-'.l i not (air to , . waw .he population of which hit "".' "' COy0t" "'-- ne considerably since 1M1 winner of a challenge cup donated by 1 ifrr are now umrnii. r,t . n -Lieutenant Oovemor W. C Nlchol of dre,. ov.nen. of radio ..celvlnK lDrllUh lumbl-Pr.n-e Oe-re. ! . ! Leonard Haatrper was the leader The Prmn rwirt.. r-.n.ii.. ur the n- ..... .in Women nuiimi a 1'. u .,a cltcted m-r-.s for the nr -" !' prealdent. Mrs Al. Johnson: i0"8'4' Xoi,k Ur,t pUc4" chemutry. fir-- vnc-nreflident Mr rvrkln.v ae. ! lid vl.-, prealdent. Mrs Hujth Mc- Jl,cnb LtUb ha" P,!ntd UP ln tllln.hv: third vi..-n.irt.. w.. fixture buartnew here at the corner ':!!'. secret.iry triamircr. Mr J. ol ihlrd Avenue and Quebec Street. The monthly meeting of the Parent In ! The Ladles' Auxiliary to the local Ocrd -n H Oower Inspector of i,re,,ch of the Canadian Legion gave i-hooln 'e!t lor the Peace River dis- a ,,rlde and whist party In the ball--xt , the first of th;. week and locn of ue 'ns'ou ru last evening. xc. or away about five weeks Un- w H Crocker waa In charge. Af--r iimtu (tone without remuner- ! The municipal board of works baa ': ' -''itnt yeari the aldermen of -1" authorized to grade the alleyway jn liie block fruiting on George Street 'between Fourth and fifth Avenues so TAKE NOTICE thst an anli.t.n ' "er Drainage IOT ine vlll v made to the Parliamont at Oan- hustneat nlaoes 1:1 that vrclnlty da .!,.- neat session thereof for an ! 1 For thrin-oriwrattondfaebBUiaiiy; The first of a aerlss of monthly ' t kn. ivn i. Tlie Alberta. Peace ftj.ei dances to be Klvan under the auspices a id I'auii. itallway Company, or such of the loeal Canadian Legkm took la i Commencing at a point at or near proving quite successful, tlx- city or Lethbrtdge: thease la a! !r-.;v Zru'iT1 w h- We- rl and Northerly In a dlNOtion h returned to Ktmloops where she general:-.- purallel to the Calgary and will resume her duties as nurse In Mr'. l lira it 'ii of the Canadian Peel-' ., D., tii..i hf Inland "oysl Hospital. fir Hall -v..v to a point at or near the City of I'algiry; thence Northerly and, . - - Wet ol he Calgary and Edmonton; TERRACE railway t- a paint at or near Lacombe. i r"Z " tli:ne Northerly to a point at or near I ..... . tlK city of IdmV iion I Un T. J. Marsh returned on Thurs- ibi Pr.m a point a' or near the City j day from Smlthers where ahe attended ...'.""."..".L1.1 m:l JfrJ"; ' the tuaeral of the infant eon of Mr the Simimette River to a croaslna of and Mrs. A. C Fowler. Mr and Mrs Chas Raven of LalHtsc hatchery arc spenllng s few days In then - Souih Westerly through the Prince Rupert. Mc:.Kmm I'&w to a point at or marl , Ale -a l ake on the Cana l. an National , Railway the IM-ivinee of British I vlrtH afoore of Btewart. arrived In roiiimbla Ttrraoe on Saturday to apend a vac- d ri tn. h point at or near uranoe I'ruirl- In ii Worth JLfitrtv fttlwetltm to K)int at or near Houce Coupe : and Mia and from a point at or near rouce Coupe in n North Westerly direction tn iinltil al nr nir Mtlftanti'ft Hnn. tion at the home of hi parents Mr K J. Moore. Mrs Oeorge Powers and children did on '.. Ceo re River, thence In a gen- "r- 'or Vancouver on Thursday era! H.uth Westerly snd Westerly di- es p'r, nned ai d will remain here until "Vi route L through Xri? the ,Z Fine : hearing furthw from Mr TeacMr Airtxiatlon was hsld In the (di From a point t or near lladsoaa'sceoiii t-use on Tnurssray sming test llnpc ciosaniK reace Kiver tn a Ken-iatul d -.ipue uniavoraoie weal ner con era: i ly u mt.. ra iu - ntoIlf was well attended Dtacueslon Hi mill niiiHiuiiT. iih-ii in m th-r, direction to u pun' ai or near took place on a number of topics of Port Vermilion and tbem-e Northerly mterc-t ti Hie association lu regard to W'"ir'?. V." '.'!: futut,' activities It was decided to nn m ui in ii - ...... with the Northern boundary of tlie Pr vnuH ot Alberia The said railway heir" declared to u- lur the aeneral be tflt of Canada 2. To aulhort on i.i- tlie March meeting a social one o Kokii all IntertMteri lu the work i-e invited K T Kenney waa the ;h .Htiri C impany to nk- lor the evening and gave a d '. and hotela and to own and operate veaaels anil to callcct charg-js on telenraph and telopnone raea-sae-i of the public t i file upon and nc i!re water poser Mies and to itener-ite electric and other enernv "'l to dls-prw of the urplua from and collect chargei therefor 3. To authorme the .satd Company to Issue aerurll'e-. in rcapr-t of the said line of railway to an amount not ex---l!iii- Fortv Thousand iMO.OOOOOi Offices Bank rf Toronto max . Kdmoiit-m. Alberta. Vniinda LAND ACT rvotn r; ot ivtkktion t avviJ to I.F.Attf: LAND In Priiic- RuxTt Land Recordlns District, and altuaU at Huston Inlet, Queen Charlotte Island- TAKK NOTICE that Robert M. Currte. of Vancouver. B.C. 1c"'," packer. Intend tc apply for a lease of he following described lhds:-- Commencing t n post planted at nnrtheasl comer ill) ilnns .' neao oi Iptrr-'-t inn address on "The ' i oi --'ronmsnt." In Dollars per mile for tlx- prairie atctlona. I Sealed Tendem will be received by the mid not e-t'Cttdiiut KiVy-flvc Thousand 1 District Forester not later than noon on I SO 000 00 Dollars f.r the mountain ; the Xlutl day of February. 1WS8. tor the -ctioii i niirciiusi' oi Lioenoe iuw near neaa of DATTID n! the CUv of Edmonton. In . Nowich Cove. Busau Island. C.R. 8, to the Province of AHiet-ia thi 4th day ! ,-ut 17J30.000 leet ol board nteaaure oi of January. A D IfWfl I Signed I J BTKWAItT Cl.ARK On behalf of the Applicants c-q Bwlnu. Harvle & Bury. Barrister- Boliciturs. ir TIMIIEIt SALE XM94 jbprui-e, Cedar, Hemlock and Ualxam saw- j logs. Two CJl years will be allowed for re moval oi umoer. Further particulars of the Ohlet For-etter. Victoria, or the District Forester. FrUiov Rupert. B.C. J(70V1RNMRNT LIQUOU ACT." MIT lllti W Al'l'LH ATIDN ttlR IIKLH I.ICISNMr: NOrlOB Is hereby given that on the lSlh day of March next, the undersigned Intend-, to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor a llosiue in respect of ttf pretnlses belne part of the but Id ins known nown a as Port Port ciemei Clerneiits Hotel, situated at Port Clements. BC uuon the land. neerrinen as ixit no n. asm Btin-dlvlston of Lot 7S0. yiiesn Clmrl.'lte l,- land District. Map No 107U. Prince Ku rt l and Rei-inratlon li'strlct. In the ovlin-t of Br'tlsh Columbia, for the . . 1.1 -.l. l I . . . ..f un. hu II.,, . ... ..r V... II... ,,,u,,, hin- tii.nie southerly noioo t rj ,,,,.,,.,,.., ch .... v.,. u. , .... . i..U. a..tjn.iii m chains: thence noi- ooivic toi ( jn-suiiiiiiion on tne poemises 1 - vw".-... . Mn..iM ... n'T.tn fihifi - therlv about I? chains, anu j..v-..uh- , lr---- :-l acres, more M (.K!Ufc. Applicant -hv of February, iiuvnaNE l.onrirc rtNt.i.Kv. Applicant. THE DAILY LANDMARK AT ENDAKO GONE Mcfjicttlgnn Hotel Iluilding at Interior llailwuy Town Destroyed by Fire Hnriy in Week An bid landmark , ralfway ssttUlonal robS early thlsreek Mrs. N. P. Moran . .t. friends at bridge on Un. L. Werner an for hlghaat potnts. Mrs. G. H. Pethlck . - an enjoyable BrldaT f " evening. Prlae wlnna: Charles Held and Fred U the Interior was removed What r- totally des- i :royed the Meaetttgati 1 ,i:.jir.f J at Bndnko which also lumsed a a tore conducted by Tom cnnatiin The nra i occurred Sunday momln:: and caused ! corMlderable excitement in the little i settlement. If the wmd had not hap 'pened to have MSB tn th. west. It Is 'said that the WltQte town might have been wiped out'. SMITHfellS In order to etlmlnatSS duplication of stocks, the Interlon Min and Tomlln-son Drug Store harve'sSJec a tranafei of office Btippils and atattonery. E. E. Orchard Is again the mayor of jamltnen. having been tie-ted man of the board at town commla- 't:.M.mi ot sis perialoners at the first meetim: lui k. mwi ..j. li.i ui niiinicipal fiovern- ii '.i.' here ; mcrea-rd 1200 ner vear .' o: v.f.couver of the city electric, , ,n "mPonM "u i " tern and It l. -n.e. ,h.. . coMiilrtkin. a eni,n.Tr:.M . : ,CC"' 'be city council ha. ., . h 1 decided to Ifltolte ' 1'i.wKurfliru i ne niain to the petition of stt an early closing by- - .n come in the ec,sry re- TTSLT TT. ' iildint. of the dlatrlbutlon ayuem ... - ..1 uri; JIIUII1I1IX UUL11 end. i"'! wxaminauons recently in i joura vih- rnnci ucrwite mgn ifenooi. Robert levator screenings control, freight rata, and mailasUug tsrmed the principal topics of dlinsaa) n at the annual meetiBg of As Buikley VaUey VansMts taauttjt la Teikwa o. r. Wright j a new rwlMliir of the board -f otteetoni of tat tastitute. very asat of tls council of the Smltbsta District Stt of Trade was filled at the first assattttg of the council on Monday night of this week. Many matters pwrtsblhK to the advancement of the district were The orunletpaU sottrt of revision opened lu aesalcn oa Wednesday of this week bat. owing So the illueas o: Mayor m. K. Orsasard, decided to ad- There ato tuH many appeal against the assaasnisilU made by As- ;teor C. L. The sane bureau of the Smitbers Board of Trade bsa doaided to encourage the use of barbies f:..h hooks sa a means of i nnaaailng the .porting fish n the district. The death otcsaaad last Sunday ot the three weeks' old aon of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fowler, a pre mature tooth having caused Infection which proved latal. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon fresn st James Anglican Church with stov J B Otbaon offlciatlng. Fallbaarssa were Gerald Itephens. Mike OHelU,, Fred Bvltt and victor Otraaa. St.. A daughter was born on lundr Mr and Mrs C M. Hlckenboth 3mlthers. Mrs. A. Merrill of Dr house guest of Mrs. here. Bert MeCorkell of trading post was a 1mlthers last The Haselton baa be re ror a ilng it in f Ml.lN Mrs. J t Ooyts, who formerly isbmi- cd In Smlthers. Is now a resident of London. Ontario, having moved there recently tram Venice. QSJIArnita. Mrs. T, J. Marsh of Tssrlweeipae been a visitor with Mrs. A O. 9vler during the week. Mrs. Fowlar-a saoiher will arrive from Washington this week. The Smlthers town sottneil has plao- td an order for two hundred jaekptne -olen which will be used as mud slits In the sidewalk eotuttrttetlon program to be carried out this yar. Quarantine has been lifted from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wakefield rear Teikwa. in which there has been farlet fever recently P. L. Mulvllle rf drassy Plains la a Her Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mrs. Q. Ames, SS Gt George Street, I ChaUrMa, Oat,, writes i Last waiter ! my threw boys had terrible eeUe aad ' m UMi I . I 1 . I Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup "I (old him I bad not. but that I of aSaaaaaaMal : rtr this wswk in Smlthers. eommn-i og business with Orsasure. Prank U. DockrUl of Teikwa spent the most of last weak la Bnilllaurs re-i Mlvlng dental utaatment. F. Oast, a resident of Nadlna for i ral weeks, la now located at Quorn. . u-lo. ton Boy. who has been under mimical care for several days suffering from ptourlsy, Is now snaking good progress toward recovery. fiev. Father A. ValUerea. OJU. will leave on Sunday fpr H sltOn whence lie all) process) a few days lasts- to Print Rkrpsn ja .asatiad an rrraaajla I tlcal meeting. Frank Conway, former proprietor of the Evelyn Hotel, after spending a few months in California has returns! to Smlthers with the Intention of re-1 locating. Smlthers residents are active In putting up ice requirements for nest summer. There will be larger quantities stcrfd than previously. Mrs P RiiaBBi1 sbnttAlntMl TimAv night at bridge, prlre winners bsing , numtm M h.r Mrs l b warner ana ssrs. J. k. sic- Intyre. Interest continues unabated In the j Inter-rink curling competition which j Is being held here NEW IIAZELT0N Kltmucls, Haselton and Klspkn The pupils of the United Church Buuduy Sohool at Haselton were treat. would, and I must say that after they ed to a slelghrlde around the district nan iimaneo tae tmra Dottle they were entirely tA ot the cough. ' ' T will never be without a bottle of 'Dr. Wood's' on hand." Price SSe. a bottle, large family sise tioc ; put p ouly by Ths T. AlUbura Ou. I.i mi ted. ToroAW. Oat, 1 last Saturday. On their return, they were served with refreshment, by Mrs. , J H. Young snd Mrs. Boden at the I Manse. taist Sunday afternoon Miss Vlvlnn Chapptll of 11 see It on entertained a' HffirT. your copy o The Daily News every night by havinfr it delivered to your address by carrier paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep Yourself Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading rcguldrbf THE DAILY NEW, Ejlesss7s3sftC9svtSBxs2?r9 IT WILL PAY YOU! DEMAND FA01B wvp? "Rupert Brand" friends to a ariv armin-l I li- rl-tc with rii,,.r The hostsaw was aaalstsd by I,, th. . m. . . v Mtnln Un. K. O. Houghton " Mrs. Mathettion. lady superintendent of the Haselton Hosptul. tseated mem bers of the nursing staff to s sleigh drive to New Baaslton on Sunday The young ladles were entertained during the evening at tlie home of Mrs. C. ii. Sawte Ltn " Fost office Inapsotor Mlddlemlas of, began to worry me. Vsneouver has been a visitor to thai Rev. T. D. Proctor will conduct scr "I weat to my druggist ud ho askeU district on official duties recently. 'Vices at Kltwanga on the coming Sun me If I had tried I - idav. The Port Simpson native Issiftjj was in town this week In the eotBBbOt a tour of the Skecna River OthatAoInU Rev. J. H. Young at making s trip along the Skeena ' River. Rev. Mr. visited included Kltselas. itltwanga, Burnett' of Risplox took his serVlots at New Baaslton on Sunday. A oharg against the O.K. restaurant at Ifasetsaa under taa Indian Act was dismissed this week. 1'Ol.t.INft VV TUB IKKAKS, "You say your sister mskes up )okes: then she a a humorist?" "No: she works In a beauty parlor " Boston Trsusartpt. pers HlDAlNtlBST BliBAKFAST PHOI).' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. IM Prince Itupert. ILC Trappers ! Arc you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to GaidMooHn. Jfcat no wa want ntMt, marten, erraiae, cay-ota, woil, fomn of all kimia, and lynx. We hare large orders from Kuutuiacturexa in th Eaat, Hitdjt' we cannot fill them we loirfour konav- AT pay top prises for everything. If you have a large lot, wire rat and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom The Tmppem Friend." Seeond Avenue