paw? two Mond;. THr. DAit? NP!Wa -J. , Unless you use "SALADA", you do not know how delicious tea can be- We will send you a free PRINCE RUPERT DOROTHY GISH sample to prove it-Write "SALADA", Toronto. Four grades put up all In Clack, Green or Mixed A DANDY TOWN AT WEEK-END blends -80c to $1.05 per pound at all grocers. . W. Luce, Vancouver's Humor Famous Actress to le Seen Here READERS ICT 1st, Tells of Efforts Here to in ''Madame Pompadour"; DISTR Select Slogan English Players Too The Daily News PniNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA HAD AUDIENCE HIS HOLINESS Louis Amadlo and Family Return ; . From-Vlslllng Europe, Including Rome To hve n:i luittlence with His H ness thf Pope A the Vatican ,,. , of the features of the visit to V; Mr. and Mrs I.omk Attuttiu an-' 268 N.W. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert - Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. U . SURSCHIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month .50 By mail toall parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or taut months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION LEASE OF ELEVATOR 98 86 Monday, Jan. 30, 1928 It it satisfactory that the future of the grain elevator here is settled nafi that we shall know about what to depend on for the next five and half years. While there was a difference of opinion as 10 wnai womu ue nest tor the city, everyone wtn agree that it is better to have a sure thing than a doubtful speculation. While the people turned down Fred Stork at the last election, it is pleasing to note that the former member has still been work ing In the interests of Prince Rupert and has been able to secure this contract. HOPE MORE BUSINESS NOW It is to hv hoped that, now that the elevator lease is settled, more grain business will l cl.;lt. here from this time on. With the large snipping dumihs heimr cone at anroii er. it does seem as it' Prince Rupert has i:nt ji,( n lining ,,.r share of the grain export. We do not know I v this i lm we .l know that it was not what We were led to e.ect. However, in business there are all sorts of unforeseen things. V.V w re t'.t expe. 'ing renewal of the lease so soon and ii is vood new ; M"; : especially to those who wev fe;ir!'ul that t out in the cold. i hat it has come. pint would be loit GOVEKXJIBNT IJY DELEGATION Government by delegation is not altogether a desirable thing let that ii what we seem to have today. Hundreds, if not thousands of delegation! go to Ottawa every year. They interview ministers, deputy minister, members of parliament, senators, and all sort of officials as well an newspapermen. They try to impress the government with their importance and sometimes, it is said, the government is induced to do things that their better judgment tells them is wrong. it aeems a simple matter to elect members of parliament and for them to legislate and endorse or condemn governments. It is the frictidn that comes from delegations that causes most of the trouble. Still each district must have its occasional delegation if It is to be recognized. MUTUAL ESTEEM OF LEADERS Parliamentary leaders usually learn to estimate each other at their true worth. They are courteous to opponents and give them a good hearing, recognising that there is no such thing as absolute truth bu that truth is very largely a point of view. We see things from different angles. It is interesting to hear the expressions of esteem for a departed leader of the opposite party or even to know that the leader of the UUralH at Ottawa welcomes his chief opponent to the leader-shia'and speaks highly of his character and ability. We are learning to respect those who have different opinionsfrom ourselves and to realise that there, is a ponsllttlity of their being right. . TT"''.Tf3 r n.'d ilnuKli'er. Fourth Avenue Bast Filled with heat giving calories Delicious and healthful when heated in the oven "buttered and served with hot milK MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS Jlti4Ji WflU I returned to the city on last night s train, i T!-e y ,vnt a week In Rome where XIr Aniudlo hi a brjther a priest. Ur. and Mrv Amadlo have osen J- nt tram the city for four month 'villn;; with relative In Italy. Mr. .'imodln reports a gradual Improvement :n business and the national life of rtsly. Tiu- nation In now' on of the j mcst prosperous in Europe, They travelled across the Atlantic i' an on the Emprcta of Prance. Cotn-:ik 'i;ic thy hd h very rough voyage the M in royal 4o Halifax. They ip :it a f i v day lu Ontario visiting .i bi other ot Mr. Amadlo. Keep the youngsters warm M A KES.. SUGGESTIONS "Home of the Poor Fish" and "Hear us Blow" are Aiming Suggestions Made few have never recovered Some slogans, adopted years ago, are still in use. but at the moment, Fol io- the Bird to Victoria" la the only enc I can positively Identify, tt was nbly sure that Vancouver wvuld' not steal that title. The Home of tbe Poor Fish" might be considered appropriate, aa It would apply equally well to halibut, salmon, cod and herring, even If all these do not consider Prince Rupert a their permanent home. Some latitude must 9flHy!,OUh and Antonio two American tlers, can be "THE BRUTE" COMING Moreno, credited' wttbf,a Be yfleal of the euceess which "Madame Pompadour" Britten National' new Paramount release Is ure to win. In Ote'.ur cemlBK for the mid-week ( Vancouver Province) 'tbey nqw pojhtlalltle of becoming aa Prutee Rupert Is the lateat city to popujar nbrilintlc team aa the Vttau fall a elctlm to aloganltla. Practically BanRyWaJd Colman combination, every town on thla continent haa had j Tfce.5$e sTaSjhieh these tww tell a It at aorae Oin or other, and quite a ; ,vf,wv.r imnnrerHhed aweet- compltttly. i. 0i .ht will he remembered long after the apectator haa left the l&bby. Herbert WUqox. the man responsible for "Nell Owjn" directed, under the aa born in 1B16 and is atin going strong, l v . . .v. iU VUVft HM UHkG IIWU, UTIV WV MM , V f MVtr hanAM Vfarlnn'M Arfant Follow the Grain to Vancouver" recr- . , 6ii...w.,-.h m. .n nlzed aa our official slogan In addition . . . , r, ' k . to being rank plagiarism, this was a Z..." V."" ' . JZ.w particular punk effort, and has rightly ' "" r ,-r-- perished. I sincerely hope Prince Ru-, V"' pert will have something better to offer Ia, EU,h " "",t but I fear. I tear! TT blatory of ate- "T" Tn w ganrerlng U not enootirmging. Pr Pan rwee: nenn w - n. Watch BUnkellle Qit" haa been tne moat popular slogan of all tune. ' It ha the merit of hrevlte. It Is tut V- Kaw mt. to remember, and It doneent mean eleWe; a MeLagl.n. Oogo and Tom anything that la open to rn tare pre- rXcynld$, Prunler enutlon. but It la getting a little lm 7 f rTm la threadbare Aa a catch wort it ha had ,Utenth century. It trace the life its day. t Pompadour I root her humble bg la- Prince Rupert, which la a thrttlng "Of right up ta tbe height of her wr- city of 7j000 aouto. with a big eport.tun- 11 eem-.that the kiagv iawm trade and many Important tftduatrtea, alwaya content with what should atrlve to Ml tbe weM Of this had. PompadW venture out one in lu slogan It wttl not. I trust be , ntght and eaten an inn where ske a alavlah lmlUtor or Victoria d urge ttuxU and fall madly in love with Rene people to "Follow the Flan to Prince Lam. a paw young poet. The pto Rupert.' but out of eomplUivrat to the develop with amazing apeed until - large trade done In frocen halibut It well Pompadour l rnved from dtaaa- ?ou!d very well advertise ltelf aa "The troua ruin by her own quick wit City of a Million etms." and be reason- STARRING MONTE BLUE luniiiHn l'Uturr to be Tnulght be allowed sloganeers, however. i "The Brut),' HOW XK M'OVT attraction coming her Out of deference to while, whlta H1 Pdldiy cat aa a abound In northern wmtera, a might be made of How We Spout I " Shown llrrr geu poverty or Imagination. The gran-: nuro. lovea and ladiea, aU the racale tie ram part could be better alluded to dazale of ft. and the humanity, tool In the more fitting phrase "Were Al-; Lell Hyama aa the dine hall girl, ways on the Rocks." though there may fought and won. by tbe Brat, la very be aome who would prefer "The City lovely. Clyde (took, known aa one of With a Backbone." j tbe funnteit coated la ns of the vaudeville ns naira laiano is aeiugen WKB t Um i iut nH.iw. n Kd. Aa the official reetdrnce Of tht lion. Thomas Duff Pattmio, Beau Bmmmell of British Columbia legislators, here M a abort and anappy and truthful ttbgtn which will take ome beating: "JShe'a a Dandy Town!" It ha Just that suspicion of western slang that wUl make It stick la tbe memory of all who have ever seen the minister of land at bis Mat. but, ala. I, la too much to hope that the OBHserrattve wUl applaud this sholo with bath hand. Dam poitufc. anyway! I fat?&frMm n. their minion -doUar eourthouae and would like a few grain elevators, and the lumber industry la attracting more and more attention, this tbought-om- iltng sentence flight make rival clUea wonder what's coming neit: "Where U Rolling la a Science." And "Our Boom Will Never Burst!" anuld not be at all bad. Tbe northern olty la already well mown to fur trader and trapper, but 3 bolder bid for their bualnee might be made with a slogs n specially directed nt them. What hardy half-breed vouldnt pack hi aeaaon's catch to tupert once he learned that the store there were living up to the motto "Well rake the Hide Off You," or, more poetically. "A Bkln Oame la Our Aim Some loenoclaat. with no reverence whatever for th proper name w'.th which th olty was formally chrttteoed. nay suggest that the slogan abould bt iomthlng breeay, like "Whoop for tup!" That lacks dignity at both md and haa a weak middle. But It la lust about the right length and la easy to holler on festive oevaatona, and so s quite likely to he selected a tb br irubmltteJ to th slogan committee. ! --- Yea; chtncea're "they U pick "Whoop or Rtipe"- or iawneihlng worse t II tlil-MII:i.l.r;i "Dow did you get your head cut up that way? Railway acctdentf "No, a fellow threw some tomatoes at m" "But surely tomato wouldn't crack your headt" "Mo, but the man forgot to take th can off them ." Progreulv Qrocer. a nraa- rj, ui v.iirouTer. reui. a iitue on 01 peetor who strike p,y dirt, and weJl-boastlng about thla blessing would be east be I. quite in order. Those who consider crroll Nye and Paul Nicholson are that "Where the Dry. Are Alwaya Wet m,mb of tbe targe company might possibly be mlaunderatood are wnlch lnelU(lN M motUj hot 001 1T to !!?t Wt "h tht I rito lryir humming has dlreat- W'U 'eH e Piece with keen perception of "Wbrr. the Mlt I. Never Missed" I. .. if ""PPr0prUt u"'tm picture, a vital human document, -!rL or wnwn the meaning la never befog-1 . western picture is "Lightning lariats" Something new tn the way of villainy In a western picture introduced in "Lightning Lariats." starring Tom Tyler which l coming tomorrow. Th" menace, la furnished thla time by tbe gin wft . ave on she, math Tom's and whose father hai k nvaragag ,n the cowboy's property. Tn girl at ' t J atarrlng Uonte Blue, la V tonight. low-In- a, Choice speech cfulek-hj-aetlon caboy of the a 'Hear U Blow I" or dkT whan the West was really wild and a A whale In action woolly. WXKK AT TllKAriti: TheD Monday "The Brute." MurmaM Ooaaedy "QuMBt Wild" Pa rameunt News. Tuewlay Teen Tyler tn "lightning tau." Lupino Lane OoaMdy Mermaid Comedy "Dattar up.' Ur- VMlnf-lay and ThurMlay Dim Dove in "Amertoan Beauty." Billy Doolsy Comedy "Dtaay SatftM." Am1! mm Fa We. Friday and salavnUy DoeeUiy Oiah la "ludaaa Pan- Pathe Reetew. might later be Included tn the ckrte " ooai gei tne imprcasion that (,Tt44Tf rTf f 4fTf coat of arm, when Pflnce Rupert geta' Brnte" la fust another of tbe ho- ,' old enouah to attract the attenttati of kum Western that have flooded the 3"rUlnlg. mr thn tht' !t 'he College of Herald. screen Utely. It 1 just the revere. J1 Because of the very aolld material on It la among the really great lnterprt- which the city la bum. it haa been tatton of th old day of tbe Pat suggeatad that "The Ottealtar ot, the Weat. There are the gold-rush, the oU- Weat" Baizht be a fitting eatnraUmant. liiih. .rnla nA irtu uui nti f jsM rmg im mm iwymi w lurpc ahead to baste and social atrprise Ula Dove, as "Jteeker" la the re taurast of a faahtottaWe hotel, crave but such a nomenclature somehow sug- Indiana, aanda. and aegcfertieh. flghu and 'f11 hr nd M-flS)K with her Ita fcuA keeping beauty. life of ease in While ah Uvea In a cheap boarding owe with her mother, tn her tmagtn attsn she wis always trareJIteg la the whirl, and came out her pre- the cxteM ef baring the tet phone girt send her eavUs to the re ateurant a though she mere a fuest at the hocieiry She meet wealth youth -who pro- P3e marrtage. but h has, tn the aieanttme. fallen In love with a young chemist who lives acre th hall In er boarding house. The plot of the picture Is devel-fed at a smart dinner party given by her rich beau, but K wud spoil pros-psettve Uveatrefcer' enjoyment o re-ktte tt here. Hcwtvcr. th hwHr U!m DceeH tear hrsvadc and emoMeeal work stamp her s om of the uadntg star en the screen ftrmamettt. VNHl'XO union Nitt-once I saved a mans life but adjoining , I never got a medal tor it. . Wttt-Orvc paKleulav. pleas "An lecbrtate once oame home to hi aroused to vonataiset when Torn ' aoartmeat and himai &n ni k hla heart to another malolen. and lheSrtr toaks a bath in aiui h imu unscrupulous vorrtsn niras'two doe to "get the girt." The picture revolve around Tom's effort to ave hat sweetheart and th little boy who Is in her charge. Tbe child sole U pis red by Fraakle Dano, IM hla oanln frtend. "Bitting Bull" to very much In evidence, furnishing many laugha and getting m on most of the thrill. Tom haa directed his efforts toward some spectacular ride which are charged with breath-taking tenseness. Me proves again that he is a master rider and one equal to the meet daring feata t horsemanship BILLIE DOVE STARS IN "AMERICAN BEAUTY" I tf the beautiful BUlle Dorc did nothing but flash one of her radiant amUas at the picture fan, she would be worth sd mission price to a theatre, but In "American Beauty." which opens Wednesday, ahe demonstrate that behind her lovely snUle there la abUlty to act. MUa Dove'a work In "American Beauty" ia on a par with, or one might ssy. ahad better than her last stellar effort. "The Stolen Bride." which first fattnl recently released. Thla l the sort of picture that la deapera despera-lncve'' beerl- scalded- to - death only happened to be Janitor of the building no there was no hot water Judge NOTICK. There will be offered tin- mK at tHii Auction at the rrovinolal Oovcrnment vourv iiouae, rrince Rupert, B.OH on Monday. January soth. lis. at a o'clock u ww arternoon, tne rwiowlnc lot: Lot 14, Block 34. Section T Lot 7. Block 4u. election 7. Lot 13. Block IS. b.tlon 3. all In the Olty of Pru..T Rupert, B.C irruw. vasn in i an at i;..-.e 01 Bale, or one-quarter eath and the balance in three equal annual InatalmenU with Interest on the deferred Davment at the ato of 6 per annum, the Crown arant iw w w iu.uo aoaruonai. Plana ahowtng the lots offered for sale uia; oe arrn at ui 01 ice of the Ooveni-hent Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. NORMAN A. WATT, Oovemment Agent Dated at Prince Hupert, B.C. January IBth, taa, LAND ACT 33 MmcE or INTT.NTION TO Afn.Y TO K ill HAMi t5ll therly end of Telegraph Passage, Skeena TAKE NOTICE that J. II. Todd c Bona of Vletoria, B.C.. occupation ealme-n can nera, Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Let 31, Range 8 CD.; thei'oe 34 chains east; thence 20 chain north, more or less, to high water iuiK, lunut wuinvriy along nign water mark to th point of commencement, and containing eo acres, more or lesa. J. II. TODD Si SONS, LTD. Applicant Dated December 12th, 1837. Ot aily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK Operating .T.I Engineers. AND SHIPYARD 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock .Machinists, Boilermakers, Ulatksmlth, makers, Pounders, Woodworkers, Etc. EI.ECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant (a equipped to handle all kinds MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SS I'litterr Canadian National c7ht Largtft Kailway Syfttm in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SEItVKF Sailing from ritlME KITKKT foi V lNrOl Vlt'TOHIt. and intermediate poinu. ach IIIIDIY. boo s m Ior HTCtVAHT and ANVOX. each m.iimaV. iooo p in For NORTH and SOl'TII (Jt r.KM ( l VIU.OTTI: IM-tNIt F IWSMAdKU TIUINN I.EAVK I'lllMt lit I T.KT Bach vMOM).Y. UEIiVKsliW and "ATI ltnV it 1110 a m I OEnitnC EIIMONTON, States. HIXNIIT.O. all point Easter:, Or AOfcNCt AU. OCEAN STrHMMIIP tlXM. ; v'rni rniMt Vtf also r,'n,l"n for National Cprrss for Money Orders. Foreign 'hisa etc, ysar sKit thlnmenl. CITY TICKET firilCt IU TIIIHO tVK, rmxi't mjrr.KT rnoi i JANUARY Clearance SALE Special Bargain Tables 25c 50c 95c DRtSES AT COST 1'IUCE DarRalnn In nil Lines H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Ave. nnd Fult" 4 nit ro-.vicr P"Ner rRANT Best ProcoraMe (THE OfUUNALi Pure Scotch Wfiisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT fUl- Al . . . - - A s.a Buvtruaeraeni is not published or displayed by tJie Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia