The Daily News .PIUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi i Published Every Afternoon, except' Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Kates on Application DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations .2 lo Friday, July 20, 1928 CIRCULATION CAMPAIGN Most readers of this paper will know by now something abottt the circulation campaign starting, in connection with this paper. The idea is to increase the circulation of a northern news paper as against those in the south or outside the province so that people in this section may become imbued with a sense of loyalty to the north asd-may keep in touch with all its activities. There is no other wiy of doing this at present except through the columns of this paper. For that reason we ask them to consider the campaign and its possibilities as applied to themselves and urge that readers generally oihoperate and make it as great a success as possible. The -election is over and we are now back to normal and plan to devoMatl our energies to keeping our readers both at home and abroad (thonged on the developments taking place in this huge country and also in giving them the best possible general news WELCOME SIR HENRY Sir Henry Thornton comes to see us every year and we are glad to have him pay us a visit occasionally. He knows as well as we that he has not been able to carry out all his plans in connection with trifs port, butwe hope he will give earnest consideration to some of them this time and try to have them carried out. He knows what they are aa well as we. And pesMMy we may be abTe to help the railway to some extent. We might for instance persuade the government to give us a djiily malt service daring the summer months and to pay the railway fortt Tfcat would be a great thing for us and would also bene fit the railway. The new mills starting here recently will benefit the line and we hope there will be other industries develop that will provide business for the railway. RIG MISSOURI MINE The taking up of the option on the Big Missouri mine is a great event in mining circles. It means an immense lot to the Salmon River section of Portland Canal and has an influence in drawing attention to the whole district. If the option had been dropped it would have been a serious blow. To have two big shipping mines in the same valley is a greet thing but it Is only the beginning of what it is hoped will be much better times for Stewart and the surrounding country. EXTENSION OP SCHOOLS Possibly it is not generally recognited what a healthy sigi: is the extension of educational institutions in a community. When the Booth School was built here it was twice as large as was actually needed, yet today all the schools in the city are crowded and other will have to be erected soon. In Terrace they ace planning a new high school to provide for the increase in number of children attending, a second room having to be opened there after the holidays. There are other advances, all of which point in the direction of increased development. LARGE INCOME RADIO CONTROL siM or rout ami ni.r million iim r.ivin HV COMMISSION IN rfRIT.US LONDON Jitlv 20 Government tmi . : :!.. Rnttlo here has proved pro! Mb., ii.. '-i k: any rate for the Ocv iiuiwn; Tlx nrst report of the Br:t II: hc' :; na Ct mmis'lou .lhow.- I that its incsmr lor the vrar wan 4 - ( 500 OOO and rhnt after wttini anldc 300.000 to- i-mw' ruction o; rct'innal station there still Wl.OOci :., hr carrlvd inujid Tlx ,uiu o! H0"'i. 000 was derived from wireless licenses It spent la.sOOAOO on lu programs. -Many interesting ' tacts are given in the report. There were, for instance Sfl.OiM Hours of transmission during the year, with only about ao hours of pre Mown Music oeeupied about two- thl'rts oi the programs. Lessons I y wireless seem to be growing In fuvor In schools, tor 4,000 double the number of the previous year were known to listen to London and Dsventry alone, ' The total number of llatenera Increased by 217.000 durinx the year to 3JeT174. The Earl or Clarendon Is chairman of the Commission and receives a salary e tlSOOO Lord dalnford is vice-chairman, and has n salary of W.QO0. ordinary members Sir Gordon Ni irne Dr M ,t Hernial!. Mrs Philip Snowden. nucl BriKiid.i r-Oenerl Rrlth receive SH.SOn nrn Whole Wheat in Wholesome Form Selected for finest quality. Shredded for easy digestion. Thoroughly baked for ready serving. TRISCUIT - and tasty for luncheon Made Uy The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd. An effort is setna SMde to work owl the continuation of the vein. With the exception of two Bridges that are required, the trail up the Oeorgta River, south of Stewart, has been completed for six and a half miles and is now within four miles of the Oeorcla River Gold property. A commodious floating wharf has t oullt iu the mouth of the river near the company's beach camp, h Is the'KllBe.' n tent ion of the company to start development of the property at once, back-packing sufficient supplies for immediate needs. The Premier management has moved compressor plant on to the Silverado mine a' Stewart for the purpose of driving a 1000-foot tunnel to be used aa a working tunnel when ore Is encountered. From the ,crtal of this tunnel it will be pretty well a straight shoot through to the site of the dock hlch the Premier is constructing at the mouth of Marmot 'River for the purpose ef shipping ore from the POKer Idaho and Prosperity proper- iS. A crew of a dceon men In two -ihlft Is now employed In driving two tunnels wl'-h power drills on the Marmot Gold property, consisting of fourteen claims and tractions, at the !-esd of Magee Pass on the south fork of Marmot Jtiver. some eight miles from the beach. Arrangements have teen msde for the surveying of the property preparatory to crown rantli'8. Camp construction has been completed and development is being rushed. The work is at present con fined to two main veins, other abow-lngi being left for future exploration. No l vein hr.i been traced a distance of from 3.000 to 4.00 feet and has j a width of from six to fourteen feet, (.ontalnlng a sulphide ore carrying ! .Uue in gold and silver with some lead and a little sine. Open cuts in u number of places have given 1 essay returns of from M7 to MOO per ton mostly in gold and silver. There 1 also some free gold and native silver. No a vein has been traced for seme 1800 feet on the surface snd has a width oi Irom 6 to 111 feet. Values are Identical with No 1 vein. Two cross-cut tunnels have been started for the purpose of gaining depth. One is now in fifty feet and win have to be continued another 100 feet to reach the vela. Ths other tunnel driver for Mo. 2 vein crossed the formation for 3 feet snd was turned and driven on the strike of the vein for 88 feet. Another 80 feet should put it under the surface outcrop from which Ri.'-ay returns of 4170 across three 1 feet in gold and silver were taken. When the objective" Is reached the d if t wrll be contfffttW iflr the pur-. se of develop "'ore "Wd gaining d pth. Herbert ButTT fa managing d recMr vf the" MlfVrn old. Ten Years Ago In Prince Kuport A. Beeves, official photographer for the Federal Department Of Trade and Commerce, in in Prince Rupert. He will photograph salmon fhablag In all It iinindi" sk well an halibut fishing and wawlniK "One of the best runs of salmon we THE DATLY NEWS PAGE IWO The freshness of Orange Pekoe tea the elevation grown the manner protected from the air determine the goodness. "SALADA" Orange Pekoe News of the Mines Blend is the most completely satisfying Orange Pekoe you can buy -Only 43c per Hb. AROUND PRINCE RUPERT To DcvoIoq Silvcr-I!ell at Stewart Strike Made on Old Pcne- tnnjSlatm---(ieorKia Hirer (iold Active n -f: contract has been completed fbr 4,600 fot of horse trail I. L..!1J1 ... - -'' t. : I I J. II lflv.iiw "T!." nH confltrucxron oi camp uuhumikm on me anver iwu fccr-property- near Stewart ami everything la now in readiness for the commencement of actual development worR-as planned lor tnis veai-. The oroDerty consists of sixteen claim and fractions on th east side of the head of Portland Canal, iftbofBtvone and a half miles southeast of Stewart and extends from just above tidewater to an elevation of some 4,500 feet. It is bounded en the north by the Silverado Consolidated and oa the east anil Wuthesst, by the Prosperity, its easterly boundary being ' only 780 leet from the Porter Idaho, hatejuid tor jobi. ' is the . way J. T. The tram which the Premier wUl have c WMlams, .fisheries Inspector, tie- to construct in order to nancue Silverado ores will run directly across the scribes the) . aUUst-on in District No. a this sea ten. All the fishermen are Silver Bell property to the Premier mkktng good q terminals at the mouth of the Marmot ,ckj oT wUef, River where It will Join the tram now being built to the Porter Idaho. Considerable development work has already beam done on the tJttver Bell, under the direction of E. O. Fhefce. oon-iultlng engineer, the funds having been advance;! by Messrs. Bsckus and Sng-ber of Seattle. Mr. Rleoe reports 'ha: there are tour well defined veins . ividly traceable throughout the length of the claims, these veins varying In a Kith trem six inches to eighteen feet lth eoM. silver and lead values from . few dollars a tea to tsejo. The extensive work betas, done on BHver-c!o, Prosperity and Porter Idaho should rcatly assist and snoourase development on the Silver Bell. hi discovery which may prove of oeo- sideMMe importance has been, made on the old Penetaag ercwn-gited claim which aatyataa the DalbeaisM group on the east awl has been oei ".y W. D. Brown, One of flat EC .oneie directors, for several years. The discovery was made In a gulch ana parti; unoeroeatn a ami tall and as neat aa could be aseort sinew by picking srouad nsnsaah the spray be vein Is twelve leet wide with sight inches of solid ore on one vnffl tint ays suiy-jae far ens), the 3f the vein selns well sprinkled Hsleaa and snowing soene ruby silver a Urge run of hump-30c is being paid. A eon was born at the Prince Rupert Oenersl Hospital today to Mr. and Mm. A. Soriano. Ml Second Avsnue. TALKING ABOUT NEW CABINET srnnnsTfox Ji.tnt; as to who may lIBT rOHTftHlfW IN TOLM1K fjrtiTHN'MBNT msMag Is the popular pastime jus I HOW. Hvejj person Interested In polfttet tm feme suggestion to make as to tk tltl be in the new cabinet. When Be. , 'Mamie is called upon to form a aMSMlUiient. following the m Br. MacLesm It wUl be I ieifect the best material. sot neslHaaJtll from the members bly from them. Any tor the ea blast Has to go tm M the people for re-election, i aO that the constituents 40 Ms taking the position It la mmse1Me for anyone at this! artaum fMSMSmt centre to auM any-: tmag like sf eertain prediction as to: who WOl toko pertfotlos out the fol-1 Xrwtag rajas as ban ssstfe leesMy j Premier and Minster of Agriculture.1 Dr. 8. T. Totmte. Attorney OenMaJ. R L. Ualtland. ProviaeuU geeretary. R. H Pooley. MlnlatsVof Ttaance, W. c. Shelly. Minister of Public Works. J. W. Jones. Minister of Lands. Col. Fred Lister. Minister of Mlr-n, W A. McKstuds Minister of education. Joshua Hlnch- POLITICAL SITUATION AS SEEN YESTERDAY Tom I'plilll'of I'trple the Only Ulmr Man fn the- ew IlatMre VAHCOtJVBl. July 30 Yesterda? ! afternoon's election news showed CoUeyj has a majority of eleven with three j rolls to come. Bruhn has a lead of a, thousand in Salmon Arm where the! count Is practically complete. McKenrle I re-elected in Stmllkanieen. j Tabulation of the situation la 441 1 ridings yeetsrdsy showed Liberals; 'looted In Alberni. Cranbrook. Nanalmo. Htm Westminster tale. Omlneca. toal Liberals leading In Columbia. Kain-I loops. North Vancouver. Prince Rupei:.' Revelstoke. , Conservatives elected In Burnaby. ChUllwack. Comox Cowlchan-Newcastle Oelta. Vfewdney Kto,ulmalt. Oramnd Porks-OreenwtK.d The Islnnd. Nelson North OkaiiSk'ii'.i Rtchmcnd-Poni' Ore v. LACKak KelloRg's Coi-n Flakes really help you to keep goo! and fit. They are eo deliciously crisp so easy to digest. Which is just another reason "why more than 11,000,000 people demand them daily! J ejrlv CORN -cssUmd-Trall, flaanlch, Salmon Arm. Unllkamsen. South Okanegan, south Vancouver, Vancouver City 6 seats. Victoria City 4 aeats. ToUl SB. Conservatives are leading in AUtn. t'arlboo, Creston. Port Oeorge. Kaslo .lecan, LIUlooet. McXcnsde. Bkeeos. Labor elected Tern Uphill at Perm. MRS. WOODLAND NOW VISITING INE EAST (Truro Dally News i Mrs. Oeorge A. Woodland, of Prince r.uprrt. B c. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ohn A. MaeKeaate. arrived from her ; ome on the Oeean Limited on July 1. This is Mrs. Woodland's twelfth trip -cross the continent. Mrs. Weedlead was a coorn panted an rer trip By her husband to Vancouver, then to Jasper, where Mr. Woodland returned West and Mrs. Woodland yroeeeded east to Winnipeg, and them to Port Arthur acreaa the lakes to Hernia, then on by rail to Torosno r.'cntresl and Truro Mrs. Woodland will visit for a couple i : months with her parents. KOllH I'MlKIt M.WSTBNANfB The total road mileage In Canada r.'.ai'.tnlrnxl by ps'inl nr nang system 'jjr.n- IMC va 4.8at ta le involving i" cxprndrure .. gi.i Tig. 000 MltL ACK akp MallTlf fM As successful i ports- )rU i&imjirsFSrr menaregjnerallymen i ASHgfliiHeCTStfV who revel In the Joyt rtl " " " JAf fJy W of Nature's open ryjsjySLwAy a c, r-g' J Scotch wmiskv '"S?3B A "BLACK tWMITt" UA W CmOiCI OtrTscOKH WWiSKY y B! WHISKY 'his advertisement Is not published m- displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia FLAKES HAKES 1 1 nut . 1 1 u-1 j No other corn flakes eqssl Kellogg's for flavor and criip. iits. Kellogss are never touih-tkick. Never heavy. Alwsyt extra liglt and crisp! Serve for lunch, dinner or fest. Delicious with, milk or fruits or honey added. Order at hotels, cafeteria., Oa dining-cars. Sold by all grocers. Mde by Kalle,s ia London, Oat! Always mvn-lfhl C--Vv W maO " ' 5S QirOteai Canadian Car We are pleased to announce that the Ford Canu t tery will soon be in foil production. The exceptional value in the Model A ear.haa ben waiting for. The following- model will b on' ditpUf at nm Avenue ihowroom on and after July 17 for few day FOKDOK AND TUDOIt SRDANS, IMIAKTON AND JIITSINHSS COUPE, IVi TON TRUCK. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers "nilE DAINTIKKT IIKKAKFAHT KOfH) Smoked Dally by Canadian pisli & Cold Storage Co., L I Prince Itupert. D.C. FHEK VOTlNfi COUPON Good for 100 Votes I 'n the Dally News "Everybody Vln.r" flrnnd Prize Campaign 1 ' 1 1 hCreby CaBt 100 1,,,tKE V0TBS'to tn0 m ' IIss, 31 r. or Mrs Address This coupon, NKATLY CLIPPED OUT, name' and addn of the candidate filled in, and mailed or delivered to :h Campaign Department of the Prince Itupert Dally Nevn, m count aa 100 .PRKB VOTRS. It does not coat anything ' cast these coupons for your favorite candidate, ami you ni not restricted in any sense in voting them. (Jet all v." can and send them fn they all count. Do not roll or fold; deliver In flat package. " NOTE This coupon must be voted on or before 8 p m August 8, 1928. !