i HI CLASSIFffiD HABIT Boston Grill vcryonc reads the Classified Ads It you lose, advertise for It. It v;iu find, locate the owner. Whatever Jfu need, advertise for It (iKT TIIK CLASSIFIED I1AIIIT. Si, Win.. No. 160. tm,R Y Oil RESULTS SHOW LITTLE CHANG 'ir Henry Thornton and Party Reach Are Guests In I hi course of his annual Thoi'itun, president of the n the city from Vancouver on the steamer Prince George thin I . n and will proceed East by special train leaving at 5 o'clock' Mirnoon. Other officials in the presidential party include! Kingsland. Winning, general manager, Western Region; Dr.1 i onilx', Montreal, chief medical officer for the system; Walter ; n. Montreal, director of publicity; II. A. Dixon, Winning,-. ipinoer, Western Region; 8. Morrison, Vancouver, chief en-j llACLE AN WILL . - ... - x , - RESIGN WHEN i , I COUNT MADE i Killllt; MIT MAVIMI ANYTIIINU AIWM T t AIIINET I NTH. CALLKII ON TO IOUM UOVERNMENT 1UA. July M tt at not Ukery i hii government will relinquish il after tike official counts in hk rr eempieted en August K. r. ..ii'.lme Hun 8. F. Tobnle as ill is making no announcement i personnel of his cabinet i- names ere being put for-. tlx Conservative leader Is of-. ' information on the subject tx".ng oajled upon to form a iii .mi? i receiving congratulatory :mm all parts of Canada, par-'r ,m Hon K B Bennett. Hoa. Menitmii and others FINE CRUISING M YACHT IS HERE i the finest little pleasure tie Mr this season as koe Boy. owned by O. C. m Seattle which participated nt Olympia to Juneau raee, in fourth, and arrived from i; at 7 JO last events, cruising Hugel Sound The vessel left tier 3 o'clock this afternoon :,.'tle She was moored at the in t float during her suy. . i word In equipment and oom- : it tings, the Yankee Boy Is of iwii deck cruiser type. She Is "" limp and is nower with a l1 Peerless engine. pnwer cruiser Maldle. also nt in the capltal-U-oapltel .-.ui.-d at o'clock this morning ir hoiiUi after having spent two or : tiiivt. in port. DR. WR1NCH GIVEN SOLID MAJORITY received from Skeena riding inxin was to the effect that Wrinch, MX.A., liberal oandl-'i h majority of 108 over Prank ii; C'oruiervatlve. 36 out of SB luivinn reported their results. I liiac I ion doctor thus .returns to iin'iii' with aoomfortable lead. ANOTHER LIBERAL SEAT IS NOW LOST NKJJtON. July. ao C, 6 .Lcary. Llb- M I A., concedes the election oi " vn .tautM Tlusalmmoas. his Oon. v.. 'iv,. opponent In the eleolton In r..iMo-aioeaii rtdln. Plteaimmons ma-1 1 estimated at about fifty. BODY OF LOWENSTEIN HAS BEEN FOUND DOHIjOONE.' Prance. July 30. The iv of Caotaln Alfred lwteliv the ' lKiii muilonalre. who fell from a! ""'HU. ' cross-ohoimel crosshnn,,.! ,.ir,,in nlrolane rewntly. v-ntlv "l in the sea. ' Rupert and at Luncheon Pacific Coant inspection trip, Sir! (Canadian National Railways, ar- .ineer for British Columbia district: B. C. Kteley. Vancouver. Pacific Coast manager. Canadian National Pacific Coast Steamships; J, R. Cameron, assistant eeoecsd manager for the West- em Region, Vancouver, and W. H. Hobbs. secretary to the president. This morning member of the offlc-I is! party were engaged In an Inspection of local faculties. There was no ormal conference with the Prince Bu-! pert Board of Trade, that organisation having no matters to take up with .he railway heads ea this occasion. Among those who met Mr Henry and hli officials and welcomed them to the city were Mayor S. P. UeteU, F. O. Dawson, looal OsHJL director: and rep- .vnentativea of the Board of Trade. Mr Henry wa tt chief opscbtr at .atussioihea- t j'eleete tMo a4 tcrnoon by the board of Trade In honor of blmeM and other officials The railway ohlef apeke In an optlmlsUc vera and expressed the opinion that there would be great developments during the neat ten years In the hin terland back of the city. Sir Henry also referred to matters of local Interest and mentioned the three new steamships for this coast for which author isation will be asked In the neat rail way budget. The luncheon was presided over by P. MoCaffery. arrangements for the function having been In the hands of the Board of Trade entertainment ootn-mltttce consisting of J H PilUbury. r. E. Robertson. J. P. Strang and J. W. Scott. Mem boss of the party state that they have had lew interviews and have roan approached by few delegations during the course of the entire western trip. Hallway business is now becoming solidified and there seems to be general satisfaction with the policies that are being carried out on the system. MV.I.I.OVl:l HIAtlOMIS TO H.IVK TIIHI I IIOM .POMCt: IHKIMI KAMI WARSAW, July SB. Member of a diamond smuggling ring frantically swallowed diamonds or threw them from windows when raided by the police, who : recovered stones worth 1700.000 yesterday. 4 4 4444444444 4 4 4 MAN ON BASE EACH TIME HOME RUN MADE - - NGW YORK. July 30. Ruth won an- other game for the Yankees yesterday from Chicago by poling out two homers each time with Combs on the base. Ed Morris registered his thirteenth victory of the year as Boston evened kthe series with Cleveland. In the National League St. Louie gave the Phillies their eleventh straight defeat Brooklyn broke Pittsburg's wlnatng ireak at plae games. Boston endodja nine-game losing streak hy defeating Cincinnati. TEMPERANCE WOMEN ! OF -UNITED STATES AGAINST AL SMITH ottinAoo July 30 The liquor laws of Oanada are getting more liberal and the saloon Is coming back In the wrm of beer and wine shops, we woran s tmion states In Christian Temperance U 'a manifesto manifesto nilllun llllin mi ,omB" BUU Idrys to defeat Al Smith. Northern and PRINCE Car Barge is Being Built at Dnydock Cost of liiff Boat lo 1)C .$100,000 and Work Has Commenced A car barge costing $100,-000 is to be built here at the Dry Dock at once, Sir Heriry Thornton stated today in his address to the Board of Trade. The work has already commenced. Sir Henry also told the Board at luncheon that a steamer plying out of Prince Rupert to the Is- i lands would be provided at , once. ! y CAPITAL l.i:.!KM 4 4 m:u tiiiu IWE.. r Maetk alvaaoff announced vtda f itol had leased the new theatre property which Is under eon- 4 4' atrucUon here and win eondwet t It in eenneouon with Its chain of theatres throughtout the coun- try. BIG MISSOURI MINE IS SOLD TACO.MA, July 20 J. C. Gregory of Tacoma, president of the Rig Missouri, officially announced here today that he had paid to the Canadian Rank of Commerce this morning $100,-000 on liehalf of hU own company ttnd the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. as the final payment on the purchase of the Hig Missouri mine in the Portland Canal district. The title will now pass into the hands of the Iluena Vista Mining Cn formed for the purpose, in which Consolidated holds fifty-three per cent interest and IJig Missouri 47 per cent. Gregory said: "We shall go right on with development." PATTULLO HAS MARGIN OF 86 With twelve ntall polls yet to report, Hon. T. D. Pattullo had a majority of ae over James H. Thompson In the pro- vlnclsl election contest for Prince Hu- pert riding according to a computation by the returning officer, E. H. Mortimer, at noon today Pattullo had a total of 1111 votes and Thompson, ISSB. SUww yesterday several smaller polls In the riding have bean heard from. TtMne refjor&lng to date fulww: Pattullo ThompHon a a 14 1 a is 7 a 17 37 f9 34 ' a it Hayaport . . . Inverness Lawn IIU1V. Ii '1 Port SfcnpHon ipson 30 9 Prince Rupert W3 911 Queen Obarlotte 33 84 ISkldegste 13 18 8unnykle io 6 TleU 4 e 1 Tow Hill 4 B NVatun River 8 e Thurston Harbor 3 l Banks Island 4 3 newtns Float s 13 Deorgetown 3 0 J,I1 lver 33 19 ) Outside absentee (to diitci 80 Ti PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUJ,Y SIR HENRY aMaHSawswswswK Pi esiciert oi ..id: is VTiunal the city today i I'dnipiiniefl THORNTON E SINCE M, 1 si-eevatS Ruiiway.-. who is visi'i'.g by a party of officials of the line. They arrived Ironi Vancouver on the steamer Prince George this morning and will proceed East at 5 o'clock this afternoon by special train. Sir Henry was the guest of honor and speaker at a luncheon given at noon by the Prince Rupert Board of Trade. .- .. .-m.JLz;.. : ., - r Britain Agrees to Peace Pact With Reservations; Dominions Also in Accord W, HINGTON, July 20. Replies of the British government sv:i the Dominions accepting the revised American draft' of the vtur renunciation treaty have been made public. Tin British government accepts the revised treaty but reiterates understanding of the terns of the pact insofar as they might affect obligations tc the League of Nations or under the Treaty of Lacarno and also with respect to the right of self-defence and automatic release from obligations to any signatory nation breaking the pact. In addition. Sir Austen Chamberlain, Foreign Secretary, reiterates his previous statement that British acceptance rests "upon understanding if it does not prejudice" her freedom in unspecified areas of which welfare and integrity constitute" a special interest for our peace and safety." Prince Rupert Boys Band Has Wonderful Time at Edmonton and Plan Remain to Next Week EDMONTON, July 20. Five well kept tents in a quiet and specially selected corner of the Edmonton Exhibition Association grounds house the Prince Rupert Roys' Band, an organisation which has greatly endeared itself to citisens of Edmonton and thousands of rural visitor. to the city since its arrival to attend the exhibition. The band, some HO strong, is under the conductorship of T. Wilson, an excellent musician, whose first thoughts at all times are of his fine and faithful boys, while W. Gilchrist is in constant attendance on the boys, ministering to their welfare and doing every thing in his power to make their Dire disappointment was expressed by the bandsmen when they found that the real object of their oomiiif, here could not be achieved. They entered the amateur band contest, the first of Us kind ever to be held at the exhibition, butt found that tnnr entry could not be aoesplsrt a the rules of competition staUxl tlie event was open only te Alberta bwids. However the ys have endeavored to stifle their dinappolntmeut by enjoying thamselvvk On Thursday morning the lada were guests at the lane Swift Canadian Company packing pant. Worth Bamon-ton. They were shown through the i mammoth bulltlliup and surroundlnp I yards and saw many things that caused ! their eyes to x out of their head. Per the benefit of employees of the concern s sueeml program wan put on Several bright inarches were played and the boys were vwrnsty congratulated on all aides. On Thursday noon the band was the "piece de resistance'" of thr Rotary Club luncheon t the Waodonalil hotel 1 The snauj'v well fitting unilornu and the nmnlv bearing of the vouiik men ,ltu.'.t.! must ltt'.-i.ili., uu-1 20, 1928 stay here comfortable. ;'resslon. The midway, tlie livestock exhibits, he vat aut; mobile ahow and other ittrct:on have been great magnets or the boys. All are in good healtli aed are en-jolng themselves mightily. The boys will be hir until Monday next and perhap uuul Wednesday. KERGIN HAS WON ELECTION VANCOUVER, July 20. At-lin previously conceded to the Conservative went into the Liberal list today when returns this-mornlng showed that with two small polls to hear from the Lilieral candidate, herein, was leading Falconer by Z" votes. The vote was SHI, Kergin; SST, Falconer; and .12. Moult; Kergin being conceded elected. Vancouver Report on Present Political Situation Gives The Liberals Ten With Possibilities VANCOUVER, July 20. With the election of Dr. H. C. Wrinch mi ceded in Sl.eena Liberals have elected ten, Conservative 88 and Lulmr 1. Mackenzie, Lillooet, Kamloops and Prince Rupert are doubtful. Thirty-five polls out of forty-eight in Mackenzie give Mike Manson a lead of 12. over Heath. In Lillooet Carson leads Munn by 116 in 23 polls out of 39. In Kamloops, Colley has a lead of 11 over Mitchell with three poll ; lo report. iti, conceded to the Liberals are aim . in. Columbia. Cran brook Nanalmo, hi Westminster, North Vancouver, 0,i..iuca. Revelstoke, Tale, and Skeena. i r G crge wa conceded to the Con- MTvjt lives this morning. Hurt-ham had a majority of about 35 u. CJumbla. Sutherland about 300 In! KcvplsUke and Ian Mackenzie about tnc- hundred In North Vancouver. Osr-ineca is conceded to Manson. twelve polls out of 36 gives the attor-i,e gei.Dral a majority of 148. Ir. Sk?ena M pi lls out of 39 give wrlncb 700 and D;ckerUl 877. Fort Oeorge with seven poll to come Burden has 1MB and Perry 1391. OIUKCT TO IRISH 11EINO A!l!TTi:i INTO SCOTLAND lOKBOIl. Mg SP. dejeuts-tfon . frbtt the horchee of Scotland propose an Immigration quota agsinst Irishmen being permitted to enter Scotland when employment conditions were uncertain. The whole ehacter of the Scottish people Is 4 being changed by the heavy rush of Irish people to that country. It is claimed. 4444444-44444444 FINAL GRAIN SHIP COMING S. S. Anglo-Peruvian Coming to Take Full Cargo to U.K.-Continent Word was received this morning that Prince Rupert's final grain ship of the season, the liritish freighter Anglo-Peruvian, might be - expected to arrive about Sunday. The vessel, which is already lined, will take a full cargo to the United Kingdom or Continent, just about cleaning up all the wheat left this season in the local plant. The Anglo-Peruvian is a sister ship to ss. Anglo-Indian which was here earlier in the season. CANADA ACCEPTS REVISED TREATY OUTLAWING WAR OTTAWA, July 30. The government of Canada "cordlaUy accepts" the re-vised treaty for the renunciation of war anf Is prepared to participate la its signature. Is the tenor of the official i reply by Canada to the United States I government's propose Is for the treaty outlawing war. The repay was sent by Premier King. UNION OF BRITISH METHODIST CHURCHES FIRST VOTE TAKEN LDin. iiy -tol Tnf Wesleyan odlete. Primitive Method ku. and United Methodists, constituting all the Methodist oooamuntoa In Britain HALllll'T LANIUNOS (American) Wasbaah. 3.SO0 pounds Canadian Pish and Cold Storage rvi l:lc and 7c (t'unadiiin) TtHidie. D.500 pouiidh Ailln Fisheries, lliU. J IK. LARGE CABARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday night from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Trice Five Cents CITY YESTERDAY THIRTY-FOUR CONSERVATIVES HMXVK LIUKUALS AMI ONE LAIIOK .MAN PKOIIAIILY ELIX'TKII TO NEW aC. LEUISLATIKE Though in a few cam elections have tot yet been definitely assured, tt eems fairly probable today that the -ew legislature at Victoria will consist if the following members: CONSERVATIVES 31 Bumaby W. R. Rutledge. Oartboo Rod MeKenzle. ChlBJwack William Atkinson. Comox Dr. O. K McNaughton. Cowlcban-Newautle a. T. Davie. CTMton OoJ, Ijeji-te, Delt-J. W. Berry. Dewdney Nets 8. Lbugheed. Esquimau R. H. Pooley. Port Oeorge Fred P. Burden. Orand Forks-Oreenwood Dr. O. M. Kingston. The Islands Co. C. W. Peck. V.O, DSO. Kaslo-Slocan Capt. James Fltzslm-mons. Lillooet E. C. Carson. Uaokentle Michael Manson. Nelson Dr. L. E. Borden. North Okanagan W. P. Kennedy. Richmond-Point Orey S. L. Howe. Roasland-Trail J. H. Schofleld. Saanleb Hon. Dr. 8. F. TotaUe. Salmon Arm R W. Bruhn. ShnUkameen W. A. MeKenzle. South Okeaagao J. W. Jonea. South Vancouver J. w. Oernett. Vancouver W. C. Sheily. R. L. Malt-land. Ool. Nelson Spencer, Col. Oeorge A. Waiktm. T. H. Kirk, and WUllam Dick. Victoria Reginald Hayward. J. H. Bsatty. Joshua Hlnehdlffe and II. D. Twiejg. I.II11.UAI.S n Atlln H. F. Kergin. Albernl L. A. Hanna. Columbia Hon. J. A. Butkhara. Cranbtoek F. M. MePherson. Kamloops J. R, Oolley. Nanalmo Oeorge Pearson. New Westminster- A, Welle Gray. North Vancouver Hon. Ian Maeken-ale. Omineoe Hon. A. M. Manson. Prince Rupert Hon. T. D. Pattullo. Revelstoke Hon. Dr. W. U. Sutherland. Skeena -Dr. H. C. Wrinch. Yale Dr. J J. OlUls. LAIIOK I Fertile Thomas Uphill. VICTORIA HAS FORECAST OF THE CABINET VICTORIA. July 30 One forecasV of the new cabinet Is as follows: Premier and Minister of Agriculture S. F. Tolmle. Attorney-Oeneral R. T. Mattland. Mlmwter of Finance W a Shelly or T. H Kirk Minister of Lands . W. Lougheed. Mfnteter of Public Works W. A. Me-Kensle. Provincial Secretary and Minister of Health Dr L. Z. Borden, Minister of Education Joshua Hlnch-cllffe. Minister of Mines T. W. Falconer. VANCOl'VEIt WHEAT Vancouver. July 30. Wheat was quoted i on tlie Vancouver Stock Exchange la., miirnlrn at 133,