PAGE SIX THEAILY NEWS Welcome Relief " from Ttidgery Thousands of modern home makers now know (he real economy and welcome relief from drudgery "offered by (he modern laundry. Instead of weary hours over steaming suds lheir washday is (hree minutes long two minutes (0 gather the soiled garments, and one minute to telephone us. .THE LAUNDKY DOES IT IlEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY - and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 II. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. LADIES' Bathing Suits in JANTZEN UNIVERSAL and PENMAN makes II ATI 1 1 NG KELTS H.S.WallaceCo.LtrJ. Phone 9 3rd Avenue and Fulton llemers Tor your Smart Wool PJione 27 Suit P.O. 327 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. ! VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone G57. Dr. Alexander ' Smith Mock Phone 675 DENTIST BUS SERVICE MONOPOLY FOR SAANICH DISTRICT PLYING TO VICTORIA VICTORIA, July 20. The bus service of Victoria and surroundings are all ! being consolidated under the general management of J. S. H. Matson, pro' prletor ot the Colony nqyjjjaper. Most 01 ira i run irem eaanicn into me ci The electors pf.ftanch have authoi wed the deaj and given a njpnopoly highway transportation (or twenty years to the new (Inn. STRAWBERRY TEA AND SALE TODAY A strawberry tea and sale of home cooking Is being held this afternoon In the clubrooms on Second Avenue by the Ladles' Auxiliary to St. Andrew's Society, Mrs. McRobble acting as general convener, Mrs. Thomas Haddoh and Mrs. Jack Watson are In charge of the home cooking table and Mrs, George Scott, Mrs. Macfle, Mrs. Bert Cameron, Mrs. Charles Taylor and Mrs, Mrrln are 'looking after the serving of tea. Mrs. J. S. Irvine Is acting as con voncr. YOUR DAILY Is it what it should be? We keep the quality of our bread up to the HIGHEST POSSIIJLE STANDARD A trial will convince you of this. Wo will be pleased to serve you daily. TRY OUR SPECIAL HOVIS AND WHOLE WHEAT Electric Bakery Third Avenue Prince Rupert, IJ.C. 'No Question' These are the lowest prices in our history. ALL WOOL INDIGO SERGE 23 oz. Serge, reg. $05, now for . $57 20 oz. Serge, reg. $G0, now for ."() 17 oz. Serge, reg. $50, now for $10 Superfine Worsteds, Super Whi'iKord, Foxhound Tweed and Irish or Scotch Tweeds, etc. All finest quality materials at astonishingly reduced prices. Come in today and let u. take your measure. Rest workmanship and fit guaranteed. Ling the Tailor 817 Second Ave. Phone Gl'J Don't forget our steam pressing and cleaning service. Suits called for and delivered to any part of the city. PHONE US TODAY Bathing Suits with Skirts For Hoys, Girls and Children PURE JERSEY WOOL Regular $2.50 for $ 1.211 Montreal Importers J. . Miller, Proprietor, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, NEWSPAPERMAN GIVES LECTURE LOCAL KWEIHSIL; COLONY LISTENS' TO ADI1KESS IIY NATIVE Or TIIF.IK COUNTRY There was a large 1 turnout of the lo. cal Swcdlshi .qelpnyAtvia. lecture last evening :n,.th Metrppole Hall given by Georg DA hi In of Halilngborg, pro mlnent Swedish newspaperman and representative of the Associated Press In that country at well as twenty Swedish newspapers. Mr. Dahllns subject was "Sweden ol Today" and he gave his hearers, speaking In the native tongue and by aid of lantern slides, many 1m presilona ot new developments in the home land. Methods of farming, min ing, lumbering etc., were illustrated. John Bergman acted as chairman. Mr, Oahlln Is making a tour ot Can' ada (or the dual purpose of lecturing .to Swedish born citizens of the Domin ion on present day conditions In the Old Country and of gaining lniorma tlon which may be of use to Swedish people planning to emigrate to this country. After spending a couple of days In Prince Rupert, Mr. Dahlln left by this morning's train (or Vancouver. He has already Inspected the timbering and agricultural situation around Smltherj. are advancing in price This week we are offering limited supply of Fresh Pullet Extras at per dozen 5.1 Green Peas are now arriving in splendid shape. Price per lb. 10c Vegetable Speciall Your choice 01 iiuncn oar rots, xurnips or Rccts. Good-sized bunches, 2 for lof or 4 for 2."c Sec us for your Fresh Fruit and Vegetable requirements. We handle only the best, and at reasonable prices. New Potatoes will not be much lower "in price. This week, 9 pounds for 2. THIS WEEK Toilet Rolls, per doz 4Je Best Jap Rce, 3 lbs 2." Tapioca, G lbs. 150 Sago, 6 lbs -15c Pearl Rarley, 6 lbs . . 4o( Heinz Tomato Catsup, reg. 35c, per bottle :J0f Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 2 pkgs. 2"r Horseshoe Brand Sockeye Salmon, per tin l.c FREE While they last we will give one cake of Bath-brick free with every purchase of Soap or Washing Powder to the value of 40c. All varieties of Spices, this week, per tin 10? Red. Arrow Sodas, none finer, 2 pkgs -tot Wc also handle the famous Na tional Dog Biscuit. , Salted Sodas, per pkg lot1 Watts' Grocery Two Phones 55 and 56 Shop here and save money MUSSALLEM'S MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fresh Killed Fowl, per lb, :r Beef and Pork Sausage, per lb , 1."? Side Bacon, sliced, pur lb. in? Jellied Veal, per lb iir(- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables arriving on every boat. Make your purchases at Musaallem's, where prices and quality cannot be beat. dry Goods .1. Wc have soma of this line left. You are rnvited to look it over. Yard Goods, Stockings and Socks, Elastic, Buttons, Ribbon and Overalls, Towels, etc. These must be sold regardless of cost. Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. 417-423 5th Ave, East 1 --Jr8i8 m LIKE A HIGH GRADE ENGLISH CIGARETTE NEW MINISTER OF LANDS OPERATED I LOCAL MILL ONCE! Nets lougheed. Conservative member- elect (or Dawdney. who Is reported to be slated (or .the pest or minister of lands In the new Tolmle government, succeeding Hon. T. D. Pattullo of this city. It may be remembered, some years ago operated the sawmUl at Seal Cava under leeje from the bwm Interests. The company was the Ijoug hccd-Abrrnothy Lumber Co. Mr. Long' heed has long been prominently identified with the lumbering Industry on this coast. FRENCH LINER IS DISABLED SOUTH-YOKOHAMA PORT COLOMBO, Ceylon. July 20 The French liner City of Yokohama, home ward bound from Australia, has sent wireless message that she Is disabled and needs assistance. The position of the vessel, which Is owned by the Biter man Line Is reported as 1000 south of here. LARGE DECREASE FISH PRODUCTION OTTAWA, July .JO Canadian fisheries production in WW totalled MB MO ,000. decrease of nWfly seven million dol lars from the previous year. Decreases are shown In salmon, lobster, ood and halibut varieties, i Miss Alvatoff .arrived in the elt from Vancouver the Prince George this morning- to" pay a visit of Inspection to progress on the new theatre building here. The nev structure on Third Avejiue is expected to be competed in about two months' time. ciioi's look oooit OTTAWA. July . Thi official crop report shows an unusual favorable condition throughout the p rallies this season. m Butter and Eggs Are way up In price this wek but our price has not changed from last week. 2 lb. Golden Churn Hutter, 3 ... lb. brick , . Si. 10 Egjjs, Fresh Extras, 8 do. $l.2." Kggs, Fresh Firsts, 8 doe. $1.15 Malkin's Sliced Peaches, 2Mi. 8 it. . r - f iita Columbia Anrieois. 'iw, 3 tins for !" Koyul City Strawberries, 2's, 3 tins for 05f Blue Mountain Sliced Pineapple, 2s, 3 tins for HF Libby's Itlpc Olives, tin ... :Wo Scotch Malt Extract, 3 lb. tin 1)0 1 Dominion Hops, Vi's, pk. . . -Or I'icnic Ham, G4 lb. size, each , Empire Hack llacon, lb :tf Premium Cooked Ham, lb. . . . Kr Milans Salami Sausage, lb. . . 75f Essex Cervclat SauHage, lb.,. . !Kf Fine Ontario Cheese, lb.'.... '.V? Fresh Jack Cheese, lb. . ... . ."50? Camembert Chdftse, pig 0p Preserving Apricots, per crate Sj51.r0 Plums, Red or Hlue, basket . . Fine Cantaloupes, each, yop and 'Sif AH other FrultH und Vegetables lit right prices Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Fifth Street. Proprietor Phone 20S Phone 574 j h Sl IMA III IN 1'OltT Having on board her owner. Capt. James Griffiths, president of the Coastwise Steamship and Barge Co.. and party of friends, the big Seattle power yacht Bueja lit arrived from thr south, at 10 o'clock, this morning and is moored at the floats of the Prince Rupert; Salvage it Towing Co. The vessel Willi be here until Sunday morning when ( she will proceed to Anyox and Stew-; art and thence up the Alsaka coast as' far as Juneau. ! Passenger sailing this morning on the Princess Charlotte for the north in-1 eluded Mr. and Mr. O. B. Walker. John ! dray. Mr. aud Mrs. Penneil. Miss A. P. Hutter E.C.D., or Frnsr Valley. " Mr A- w,u- iot and David Douglas for Ketchikan. STOCK QUOTATIONS Noun ('IokIiiji I'rlrrs Today tin Vauiou- vrr rUrhann (Courtesy of 8. D. Johnson Co.. Ltd.) bid Argent. Hufus Xyviw 7ty B C. Silver 1.30 Hlg Missouri .58', Cork Province 33, Dunwell IS Duthle 1.0S Ocorge Copper 4.&A Georgia lllver Cilacler Cilasalr Colconda Orandvle Independence Indian Kootney Horenec L. tt L. Ulcevlew Lucky Jim Marmot MeUls Marmot River Oold National BUv iver Noranda Pend . 67.7k Oreille 14.80 Porter Idaho .73 Rletunond ,g RuUi Hope M Silver Crest li Silverado 70 Silversmith lj Piemler a.80 Terminus 10 Torte u.eo Topley Richfield 57 White Ws'or 3 29 WoOdljJiiy j . Ak4 ISO .38 .30 86.00 14.88 .78 A M .u .63 IS 2 83 13 3.U0 58 2 30 SPECIALS TEAS Salada, Blue Itibbon, Nabob, Malkin's Best, Pur lb CANNED TOMATOES-Choico solid pack, 2's, best brands. Per tin PRUNES New stock. Por :b. Friday, JuJv 20 out Choicest Virginia $ green packages- ItSbflo card pictures HEINZ S PAG II ETTI -With Trjmato Sauci, medium aiw, EBBS Phone 45 i.C Butchers &. Grocers, Ltd. 58c 12ic 7c Per tin 17c CHICKENS That top the market for quality. Boiling Birds, per lb 27C Light Fowl, per lb 38C FKESH FUUIT AND VEGETAHLES Arriving .each boat from the south at most attractive prices. A Trial Order will convince you that our , 'Price, Quality and Service cannot be excelled. WATCH OUK WINDOWS, IT PAYS one B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. 45 5B2S2 THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Phcne 574 WESTHOLME THEATRE - 37 Ktkssa. IS - - II "yt; - nm Fill DAY AND SATl'HDAY, 7 and Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. 01k .10 II II 'J& A 1 1 JL 4! .'A'A L ' I B .io'a ' 1 1 1 -suj lr i..- u. LINDS 9 p.m. WALLACE BEERY :: RAYMOND HATTON in 'Now Were in the Air I.OUISL 111 OOKS. miSSKM. SIMPSON, DUKE MARTIN. MALCOLM WAITH and many others. NOVELTY COMEDY "A SHOUT TAIU" C()MEDY-A FAMILY (iKOUP." MinTtO-(;OLDVYN NEWS Admlwion 50c nnd 2."5c. Matinee, 35c and 10c Waslu-H and Dries Without n Wringer THE NEW SAVAGE 51 per cent Faster l'rom hamper to lino in 14 minuf' Washed. Illucd, Uinscd anil Dried, Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 AY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnllum Moving, -tt COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY V'M' LINGTON TELKWA Also Hulklcy Hay nnd Grain. Agent for Hobin Hood F.-ur Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co.