27, 1028 THE ACME'S Annual li an- some real specials for the Boyn. Theae will be ihr lit Temptation Sale Specials for boys before stocktaking. OF SPECIE INTEREST TO MOTHERS OF BABIES I hat luiddly cuddly baby of yours what things you plan 1 n, future", what care you take to insure that it grows 'i.- and healthy. One thing you are very likely to do is to ' i those delicate eye with Boric Acid. 75 per cent of nil 1 Acid is used for tha purpose. It simply must l' Pun "iK' but the Best the ver best -will do. Rexall lioric A i.l hoots for novs ' lied Stitch Boot. A real wearing boot for this time . ai . Will give good servicei Sizes from 1 to 5. SO OK Sale Price 9. JO . - il to l::'-. Temptation Sale Price SWEATERS FOR HOYS Sweaters made by tin- St. Murgaret'H people of ".! worsted in brown, gray, naVy and fawn. Polo col-I i.e.x from 22 to :I2. ffif Qtf 9J99 :,: Sale Price STOCK im;s for hoys tamous St. Marifuret's Brand pure wool St . ki tijff for Mi the well-known double knee and diamond knee for ii All xize. QO V9 ,,. Sale Price ('AITS FOR HOYS i one lot of ('apt. the famous Wolfe make. They pure wool tweeds with unbreakable peaks. All 95C Sale Price PANTS FOR IlOiS I'antu, in fancy patterns, made of strong wearing A few odd .sizes left. Itejiular 41 r vmlm.-9 OfJ ii Sale Price Acme :: Importers 'I). Orders Strit'll) Cash N Chnree Account Mail Ordei Forwarded Express Prepaid is the purest it it possible to make it is absolutely sate lie eves of the dearest baby in the world your baby, in! ORMKS IS THE ONLY REXAI.I. STORK IN PRINCE HI' PERT Jfic Pmnccr Dt uQtisLs THIRD AVE. l, SIXTH ST. ' TELEPHONES fvlOO SALE 3 SALE Spun Silk A' olutely pureliiik and the best grade: fine fl' 'v,'n 1 1,1 'n e frff, heaV coarse ffliWndait dye. n jhJJde 1 -v' . l.ipKtfcV Petnj Srive? Hkrcbfiient. sfeml. JaJf. FUi. White. 2tt inchea wid.e Sale Price 75c yd. Fraser & Payne The Universal Tr...:..u THE DAILY NEWS PAGE .THREE UNITED CHURCH Local and Personal M IN GOOD SHAPE fl.O. Undertakers. Phone tl LncouraKing Reports Covering Dentist. Dr. J. Q jsm Phone 6H6. various Activities Congresra- tfon Presjtnted at Annual ' Skattng daUy. a o 4 and 8 t to. tl jtyjOR IS PRAISED Debt Materially Reduced and Mortgage Will Soon be Removed According to Fore- CflHt Last night the consreifHtloii of Wrst United Churcb held its annual meeting. Th United Church of Canada has thla year brought the ytar end to December 31. thus making the annual meeting actually a survey of nine months' work. Rev. A. Wilson, paator. opened the meeting with brief devotional exercises and ocrupted the chair during the x- malndcr uf the meeting. T. Wilding was elected secretary. ureal, enthusiasm and Internet was ahown be the large number present which repr&ietited the various branches or young pe plc's work as well as adult organization!!. L:trl Brrif. superintendent of ths Sunday sciiuul. nave an Interesting re. lume of the work of that organization. I" ,wn:g t healthy state of progress a. W Vandewater. president of the neWly-farmed Young People's Society, described the varied activities of that organization, pointing out vaulable work done in helping the young people to self-expression and constructive thinking. Miss Phyllis Harvey reported for the PoUyana Oroup of the CO IT. and described a splendid program of activities along the line of the fourfold life. U. V. Wilkinson reported for the 1s-d e.s' aid an Increased membership and a larger amount of money raised In nine months than In toe twelve months pre-v'ous. Mrs. O 6. Irvine gave a most encouraging report of the activities of the Women's Missionary Society and showed It to be a vital force In the life of the congregation. - Prank Vleken. as treasurer for Um congregation, showod an encouraging decree af pragmas In the finances of the congregation. Trie mortgage had beau further reduced during the year and the total Indebtedness of the congregation was not more than 11.160.76. This, it Is hoped, will soon be removed according to the promise reflected in con-.rrsalionol life. at the present time. o s. Wilson, rhoir leader, spoke of the work af the choir, anklng the aup-rx.rt of friends Uv.ard the project of Installing an electric blower fpr the or-gtn. ( Mlaa IsaMs.Vadd.ank. deaconess, gave au Illuminating s.eech on the work i the conarevatioii coming under her care in Primary Sunday School Mission Bai.d. C O I T. and Women's Mlwlonary So viet. Bjb Irvine rrported on the Tux Qr-up and Bruce 8evens on the work jf the Trail' Range: A ocmmlttee of stewards was appointed consisting of O H Thompson W o. Klrkpstrik. T WUdlng. F Derry. r. Vlckers and Dr. W. T It derided to appoint a session av prov.ded for in the constitution of the United Church and nominations were as follows. T O Shenton. A. R Oordon. C. R. Btggert. O M. Hunt, O Wolstenholme and W B. Cornish Appointments to the official board "re Mrs. M Kerglu. W. O Klrkpatrlck, M7v B M Barle and Miss M A. Way. 1. J Shenton voiced the appreciation of the congregation for the work of the new pastor and expressed confidence that the church would go forward under -bis leadership to atlll greater use fulness. A short musical program followed, including an Instrumental trio by Miss Swana Olsen. Archie Thompson and Billy Puller; solo by Mrs. H. Forrest: reading by Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson; song O S. WUton. Refrenlunents were then served by the l.irties' aid and a nor... I time eujoyed Advertise In The Daily News ore Throat SORENESS or inflammatioa tI throat often leads to larnygitlt atklnfooncalat.' cataarh.i tpa tablets are the speedy, toothing raised. its medicinal fumi given off the dissolving Fepi, destroy mischievous germs, end oreatM aad irritation and purify and Invigorate the whole of trie breathing pauaget A Vi is tht mmtk kttpt (nfectitn tut I Jar JuJxTvJ Tommy'! Tut. Cat. Oet the Big 4 nabiu of a Taxi, phone 4 Basketball tonight, at 7.30. 26c and 10c. Juneau. S Zenith .: - - When- thinking tl Exhibition Hall C. H. Orme sailed this morning by the Prince "Open lor victoria on a business trip. R. A. Creech sUed this morning by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on a business trip. Mr. and Mm. Otier Besner sailed this morning by the Prince Rupert for a brief trip to Vancouver J. O. Bteen returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Hazel-ton where he spent several days on business. Dout forget at 8 30 tonight the Moose Legion Novelty Dance, lots of fun and prizes. Snappy music. Ladles 60o. OenUemsn 41.00 P. W. Hart hat received a number of new slogans from the south and th final Judgment of the committee will be given Thursday evening. B. H. Worlock of the P. C. Dawson Ltd. staff will leave by tomorrow morning's train oa one of his periodical business trips to the interior. Mr. and Mr. Jaaaes Morrlce of Stewart were passengers aboard the Prince Rupert this morning going through to Vancouver for a holiday visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tooth of Stewart were passenger aboard the Prince Ru pert this morning going through to Vancouver on a holiday trip. John Sim sailed this morning by the Prince Rupert lor Vancouver where be will spend a holiday recuperating from a recent attack of pneumonia. Mrs p. o. Dawson tailed. this morning on the Prince Rupe lor Victoria. 31. e will return home shorty with Mr. Dawson who has been.nojgtb for the ' past week on bualncas. Inspector William Spider, provincial police, returned to the city On yesterday ..riernocn's train from a BIB to the in W. M. Johnson of Queen Charlotv City, who has been iwsefvtng treatment in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. will sail by the Prince Mam at the first of the weak on his return to the Is lands. Northbound from Vancouver to, Alas ka. O.P.R steamer Princess Mary. Oapi C. C. Balntey. la due tat port early to morrow afternoon. The vassal la ashed uled to touch her sou inbound neat Wednesday afternoon Prank Walerhouse freighter Robert H. Merrick la due in port at the week end with cargo of coal and will load out some 100.000 fert of Terrace cotton-wood logs for the LaMinated Materials mill at New Woes tm meter. During the past twenty-four hours, eighty carloads of grain have arrived from the nralrlea for the Alberta Whui Pools Prince Rupei ; elevator. Hallway offices this morning reported 221 cars rn the division west of Jasper Park bound here. Morris W. Prlnglr and his bride, for merry Miss Bdlth MoOsul. R.N., who were married in Vancouver recently and have since been on a honeymoon trip to Ban Pranolaco. are eapastad to reach the city on the Princeai Mary tomorrow from the south. They will take up resi dence at 646 Fourth Avenue 8. D. Macdonald tailed. thla morning by the Prince Rupn t for Victoria where he will attend a nu-eting of the Britlah Columbia cxecuiivr of the Trades and Labor Oeojrxe of i anaia. 'ftSwUhfonn )iie ltgatlon wttUn -h4d 'confer wiiKtrM-i efBniw stchttal on thla province. , , ,HJ IntrMOr are ffrrrt the lalrt Inforiitittlon on IKIMl-J, STOCK!? ami MIAKKS. VaiHotnrr Mmk r.'xrltange.. (uiilatluiiii rreelvnl tHlce dally. Hum keeping yu lit ttwirh Willi the price Hurt uIimk of the market. Ilii.tlng antt Mllng orders eteeiitnl by wire at i eeiiM tu vim. U. pKltt'Y TINKIlIt A f'O.. LTIi. rrpn-M-nllni: It. V, liark In., l id oi unc miter. Ti'irptiimr Hilton Gonzales sailed, thla morning by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on business. Capt. B. Little of Burns Lake arrived In the city from the interior on yeater-; day afternoon's train and aailed this morning on the Prince Rupert for Man in the Moon MISS Maude Bydon. the evangelist who smokes, la a novelty. Possibly the scooting is an advertising stunt. At any- rata It has proved to be that. A LOT of people have asked what Is the meaning of the word "plenipotenti ary." That's easy. It's Just an agent ) with a power of attorney. He has full power to act for the other chap. But of course he doesn't. Be asks advice from the government. A Minuter Plenipotentiary Td certainly very much like to be. But I fear I'd be rash la voting the cash To enjoy myself .with don't you see. IP the VA. does not take Kergln's boundary suggestion seriously, so much the worse for U. Jake says be would Mrs. B Johnacei. who has bsn visit. Iu Dt omy a J-o ink (or some tuna with friends In the city, will return by the Princess Mary I PRBBIDBKT Beatty fancies he ahead. Oood for hunt tmn. .tt,n w hu 'prosperity . '.erlor on omclal duties 4td sailed this morning for Ocean Falls, i Sergesnt T. Van Dyk. Oexos Act en tcrceWnt officer of the provincial police for this district .returned to the city n yesterday afternoon's train from i trip to Prince Oeorge on official duties. For drunkenness. Frag Burke. Chris Ollbertson and Axel lUasela were cash fined MS. with the option of thlry days' Imprisonment, in city police court this morning by Magistrate MeCIymont MR. Beatty but on his big glasses And looked very wisely ahead. "I think that is Mr. Prosperity I see on the road there ahead. Let us hall him." the president mutters. "Let us get him to join with our gang" But Prosperity keeps on a-walking And for hailing does not care a hang. THE only thing the matter with some pf the Jokee U that they have been used so long U.c point has worn off. Advertise In T rtair Sw 44 4 4 ANNOONCEitENTS Legion Novelty Dance January ST. Prince Rupert Otrta' Drill Team dance februaiy S. Women of Valentine's Whist February It. Drive Legion snd Bt. C N.R Annual Ball. Friday. Pebrary 17 Klk Cabaret April 30 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE. Application 'or "raxing Itrmlt fee the sesxiii of IsiH Applications for permiu to gram llve- atoc. :k on the Crown Range within any gracing dlatrlct of the Province of British Columbia, Siust be filed with the District Forester at Fort Oeorge. Kamloops, Kelson. Prince Rupert. Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March Slat wm. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may be obtained from the District Foresters at the above-named places or from the Department of Land at Victoria. B.C. O R NADEN. Depn'v Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria. BO. January la. 1888. A. A. Milne's CLEVER SKETCH "Wurzel Flummery" in Sti Andrew' Cathedral Hall TONKSHT. FRIDAY, nt 8 Ry MfinWrn of the Prince Rupert Players' Club Also it Rood program of rntiii' lv old liivoiitt. Come and finny a piod Iniiirli. Hid of the m;i:i Ktu.d. Pav ."Oc nt the door In 50 Ijnars afaCortfo P. an ad ian National Qfo Largtii Kailway Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Ballings from I'KINCE Ul I'tUT for VANCOl VKIt. VICTOHIA. KKATTLE. asd uitermediate points, each I KIHAV, BOO am. For HTEWAKT and AXIOX, each HEIINESHA V, 10.00 pan. For NUKTII and HOt Til ()1'BEN CIIAItl.OTTE IVI.AMl. Fortnightly. PHWENGaR TBJlWH LEAVE PHISCE Kl'I'EKT Each llOMlAV, WEIISEHKAV and SATI HIAV at UJ0 ana. for I'KIM'E GEOIIOE. EDMONTON. U'INMI'IXl. all point Eastern Canada. United States. tUKNCY AU. OCEAN "mUMKIIII' UXU, Use Csaadlan Natkuial Exprets fuf Mne (Irdrrt. I'orrlin Cbeiors nr.. aba for ysnr nrtt shipment. CITV TICKET OmCE. St TII1HI AVE PKIM'E KtfKKT. flionr tti HCANADIAN PACiriC Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services eaeavsawsaaBBBVSMsasavsBieBvaea Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketrhlksn. tVrsngell. Juneau and Kkagway January , February 11, ts To Vancouver, Victoria and Keattle Febroary 1, is, sad tt. ritlNCtmn liEAIRICL. let Uutedsle. Etut llelia IWIIa. Ieas Palls. Mama. Alerl hay rainpfcril Klver. ami sn.i.or everi talardty, tl a.m. ttriHt for all Hteamthlp Unea. rail lalormatlvn fnmir- W I. OlM'IHItll. Mr mi Corner of 4th Mieet and 3rd Aetaue, Prlnra Rapert, ILC. Plwne 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMJTED Msllliir lm rrtuce llHperi. lor VANCOI'VEIC VICTORIA. Ilutedale. Alert 1H). etc., Tuesday, fi p.m. Fw V.WCOl'tEK. VICTOItlA. swannon IU. Alert lis), etc.. Saturday, 0 am. rwr l-OKT K'MISON. NAAS RIVEH POINTS. ALICE AllJI. ANVOX. STEIVAKT. Males llsnd. Siineay. K p.m. ItS tm) Atrnnr K t MMIIIt t PvHteo HMurrt 11 f . Through ticket wid to VIHetla and Seattle, aad baggage ehrcked through to destination. All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 15 PER CENT RUDDERS, sixes 6 nd 7. rejfular $2.25, now S.".r Shoe Sale Continues). Every pair muat go. TH0R JOHNSON To Every Woman 'who is eager for new ideas in home decoration new color combinations for the sun porch, new color schemes for baby's room, new color beauty everywhere in the house "61" Brushing Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 "L "E rr 4 Ntr ro-.vfcwr' Best Procurable' C3 (THE ORIGINAL) JL reiSc(xtch Whisky ' 4wEa taamraaa! yft I flmrim RICHEST IN FINEST M I HIGHLAND MALT ! m' pv.n.. rj..uw nut'iiinsa uJl- yiaSvljsjtjgrSnr an.k tWic. Seila4. BBgTff'lsUAlVl'SF Thin advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Goven ment of British Columbia