Ir i.i : hniiT ili i N(V1 NOTICE 1928 HB DAILY NEWS PASS STV3 . WATER NOTICK L t- : ; KNOX CHURCH DIVKBSION AM J'SK NOTICE that Roliert . M. . i'r address ia MJfl 8th Ave. ,7 'jVi.r B.C.. will apply far a IS PROSPEROUS1 ,kc and "c 110.000 gallon , water out of small creek, t,l(.ii flow southerly and , Huston Inlet. Q.C. biandi ,1,1 K,t westerly from' Terrace Conreation Hears He- i, ul ol Huston Inlet. The ,,. diverted from the stream " " "ii-tin wiiicctm i' or ibmii WO rent from shore Year , through twenty-IOUr acre. . mmmmTM, em a Err aumin ndr lease, and Will be JBKSACE, Jan. 27-Th Annual unn. Huston liist, lilwwsby. cli,lrch' Trace. wa held on the even- '.. .. V'K oi Tuesday. There was a good at- I'luuce and an ajjnjlcatlon Tnc treasurer, a. h. Barker ore- TV'tTln the OfflS Tort'e "I an"Ual "nc"" "PO". . .r at Prince Rupert. B.0. 118 a "uh"tantlal credit balance on tend application may be ter HI expense had ham r..n the ap the said watar Recorder or a tribute w., ' Buildings. Victoria, B.C.. r'y day arter ins nrst ap- .oiICE is hereby given to LAND ACT. 01 TO INTENTION I KA.HF, I..IM) TO tPPI Kupert Land Recording Di-11 ite on the southwest enr-t.tiamed bay on the south Chanal. Oraham Island. "' Islsuds. in the Provm.e i.mbla. i U K that Arthur .Robertson 'if occupation 1 lumber -1 snplv for a lease of ilevrlbed lands .it a post planted abo.r ' rly from the mouth "f -ee flowing into an un-11 the south bank of Port ii lolsnd. Qnteen C;arlattv -e cf Briruh Coiumblti tin southerly: thence 10 thence 4 chains nor-lorellne thence Mlowtnir point of comment-. i:sinliig 1 acres, more nr tied 1 ROBERTSON. ADDllant 'nee southerly along high wir juim oi commence-'ntalning 60 acren. more or J H. TODD t, SONS, LTD ''rt lcemher ltth. log?. LIHENCt: , - Applicant. poVKIlNMBNT- LIQUOR ACT" to'" BV ...... . ! rllui' ' 18 HKRalslv saaamaf - ... rurHsry atxt tnc untlcr 1 '"ird for .in '' un ' ,.i ' , t"lh C"hmbia. upon the mi l',; " V't Tnlrtn I 'SI ae "" , 'U'1 B,,"'k N,,, - ""i 'ic iv.r...C lUH-i'. prince Rtipen 'hi ,r,V. r,'6! Dl"'P in the Pro-... if!.i - fear the aaie or tajer by 1 ' n i 1 1 . 1 !! " bJr ,h "l"i hot lie for ' n i, on , ' , the Piuniliiea. ' 1 f nre Tliiaert B.C.. this '.iiiiiiirv. AO. 1921. IDA R Applicant. I i James ttienmond, I who. until hlii decease, hart t.A . : this novice in a local newa- ehairm:.,, . . cnrm'1 ..f uI lk. . date of the first publication i the orriclal board of th " M-JJffiL l?.hw " SjeelaI pef'renc to N nunnivi m. vviwwu. imat courtesy and Chrlatlan charitv v htch charactr,zd all hla deallna with lenowmen both in church and unity affairs. lie Municipality of tne T -"-""" Ir" pre- Rupert that I require " irom tne I ad lea' guild which ' hn: b4taw ' h- meet i'.h day of January, 1926 ; ' k noon, tor the purpose persons to represent them (l Aldermen, or School Tru- ,f nomination of canoi- toll Wf iiteM ahull be nnmlnau I n- writing "hull be suij-eiectovH of tlie munlclpal-. r and MTouder. and shall i the Returning Officer at A.e.i tje date of the n -I'M. of the day of nomlti-,.d writing may be In the (i 3 In the Schedule of ;u! Elections Act." and shall : :wrrv retideno. and ocru-uptlon of each person pro-'. -h manner as sufficiently - n il candidate: and In the .1 being neceaaary luch joll nei on the Twelfth day of uh at City Hall, of whim . hereby reaulred to ta1 ern hlmaell accordingly it my hand it City Hill ,v or December. 1927 e p. jomts Returning Offlror Ins : , um- eoiHioerabie coaU enUlled in re-l.nlng and decorating the church. In . : M illing the electric lights, and in in ..kliiX euensive repairs to church and I I ; properties j A r..;-.rt was also received In connec-l ' .'11 i'h the Sunday .School, C.8BT and ' i I T all ot which gave evidence that , re. success was attending the work 111 each department. OMiK tn MTEII IIV . I'AHTOIE j Rev Wm. Allan, after glvln a surrey I of the ministerial work on the field, rxpren-ed his gratitude to tne member r he t hurch brd for their continued -i-pKTt and sympathetic 00-operation hroughotit the past year. Be referred -N to the faithful maimer in whlh 'he ervires had been attended, eaprcl- aily in cases where members were 1 blinsd to travel considerable dlatances. 1 concluding his remarks. Mr. Allan , ..uted out that, seldom in the history 'if the church, had there been a greater 'id of Protesiant adherents laying prt-...ry einphaiis. uot so much upon ec-icitsticai organlaatlcn and aggrandlae-metit. aa upon the area: fact of th. vA Easterly direction to a point at nr n oar Wh telaw: UM'Iue ill ai ,.. ji,nAti.i in a n.iiir at or near I y mmhr-r m -mm mm "jJOTT On . Tuesday afteneoon. Mr. O. H ' ; .T 7v " tf Bt-hooqr of I I.AM) WM ACT rr ' ..h ded h through h the w k i kindness of W. Mrs. Stanley OouM of SeaUMre who to fin. i: oi INTENTION TO APPLY TO l.l..lC UMI, t. Charlotte Islands. Recording District of - " and situate on the wei II Hsrbor a' 'he ol l Queen Charlotte Islund Urtt tah Colusnbia ice thst BT'.t:h Coliimhta " V:i,k Company l.unlted of t ( nccupatlon Salmon Can- ; : to apply for a leuae ot ierribed lands at s post planted on the a creek called Twin Blcr i n west: thence twenty-one thence 4 chains east: '-ommencement. snd cot - ua 1 , -rei, more or lees -ft. I1 HINO ft PACKINO CO LTD 1 Applicant M M English. Agent ''er M. IB27 LAND ACT OI INTENTION TO APPI.V io iMne. lanii - land District, Land Record-"f Telegraph Creek, and 'he northwest end of Oladva '' o miles northeast of the Vim. 4, ooUt IJJdet 10' wes ancl about SBcteg 50' north NOTICE that I. John Allred nutiys Lake, near Atlm. tlon Trapper. Intend to apply , uir inuowine aesrrinea '"-ing at a poet planted at the end of Oiadya Lake, about north of the ntouth of Pish . " thenoe ixne mist weat; thenr -otith thence one mile east ue mile north, and containing more or (ess. i ' JOHN ALFRED LEMIEUX. ' 1 , r-rp?mbLvlw'- k. Applicant. i LAND ACT V'I IT. OI INTENTION TO APPLY TO i Rt HAKE LANII " H'c 5 Land Recording District of j H'Mert. snd altuste U the nor-' ; of Telegraph Passage. Skaena: i " "-w"waai Miiuuii uair , . . . ha,': ?!0, J?ll KB!-!! I i ' I'fiVvaaaei an el ,, " "a eai; snence an i ;;" h. more or less, to high water ' TlslUng with hr parents, Mr. and Ura, NEW HAZELTON The young people of town enjoyed a ! NOTICE. generally parallel to the Calgary and M-Icd Hraiich of the Canadian Paci fic Railway io a point at or near the City of Canary; thence Northerly "wni and auu went of tr caigary ' R. Spoooer , ' 1 The annual meeting of the New oi rauia Angiiesn Church congrega- Hani ton Church was hold on Monday t.rn at Kltwauga has elected James evening. Attendance at church ana Ryan as lay deiryste, with James Proo Sunday School has shown such a falUn r aiMTiiaie to tne neat meeting oi oo recently that there Is talk of cloalnx ii Synod. TAKE NOTICK thst an application tlon. ing contour of fhore line he made to the Parliament of Can a; the ncx' seaslon thereof for an rV.r the It down. With Improvement In road conditions Malk Oeorge la speeding up on hla pole and tie deliveries to New Haaelton sta- ConataMe O. L. Halt of Bmlthara la u -ornoratlon of a eomoanf relieving at Haaelton while Onnatatlile be knoaii u T'u- Alberta. Peace River .. . . n A to auchQ A- wy"" trlP to Vanoou- a:id Paciric Railway Company, or ther name as may be given, to con-,Tr. Mrurt and operate a railway aa follows: .. .it commencing at a point at or near' niint Dlln4' Miliar M"lw' Brwr .-h n.un. Oreame the city oi uethbrldge: thence in a' Weaierly direction to a point at cr loaded a car of wheat for the Pool last near the Town of McLeod: thence weak. The had to use a canvas on wnwni rly auu ctutiwiij in airrvviuu ; every load to keep out the rain. Mr. and Mrs. Jock Spits) and family , a w , . , . -w , ,, m and sMmonton M' UT " bwmw- rallway to a point at or near Lacombs: , log recently used aa a hospital. thence Northerly to a point at or neaXj m0,."o?nTMnor ne the City! - 8kp..l. who has been til af Edmonton by the moat feevilble for several weeks, was removed to Un route to and along 'the right bank of " Haaelton " Hosnltal rwepiw at at the um first nm oi of tsaa the Slmoncue Rivet to a croaeln of ijaj the Smokj River neat u iuKli4 .iv''4 '4 ' with the .Wapiti River at or near, . . .i- Bejransjn to the Town of Qrande w R Dornberg is ea pec ted In town Pralrlc in the province of Alberta; . , thenrc Souih Westerly through the "'thin the neat few daya from th Mtnkman Pa.a to a point at or near south' on business In connection with Columbia. The machines wtU be working within a id) Ki iin a point at or near oranae very few days It Is eipected. Prir!f in a North Westerly direction , to ju :nt at ur near Poure Coupe and I rum u point at or near Pouce Cou,e In u North Westerly direction to t titilni at or near Hudson's Hope un th:- Pesre Riv.-r; thence In a gen eral South Westerly and Weateny i TERRACE Miss Kathertne Robblna. a missionary from China, come on here from Prince rA.-tio,i unit North Wenterlv bv the Runert and snoke to the moraine and moat fealhle route through thePlne rvtnlnf congregations at the Anglican of'.ewaHn"thlProv'lnr'e of British Church, addressed the Sunday sehool Columbia at the head of Portland and Tuesday met the women's auxiliary Canul . .... -'at the home of Mrs. W. C. Saarkm She mi From a Bolnt at or near nuwumi Hope crossing Peace River in a gen left on Wednesday for Smlthen Mrs. H. Hslllwell left on Tuesday to Fort Vermilion and thence Northerly 'apand a few weeks with her daughter In and westerly " riam umm ... " rrinve nuperi. Hnv lMvei at or near it uim-nn vlth Provi ' he Nol '.hct ll f altierta boundary of the The iiitl railways oi-uig net uin-u w '.uuiorlre I to ' the Dllocei-un 2 To the id C.m.mny coiMtruct wharvci. docks and hotela and; Advisory Oouncil. wn anil operate vw-i aim v , charge., on leicaiap" rt.... tv,.... 0I" i APPLiriTHtM inn iinii iua. of the public, to file npon and Ofiicea- - ' rv.ifo n..1j Ciini'da. Alii 'l t. Rev. T. J. Marsh returned on Wednesday from Prince Rupert where he R. Brealey of the Laminated Materials Ltd. New Westminster, ' left for 1 1 1 .acquire mm h1" - , , j,; i ate electric and otner energy " l" r": 'coast on Thursday after apend'ng several ! P;,,tJ,r,ihTplU" C" Iday. in lown on company .P1?!'tJ- l. -V WU! Mr.. Wm. WeaTreturned on Wednes .wing pnrt tne building , line n 1 . ; " ' ommercial Hotel" situate at odin! "' r of First Avenue niu, and ..., Eighth Dollars 1 . amount not ex lUllnuj .1n"il i ''y from the Prince Ruperts hospitul i-i. iu whare she has been a natlent oer mile lor ine uimw viivra, , - , ,''f Prince 'W. Rupert nuperi. in in the tne r! , an and not exceeding Blxty-flve Thouaana before Christmas. D9,UW.UUI I - Incte i rt on. o. A. woouiand or tno . of , Edmonton, , in , imper ' a w oil rtATKn at the City . ! , Man an n. .7' 'i!.. ,i,: P,",7i, ' Alhertn. this 4th day vo.. miperi waa a ouaiucss v,fl,or '" u,wn dur,,, u,e we,k Ju;L',Li.? ."Stewart clark. On bfhalf of the AppllcanU ......... tt.. r, iM ju riurv. A coincidence In connection with the n..i..V. s iii'iton. etc.. VUMI l Mies r"-ns m'ionnrv wah Ihr of ii school -m.'te trlimi ii 'With Uis. O. T. Sundal. Nut uav.n.' mi - $31$ KKras rif FT J PSBfe ftp IlIjV AfaOfflC is ' 1 ii 111 NSXES" II ill ..i fitli-jtd of all believers In Jesus ' ' " ' ... ... "'irut jinerry dance at the home of Mr. Meurer seen or heard of each other for r mammons man its oi the eonare- j "'. wenty-nve years, Mrs. sundal recog . u n were extended to Mrs. 8. Kirk- Inlxed Miss Robblna' voice aa she spoke n.ui ana to stra. u Munro for their - b-" i m umrr : ...iiui services as organists for the Bro- Winnipeg, spent several daya re-pi."t year The following committee of """J lnvutln ,h llnI yteiu A ird was elected: 1 th "won Hospital. He left yea-T Brooks. A H. Barker. I T. Kenney. ' "U5r tor Prmc" BuPert nrout to Jas MK onnell. R. w Riley, and Jams ' Vn00,ww- Swan X. Brooks and K Houghland were At the conclusion of the nmtnu were served Kjr the meeabera Uur " Udni' guild, while deibtbtruli owejnwui, PAST, West, North and South in every country of the world you will find connoisseurs of good whisky, demanding ADuy(3 To have achieved such world-wide fame, is indeed striking tribute to the exceptional quality of this fine old Whisky . HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED MtTILLSJIV A HO HSAO OFFICE i KU-KSKVILLe CANADA ESTABLISHED I S58 WRITE TO OUR MONTREAL OFFICE, I7 PHILLIPS SQUARE, FOR FREE COCKTAIL BOOKLET Thla advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or 'by the Government of British Columbia I Dr. Connelly baa arrived from Balnooi Arm tn 1Imw m Ika " ' - u , I ------ m m rmm Mn, nwnMi. uunog me anwaice in vicuana oi ur. u C. Wrlnch. MX A. at the W.A. meeting on Tuesday after' noon. Both attended the same school in Nova Scotia. Mlas Doris QaMaW of Pacific spent a few daya In town it the beginning o. he weak. H H aWMT Bartsi.pein spent Mrs. A. several days in Prince Rupert at the beginning of he week, returning home on Wedncs-ay. PRINCLdEORGE Tbe preiminary flnaaelal statement if the city coawrlag tha.year 1BI7 abowa in esceas off reifinfi twr expenditure f l.ouo. During fhe -x year the percentage of tag calleetlous reached the highest point since,' inoorporation. On be wHale, tlie,elty, financial position s oiuoh bettejf tmlg It has been tor vcral yeara. WUUam Mauaon of Vanderhoof. who a la the city, state) that, according to ne inaians, mere will be no more verely coid weather tfcta season. The coldest weather hare during the Mat week waa sixteen below aero on londay. A small llr whlcjl took place recent ly In the basement of John Asamau't -tor may result In heavy loss of good which were stored there. The city oouncil is taking steps to ward securing a continuous power service hen and J Mulrhaad of Vaneou- ' hat bean engaged to make a survey Sf. the matelclnal eltetrleal araatam Th. (belief is bold that the tervlce can be frendered without addltiaaaJ engin capaclr. (-. The city council has worked out a plan wnereby there will be a general ncrease of five per cent In the salaries 'f permanent mu' iclpnl employees. Georae Snail of Vanderhnnf i Nfln LaWJII , wi "sniT""-. T soclatloa bat decided to hold Its ah- eff an th evening, of rrirWOl 15. Al Johnson has been electMpfSjf-'f deut of the Association. F. C 'llt'll hlHll Saunders Olty Clerk V has been elected :ui school board. Clearlhue deavorin. i,. .t .k. . , i eecreiary auccceauiK j. j. wutnn, re- Trade in the dev. pment of the Man-j"1"' ton Creek and other mining districts . 1 r"n m 8 cln' no w nM In the north He th.t ,h. aUn " "wm"1 For"nan ,or nuB1- minister of public worm, be aaked for ber of yesrs. snd the Cranorook Saw mills Ltd.. which have been operating at Otway. are endeavoring to booming facilities on the Neons ko River In front of the railway cache. The site would be a valuable- one as a mill Kite although there la room for Mly one plant. The banters took a fall out of the provincial .senior curling rink on Sat urday afternoon by a wore of 8 to 7. The Koveinmeut rink consisted of M. S. Morrrll. Oe.rge Mllbum. T. S. Oar-nuihael and J W. Mlers while the hankers were represented by W, L. tiomaby. Arnold Putnam. F A. Math-ton and F A MacCalluui. Tpi Aum p; 170.85 u rcalUod at a ci.itir.' held luttt week by th nuniUig -tatr or the Prince Oeorge Hospital In ii,(l or the niirwi-' home. Th,' Udles' Aid of Connaught IIUI I ii Derail Church haa elected officers for Un year us follow prealdrnt, Mrs. O. CI Jonaa; vice prcskli nt Mrs. C. DVld-k,... secistar) Mrs A. W Trlnkleln; ttii.-iiiTr. Mrs. A. Dnrnblener llir rciiiilar monthly meeting of Nor-I'.rn Hchikali lodge took place laai 'veiuiis in Oddfellows' 1U1. our copy of every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier $5.00 paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep on the highways serving tbe northern districts from Vanderhoof. Th rraaer Timber Syndicate, which for some yean has oon temple ted the establishment of a paper mill in thla vicinity, will offer all Its assets for sale at public auction la Montreal on Feb ruary 10. It is understood that reor ganisation of th company Is planned. The local curling club waa represent ed at the Jasper bonsplsl thla week by a rink consisting of Dr. Carl Kwert. W. O. D Harper. R. W. MacLeod and Edward Ople. Tbe Prince Oeorge Old Tinners' As Yourself - Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE an appropriauon of HOMO to be spent 1)4 r NRWs IT WILL PAY YOU! L Iff IV W ' ' " ' ; . J. ....... a . i DEMAND "Rupert Brand" v- a AH -aj.Aii, COATS ers TIIE DAINTIEST UHBAKPAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Sge Co. Prince Ituperl. RQ. Clearance GREATER RARUAIN8 THAN RVRR BaWsBBaaaBBBBBBBWsBBBBBBBBaBBBBBanaaB DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie hi