':h 20, New " 1 'gMWWWWWWMWw,WaWWaassajpe t STOHACH 't., "mi V fT ,MWU f yr. AMfNM . - m FLIES. MOSQUITOES S, ROACHES, SILVCRFISH HEALTH FOLLOWS imwsusaot J.LOwilSCtOAKj: P UIMI 'rapery Universal Trading Co. rSSB LD::ctore .somc "-rrh l;1: I C? W "ST "Sf liurid toenail tyrtofeeawJi fioWi FIRST WEEK COUPON 200,000 EXTRA VOTES 'upnn, when accompanied with three yearly nub-i or thajfr equivalent, to the Prince Rupert Daily . iititlex the candidate to 200.000 extra vote if ub-h us are turned in during the First Week of their entry. "f Subscriber "f Subscriber of Subscriber , laV Name ! ir.t Week Coupon can be voted by each candidate, for r one-year subscriptions, or the! - equivalent, turned the candidate's first week in the campaign. Phone Green 211 or Mack 2M3 - '-"if- Tii aM" it i iiiv.i hui:u mi wiicn viM!v remjHir. inaxrit m vU. . -aw XL. I ssi is ill K. lal aasaBl tB -ajuasam CV W. C. ASPINALL CHIKOPIIACTOK C and 7 Exchange Mock, Prince Rupert. B.C City Meat Market (SKLVIG mtos.) "r'' Atenue Plme 765 3IBAT FISH, VEOBTAIll.BS -and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low price, and immediate delivery r . ' All article are of superior quality and abaolutely freah. I CURE DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE HEARING, CATARRH and othr organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace Mock. Phone 134. Open Evening Fabrics IMPORTED ' relonnes, Chlntzs, Damasks nnd Sunfaft Fabric " ''i-Honnea, fast colors, exquisite floral denies, per yard ,0"' ,,0f 11 French Hand illock' Printed Cretonnes, assorted de-"' and coloring, per yard Kf, :'ll Silk l)om..1,. S.1..l. !..(..' Vianvv Wfltfht. ''" .vrd . , Fraser & Payne S2.ro F. J. Johoaon sustained bisrns about the faae and araas last Thuraday when fire broke out in his woodyard. Utile damage was done to the premlaea. Tne recent Dominion Day eeiebratlop hare. In spite of rain which tnter-terred to some eartent. showed a profit of art $100. Ite A. w. TrinUeln of the local Lutheran Church held aarrlce last Miss Vara Marian ClassM. nsaee of F J. Claxtan of this city and weU known In Prinor Oe-.rgaj. was married recently in Calgary, to Albert Edward Ccma. TERRACE i C. B. Oiibrrt returnad at the bavin-i iim of uif wrrlt Ic.llowtng a snail neas trip to Prince Oeorgs. B. T. Krjtnedy left on Tlwdsy kw Harclton where be and Fred Stork MKike froni the Liberal platform the nlRbt nreoedlng the .elaetaasi. J. O Howell sad P. W. Carpenter, reoSogiAU of Celgary, who have raosntly been worklrjn In the Ooppar Raver dis trict returned to town 01 S. J. Mayer of gshithera waa a bual-j ntkk visitor here at the beginning of ,he week. T. MnrKay and S. S. Parker n turned to Prim Rupert on Wadnen-ivy. l Uiing their participation in ti p politic. 1 meeting on Tuesday night Election clay opened here with clear ilght Kunshine. H. Hallraatll and H. K'nit wore proaidlng offioara, with Thoa. Br, k Hitd J ask Jonaa as aterka. '' Mtasea mmtM9 paar ieft.on s Tuaady to rrand S taattkfVM' hime uf Mr and Mrs T H. MoCub- bin. NEW HAZELTtW I Ill Ruthrrrord of ratthera metered down tn Haaelton last week, being ac-romrHut:i by P. 8. Walton of Prince Rupert who la upending a holiday in Smithera. Mlsa Jessie Smith returned to br t h:rrjc her-- lat week aftar spending la bolitliy viMUhr with the Mlaaaa Pratt at Bkf-ena Crowing. Miss Helen Pratt :Oso returned after visiting at her home thtre. Arthur Brjlsarr cf the federal mines department at OtUiwa has been look-ins over mineral propertl' in this ctlfttrtet. BJ ?-wsBaaSBSBlwawrTW- m . rrcd Asrm- -sm fsa i PeterSon. wall LAND ACT. not I nr. or iVrrvridv to iimtv to I I.KAKB UWII In Bailtbers Land RacordUt District and situate adjoining Lot 5180 an East side f Skeena River. TAKE NCTICE that Christina Oerley, if Paciric. B.C . married woman. Intends to upply for a leaae of the following de-1 Kcrlbed liinds:- 1 (''mmetirtng a post planted at the . MlheaM ri rmi of Lot 8100, IUime 5, r ni'.t Dlxtritt: tlience north 80 chain. ' . "i -tiT r 1h SO ( hi !II.M I'll-lcr n 51 M rhBlnN. Slid Ci-U- inliilt'K H"i,l urTC". morp or less OI1MHTINA COHIJTY. Apiillt'tnt Dated Msy 28, 1833. i THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE . ffl I 1 afc mm a isi saf,s a i 'atf Safci SY frfr pare Time is Worth ;!! . lESil unci otor NO SANE MjVN WOULD THROW MONEY AWAY TIME IS MONEY, YET MANY WASTE IT IT i ISrM, ' "--- i'J I p nViTiD Pizim-r "'a"' mtmy y:ar" fi i Jill the FLIES Make sure the things you eat are iresn, clean, pure A K D it 13 bo easy. Just press the plunger in tho sprayer. Out cornea a cloud of cleanly fragrant mist. Touch a Ay or mosquito with tho spray. It Kill the flies. UsoFly-Tox. Then you are sure tho food ia clean. Health is certain. And you enjoy that wonderful summer comfort a house without mosquitoes. Fly-Tax does not cart much half-pinta fifty cents. K7s MOTH FLY-TOX It tht aoenWic mafchod tfiMtwai iwrimtJ at AfeSVfl Institute uf Johnny ha mudB. 1 1 i M MB H wr Sorrx? wrres grow doarer and others more cxpenalve a the years putt. The. modem wife la one who shares her husband Joys, arrows sod cigar ette. Her Hub "She's certainly ahy," His Wife ldlirutedly "Shyl frtvyt She Is the most brazen creature I ever nw." Hrr Hub, (With a urine? 1 tu Milv tfrrririK i- ' r' f:iths. my dear." PIUNCEJJEORGE A h'i,h record is being set In munl-:liui tux collections this year in Prince U r. KccslpU on June 30 repre-tHntfd 00 per cent of the total levy. Ricelptu on acrouut of tax arrears are in ejeofes ox the pact year. Wannest weather pa.t week was 74 last. during the on Monday The city la nuiag in the old tank at the corner of George Street and Fifth Ave nue where t garaac building win jtre erected by O. O. Soyo. I F. f. Dowling. engineer tor the Brit, tain Columbia Board of Fre Under- wlrftera. has suggrKtrd that, as a mea to redttcInK ratec, this city should ba divided off Into fire limit. The annual meeting of the puma Lake school was held last Saturday. John Stouffer of BagSM Lake la sow receiving old age peasajm ,foei tat provincial government. A picnic and sport dSjr at Ootaa Lake lan Suadaf- was held J. D. Praaer. fverameat ageat at Port Fraser. was a VMtor la take last wask on atiMal duties SMITHERS The aanual Sunday Bahnul picnic of St. Joseph's Catholic Church waa held at Lake Kuthlyn On Saturday afternoon. Miss Sophie Sullertn4 le(t laat Thursday for a brief vialt at WHMains lake. MlMes Netu nl Teen MeLeod of Prince Rupe.n nrr haUdaylaa) in town its the guesiH ul Mr. aot Mrs. John Mt'Kcuz.it of tlic smithera hotel. -. Patler A wlfw. O.MJ. lei'' tiir r .1 'it c.l ..i .! Lkke sasUtiuf Uit closing ti.ti TTEi!fcv H af"e W l IC1 Cld 1 our Opportunity You Who Arc Considering F!ntcrinff The Daily News $1,000 Prize Distribution Should Make , a Decision Today. Full and Complete Information is Available With Obligation Success in the Daily News spare-time opportunity entails but little effort, but little sacrifice of spare moments, to make $500, $800, and up to $1,200. Three persons will make these amounts and others will make hundreds of dollars during time that would otherwise be wasted these next few weeks. YOU can be one of thes$ big winners. YOU can turn your spare time into dollars and motor cars. Right now you are on even terms. The campaign is just starting. There are not yet as many active candidates as there are prizes. You can enter tonight or tomorrow morning, real y carry on and go over the top for one of these beautiful cars. Bear in mind the fact that every candidate wins if they work. There are no losers. Those active candidates who may not win a car or a cash prizewill be paid in cash a sum equivalent to 10 per cent ($1 in every $10) of their gross collections on subscriptions. Don't Let Another Day Slip Away Without Seeing You An Active Candidate For One of THE RIG PRIZES $4,000 in FREE PRIZES TWO DISTRICTS TWO SETS OF PRIZES THE COMPLETE PRIZE LIST Pontiac Six Sedan, Value $1,200.00 Ford Tudor Sedan, value $860.00 One CaslTPrize of $500.00, va!ue $500.00 Two Cash Prizes of $100.00 each, value $200.00 In addition to the above prizes a special fund of $1,500 has been appropriated to be distributed to all active non-prize winners on the basis of ten per cent of all money they turn in for subscriptions, value $1,500.00 Total Gift List, Value $if260.00 left for the Fim Fioa country. Ls. - t.fBkaV afarf Sale. hhrair' Una in' this vMtait lately anal BWy Clark baa been kept busy keep! lag things in shape. T. W. Brewer. Srnithra. and E. E. Orogg. Prince Rupart were rial tart haw last week on Forest Branch duties. a r o-Mara. Is eiiEaoral ha the Bttiid- jlnfl of a neat new buafatow here. "Everybody Wins Something" There is no way for any person who works to lose out. You are GUARANTEED either a motor car or a CASH PRIZE. Every worker will be a winner. If you cannot possibly enter the campaign yourself, nominate a friend who you think can get subscriptions and be among the winners. Now is the accepted time. Take advantage of this opportunity. For further information call on, telephone or write, Campaign Manager The Prince Rupert Daily News Campaign Office open each Evening until 8 o'clock. Phone 534 Phone 534 Nomination Blank in The Prtiice Kupcrt Dal.hr New a ,,1KtPrjlidy Wins" Campaign Good for 5,000 Votes 1 hereby water and cast 5,000 votes for Miss, Mr. aid Mrs. as a eswdidale ia The Prince Rupert Daily New "Everybody Wins Prise Distributioa. Address PhoM Note Only one nomination lilank will he credited to each candidate nominated. at the Indian School. Mr. and Mrs F. S. Walton are with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Daodeun Mrs H. H. WajV ttifwi sfor Toronto. Onaarto, where she will spend the sum liter with her son. Harry' Mrs George Kldd la a patient in the huaital. having suffered a broken wrist on her farm a few clave ago. Mrs. P. Johnson left laat week to pend a holiday of several weeks visit. tng In Belllngham and Seattle, IIKAT IX IT.tl.V ROMS. July 30, There has been Intense heat here during the past few 'ivs. Two people died from aun-tiwke yestrrdty. Canadian National CTlic Lairgefl Kailway Syflem in America) STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from I'lllNCt: ItlTi-KT for V,SCl'VKK. VICTOHIA. HKATTLR. MOMiAYM. Tlll ltSliAYN. 4 00 pjn . NtTHRIlAVH. 69 pjll. Par ANVOX and MTKH'AKT. MOMIAYN. IKIIIAVM. 4.00 pm. Tot MASXKTT IM.ET. MOMIAYN. 4.00 p.m. For SOI Til o.t I I N l llAKI.OTTt: MI.AMtM. FortnlghUy. For NKAdtVAY. Ui:iSi:sllYS, 4.00 p.m. PASHEMir.R TKAINH LiUVK I'ltlNTR HtTEItT IIAIt.Y BXCKPt Sl'MlAY at I1J0 a.m. for PHINC I: (ll.OItdH, KDMONTON. niNMI'i.'O. all paints KaMeru Canada. Unllrd States. AUENCf MX OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINTS. CITY TICKKT llfflCl 5M Tlllllll AYE.. rillNCE KIJI'EKT. Pbene sea