I a . Save Money Boston Grill tic wy to buy the Tl. ih Mix'-1 ... . .. t Hiitwcrlbc by the ft',; V N '" ('WL 1 ,,,1 '111' ,1(.ivrred to your ftddrew "' ' figure out the -,.n " ,K ' . .... aw- thU fall l. XV' II.. N C" ' Liiui r ll'llK'll twelve month I nil ral rwr sat Bua'i' inui iney ievy 100 iiikii an Interest Hale on Farmer' Ixwns l a Jan 37.--Declaring niiiri.t wu acting in an 11 by collecting from tlie i : Butiah Columbia intcreat j ..h-, ut the rate, uf more than ..: per eent above the raw t Government Is ab.c to ob- ';: opposition memberi ot , mi;c Thursday efternoor J debate; on lite addrcaa lii speech from the throne : liner of Creston and R salmon Arm ,.oxe on the '.-oiii crl i lured what ihey j lie precllne of the Oov- i 11 cttni what they nu.tl ' x Ilk three per ce.i. i of obtaining money by alanae the i lowed but oh on the addreaa : :oti o( Harrj IEADL0CK IN wa ad Perry o 10 ACTION YET ON KERGIN MOVE iim mmeni Will Have to Tukc A. lion if the Itetolution Pusses the House M- iohia Jan. IT. Action ol in. ' on the Kergln resolution to :..'K Pan Handle will br m r UW of the reaolutton 'he Home Premier M-I.e" "- the matter la one for the ' deal wl h II the on the order oaner carries, il nir the duty or ,he Oovern- - forward the aame to Ottawa - : commendation that account l It looking to aecurtng the :n.m the United Slates Oov-V present the Oovertunent ta hi tlon. HOCKEY BROKEN pionircal Maroon Heat Toronto 1 ast Night: 111 Scoring at Ottawn "Iikn io. Jan. 27- Montreal broke " i 'i place deadlock, defeating To- me Ottawa tied Toronto for i'" - deefatlnt Chicago. The New K "u r paaeed Boaton which ware i i-utin Detroit to regain the in the American aaotlon. cni-ie at Otuwa in which the " -ii defeated Chicago nine to wide open and the fana enjoyed iorlng. The following 'i . v rcnulta: ' ' o. Montreal 1. "" " Ottawa 8. o Now York Rangera S. IATTENBURY CASRr, APPEAL RESERVED "i'v nction in which the atatus '"in settlement Act U IIOI KKV I'LAVKIl lltl w quis- Poiter Idaho Rlehmoiul Bllverrrent . SllverrniUh Surf Inlet Sunloch ! ll " hiH-key player, prominent Torlc -i"i iHimni. died today follow- iWhltrwalor ' ---i Hhu,. V!it',it WILL BENEFIT PRIME RUPERT it, J. Action of Government in giving low rate for two years justified in renewal now announced The Alberta wheat pool has again leased the Prince Ilupcrt elevator from the Dominion government, thh time for a period of five years. Notification to this effect was received this morning by Fred Stork in a telegram which follows: "Am pleased to advise you that the Alberta Poo Klcvators, of which I am general manager, have completed arrangements with the department of trade ant while the itatutc pia-j rommcrcc whereby the Prince Rupert terminal has beer. p ' 'leased Tor of five lrom August l, vxexr- it ana - ni, , , . a 'period years ,. . . . . ,, Naturally Mr. Stork was much elated at the receipt jf the news for he was one of the active agents in getting the lease to the Wheat Pool consummated. Two years ago he went to Calgary and largely through his influence the deal was consummated for two years. The terms of the lease were freely criticized all over the Dominion, especially by opponents of the government. Mr. Stork now sees in a renewal of the agreement that the government was w ise in making the original lease although the financial .return was small. Prom a Prince Ilupcrt point of view it is pointed out that now the Wheat Pool is established here permanently, it will take a greater interest in the port and doubtless will ship a great deal more grain this way than otherwise would have been handled. For the next five and a half years, at least, the Pool will be here, which is about as much of a permanency as anyone could suggest. It is expected that the people oi rnnce uupcri win be pleased at receipt of the news, for there had been some fear that as the Pool was building at Vancouver it would not be interested here. While the terms of the lease are not announced, it is understood that the Pool is paying a good figure for the lease. Mr. Stork has been active in urging the government that it would be wise to make a deal with the Pool and his advice has been followed with the definite announcement today. LOCAL COMPANY IS GAZETTED THIS WEEK VICTORIA, Jan VI. Iiicorporattoila ganettrd thft week include the International BlUPpen. Limited cupltullcd at agO.OOO. h public company " flee at Prince Rupert. VANCOUVEK BNCIIASGB B.C Silver lg Ml";"irl Oot Cpi I Daly Aluk jnunwell Oeorge C'U'l'r lOlarler jlndepentlcnic ; Indian 1 li. anrl 1 llaadnmlth ' " I'llftl A I-.- on ... v.. ti IIM'v(i by the court of a Due 1 1 Marmot Metal ' settlement board veraua premier Bid. Aaked. l.ftS 170 n 7s 52.50 55.00 15 S2 S 3.75 3 80 06 V, 06 .14'-, 15 1.00 1.04 lB', .00 10 .34 M .06', 08 35' j -38 .19 1 3.70 2-W .51 2 .17 18 II 'i 13 .26 a ' 00 ' 4 25 4.30 3 80 4.25 248 250 1 47 SWAINBY IS NEXT WHEAT VESSEL HERE Prlnee ltiieii' Ihlrfrenlli xraln altti M Die aniMMt will lie the Itrl-tlelr rretgiitrr H-nlnb.v which hi due limnxrow frMii (he Old CiHiittrjr umi will lukr oi:t it foil canto of grain from (lie AHiorta Mieat Puot'a I'ritvte Itaperl e'Miitr tor I he t'HHrt Klngdam or Conlliietit. The vetl' In atreail) llm-d but nwy Itave to he fuiijktll. ..t iiimmi t-ila? ak rollfNVllMUnt. The iswulnh) ia of Ilia uual t)H of . iralii boat Her vroaa louiwte U ifm- f.'-tteet,Mi TeMffWrtirt. She watlnilit In 1817 at' x(icW6n-oiiTw mid f owned by the Uop-n rr MilpplxK Co. which lint had aeieral truln ImmU In Prince ltu-pt-rt tliln neaiMin. It l rrHrlMl. tlui igh definite In-fofiiulliin l not uiulluhtc. that HiMiie of the Wlioil i'imiI hout coining to the eiif for Vniu-ouvrr liHiilIng MHin may be ilhertrd to rrlnee II it perl imlug to the emigration ill llir .niitherii port. KING GIVES WELCOME TO R;B; BENNETT rrernler Pays Tribule to Quantitation of New Leader of Opjitwition OTTAWA. Jan. ;-A frllr'tout ul nio-liMT peevMrtl I lie Huiie of ConiMoin yrolenUy alternoon. Irr-iii rr Mjcfcenxie King ewltruHng the i-ran!iu til wetnuue IIwm. It. II. Itrnnrtt a leader ) the mmI t'. In fitting wi br pa hi a w.irnt t-lbutr to Mr. IteniiHI's qiMllfleat-tlons fur the pot- lie wild tlut he would at uFt tlnae luir h' bent nUlira. He felt nfr Hint Mr. Itrnnrtt would rw-wi'erute In (iplwld-lug lluie ancient tnidMloiw of l"r-llame-it. whrh mnmt hi mofli to It. proceeding. MUDBROYDON1 THE PREACHER Knjfagcments 1 Cancelled Because She Smokes Cicarettes and Other Reasons LONDON. Jan 27 Mlaa Mauoe Boy- dan, who left England recently on a tour ot the world, la to spend three .uoutha on a lecturing tour In the United States, and among her engage-menu were a lecture to the Women 'a Heme Missionary Society of the Methodist Splaaopal Church in Boatou. and another to the Chicago branch of the ame aoclety on February 12. Mean age received In London announced that both these meetings had been cancelled, the former because the Boston women believed that Mis Hoyden , had advocated "ccmpaaloaata marriage." the aesond because the Chicago society, sccordUig to the New York World, objected ta Hlsa Hoyden's reported habit of smoking cigarettes. A later message says that the Chicago meeting waa dropped because no suitable data could be found tor rt. Thla sounds rather unlikely with an important guest. CUMPAMONATt: MAKHtAdi: The Boston women who have canoelled their lecture in the bellel that Mlaa Hof-nen advocates "companionate ssarrlasja" have, of course, been Mlalnforaved. Last July Mlaa Royden preaehad a sermon at the Outldhouse on 'Oosnpanlonata Marriage." and evidently an UMoeuraU report of her autemcut wu miMlened. tor beore she left England ah racelved a U.tur from the Archblahop of Canterbury asking whether she belter ed In com-nanlonate marriage, and aha said that she did not. Those who know Mlaa Iioydan know that aha considers very aertoualy the pro-1 blama of eei that trouble the minds of young people. Her sermon waa based oa a book published m America entitled1 "the Revolt of Modem Youth,'; by Judge Lindsay, th Jud;;e of th first Child -run's Court ever estahllahed. and ah dtscuseed the sugitesUon mad In that boo)( that one of th rettvedtea. for unhappy marriage should be a "trial" or "companionate" marriage. She explained quite fairly what the Idea waa, and that ft contemplated finally a permot mar- ftlaee, but she said "It Is, is d)uston to 'CMWK that you ean reaUynrr.ajt fxparl 'merit 'of hicti the. very,, snve U ,fl- nsrlty. without finality. It U aaplnt at a shadow and loalng v the substance. It Is not marriage." That seems sufficiently definite, and th Boston women, with fuller Information, may well regret their action, ea- pecliilly as there are so many other organisations eager to seine any chance to hear Mlaa Royden. Her lecture agent had to refuse 350 applications. Advertise In Tli Osliy Niws PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper rUINCST RUJ?ERTlrB.C.t FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927 STEWART PROSPECTS VERY BR Ymce Rupert Grain Elevator Is Again Leased to Alberta Wheat Pool for Period of Five HACK MADE ON GOVERNMENT Years from August 1, 1928 Fred Stork received telegram this morning from general manager of Pool giving him the news UISB A MAVD ROYDOK. the Eng-llah evangelist who has roused a storm of controversy In the Untied Bttfta because she frankly admit ftal -she jamokea eftaiattea, Her enfagameRU In.a number ot aUMa were cancelled becaua of her views o)i thla matter. Advertlae In The Dsllv N- Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457. Price Five Cent! IGHT FOR COMING SUMMER Customs Commission Makes Its Report and Score Recommendations ! OTTAWA. January 27. The final report of the cuton) com-, mission tabled in the House of Commons this aftEn0C coutflins a ,ort of recommendaiions but no specific cases of firms or Individuals which figured in the investigation are mentioned. ' The recommendation include: , Appointment of a national revenue board of three members headed by a chairman with all the qualifications of a judge of the superior courts, the board to sit in the different provinces of the Dominion. t Red ut ion of th enumbcr of point at 1 ! whvh gMCs may be entered and re-1 aUWt efficiency. ve:.ue collected. , The commllion rccommknda the pco-Pn.upt and evident enforcement ot':-;jiUcn oi- the export of liquor from ia jis rrlatlag t j national revenue. province having liquor oantiol by any-AmcndIncnt or the Cualoma Act pro- ona other than the provincial govern .id:nj alternative puuislunent to Im- menu or manufacturera. ynsnment a:d more ezpedlttoiu die- " position o; Mlmrt. i The ticminiB'Uon alao propcaaa legla- ' lutir-n t rrovlde for seizure outalde of I u n-lti-r'.al water of any vessel rtgt- ; tered In Canada engaged In or suspected 1 of teiny ri-.gaed in smuggling opera-i tlcna ii. Canada. Proh.b.tirri of the issuance of clear-j ai.oe paperr ll vessels or vehicles of ail klnda carrying Uqucr carg-.ea to the , Vnltad State conuary v the 1 vf ; that country. - Te rapor. also recomroenda the abolition of moastary pajT&enU to department offloer and offers suggestion whereby the personnel of employees be maintained Alaska Delegate Suggests That U.S. Should Buy British -Columbia Rather Than Sell TORONTO, January 27. A special despatch from Washington to the Star with respect to the proposal to secure for Canada the Alaska Pan Handle says in part: "Dan Sutherland, delegate in Congress for Alaska, said the United States should buy BritUh Columbia rather than sell any part 6f Alaska. He said that Congress would never consent to the sale of any I-art of Alaska to Canada or anyone else. The Pun Handle in southwestern Alaska ia particularly valuable to United States because of its sea coast and fishing grounds. Ordinarily, the United States produces more fish in this section than British Columbia. Our deep sea fisheries are centred in the Tan Handle just the same as the B.C. Fisheries are centred at Prince Rupert. My idea would be for us to buy British Stewart Prospects Bright and Many Portland Canal Miners Have Made Money Recent Stock Flurry Prosjiects are that the coming season will be the most active and successful in the history of the Portland Canal mining district states James McAleenan of Stewart who reached the city from the north on the Prince Rupert this morning and will return there on the Camosun Sunday night. The recent acquisition b ythe Premier Gold Mining Co. of the Silvprudo mine has been a very gratifying development, says Mr. monirr Wales Jan 27 Two man Daniel Drlsroll and Edward Rowlands McAleenan, 'were executed tod..v for ihc murder of Davis Lewis, a football player. Thi. hai-uliiii Uxik place III the heav- , Men working in the hills had fortunes piled up for them by their 1 brokers. Profit of seven and elhi thousand dollar were quite common alter strenuous while one man Is reported to have been lly guarded Jail here efforu to secure repivs had failed. I aurprlaed when he found that a parcel I ol stock he held netted him 178,000 at- Advertls in Th Dally New ' most overnight. LIQUOR BO ARD QUITE REGULAR Nothing Found by Investigation CoKimisMion That Would Involve Employees 1 VICTORIA. Jan. 27. Investigation of lerea-ularlttea aa1aleenswg ' ploy i fatted to eMue asy attsfag . torv evidence showinc that anyone la departmental ; tn service of the board or the attor-ln a blffa i aey.generai a department bad bean cor rupted by liquor interest or anyone cie. This is th gist ot an inquiry eon-ducted by Mr. Just lot Mwrphy under she Departmental InqatH Act al atated in his report filed In the Legist;' ture Thursday by Hon. A, M. Manaon. The inquiry followed proajttttloo a th j federal federal customs inquiry at Van corner of certain vouchers. "No tight has been thrown by any evidence ad- duoad at th Marines en the documents issued by the Dominion geftlnment to investigate custoia- matter," It wu stated In th report. PREMIER ASKS QUICK ACTION 1 VICTORIA. Jan 27 Highly gratified at the prospective return uf th railway , belt and the Peace Bam Block; to .pre I vlnclal control. PrktWaf it ! urged the Federal Oovertunant fee telegram ti day to hand over th areas as soon I as possible. In a telegram to Hon. t. II. Klnj, the Premier urged the tntttdeagtiOU lots) parliament of legislation apprevlng Uia return of the lands. Also be eapreaMil thank of hi government anst the pee, pie cf British Columbia to the Federal Ooverument for Its' cnnsldafatlon of the request of the provlnie. MANSON LIKES CUSTOMS RERORT McAleenan, and one that may mean a great deal to the town as the that the recommendation of the eu. P property ' lies o nearby to Stewart. An energetic campaign of de-" commiasion ld with ejsr u liquor eielopment la expected under th. new 7 K , .. I British Columbia In th nfbrtemnt of Tllll U A ml li 11 r.cl may be driven through from the I recommendation f weht approved. 1 , ..nHUa. .tavAtAS ssnllsa AT CARDIFF distant Premier acquired during the past year. Jail'ilieavily Guarded ,TW Vhen VB?TJ ExecUt Ion Took Place Follow- J'"""11, Vancouver had Ing Efforts l or Reprieves VICTORIA Jan 27. Hon. A. M. KC attorney-genaral, said today WMtam nmnlnM hl Ml I MiMwirlw which ; " --: " . j ; ' .7 ivirt hoilsM for manv vdars. , Th eventual consolidation and opera- t tlon on a large scale of several proper- -m . nnrtniTSfPttTt VW ties on the Marmot Rlvei by Prenjler UlJlJI irrUlIt 1 lllCll 1 I El StewMt people. ' !.'( I TuiinPTPTi ,.t4.ni-nr.K n np n ttnn limit In mining stock at a beneficial effect for many Stewart people who have been more or leas heavy investors states Mi- mmiaicia ur jfrm SAYS THE GOVERNMENT OTTAWA. Jan 27 Wllh regard to the appoininicp; of a minister to Toklo and the report that th post might be Kiven to Mr un-.ieux. present speaker .if the Houm- of Comi ion, Oovernrnent rfflclal state that thei Is no likelihood or the appointment being made for '-'.nc time.